Hullo, people!

I hope you enjoy this next chapter; it took me a whole day to write this. Ehehe. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts on it and don't be afraid to tell me how I can improve on my writing.

That's all for now,



It wasn't long after that the two Stark boys went running to find their father. Panting and sweating from the scare they had earlier, they made their way to the main hall where Lord Denethor and Eddard were speaking. At once, they stopped in their tracks when Denethor spotted them. The old man gave them an icy glare. It was not a secret that he didn't like many people, including the Starks. In fact, he was even seemingly beginning to loathe his youngest son, Faramir, the more he grew older.

He whispered something to their lord father's ears, causing him to turn around. "What is the matter, you two?" Eddard rushed over once he saw the looks on their faces; seeing his two boys like this put him on guard. Robb and Jon only looked at each other, both blinking as they urged for their father to come with them, so they could talk in privacy. One of the reasons was because Denethor scared them, for something was off about him, but mainly because they didn't want to make this known to just anyone.

Once they entered the lightly dimmed room, Lord Eddard placed them on the wooden chair located near the stone wall. "What is wrong? Did something happen?" Jon only nodded whilst he stared at his hands. It was quiet for a few moments, only to have Robb break the silence. In one breath, he cried, "Jon was going to get Faramir and Boromir, but then he tripped and the candle dropped on his hand and he got burned by the fire, but when I looked, he was fine! No burns or anything!" The poor boy's face was red from being out of breath.

"Is this true?" His eyes went from looking at Robb to looking at Jon, who was hiding his hand. Jon gave another simple nod and Ned went to grab the hand to inspect it. Lo and behold, there wasn't anything on it.

"It hurt," Jon finally said, "and I thought it would be burnt, but it was only red."

It took a while, but, finally, Eddard told them it was nothing to worry about and urged them to return to their room and play; maybe even invite Boromir and Faramir to play as well. Though, he didn't let them go without giving them a reassuring hug and kiss on the forehead- and on Jon's burnt hand.

Unfortunately, this meant he had to talk to Catelyn, as much as she would disapprove. It had to be done for this was quite serious. I shouldn't worry the young ones; not now anyway. Once the boys finally disappeared from sight, looking relieved, Ned went to his chambers where Catelyn was taking care of young Sansa Stark.

"Back from talking with Lord Denethor?" she asked Ned whilst holding Sansa, who had her head resting on Catelyn's shoulders.

"Aye," was all he said. Finally, he cleared his throat. "Catelyn, I need to speak to you about something." She waddled towards him and he helped her sit on the bed for she was currently carrying a child. Eddard soon followed and sat beside her. All the while, Sansa wouldn't quiet down, until her father picked her up and cradled her- that proved to be effective.

When all was calm, Ned began to speak. "Jon and Robb came to see me today."

"That's kind of them," she said with a smile as she stroked her swollen belly.

"Robb told me that a candle fell on Jon's hand, only it didn't leave a mark." His voice became serious-it filled the room with eeriness; a feeling Catelyn was not friend's with, "Do you think it could be related to-"

"Don't! I don't want to hear it, Ned. We managed to build a comfortable life for our children, and I don't want one thing like that ruin it for me." She was enraged now- even her nostrils flared- which caused Sansa to begin wailing again. "You will not speak to me about this."

"Cat, its import-"

"Don't 'Cat' me, Ned." She took the toddler into her arms and tried her best to stand up. Finally, she calmed herself down. "Please, Ned, not now. Besides, I need to take care of Sansa."

Being the kind and noble man he was, Eddard respected her wishes and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, Cat." Even so, the room became quiet.

"Please, Ned, just leave me be. I need some space." This conversation certainly rattled her, but perhaps it was the wrong time, and with that, Ned bid her farewell.