Tony sat in the shield briefing room waiting for the other Avengers to arrive.

'Great the one time i'm here on time the others are all late' He thought to himself.

"Well Stark, it seems for once that you are the one waiting for everyone doesn't it" Fury stated walking in. He stood next to the whiteboard set up at the end of the room and began looking through the files in his hand. Not sparing him a glance.

"Sorry we're late Director" Steve said walking in followed by Bruce, Clint and Thor.

"Yes well hurry up, you will be leaving immediately after this so no time to waste"

"What is this mission and where is Natasha" asked Clint sitting down opposite Tony.

"She is on another mission so will not be joining you" the Director replied handing out folders."Your mission is to protect this person".


Harry could feel the pounding of loud music from the end of the corridor, the sound gradually getting louder as he approached Lab 3 which now belonged to a certain blonde haired male. He knocked loudly and walked in not waiting for permission.

"Hey Draco" he called over the booming music said person looked up and turned to face him, hair slightly covering his eyes only to be tucked behind his ear.

"Harry what's up" He asked harry's eyes focused in on the split lip

"What happened? Are they at you again?" Harry grabbed Draco's shoulders looking him up and down " Are you hurt anywhere else?".

"No i'm fine" Draco replied, smiling slightly.

From the day Harry had found out in 3rd year that Draco did not want to be a death eater, and was completely against everything that Voldemort believed in and preached, he became good friends with him. He learned many things about Draco, such as the fact that he was actually a kind, quiet person and the mean person he was showing was just a mask, a facade to hide who he really was. What was a bigger surprise though, was just how smart he was. He was a genius but pretended not to be so he wouldn't be used in the war, he knew that if Voldemort knew, he would be made work for them and he refused to let that happen .

He now worked in the ministry of magic creating new spells and potions ,as well as publishing papers in the muggle world as well under the name Drake Black. Even though he helped out so much there are still a few who believe that he is evil and like to torment him by insulting him and sometimes even going further then just verbal abuse, but Draco seems to take this all in his stride.

"Are you sure that your alright" Harry asked

"I'm positive now what did you want"

"Oh I came to tell you that we have to go to America for a few months on some kind of government bonding thing you know in hopes that the American ministry of magic will see we're no threat to them or something"

"Well why do I have to go"

"Because they want you to do some lectures in both the magical and muggle society" Harry replied smugly

"Ugh fine but i get an extra room for a study".



"Dray come on calm down it's only for a small while" Harry reasoned.

They were stood in the ministry of magic in America waiting for their licenses stating that they were allowed to use magic when a young woman informed them that Draco's information hadn't been sent over from England with Harry's so therefor Draco would not be able to do magic until things were all cleared up.

"This is so unfair why is it always me these things happen too?" He complained as they drove to therehouse in Ashland, Oregon. Draco was actually pleased with where they were going to be staying as he did a little research and the place seems to be very nice and quiet.

"Oh quit your whining and start unloading the car" Harry said climbing out and opening the door. The house itself was nice looking 'two story with an attic maybe a basement' Draco though picking up a box and following Harry inside. The hallway was painted in a cream colour making it seem more bright and roomy then it actually was, a staircase took up most of the room. There were two doors one straight ahead leading to the kitchen and one on the right leading to a living room. He walked into the large kitchen taking in every detail from the large oak table to the granite work top.

"Not to bad if I say so myself" commented Harry looking around

"no its not" Draco agreed

"I was just upstairs there are 4 rooms and a bath room then the attic has been converted into 2 rooms and a bathroom so you can take your pick"

"I'll take the attic for my room and my study"

"sure whatever but you can carry all your stuff up there"replied Harry

"Ok are you gonna help me bring in the stuff"

"Well i was going to go and find a shop and get us some food coz I'm starving but it can wait if you want"

"No I'm hungry too ,you go and get food and I will unload the car but at least hurry up"

"Ok I'm goin" Harry said walking out the door.

Draco walked back out and began to carry the boxes into the kitchen and the living room

'I shouldn't have brought so much stuff' he thought as he carried in yet another box of potion ingredients well only one more box he though as he put down the box and went to get the last one

'Shit this ones heavy' he thought lifting it out o the car only to drop it on the driveway wincing at the sound of the small glass bottles smashing and spilling all over the ground 'Way to go Draco' he thought bending down to pick up the small pieces of glass but quickly pulling away when one cuts into his palm blood begins to pour out of the wound at an alarming rate

"SHIT" he shouts quickly running into the house and straight to the kitchen hoping to find their first aid box in one of the boxes not seeing the group of men making their way towards the house.


"But it's not possible i'm telling you" argued Tony

"Well clearly it is so just shut up" replied Clint. The five were all sat in the car on the way to Ashland, Oregon for the mission apparently some genius kid and his friend were going to be living in America for a few months and needed protection but only the genius apparently the other kid could protect himself, Oh and also they are wizards.

'This is stupid, if they're such great wizards why are we being sent to protect them. I don't even see why S.H.I.E.L.D. is interested in this kid' thought Tony.

"We're here" Clint said parking the car on the pavement and climbing out.

"Look is that the person we're supposed to be protecting" Bruce asked pointing to a blonde male bending down in the driveway next to a cardboard box. The male was small in size, petite ,very light blonde hair cut messily just an inch or two above his shoulders

"I believe it is" declared Thor. Very suddenly the person stood up.

"SHIT" he shouted running inside.

"Come on let's see what's wrong, we're supposed to be protecting him" urged Steve running up the drive. They peered in through the open door and saw him rooting through boxes.

"Hello" called Bruce.

"Is anyone there" shouted Thor.

"Wait i'll be out in a minute" a soft voice called back.