Please review! We had to take a state reading test today. When my English teacher told me that, I told her "Screw it and let's not do it!" She laughed and said "You're a poet and don't even know it!" LMAO!

2028- January

"Hey El! Do you know what we should do?" Olivia asked walking up to him in the kitchen.

"What baby?" Elliot asked turning to her.

Olivia pointed to her laptop and set it on the counter. Elliot wrapped his arm around her as she leaned against him. "We should do this 'Tough Mudders' thing."

Elliot furrowed his eyebrows. "What is it?"

"It's an obstacle course. It's like a half marathon with walls and hay bails and electrical wires." Olivia grinned showing him different pictures.

"And, you want to do this?" Elliot asked with raised eyebrows. Olivia nodded. "Okay, when is it?"

Olivia pointed to the date before bringing her phone to her ear. "Case, El said yes. Now, we just have to get Alex and John." Elliot rolled his eyes with a smile and pecked her lips. "I don't know. I think he's just saying yes to make me happy." He gave her a thumbs ups. "Yeah, he just gave me the thumbs up. He'll love it though!" She brushed off Elliot's shirt. "Yeah, thanks! Bye Casey!"

Elliot watched as she hung up her phone. "Nice to know that you wait to plan things after you ask me about it." He said sarcastically with a smile.

"You will love it. I promise!" Olivia grinned wrapping her arms around his neck. She pecked his lips. "I know something else you'll love."

"What's that?" Elliot asked patted her back softly.

Olivia smirked. "I did some shopping yesterday and I got some things that I think will be to your liking." Elliot's eyes widened. "I got the green nightgown with the peek a boo flap."

Elliot grinned. "Let's go try it out!"


Olivia grabbed her ankle and pulled it up towards her back, stretching it. She looked over to find Elliot twisting his hips, stretching his back. Fin, Casey, John, and Alex were stretching behind him, getting ready for the obstacle course. "Are you guys ready?" She asked.

Alex raised her hand. "Yes, but I just want to know why we have to go on this obstacle course that has electrical cords that can shock me?" She asked.

Casey chuckled wrapping her arms around Alex's shoulders. "People said that they don't even hurt. It's like getting pinched." To prove her point, she pinched Alex, making her jump. "See, that didn't hurt."

"Yes!" Alex shouted covering the skin that Casey pinched.

"Well, then we have to get you used to it." Olivia smirked before walking closer to her with Casey, teasing her.

Alex brought up her arms, straightening out her hands to protect herself. "Get away!"

Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist. "How about we save our energy for the race?" He kissed Olivia's cheek. "Thanks for signing us up for this by the way."

"You agreed!" Olivia chuckled before pecking his lips.

"Do you guys realize this is the first thing we've done together without the kids?" Fin asked looking at all of them. "We haven't done anything like this since high school."

John chuckled. "That was a long time ago."

Fin smirked. "It's been longer for you and your bony ass."

They all turned when they heard the horn, signaling the race would be starting soon. Casey wrapped her arm around Fin. "Let's get going!" She grinned and wrapped her other arm around Olivia. Olivia looked up at Elliot and smiled. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her, Alex and John joining their line as they headed for the starting line.


Elliot ran a hand down his face before smiling seeing Olivia and Summer walk into the kitchen from their girls' day. "Hey girls! How was your day?"

"Well, we did some shopping." Olivia stated as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "So, we had fun." She grinned. "Your daughter got stopped three times so people could get her autograph."

Summer chuckled and walked over to her father, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I'm giving the people what they want. And, Dad knows." She kissed his cheek and looked at the laptop he was using. "What have you been up to?"

"I am planning your mother and I's vacation. Since you and William took that cruise last year, your mother and I have wanted to try one out." Elliot stated scratching his jaw. He wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Good, you and Mom deserve a vacation. You two work too much." Summer stated patting his back. She chuckled when Elliot rolled her eyes. "What? Don't you agree?"

"Yes, I do, but it's coming from my work-o-holic daughter." Elliot smirked making Summer's jaw dropped. Olivia snorted as she took a sip of water at her daughter's reaction. "You work yourself to the bone just to get an episode done."

Summer rolled her eyes. "That's because we have multiple deadlines with the company and with the TV network." She grinned when he kissed her nose. "That reminds me. Billy and I have to discuss things about the show for our contracts."

Olivia's eyes widened. "What? You haven't signed your contracts yet? I need that show, Murmur!" Summer laughed before hugging her mother and walking out of the house. Olivia turned to Elliot. "I need that show Elliot."

"Sure you do." Elliot said sarcastically. He motioned for her to come over to him. Olivia walked around the counter and smiled when he brought her into his lap. He pointed at the screen. "We could go in November, the week after Thanksgiving."

"That sounds good." Olivia nodded and kissed his temple. "I can't wait to take a vacation with you. Where does the ship leave from?"

Elliot smirked. "Galveston." Olivia grinned remembering their honeymoon there. "We get to see that beautiful city again, Liv. Remember how much fun we had?"

Olivia chuckled and leaned against his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. "I remember the chocolate and the whip cream and the ice cream. That was just on the kitchen counter."

"The bedroom was the most fun." Elliot smirked before wrapping his arms around her waist. "What'd do you say?"

"How about yes?" Olivia grinned before kissing him hard.


"Five days with no worries! El, this is perfect." Olivia grinned dropping onto their bed.

Elliot crawled on top of her and kissed her. "We could see how our stamina is. We could start right now." Olivia giggled as he started kissing down her neck, unbuttoning her shirt. He groaned when he heard her phone going off. "We have to turn that off when we leave port, you know?"

"Yes, I do know that." Olivia giggled before pulling out her phone and answering it. "Benson." She paused before her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. "What?! That's amazing!" She paused again. "Yes, yes! That sounds incredible. Thank you!" She hung up her phone and looked up at Elliot. "That was Victor. He found someone who wants to give up their baby when it's born. We are getting a baby in May!"

"What?!" Elliot asked with a grin on his face. "That's fantastic!"

Olivia nodded with tears in her eyes, the smile never leaving her face. "Victor said that the baby is due in May, but we won't get it until June because of Ethiopian tradition. He said he would call us when they find out the sex of the baby."

Elliot smiled and kissed her hard, tears in his own eyes. "That's amazing." He dropped his forehead to hers. She cupped her face in his hands before her phone went off again. "Damn that phone!"

"This phone just told us we are having a baby. Besides, it's a text message." Olivia chuckled, scolding him. She pulled her phone up and opened the text, seeing it was from Summer. "Oh my God!"

"What?" Elliot asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Olivia held out her phone. "Summer told William that she went into shock with the twins, and... she's pregnant."

Elliot grinned and pecked her lips. "It's raining babies!" Olivia laughed before he took off his own shirt, continuing their previous activities.


"Mom, what is wrong? You are acting crazy." Summer asked as she took a sip of her smoothie, sitting down on the barstool across from her mother.

Olivia ran a hand through her hair and took her daughter's hand into hers. "I think I'm pregnant."

Summer spit out her smoothie and coughed. "What?!"

"I know!" Olivia said freaking out. "Your father and I found out the chances of us getting pregnant again were slim, so we just didn't worry about it. Plus, I figured with my age I'd get menopause before I'd get pregnant. We just found out that we have a baby waiting for us in Ethiopia. Now, I might be, and... I'm kind of excited about it."

"So, if you are pregnant, we'd be prego buddies." Summer smiled lightly.

Olivia laughed. "Is that what you call it?"

Summer nodded. "Carmela and I came up with the name when I was pregnant with Charlie and she was pregnant with Hailee." She bit her lip. "So, have you talked to Dad?" She watched as her mother bit her own lip. "You haven't talked to Dad?!"

"Okay, what is up with you and questions?" Olivia asked.

"Well, let's look at this from my point of view. I am having my fifth child while my mother might be pregnant with her seventh child and I am having hormones raging through my system. I have an excuse for my behavior." Summer nodded taking a sip of her smoothie. "So, when are you going to take the test?"

Olivia sighed. "I took one this morning." She grabbed her purse and pulled out the pregnancy test box. "And, I haven't looked at it yet. I just don't know if I'm ready to find out."

Summer held out her hand. "Well, I am." She took the box as her mother chuckled at her. She looked in the box and took out the single pregnancy test. "Mom?"

"What? What's it say?" Olivia asked leaning forward.

Summer grinned and handed her the pregnancy test. "I'd start by looking at car seats. Billy and I took forever to pick out the right ones for the girls."

"Thank you!" Olivia grinned before standing up and hugging her daughter. "I know I promised you a day of shopping, but can I go tell your father."

"Yes, I can go home and spend the afternoon with Billy." Summer giggled before watching her mother run out of the smoothie shop. Olivia climbed into her car and looked around before pulling onto the road and heading to the precinct.

Elliot rubbed his forehead as he and Fin looked at their board of evidence. "How are we supposed to get this guy if he leaves no evidence and the victims won't report anything?"

Fin shook his head. "Our hands are tied. We've gone at the victims at least three times, telling them to report. They just won't. We just have to wait until we get a victim who will talk."

"And how many more victims will there be before that happens?" Elliot asked looking at the board. "Why don't you and Amanda go look at the pattern with fresh eyes. Liv and I have been working it for three months." Fin nodded before heading over to Amanda's desk.

Elliot furrowed his eyebrows when he heard Olivia calling his name. "Liv?"

Olivia hurried down the hallway. "Elliot!"

"Liv!" Elliot called walking towards the hallway.

"Elliot!" Olivia grinned when she saw him and ran into him, wrapping him up in a hug.

Elliot cupped the back of her head as his other arm wrapped around her torso. "Liv, baby, what's wrong?"

Olivia shook her head, tears in her eyes, as she smiled at him. She pulled back to look up at him. "Nothing, nothing is wrong."

"I thought you were spending the day with Summer." Elliot said furrowing his eyebrows.

"I am; I mean, I was." Olivia tried to explain as Elliot held onto her, still worried about her behavior. "You're not going to believe this. I'm pregnant."

Elliot's eyes widened as he felt the growing excitement grow within him. "Please, don't tell me your pulling my chain."

Olivia shook her head chuckling. "I'm not. I am pregnant. I guess all our free time on our cruise paid off." When Elliot cupped her face in his hands, she put her own on his forearms. "We're going to have a baby, El."

"We're going to have a baby." Elliot breathed kissing her forehead. "But, we have a baby waiting for us in Ethiopia. We are getting her in six months when she's born."

"I know. I guess we'll just have two babies." Olivia grinned searching his eyes. "It'll be great! This baby will have an older sister to play with. El, we are finally going to get another baby."

Elliot chuckled wiping away her happy tears. "Yeah, we are."

2029- February

Olivia looked up at the lady bug poster on the ceiling as she and Elliot waited for Dr. Manuel. Elliot was drumming his fingers against the leather table she was laying on, entertaining himself with the beat in his head. She smiled at him as he started singing the song he was thinking of. It was Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. When he finished his song, she grinned at him. "I'm glad you found entertainment while we were waiting."

Elliot chuckled and rested his forearms onto the leather table. "Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm not nervous about this baby. With our chances, we are going to get a boy and I will have the talk about the birds and the bees again and get the puppets. Plus, there shouldn't be any surprises about what he uses to see the baby. The stick probe thing freaked me out."

"That freaked me out the first time I saw it too." Dr. Manuel said closing the door behind him. He grinned at both of them. "So, I understand you are here for an ultrasound. Congratulations!"

"Thanks!" Olivia smiled as he got ready for the ultrasound. "We were very shocked, but we are happy."

Dr. Manuel chuckled. "I could only imagine." He had Olivia lift her gown before putting the gel on her stomach. "So, what do you guys think you are going to have?"

"Boy." Elliot and Olivia both said at the same time.

"Well, you are probably right if you both think that, but I will double check." Dr. Manuel smiled before pulling out the wand, putting it on her stomach until he heard the baby's heartbeat. "Wow, that is a nice, strong heartbeat. The baby is extremely healthy." He moved it slightly and smiled before turning the screen to them. "Well, I hate to tell you that you were wrong, but you were. You guys are definitely having a girl."

Elliot's eyes widened as Olivia's jaw dropped. "Are you sure?"

Dr. Manuel nodded with a smile. "No doubt about it. With the new technology, the only way not to be sure is if the baby is positioned weirdly. Your baby is in the exact position I want her in. Congratulations again!" He wiped Olivia's stomach clean before grabbing his clipboard. "I will let you two get ready." He left the room, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell?" Olivia asked with a chuckle as she looked at Elliot. "We wanted another girl for 31 years, and now we are finally getting two."

Elliot grinned and pecked her lips. "I guess so. Wait until Summer finds out. She has been putting Have a Girl! on our calender since you got pregnant with Zack."


Olivia grinned walking into the living room. "William, your mother is freaking out because you turned thirty-three."

William chuckled. "She freaked out with every other birthday. I wouldn't expect anything else." He ruffled Charlie's hair. "Okay, you are beating this game's butt. It's Daddy's turn." He said grabbing his phone.

Summer chuckled. "How about Daddy puts his phone away?"

"Fine, Daddy will put his phone away." William pouted before pulling Summer into his lap. She giggled as he kissed her cheek.

Hailee looked up at Olivia when she sat down. "Grandma, can you tell us a story?"

Charlie grinned. "Yeah, I want a story."

"Make it a funny one!" Maddox smiled standing by Olivia's chair. Elliot grinned sitting down by her feet.

"No, make it romantic." Kyra said looking at her little brother.

Summer slid off of William's lap, sitting next to her mother. "Why don't we let Grandma speak?"

Olivia laughed and wrapped her arm around her daughter. "Let's see... funny, romantic..."

Dickie grinned from the floor, his head in Carmela's lap. "You could tell the story of you and Dad." He chuckled when Brandon ran up to Kendle, sitting on the floor, and tackled him.

"I like that story." Olivia nodded as Elliot started rubbing her feet, letting her calves rest on his shoulders. "Okay, where should I start." She paused and looked at those blue eyes staring back at her. "When we met..."

Please review! You guys are the best! I can't believe this story is done now! I've been writing this story for over a year! So exciting! Thank you so much for reading this and staying with it for as long as it has been going! I could not ask for better fans!