So, I was planning to post the first chapter of my new Avengers story, but this plot bunny was way to cute to ignore! I might end up writing one shots for a few of these, but I dunno. The word that matches with the letter will be in bold. So, enjoy my first Avengers' fanfic! (UPDATED)

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own the Avengers. Marvel does. Yup. The plot's mine! Yay…

A-The Avengers Tower-Probably the worst, or maybe best, idea he's had

B-He loves to drive people batty

C-He cares. Deep down, he really does care

D- Name on time he hasn't ended the day drunk

E-Ego. Tony has the biggest ego in the history of egos

F-The Arc Reactor makes a great flashlight

G-Guilt he still feels for the death of Yinsen

H-Himself. He loves himself

I-He loves to try and infuriate Bruce to see the Other Guy

J- How he's able to juggle all his holographic images

K-He still has nightmares about his kidnapping

L-He loves pissing off Loki

M-Tony loves spending his money

N-Nightmares still plague him every night

O-The thousands of oilcloths lying around the common room, covered in Arc Reactor grossness

P-The one thing he loves most is Pepper

Q-He never quits at anything, whether it be a new invention, or getting the team do to something stupid he came up with

R-He loves his robots. Even the ones he yells at

S-He loves being science bros with Bruce

T-He loves stealing Thor's poptarts

U-How unlawful he is about snooping in other people's business

V-Booby trapping the air vents to prevent Clint and Natasha from using them to get around the tower

W-The warpath he goes on when someone breaches his firewalls

X-Everyone knows Tony is X-rated.

Y-Even when he yells at Dummy, he still loves him

Z-That one disastrous trip to the zoo

I had a lot of trouble with the last ones. Those are hard letters… so review!