Let me tell you the tale of when the Winchesters first came to town. Meanwhile Deaton is realizing he is never going to be able to have a real vacation ever.

P.S. I don't have my beta right now so... there will be A HUGE amount of grammatical errors and what not. Forgive me.

so I know! This has been forever! But I didn't forget about this! Thank you to everyone who has stayed with this. Thank you so much. As always tell me what you think okay?

"Look, I trust you. I trust my pack with my life." Danny started after a good couple of minutes of silence. Silence in which Stiles tried to get ready for what would happen. "But I need one of you to explain what happened. I need to understand why the entire pack is acting like these guys are the signs of the apocalypse."

"Well they did cause it." Jackson interjected with a sullen expression.

"What do you mean they started it?" Danny questioned twitching only slightly but still driving pretty well. Stiles was contemplating telling him to pull over to the side because he didn't want to die via car crash especially when he had just promised to be okay to Derek.

"I mean they started the end of the world and-"

"Sam Winchester started the end of the world, he broke the last seal." Stiles added in between Jackson's explanation.

"One of them had to literally go to hell to fix it" Jackson went on ignoring for a while the way that Danny's eyes were getting bigger and bigger with each word he said. Or the fact that he suddenly pulled over to the side of the road and parked the car.

"Stop. Stop. How-I mean one of them went to hell and got out? Hell is a literally place where people can come and go?" He demanded.

"Well…according to Stiles and what information Lydia and Allison could find yeah, it's real. You remember what we told you about angels and demons and getting possessed right?" Jackson asked.

"I, yeah I think so."

"What do you remember?" Stiles asked.

"Demons can get in without questioning you for permission. It's like-It's without consent. Not to say there aren't somewhere consent is given."

"Just say what you were going to say Danny. Don't be afraid. You're safe from it with that little tattoo on your foot." Stiles urged.

"Stiles, look I get the point of it, you explained it to us enough times for us to remember it in our sleep. I don't see what-"

"Danny, Danny, Danny; I'm asking nicely now, don't make me be mean. What is forceful possession like? What is it like? What other action in human history overpowers your body, pushes your will to the back, refuses to listen to your 'please god no, don't' please' pleads and takes? What takes their pleasure , will and want to your unwilling body?" he questioned with little care for how uncomfortable it was making Danny.

"Stiles-why are you-"

"Danny, dude, just answer him already." Jackson suggested not liking the way the whole car was filling up with that freshly burning embers smell that now followed Stiles around when he started to get upset.

"Fine. It's like rape. Are you happy now?" He shouted to the care at large.

"Very much so. You need to understand and I don't have time or the patience for you to be uncomfortable with admitting to some unpleasant words or thoughts."

"What the hell is going on with you Stiles? You're acting like an ass more than I've ever seen. And what is going on with your eyes? Why are they flashing amber and like dark maple?" Danny questioned.

"We're getting to it dude. Now what about angels?" Jackson continued as if the little moment just now wasn't important to his story telling.

Danny looked at him flicking his eyes between the his best friend since childhood and the new friend who he would give his life for. "Seriously, you're just going to go as if nothing just happened? Forget, Angels can only get in with consent but they don't talk about informed consent. Once you sign on the dotted line you're body is theirs. Forever."

"Take a gulp and a take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll." Stiles sang randomly.

It was telling of Danny's life with this pack that he already knew it was from the Little Mermaid. Worst was the fact that he knew it was Ursula's song.

"Disney dude?" Jackson raised his eyebrows with question only to have a wide grin in reply. "Anyway, here's the thing. There are certain humans who are set from the dawn of life or something to be angel suits. The Winchesters happen to be a family line that are one of those 'destined'.

"So they didn't have a choice?" Danny wondered frowning at the road.

"Oh, they had a choice, either let the angels in now or let them in latter but you're going to do it. 'Life's full of tough choices'." Stiles added.

"And here's the reason why they went to hell. Lucifer, fallen angel, and his brother Michael wanted to have their final sibling war on Earth."

"Let's go back to war and violence…Let's go back to good old bad days." Stiles interjected again with a song.

"It just so happened that Sam was Lucifer's vessel and Dean was Michael's. So Sam let's Lucy inside and with Dean's help jumps back into hell with Michael to trap them in a cage down there.

how they go around 'hunting things, saving people, the family business'"

"So what did they do that warrants the way you're acting?" Danny questioned.

"Those fuckers, they nearly-They had us within an inch of our lives. The last night they were here we all thought we were going to die. Stiles was at the end of 'The Colt' and .45. They-"

" And I'm staring down the barrel of a .45…"

"They even had Derek pinned down with a blade over his heart. Lydia was bleeding in a corner. Everyone was…we nearly lost everything!"

"What!? Why-how-why aren't they dead?"

"Not for a lack or trying." Jackson muttered.

"I wasn't there. I-How did…what happened? You have to give me something here." Danny pleaded.

"I want you to sit back and not speak. It would be in your best interest to not speak at all during this. Is that understood?" Stiles questioned in a way that was more a demand and order than a real request. Danny only nodded his head in assurance of his silence as he got himself ready for what no doubt would be a trying return to past memories for his two friends.

"It started with death. People were dying and killing while some where disappearing. Things were getting weird again. We were at Allison's when they came and started telling Chris they could figure this out and fix it; they knew pretty much what they were hunting. They weren't happy when they found out we "hunted" ourselves. 'Kids don't need to be in this'. They didn't tell us about the demons until we nearly got killed by one. We didn't tell them about our pack until we saved their life. That didn't stop them from wanting to kill the pack. It was strained for a while. It's when things were getting hard, when the body count was going up and not down that we were told why they were here…I got possessed two days later.

I was stuck. I was stuck, pushed, caged inside my own body for days by the queen of Hell. Meg. Lovely, demon social climber, satanic lover, murderer Meg.

I saw hell through her eyes. I saw the end of life and existence in her memories. But it was worst than that because I saw it through my own eyes. It was the worst horror movie I ever saw. I had to see her wear me. I had to hear her speak as if she was me. I had to cower in the back of my mind as she forced me to kill people I had no interest in killing. I had to-I had to stay alive when all I was thinking was for someone to kill me.

I had to sit there behind bars as she used my body to kiss Derek. I had to sit there as she stood over my father in the night and whispered to me how easy it would be to just snap his neck. I had to wrap my fingers around a knife and hold it over my father's body. I had to look as she teased me with how much power she had over me and how I could do nothing. I tried so hard to fight her.

I think I lost my mind.

I think I nearly gave up on ever being free.

I did give up.

Nothing could clean my hands. They were bleached in blood and darkness. My body had done such…such wrong things, such terrible things.

I wanted to die. I wished someone would figure it out. I wanted someone to just stop it all and if it meant getting me in the process? I was willing.

Then the Winchesters were there and they were going to save the day. They were going to kill her and I was so happy. I was so grateful. If I lived I was set to try to have a child and name them after them because these were my saviors. They were my heroes and they should be honored.

And then Meg spoke.

They had to be lies.

No one would do that. Demons were evil. They brought destruction. They didn't tell you truths.

But Dean was just staring at me (her) and Sam was looking off to the side as if he knew that looking at her would be looking at me and that he couldn't take that. They had lied to us and I was alone with them and I was going to die. I was going to die and they weren't there to save me but they were going to pretend that they tried. I was going to die and my pack wouldn't know. They wouldn't know the truth.

You can't trust a demon. You sure as heaven can't trust an angel. And you sure don't rust a Winchester.

They tried to get rid of her but they couldn't because Meg was brilliant. She wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Then the pack came and that's when it became chaos. The Winchesters were ready for them Lydia and Allison were ready for the brothers. But that wasn't going to save us. I was still going to die. Derek, Scott, Lydia, Isaac, and everyone else was going to die.

Somehow…somehow I switched places with her; she was in the cage and I was the one in control. I don't remember exactly how I did it but I did. I killed her and we nearly got rid of them.

I nearly got revenge on them for what they did, for what they allowed to happen.

I nearly got them back for trying to hurt my mate. We nearly got them back for what they tried on the pack. But We didn't have an angel and we were already wounded. Peter was sooo close." Stiles finished leaning back with his eyes close. "Maybe Meg wasn't so bad in the end. She left me with a parting useful gift of demon powers. Clean and pure demon power that I can use when I wish. Demon power I'm going to enjoy using on them."

Deaton was just finishing up on his last patient of the day when the boys walked into the clinic with tensed shoulders, haunted eyes, and in Stile's case the darken maple that meant the 'demon' power inside was angry. It was as much an omen of problems ahead as anything could be. He sighed to himself wondering if by some hopeful chance that it would just be a misunderstanding and he could get back to his regular scheduled life of near peace, well as peaceful as their town could be with the supernatural things that happened to it.

"Boys how can I help you today?" He started smiling to each of them with question. The answering lean against his door with the turning of the open sign to close was enough an explanation as needed for him to get that this was going to take long. It wasn't as if he secretly hoped this year would be his year he actually got to go on vacation early or at all during the summer.

"I need to check the camera's in the back to see if some people have come through town recently." Danny offered up as Stiles just kept leaning against the door in silence. He walked pass the counter and into the back where he kept his surveillance cameras on the whole town.

"I'm going to swing by my dad's office and tell him what's happened." Jackson stated turning around to leave. Stiles just started at him for a few seconds before shrugging and moving finally more into the room and closer to Deaton.

"Do you want to share with me why you're so angry? Or perhaps why you're letting the demon power come out now?" Deaton requested in his zen voice.

"You're the all knowing Doctor. I'm sure you know this isn't a house visit." Stiles suggested with all the calm of a predator waiting to get their chance to bite. "Let's just say that heaven and hell are as good as upon us."

"I know you think I'm some sort of witch doctor who can see the future but I assure you I am not. I actually do speak English. Even the worst demon or possessed innocent can speak it fluently. You should try." Deaton shot back. He personally hated when Stiles was like this. The boy was naturally filled with comebacks and cruelty but when he was like this, it was hard to know where his normal behavior started and the tainted ended.

Stiles grinned at the doctor with a smile fit to ooze blood and death from its very lips. "Why didn't you know Doc, the Winchesters are coming to town."

Deaton cursed in his head. He wasn't ever going to have a summer vacation off. "I thought you had gotten rid of them last time?"

"Apparently this is so serious that they have to come and pay us a nice visit. They say it's vampire and some half-fae women they're hunting." Stiles rolled his eyes heavenward as Deaton just raised his eyebrow in confusion. "They've killed fourteen people not counting two werewolves in their running across country."

"I fail to see why that equates to returning to where they are not welcomed," Deaton sighed to no one in particular. "Come on back already. It's pointless just staying over there."

They made their way to the back of the clinic and into a side hallway that lead to a bookshelf which hid a secret office of sorts. Stiles had just started at the vet the first time he had seen the room; the man was like some secret agent or something. Deaton had a hell of a lot of secrets and no one, really no one, could claim to know even half of them. Danny ignored them as he kept typing away and flicking buttons around in his command center of sorts. The pack did well in getting him to join; he was an asset to their lives case in point.

"What else can you tell me about the vampire if they even thought to share some information with you that is?" Deaton inquired as he went to the side wall where books were lined no doubt in order to see if he had texts on the subject as well.

"Well, they said its a thousand year old vampire. We didn't get anything else out of them other than that."

"It's not like you stayed on the phone long enough to actually interrogate them about anything to be fair though." Danny added in idly not turning around.

"Actually that gives us something to start off with. There are only a handful of vampires in the world much less America that are at least that old." Deaton commented moving over to a shelf on the far side of the room looking for something.

Stiles followed him with his whole body in full disbelief, the guy had too many secrets. " Are you telling me that you have actually met a vampire before?"

"Of course not. I have not ever had the displeasure of meeting one. Personally speaking I think that dealing with all of you is enough."

"As the one 'normal' human in pretty much every way I've got to ask, how bad are they?" Danny questioned not turning away from the screen at all.

"Let's just say that it's in your best interest to have never met one. You're a toy at best and cattle for the slaughter at worst. They don't do sparkles or undying love. Vampires take what they want and you learn to survive the aftermath."

The boys didn't know what to say in the face of such honesty. It was good for them on the one hand, they needed all they could get on vampires but with the way the vet was painting the picture this was going to be a taxing experience.

"Ah, here it is. As was documented four years ago there are only 10 at most vampires who are over a thousand years old. Now of the Viking persuasion….there is only two and one is not in America at all which leaves us with one. One Eric Northman." Deaton revealed.

"Northman? Really? He's a Viking and his last name is Northman? If you're going to make your name badass for the rest of your undead life why pick a name like that?" Stiles scoffed off shaking his head in disbelief.

Danny's eyes narrowed as his fingers flew across the screen. He started to tilt his head and right as if he was listening to a song in his head as the video feeds that surrounded the town slipped past his eyes. "How does he look like exactly Dr. Deaton?"

Deaton shook his head in confusion as he gave Danny his answer, "His blonde and at least six feet tall, at least that's what I have on this report. But it's a few years old. Last sighting was in Louisiana. He was the vampire Sherriff of his area which makes the fact that he's in California more odd. He's never let something happen that could let him get on the radar. The fact that he's on it means something serious happened."

"Let's be honest, what we need is a little bit of knowledge on how to kill them or stop them." Stiles pointed out. They had terrible luck, beginning luck Scott had coined it, whenever they went into something. Well more like they just had bad luck and it took stupid, blind, and disorganized chaos to get them out of a fallen house of cards. So really they should get prepared first and then sip coffee over the facts of this guy's life.

Shrugging to himself as much too the boys Deaton placed the book back onto the shelf, "Well not all pop culture got the facts wrong. A nice stake to the hurt is sure to kill them. Sunlight still kills as well. They also sleep in coffins or coffin like things."

"So vehicle that came in within the last week or so and can hold a coffin that can fit a tall bastard is what we are looking for." Danny said not slowing down his quick taps on the keyboard for a few more minutes until suddenly stopping in an abrupt manner before snapping his fingers. "I've got three people who will work," he laced his fingers together before extending them out towards the screens as if he was some major successful hacker who had just gotten in the CIA's database or better.

"Descriptions," Stiles ordered as he whipped his cell phone out to text the news to Erica, Boyd, Isaac, and Peter seeing, as they were closer to the main points of town where the people could be. "Now please."

"Getting to it….one is a blonde with an old school cabin truck thing of a sort. She came in at 6 pm four days ago meanwhile a red head came in three days ago at 9 pm and a plain brunette came in at 3 am about two days ago. All have vehicles that are too large for them to just be holding a few things."

Deaton leaned back against a wall looking on as the boys talked to each and Danny showed Stiles the pictures he had found of the different people, all of which was sent via Stiles' phone to each member of the pack that would need it to be able to get a better look at people. They were going back to this all over again, the Winchesters were coming to town and on their coat tails as they ran from the hounds of hell and the birds of heaven they brought terror, anger, and frustration to the world. For as much as he knew the boys were needed to save the world Deaton always had wondered if the world would have been better off sometimes without them. He sighed to himself before looking over at the boys. They were kids still sure, they were at least 18 or 19 but to him they were still kids. They had grown up too soon, too hard, and with scars that in some cases never showed. These kids had fought hard with a loyalty to rival knights for each other and the town time and time again. They were getting ready yet again to rage war with the problems that were coming closer.

The Winchesters were coming to town.

The Winchesters were going to bring hell and heaven to battle in their town, again.

The last time they came everyone in the pack had nearly died. Stiles and Lydia were the worst off followed by Scott and Erica. The sheriff had to told about the realities of fairy tales, about the honesty in the monsters that went bump in the night. Stiles was the 'person' he was now because of them, there were others to blame but the main point was with them.

Deaton had a feeling, something he had always listened to before, whispering to him in surety. This was going to be just if not worse than last time.

Deaton sighed again running his hands over his head causing Stiles to turn his darkened brown eyes to look at him for a moment meeting his eyes for a moment before turning back to Danny.

The last time the Winchesters came to town people died and nearly died.

The last time he hid behind the protection of kids.

This time the brothers who brought grimm would be facing him as well.

In its own way, this too was his pack and packs?

Packs fought together.

Packs fought for each other.

"United we stand, divided we fall"

So school will end in like a month or less meaning after this I should have updates quicker! So look for that. Also next chapter has some 'interesting' things revealed.