Hi guys! I've been working on this Zolly story for weeks and it's finally done. :DD Thank you to everyone that read my last fic. I am forever happy and grateful that some people read it. To the one that asked me to do Kavin, I'm sorry. :( Right now I can only write Zolly or Zacey.

Hope you enjoy this one. There will be 5 short-ish chapters. :) Special thanks to PurpleBacon. She's the reason I started writing. ;)

verse one: how we met and the sparks flew instantly


Molly's known Zander since she was fourteen.

Well, maybe she never knew him. They had never talked but they lived in the same village. She used to call him the ukelele guy. Wherever he went, he'd have the little thing strapped to his back. He used to ride his bike with it and wave at everyone. He'd walk his dog and run around with friends. He would play at the park with his voice still cracking, but he was pretty good.

Molly would see him from her bedroom window. She always chuckled at the crazy things he'd do. When they were fifteen, he had a huge crush the girl that lived across Molly. Zander threw rocks at her window until the stained glass cracked and he ran away instead.

He tried floating balloons up to that girl's window but they flew to the house next to it. She'd even seen him leave a bouquet of roses on her doorstep. Every time, something got in the way of his gifts and plans.

The next time he shows up at her street, she opens up the window.

"Just ring the doorbell and talk to her!" She yells.

Zander whips around and sees Molly smirking at him.

"Are you sure?" Zander asks.

'No,' Molly wants to say. 'Notice me instead'.

She bites her lip and nods.

"Go get her," She says with a smile.

She hears later that they went out for a year.


Zander shows up at her door, still in his uniform.

"I'm sorry," Molly says. "If you're the private school boy that does my homework, you're scheduled to come by after dinner."

Zander gapes at her. "You hire someone to do your homework?"

Molly rolls her eyes. "I was kidding. How can I help you?"

"Um. I'm Zander. I just wanted to thank you for the advice. I know that was like a year ago but I never had the chance to thank you," He says.

"You're welcome," She says remembering that day.

"Come in," Molly says, letting Zander in the house. "I'm Molly by the way."

She leads him to a big room with a fireplace, a purple carpet and lace curtains. In the corner, there's a grand piano.

"Nice house," Zander says whistling.

"Like you don't have one yourself," Molly says. "Your front lawn is gorgeous."

"Thanks!" Zander chirps. "My mom is very strict about it."

"I get it. My mom's like that with our swimming pool. I tried to dye it purple once," Molly says.

"Favorite color?" Zander asks.

"It's yellow actually," Molly says. "But I thought a purple pool would match the paint."

"You're funny," Zander says chuckling.

Molly tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

"Who plays the piano?" Zander asks.

"I knew you'd notice that," Molly says. "Figures, since you're so attached to your ukelele."

"Its name is Charlie," Zander says cradling the ukelele.

Molly smirks. "Well then, Zander and Charlie meet Alicia," She says sliding onto the piano bench.

"You named your piano?!" Zander says.

"You named your ukelele?!" Molly replies, mimicking his tone.

"Shhh, don't tell anyone I'm a classical music freak," Molly says.

"No," Zander says. "That's so cool."

"I don't really sing though," Molly says. "I mean I can but I'm better at the piano and violin…and flute."

Zander gets down on one knee. "Where have you been all my life?"

Molly laughs. "Get up!"

Zander laughs with her as he stands up.

"We should play together sometime," He says with a smile.

"I'm already in a band in school," Molly says. "Well kind of."

"You go to Brewster right?" Zander says. "I'm trying to convince my mom to let me transfer. These uniforms get boring."

"Don't! I mean sure! I mean. Well," Molly says.

Zander looks confused. "Okay?"

"It's just. I'm a different person at school. Just. I don't know," Molly says.

"Aren't we all?" Zander replies.


"I got it!" Zander says rolling around on the carpet.

"Got what?" Molly says.

They're in the piano room again, trying to study for the last few days of school.

"We should turn David Archuleta's Touch My Hand into a duet!" Zander says. "You could do the piano and I could play Charlie and we could both sing!"

"I really miss that song," Molly says. "But we should be studying, Z! Summer is just around the corner. We'll have all day to lie around."

Zander pouts at her. "Pretty please."

Molly sighs. "Screw it." She skips toward the piano. "Alicia's ready!" She says.

"Let's do this!" Zander says enthusiastically as Molly plays the introduction on the piano.

Saw you from a distance / Saw you from the stage / Something about the look in your eyes Something about your beautiful face

Zander sings the notes out and smiles as he walks closer to Molly. He slides onto the piano bench.

In a sea of people / There is only you

Molly laughs nervously and sings along.

I never knew what the song was about but suddenly now I do

Zander let's Molly sing as he prepares his ukelele.

Trying to reach out to you / touch my hand / Reach out as far as you can

They sing together once more- raw but transcendental.

Only me, only you and the band / Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Can't let the music stop! Can't let this feeling end!

Zander gets up as he plays Charlie, swaying to the rhythm.

'Cause if I do, it'll all be over I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop / Until I touch your hand / 'Cause if I do, it'll all be over I'll never get the chance again

Molly sings and she feels like they're talking through song. Maybe even more than talking. They're confessing. They're discovering.

I'll never get the chance again / I'll never get the chance again

"Wow," Zander says when they finish.

"Yeah," Molly says. "Wow."

"We should do this more often," Zander says, trying to hold back a smile.

"What? Sing duets," Molly asks, smiling as Zander sits beside her on the piano bench.

"Yes that. And this too," Zander says just before he kisses Molly.