Haha hi guys! Do you still remember Wayuu'?

Fairy Tail and The little Mermaid do not belong to me. By the way, did you know that if Nalu ever had a kid, it'd be Nashi?

Juvia's training was complete.

She got lucky since the night seemed to have never end, Lucy decided to teach her even more skills that she had been lacking of. For instance, Juvia is now able to fold at least a pile of clothes, color coordinated, clean an entire room along with its bathroom in less than an hour. It was pretty impresive actually, since they learned this under one night. The next morning Juvia woke up very early and decided to stay with Lucy till a little later before going to work. Virgo comes in with news.

"Hime, you have a visitor! Also, may this be time for punishment?" Virgo explains bluntly. Lucy just puts on her 'what the hell' face.
"First of all, no punishment. Second, who is it?" Virgo was about to mention who the visitor was when his voice echoed across the room.
"Ohimesaaan― I'm here for you darling!" A sweet guy's voice is heard and Lucy flinches. A young man with a black suit and sunglasses twirls in the room fabulously and plants a warm kiss on Lucy's cheek.
"Did you miss me baby?" He winks.
"Nice to see you too Loki."
"I can see you're a little down. Come and run to my arms." Loki reaches his arms out but Lucy stays put at her place.
"Why are you here?"
"I bring you the finished invitations for the party!" As Loki hands a stack of pretty invitation with gold trimmings.
"Wow these are fabulous! Thanks Loki!" Lucy pulls Loki in for a friendly hug.
"Anything for my princess." Loki sinks in heaven as he hugs her tight. Virgo lets out a warning cough.
"Hime, may I remind you that you are engaged?"
"Oh yes. Sorry bout that." Lucy pushes Loki away.

Juvia's head rang.
'Engaged? Lucy has a fiancee?'

Lucy just realized that Juvia was still there and introduced Loki to her.
"Juvia this is Loki Cross. He's my friend."
"I'm also her knight in shining armor. Ain't that right dear?" He blew a kiss to Lucy as she dodged it.
"Chigau masuyo."

But Juvia was really more interested to know who was Lucy's fiancee. Could it have anything to do with what she had wrote in her diary?

'Love, fire, prince and pink. What does these words even mean?'
'Could it be like some cryptic message or is Juvia just really confused?'

Loki gave a light kiss on Lucy's cheek before he twirls fabulously out of the room. Juvia excuses herself to go and greet Gray― also getting to her work. She follows her path back to Gray's room but enters the room to see it halfway cleaned by some elderly maids. She was completely dumbfounded.

'Ummm is Juvia in the right room?'
'Yes! Juvia is sure of it!'
'But theres no Gray-sama.'

Juvia mind had travelled somewhere else. Then an old maid instructs her to clean Prince's Lyon's room instead, since Sherry is absent for the morning. Juvia whines a little and lets a tiny sob since she doesn't get to meet Gray but gets right to her job. Whether its with Gray or not, she promised herself not to slack of anymore. She uses her newly fine cleaning skills to tidy up Lyon's room in a matter of minutes. Its not like it was messy or anything, just some light dusting and other stuff to do. She was almost done with the room when Lyon enters his room, back from breakfast, with Gray behind him, bickering about him like husband and wife. Lyon felt such light-hearted-ness that Juvia was in his room― cleaning it.

"Juvia-chaaaaan! How I feel so delighted to see you in my room!" Lyon grabs Juvia from behind and hugs her tightly. "Oi perverted bastard! The hell you doing?!" Gray slammed seeing Lyon's arms over his maid. Juvia couldn't shout neither do anything about it, simply blushing madly about it to herself. She felt ashamed that Gray thinks she was unfaithful to him.

'Virgo-san constantly asks for punishment from Lucy to show her faithfulness. Maybe Juvia should try―'

Juvia stickes a sticky note written: 'Punish Juvia Gray-sama.' and lowers herself, pointing out to her butt. Gray stammers that he isn't into 'those' things and gets interrupted by Lyon who kicks Gray out from his room. "Get outta here pervert! Shes in my room now!" as Lyon sticks his tongue out and plops on his bed, adjusting himself to continue gazing at Juvia dreamingly with a sly half smile glued onto his face.

"You should wear uniforms that Sherry usually wears you know?" Lyon teased her but she looked away, a little embarassed with that statement.
'Juvia will never wear such ridiculous clothings in her life!' She replied mentally, not that Lyon would notice.

She finished the last of her cleaning and left in a hurry. Lyon stopped her from escaping and grbbed by her arm, pulling her waist closer to her. Heat rose up to her cheeks, why is this dude so persistant?! "I hope to see you at the engagement party Juvia-dear―" He caressed her soft white cheeks. Now Juvia understood why Lucy was annoyed by Loki's fondness over her. But this could be her chance asking Lyon who Lucy was engaged to. The curiousity has been killing her. She quickly searched for her stack sticky notes but the sound of porcelain smashed was heard and Lyon and Juvia face the sound.

It was Sherry.

She happens to have brought a cup of tea upstairs for Lyon.

And she had seen it all.

Juvia was dead meat.


"My love... It seems like you've already met Juvia..." Sherry had a lame expression on her face that quickly turned into a fake smile. She orders Juvia to get a broom to sweep the smashed cup while she gets a new cup of tea ready. Lyon moves away and decides to read a book while waiting for those two to finish their buisness. Juvia immediately rushes downstairs but before she could, Sherry stops her. She traps her in a corner, stabbing her pen deep inside the wall to let off anger and speaks with a low voice.

"I will be making another cup of tea for my love while you go get a broom and clean the shit you made fast otherwise I'll surely twist your head off and feed it to the blood hounds. Got it?"

Juvia was so frightened at Sherry's statement. She nods without hesitation and as soon as she lets go of her, Juvia runs for her life downstairs and gets a broom upstairs as fast as her legs could carry her. She even nearly fell for God's sake. She runs into the room and picks up the shards of porcelien in a jiffy whilst sweeping smaller shards away. Her fingers began to bleed but Juvia would defenitely rather have bleeding fingers than her head digested in blood hounds any day. Lyon pulls her back in his arms and whispers to Juvia with a husky voice.

"In case you change you're mind about the engagement party, wear this when you do. It'll be a masquerade party so I'll recognize you if you do wear this mask."

Lyon gives a light kiss to one of Juvia's injured fingers; Juvia blushes.

He releases Juvia as he stuffs a baby blue mask into Juvia's pocket. She nods and leaves him to himself as she carries some of the leftover shards downstairs along with the broom. On her way down, Sherry was just about to go upstairs with a new cup of tea. She eyed Juvia and decided to instruct her an order.

"Juvia! Once you're done keeping that broom downstairs, I'd like you to pack your bags―"
Juvia didn't understand the order. Why did she ask her to pack her bags?

"Since― You're fired."

Porcelain shards dropped from Juvia's hand.

"Oops, looks like you missed a spot―" Sherry sneers.

OOOKAY GUYS HI.I really dunno how else I can apologize to my readers. Recently I moved into a new house and there wasn't any internet connection till this week. To top that, schoolwork has been flooding my room every sinlge fucking day and I'm totally gonna freak the hell out if I slack off school (perfectionist alert). I decided to nowdays update monthly. Sorry guys, but I'm heck of busy. Anyway, this chap is mainly about the Sherry x Lyon x Juvia love triangle (shall we call it Shyovia?) and Lyuvia. I swear things will get better, I've already written plots for upcoming chapters and I guarantee your likeness. Heehee.


Review for any suggestions on how you want the upcoming chapters to be (I repeat, no Nali and why don't I just say I don't tolerate Graylu) or comments if this story had big letters spelling B-A-D for you and hopefully, you can all help me improve.
