After a very very long time in not updating here is the next chapter :)

I apologize for taking so long and now a warning of not knowing when the next chappie shall be posted. I've done about 500 words for it so far but it's slow going.


Fuji looked down in worry at the boy in his arms. Ryoma had started to shift as if he was trying to get away from something. Then there were the tears that silently fell from his closed eyes. Lowing him to the floor in fear of dropping the cat, Fuji cradled Ryoma's head in his lap as he looked round.

In a moment of panic, Syu caught a glimpse of the monkey king and without thinking called out. "Kei!"

Keigo and the Hyotei regulars all stopped as they looked the voice. The captain was just going to ignore his lover until he noticed the distress and the fact he had a struggling Ryoma. In seconds he was running over crouching down with his hand on the cat's forehead.

"Ryoma... Brat!" Kei looked into the blue eyes of Syu's. "What happened?"

"Eiji explained to him what pregnant was in the not so best way. Have you seen Mitsu around?" Kei looked to the shock on his teams faces except for Kabaji since he had told him everything from the beginning. "Kei! He's waking." Keigo felt a weight lift from his heart as he saw frightened golden eyes staring up at them.

"Ryoma." He said softly as he caressed the boy's face. "Was it a memory?" The cat sat up fast and was about to get up, but felt a pull. He was being forced to sit in the tensai's arms.

"Let go. She's in danger." Both looked startled along with the few onlookers listen in on what was going on. "If she has a baby that way they're going to die. Please." Ryoma struggled as he managed to get out of Syu's grip and had stood up getting ready to rush off when he realized the hand which was firmly holding onto his wrist. "Let go, let go, let go!" Tears streamed down his face. His teeth clenched and body shaking. He looked angry, but at the same time upset.

"Ryo-Chan. Stop for a second. You need to explain. We have a match in 5 minutes and we still need to register." The cat wasn't listening all he could think about was this woman dying and a baby who was going to become a monster. Just as Ryoma was about to shout at Syu again he got interrupted.

"Ryoma. Come here." The cat looked over to where Mitsu was. He was standing just behind the Hyotei regulars with his arms folded waiting for Ryoma to do as was asked. The Hyotei students jumped slightly at the Seigaku's captains sudden appearance, but none of them knew what was more interesting. Keigo's way of acting around Fuji and Tezuka along with Ryoma or the way the cat acted after he had woken.

Syu let go of Ryoma's wrist as the cat stood in front of Mitsu ignoring all the stares. Ryoma and Mitsu just stared at one another as if they were having an inner war against each other. Finally, the cat was the first to break eye contact.

"Master said that babies born from a woman like that are monsters and then the mother will die." Ryoma felt a hand gently touch his cheek before going under his chin, lifting it so he was looking his lover face to face again.

"Oishi's just called. He sprained his wrist so he's going to stay with the woman. Would you like me to ask him to send a picture of both mother and baby when it's over?" The cat nodded and smiled slightly knowing that he was going to get evidence of what was happening. But what he really wanted to know was what his master had told him was the truth or not. The cat watch as Mitsu crouched down in front of him. "Am I a monster? I was born from my mother." At the question the boy froze.

Both of the cats hands went on Mitsu's cheeks as he examined the others eyes for a hint to see if he was lying. When he couldn't find it, Ryoma brought his face close and rubbed their noses together. "I love you. You're not a monster." Tezuka didn't move as Ryoma gave him small kisses on his lips. He knew there was a crowd, but knew better than anything than to ignore the boy's advances.

"Ryoma. Momo will be back in a minute or so. We need to go and register." Standing back up he let the cat grab his hand as they went over to Keigo and Syusuke. "Syu, we're going." Fuji grabbed Ryoma's free hand as he gave Keigo a small smile. "Kei, no holding back."

The Hyotei captain stood, brushing off his shorts as he and Tezuka both shook hands making a silent promise that neither would go easy on the other. As Kei walked back to his team he knew he had a lot of explaining to do.

Ryoma sulked as he stood next to Fuji listening as the referee went through the rules for the matches. The reason he was upset was because he had just found out Mitsu had put him as a sub meaning the chance of playing was not even 1% possible.

As the freshmen trio spoke at how surprised they were about the set up it was Inui who explained to everyone that Kabaji was a power player and that only Momo and Kawamura were probably able to go up against him without getting injured.

"First match. Members of doubles 2 please make your way on to the court." Everyone watch as they saw entered the court and Hyotei students started to cheer for their two regulars.

Fuji meanwhile wasn't paying too much attention. He was sitting next to Ryoma on a bench poking the boy's cheek. "Ryo-Chan. Talk to me. Blame Mitsu. It's not my fault." Leaning close Syu put one arm around the cat's shoulder pulling him towards him. "I love you." The tensai muttered as he rubbed his face into the side of Ryoma's hood.

Ryoma smiled as he turned his head, tugging on Syu's hair wanting to bring their lips together. Just as they were about to, Syu's mouth was suddenly covered by a hand.

"Both of you please restrain yourself. We're in a tournament. Save it for after we win." Syu smiled behind the hand covering his face as he stuck his tongue out licking the palm. "Syu..." Looking into the stoic eyes of the captain, Fuji just smiled when the hand was taken away and rubbed on the side of his shirt.

Suddenly the three looked up when they heard cheering. "It seems Hyotei is up 15-love." Mitsu said as he sat on the other side of Ryoma. "Are you going to talk to me?" He asked the cat as he realized, the other hadn't given a reply.

Ryoma leaned his head onto the captains shoulders letting out a sigh. "Kei's annoying me. I can hear his smirk from here."

"Hear his smirk?" Syu raised as eyebrow as he opened his eyes at the odd words Ryoma had spoken.

"Yeah, it's like I can see a clear image in my head of him while he tells us how bad Seigaku is. Tonight I'm going to eat his dinner so he won't smile at me." Hearing the crowd cheering, the cat frowned. "Eiji and Eiji's copy are both jumping around like looneys. Who do you think will run out of stamina first?"

"Hey! You should have more faith in your senpai's." Ryoma leaned forward looking over to his left seeing Horio scowling with his arms folded.

Sei sighed as he laid naked on top of Gen on the sofa. They had both woken up late and had found a message from Tomo telling them that their was food in the fridge if they were hungry. Considering it was Tuesday, the vice-captain had phoned in sick since he was worried about leaving Sei on his own for long periods of time. So they decided to have a lazy-ish day, which consisted of both laying naked on the sofa with a single blanket covering them.

Drawing circles on Gen's chest, Sei rubbed his nose against one of the nipples in his line on sight . "I wish the others were here. It would be nice to be able to relax like this with all of us. It's just sad that their at each others throats today. It's weird how much tennis influences us." Sei moaned when he felt Gen's fingers run up and down his spine. "Lower."

"Sei... Keiichi told me what happened the other day." The blunette's shoulders tensed as he stopped all movement and Gen's fingers had moved from his back to under his chin pulling it up so they could look at each other. "Even if we're lovers we're still childhood friends and best friends at that. Didn't we promise to tell each other if something was bothering us?"

"Gen, am I going to die?" Sei swallowed feeling anxious about the reply.

"Everyone needs to die one day. You'll die when you're old and wrinkled. Sei, you have so much to live for. I'm sorry to say, but you can't die in the near future." The Rikkaidai captain laughed slightly as climbed up the others body so their faces were closer.

"What did Keiichi tell you?"

"He told me nothing. In fact I could guess something was wrong when I was told you woke up on the floor. You after all don't move in your sleep and falling off the sofa would have woken you." Sei looked down wide-eye and was about to yell at Gen for tricking him when he felt his face being taking in two hands and he found himself in a slow passionate kiss. Without words, Sei knew that he was safe no matter what was going to happen next in his life.