A/N so hey guys this mine and I am Hylla Daughter of Bellona's story! I hope you like it. Please tell us if there are any mistakes

Disclaimer: WE DON'T ANYTHING!

Jason's POV

Percy was shaking me, so I got up and rubbed my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked,

"Breakfast time," he said.

I told him i'd meet him in the dining pavilion. It was after the Giant War, and we decided to stay at Camp Half-Blood since it was closer to Olympus. I got dressed and headed down to the dining. Once I got there, the nymphs gave me my food, and I scraped some of it into the brazier as an offering to Zeus. I sat at Zeus' table next to Thalia.

"Morning sunshine," I said knowing that she wasn't a morning person.

"Good morning," she said in a grumpy tone.

I decided to leave her alone and eat my food silently. Once i finished, i headed to the sword arena and saw that Percy was already there cutting dummies apart.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied.

I was about to say something, but I was interrupted multiple flashes of light. Percy and I shielded our eyes on instinct. When we opened our eyes, we found ourselves looking at the Olympian gods, including Hestia and Hades. Lady Hera was glaring at Percy (no surprise there, she would've been glaring at me, but I was her champion). Zeus had a stiff expression on his face. I guess he was still miffed at the thought of having demigods help them defeat Gaea and her giants. Ares was glaring at Percy as usual, and Aphrodite was staring at Percy in an, "Oh my gods, he's hot!" way. All the other gods had blank expressions on their faces except Poseidon and Hestia, who were giving us warm smiles. Percy and I bowed.

"You may rise," my father said.

"Hello Lord Zeus, what brings you to Camp Half-Blood?" Percy asked.

"Well, you first need to get Chiron and all the other demigods who helped defeat Gaea.

"We'll go get them," I said. With that, Percy and I ran off to find the others.

10 minutes later...

Chiron, Grover, Nico, Annabeth, Percy, Reyna, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, and I were all gathered in the sword arena. Everyone bowed and then sat down. Zeus started speaking,

"Welcome everyone, as you know we have defeated Gaea and her giants."

At this, we all nodded our heads.

"Well, we do not want another repeat of this to happen, and well how do I put this. We need you to time travel to the future to make sure nothing else rises, and if there is, we need you to stop it."

I know we're demigods and there's been some pretty weird stuff going on, but time travel? That just took weird to a whole new level. I had some questions, but Annabeth beat me to it.

"When will you leave? Have you packed our things, or will we have to pack our things? Who is going? Are you going to teleport us there, or did Hephaestus make an invention? Is there something we should know about in the future? And I thought people aren't supposed to change events from the past or future?" Annabeth asked.

My head was spinning from all the questions she just asked. Zeus seemed flabbergasted, as did all the gods, goddesses, and camp members except Percy, Grover, Chiron, and Athena, who had amused expressions on their faces.

Athena spoke up and said, "Let me handle this father," Zeus just nodded. Then Athena turned to Annabeth and answered, "All very good questions Annabeth," she smiled and Annabeth blushed, "Alright so, you shall leave tomorrow at dawn, and don't worry we've packed your things. They're sitting on your bunks. All of you that are here will be going except Chiron of course. He will be keeping in touch with you though. Hephaestus has made a time travel machine for you guys. As usual, you'll have to find your own way in the future. There are only certain things gods and goddesses can do, and I'm afraid this isn't one of them. You're right about changing the past and future having effects on the present time, but some things will make positive changes, and I've made sure that this doesn't have a negative effect on our lives right now."

Annabeth just nodded as if she got these explanations everyday, which she probably did, considering that her mother is the goddess of wisdom.

"Wait, what year will we be heading too?" I asked.

"You will be arriving by the time they have their annual 75th Hunger Games, which is their Quarter Quell. Great-great-great-great..." I tuned out until I heard, "Grandchildren of demigods will be competing in it. Good luck!" he said, and with that, they flashed out.

Cato pov's

OWW! I screamed as my eyes fluttered open. There was the teacher standing in front of me with a knife in her hand. "No sleeping in my class Cato." Yes ma'am" I grumbled. "Good", she said. As i sat up i could feel a stinging in my cheek. As i felt my cheek I saw that there was a cut in my cheek and that it was bleeding. Damn that stupid teacher! I couldn't wait to get out of this stupid battle strategy class.

When the bell rang I ran out of the school and to the practice arena of the school, looking for Clove ad expected she was ripping the dummies to shreds with knife. "Hey Clove do you want to dule?" I say. "Oh look who it sure, I'll dule you even though I already know I am going to win!" she says. "We'll see about that!" We are at it for about five minutes and already a crowd was watching us we. Slash duck stab we had been going at it for about and hour, but i really wasn't putting up much of a fight I was waiting for the perfect moment. As she strikes toward my head I use my legs and knock her legs out from under her and then quickly disarm. I had both of the swords at her neck. "Damn Cato I can't believe I didn't see that coming. Well you won now can I get up?" she sighs. I let her get up and she goes and grabs her sword.

As everyone comes up and congratulate me for beating Clove. Two things drop from the sky. No wait they weren't things they were people?

A/N okay so this was the prologue! I hoped you guys liked it. Flames and criticism welcomed! Please review!