This is my first Fanfiction. hope you enjoy. if you want more information on this story it will be on my profile. P.S- this story will go hand in hand with my next generation Fanfic. and i will try to post a new chapter every two weeks.

Disclaimer: i do not own harry potter, just my story.

August.15, 2016

Dear Ginny,

How is everything? Have you been going insane these last few weeks of summer? I have, Hugo and Rose have been fighting non-stop, and Ron's no help at all. I love them all with my whole heart but they can drive me insane sometimes. I do not know how you do it, especially because you have James for a kid. Anyway let me know when you are to go to Diagon alley so we can meet up.




Everything is fine, except I am in the same boat as you. James and Albus have decided to start a food fight with their breakfast this morning over something stupid and they won't say why. It would have been funny if I wasn't so mad at them, and you would think that at their age they would know better, but boys will be boys. I don't think Hogwarts is ready for James just yet. So we are going to Diagon alley on Friday at noon to get James Hogwarts equipment. Let me know if that day and time is good for you, Fleur and Angelina are coming to as Fred and Louis start Hogwarts this year as well.




Friday at noon is perfect! See you then.



August.16, 2016

Dear Fleur,

Can you watch Freddy and Roxy on Sunday? George and I are surprising them with a trip and we are going to use muggle transport, so we are going to the traveling agency. It would help us out a lot.



I will be happy to watch Freddy and Roxy, what time will they be over? Louis will be happy to have his friends over and he can tame James and Freddy while they are here. I have James, Albus, and Lily over on Sunday as well.



You'll have James on Sunday as well!? Now I feel bad. I am sorry in advance. We need to be at the traveling agency by ten, so we'll drop them off at nine and thank you so much for this I owe you.


August.16, 2016


Lucy has a healer appointment on Sunday; would you be able to watch Molly for a few hours!? Percy has to work so I can't leave her alone in the house! I would take her but she complains the entire time and she just hit the "I don't care about anything" phase and we have had a few rows since she came home for the summer! I would be forever grateful if you could watch her.



Please don't stress yourself just bring her over its okay, I have my three, Ginny's, and Angelina's and I would love to have Molly she can hang with Dominique. Maybe Molly can get Dominique out of her room she has not come down since she went up to her room last night and she won't tell me what's wrong. See you Sunday.



So you'll have Fred and James there too, I am so sorry but Louis will be there to keep them in line a little, and thank you so much for doing this for me I don't know what I would do with out a sister-in-law like you.


August.18, 2016


Ginny just sent me a letter letting me know that you have almost all the children with you on Sunday. will you be okay with all of them there? Because you have James and Freddy and we all know how much of a handful those two are once they get together. i will have Rose and Hugo with me at the ministry on Sunday so that is two less for you to worry about. if you need anything Fleur do not hesitate to ask. i am only an owl away.



Thank you so much for the support it means so much, but I will be fine it's only a few hours. I have Louis and Vic here and Bill won't be gone to long that day. Give a hug to Rose and Hugo for Me. Are you coming to Diagon alley with us tomorrow?



That's good to hear I do not want you to get too overwhelmed, and yes I will be there, Ron will have Rose and Hugo with him tomorrow. So I'll see you all there! And I will give them your hugs.


August. 18, 2016


I think to prevent James and Fred from doing something when they are at Bill and Fleur's on Sunday, we should check them and make sure they are not sneaking anything out but you know even if we do I believe they will find a way to cause some havoc anyway.



I completely agree, I do not want to put more stress on Fleur on Sunday, but you are right no matter what we do they will still find a way to misbehave. Lets just hope for the best and we will see you tomorrow at noon.



I will take that advice thank you, and we will see you all tomorrow!



I want to let you know that I will most definitely check James before leaving the house, for anything that can cause havoc in your home. I so do appreciate you watching James, Albus, and Lily. Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!


P.S James and Albus have a strong desire for food fights these days.


Like I told you the other day I don't mind watching them, although James worries me a bit, just kidding! And I will take your warning to heart about Albus and James. See you all tomorrow.


Hope you enjoyed it. you can review if you like. i would not mind constructive criticism either. Thank you! :)