-19- Leira

"You're still alive?" Ikuto couldn't stop himself from blurting out in shock, as he stared into the azure eyes of the mermaid.

Leira continued to smile, leaning close to Ikuto and studying his face as if it was the world's most wondrous creation. She turned to face the elderly Siren, "elder, this is Aruto's son."

The surrounding creatures tilted their heads, perched forwards on the rocks and studied the intruder.

"He looks exactly the same…"

"No doubt," some muttered amongst themselves.

The elderly Siren screeched and the once freezing water turned lukewarm, no longer draining the life from those that submerged within it.

"You," the elderly Siren pointed at Ikuto, "why did you save the sacrifice?"

"Amu isn't a sacrifice," Ikuto stated, "I never allowed for it. To die here is not the fate I have decided for her."

Silence followed as the Sirens eyed their weakened prey in the ocean. It appeared that Ikuto's statement had shocked these creatures until a few seconds passed and laughter echoed through the vast sea.

"He even said the same thing," one Siren perching near Ikuto laughed. Her laugh sounded like the mix of a humans and screeching crow.

"Like father like son they say," the elder Siren nodded. "Not just looks, but that arrogant attitude too."

"Don't be frightened," Leira's gentle voice seemed to resound in Ikuto's mind. He turned to stare at the mermaid. It was as if no years have passed. The mermaid's sheer beauty remained making her look flawlessly young and innocent.

She smiled and her silver tail surfaced from within the waters, splashing from side to side. She waved her arms gesturing at the Sirens. "Come now, you're all to close, don't scare him," Leira ordered with a concerned look on her face. "Give me some time to talk."

The surrounding Sirens pulled a face at Leira before taking flight into the sky, giving them space to talk. The elderly looking Siren and another two that looked to be the leaders remained perched nearby.

"What's your name?" Leira asked, her eyes staring straight into Ikuto's.

"Ikuto," Ikuto simply replied. He clutched Amu closer to him. Now that the water was no longer freezing, his body was slowly recovering and he felt he could move more easily. But Amu's body remained cold, reminding him that she was dead in his arms.

Leira swam a little closer to Ikuto again, cautiously she touched Amu's face, "this girl offered to be a sacrifice."

Ikuto stared at Leira, careful not to make any hasty moves.

"You wanted to stop her, to save her," Leira whispered, "She means something to you, this girl."

"Yeah," Ikuto stated firmly, "Amu is important. Not even a death god is allowed to take her from me." He stared firmly into the mermaids azure eyes. Until I get my hands on the seventh treasure, I can't let Amu go, Ikuto thought, she's my only clue.

Leira studied Ikuto for a moment before turning to nod at the elderly Siren. She swam away from Ikuto and Amu. "So you wish to save that girl," Leira began, her tone changing. She no longer sounded gentle and concerned but serious and intimidating. "You only say you want her alive because you are alive. If I were to offer you a choice between your own life and hers, then you would want her dead."

Ikuto was speechless; Leira's words had penetrated deep into him, revealing his darkest thoughts, his most malicious nature. But such darkness was not his alone especially in such a vicious world. There was no denying that his own life meant everything to him. However, a truthful answer which exposes such selfishness wasn't one he needed to give to these creatures. A small smile crossed his face as he looked up at Leira, "go on."

Leira splashed her tail, focussing hard on Ikuto as though she was trying to read his thoughts.

Ikuto glanced between the Sirens and Leira, "go ahead and take my life. I don't mind becoming the dead."

"You're willing to give up your life for this girl?" Leira whispered.

"Young man," the elderly Siren spoke up, "you ought to consider carefully. Once you've decided to be the dead you can't return."

Ikuto broke out in laughter. "Listen, there are things I want to achieve in this life, in this unpredictable world. To do that I must have Amu besides me. If she's dead, there is nothing left for me to do and I'd be living no differently from the dead." Ikuto smirked, "it was already decided the moment you took this girl away from me that death was my only option. So, hurry up and grant my death."

There were brief seconds of silence as the sirens and Leira studied Ikuto. Not only was he not shaken by their offer, but he appeared more confident than ever. He threw them a look of domination, of total control over whatever fate awaited him.

"What is she to you?" the elderly Siren directly questioned, "is she your lover?"

"Now, that is something I don't need to tell you," Ikuto replied mockingly.

The elderly siren stared at Ikuto before she chuckled and flapped her wings. "You pass," she screeched and all the Sirens that had flown away came circling in towards them from the sky.

Piercing gusts of winds began to disturb the slumbering oceans, creating rampaging waves which collided over and over. Ikuto embraced Amu tightly against him, his body almost submerged by its anger. The sea was raging like a typhoon, its waters descending towards earth like a sharp spear, dragging Ikuto and Amu lower and lower. Thump. It was a light hit when Ikuto touched the wet ground, his grip on Amu never loosening. The mighty ocean had parted into a circular space, seawaters around them stretching high above towards the sky, making it seem like they were now at the bottom of a very deep well.

Ikuto watched as Sirens began to flutter down to the wet ground besides them. "YORU," he shouted, spotting one of the Sirens carrying Yoru from above.

"It's ok Ikuto," Leira assured, "they are all ok. Everyone is."

Ikuto turned to look at the mermaid, whose whole body was in sight now. She sat there returning him an assuring smile, her silvery tail flopping onto the ground. "Everything will be ok now. They acknowledged you."

Ikuto had no time to ponder on the mermaids words as his attention was caught by the yelling of his little brother, who was now being put down by the Siren.

"Brother," Yoru waved. He ran towards Ikuto, throwing his arms around him. "Thank god you're alright."

Ikuto let Yoru hug him. He let out a sigh, "yeah, it's ok Yoru. Were you scared?"

Yoru shook his head despite his arms shaking around Ikuto's neck.


"Good to see your fine Caps…"

Both Yoru and Ikuto looked above them and small smiles crossed their faces. Yoru let go of Ikuto and as the child he was, ran towards the rest of the crew who were slowly being carried in by the Sirens.

"NO," Nadeshiko complained, keeping Yoru a distance from her, "come on kid, it's weird to hug."

"She will let you hug her if you wiped away your tears and snot," Nagihiko pointed out.

Standing next to them, Kairi adjusted his glasses and held out a handkerchief towards Yoru.

"Here," Daichi said taking the handkerchief from Kairi. He attempted to wipe Yoru's tears with difficulty as Yoru refused.

"They're all alive…" Ikuto uttered, staring at his crew with slight disbelief. "Then…" Ikuto began to shake Amu who he still held in his arms. "Amu… wake up."

There was no response. Amu remained lifeless within his embrace.

"Wake up Amu," Ikuto shouted, causing the crew to rush over.

"Amu," Yoru gasped, "what happened?"

"Why isn't she responding?" Ikuto shouted. He glared at the elderly Siren, knowing she was the leader of these creatures. "You allowed my entire crew to live so I assume we had a deal.

"We Sirens are only capable in judging the duties placed upon us. We lure and kill sailors, pirates, any travellers of the sea," the elderly Siren began to explain, "They cannot be saved once they fall for our curse. However, every curse has its weakness. In return for a sacrifice to us, we have the possibility of sparing the lives of others." She pointed at Amu, "a sacrifice made cannot be returned."

"Don't screw with me," Ikuto warned. "I already said Amu is not a sacrifice."

In an instance, both Nadeshiko and Nagihiko had pulled out their weapons, swiftly aiming it at the elderly Siren without any hesitation. Daichi had pulled Yoru behind him as he quietly observed the situation. The younger Sirens feeling threatened, began to screech and encircle them.

Kairi adjusted his glasses again, "you Sirens should be intelligent creatures, yet you have allowed us all to live. We are your worst enemy possible."

A wicked smile spread across Nadeshiko's face as she gripped onto her weapon, "I've been wanting to spill some blood for ages."

"Don't overdo it Nade," Nagihiko warned.

"No Ikuto, stop them," Leira called out. She struggled towards him.

The elderly Siren raised her wings to calm the others, "what a vicious bunch." She continued to remark, "Impatience and violence will get you nowhere young man."

"This is neither impatience nor violence," Ikuto corrected. "This is simply negotiation."

Upon hearing Ikuto's words the elderly Siren broke out into laughter. "Brilliant, you are just brilliant." After a few minutes of laughing she recomposed herself, "Aruto was close but you are probably closer…."

"Elder!" Leira grumbled, "Will you stop playing around? Stop agitating them so much." She turned towards Ikuto, "hurry and bring Amu here. I can save her."

It was a weird feeling that Ikuto couldn't express but as he set eyes on the mermaids determined face, he knew Amu would live. He carried Amu towards the mermaid who continued to struggle wriggling towards them. Placing Amu before Leira, he waited for the miracle, for the magic to happen. Leira bent over Amu and blinked three times before a drop of tear fell and soaked into her wound. As soon as the mermaids tear had touched Amu's flesh, a blinding glow in the shape of a clover shined in place of her heart. Almost instantly though, the glow was gone.

The locket, Ikuto confirmed, there should be no mistake now, I clearly saw it.

Thump, thump, thump. The sound of Amu's beating heart was heard once more. A tinge of red spread through her pale cheeks, warmth slowly returning to her.

"Amu," Ikuto called out. He held her face gently in his hands, a relieved expression upon his face seeing her eyelids twitch.

Slowly, Amu opened her eyes. She stared at Ikuto and smiled as though his face was the most natural sight she would see after opening her eyes, "Ikuto….I'm…."

"You're alive," Ikuto finished saying for her.

"What happened?" Amu asked weekly as she sat up.

"AMU!" Yoru shouted.

With tears in his eyes, Yoru ran towards Amu. "You idiotic witch, you had me worried."

Seeing that Amu was alive, Nadeshiko and Nagihiko put away their weapons.

"You were saved by the mermaid," the elderly Siren spoke with a sad expression upon her face.

Amu clasped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from letting out a yell from shock. Although she had read so many books on them, this was her first time being so close to a magical creature like the Sirens. They were a sight to behold, and she admired the magical being before her, unable to peel her eyes away.

"You should pay your gratitude to Leira for your life, witch," the elderly Siren said pointing towards the mermaid.

"Leira…" Amu spoke, recognising the mermaid before her. "You're Leira. You're alive."

With her eyes closed Leira tilted her head, "I believe we have not met before. Why do you speak as though you know who I am?"

Amu became silent. That's right, we haven't officially met. I only saw her when I was on Aruto's ship. But even now I cannot be sure what all that was about. I probably shouldn't have called her name. Amu changed the subject, "thank you for saving my life. I don't know how I can repay you."

Leira smiled, "It was of my own will to save you, so you owe me nothing Amu."

Amu bowed down before Leira. "Even so, I know how precious a mermaid's tear is."

"Please," Leira said softly, "Amu, you need not to feel in my debt."

"Thank you," Amu thanked Leira again.

"Little witch, you seem to be well informed," a nearby Siren spoke up.

"Yes," Amu uttered, "information is my strongest forte. I know of many things no matter if they are true or not, and as a magic user, I know there is almost no way to bring back the dead. However, in old scriptures it has been mentioned that a mermaid's tear can heal and revive the dead."

"Amazing," an amazed Daichi couldn't help but say.

"Captain, we should probably recruit a mermaid in the long run," Kairi suggested with an evil glimmer in his eyes. "It can guarantee the crews life."

"It won't work," both Amu and the elderly Siren said at the same time.

"Any mermaid only has 2 tears in their lifetime, one for each of their eyes," the elderly Siren continued, "once those tears are used that same mermaid cannot revive the dead."

"Furthermore," Amu spoke, "whenever a mermaid loses a tear, it causes that mermaid to go blind in that eye."

"That's awful," Yoru whispered.

"You people owe Leira a lot," a Siren frustratingly said. "To use her…"

"Please, it is of my own will," Leira repeated with certainty in her voice, "I do not wish for anything in return."

"You may say that," Ikuto interrupted, "but you honestly had no other intentions when saving Amu? You've become blind for the rest of your life."

"No," Amu gasped. She grabbed the mermaid's shoulders, drawing her face close and she felt a terrible grip on her heart. The mermaid's eyes were closed. It was a sign that she had used both her tears. She was as Ikuto had said, blind forever. "Why did you do such a thing? How could I ever pay you back?"

Leira outstretched her hands. Knowing it was him she wanted, Ikuto took hold of her hands.

"Ikuto, Amu," Leira began, "I did this to return the final debt I owe Aruto. I wouldn't be here today if he had not saved my life. If only I could let you see my reasons…."

Amu clenched her fists in anger. If she could have chosen from the mermaid's sight and her own life, she would've chosen Leira to see.

"Don't worry about it," Leira smiled, reaching her other hand towards Amu. She touched her face.

"Well it is true that Aruto saved you before," the elderly Siren said. "He stopped you from being a sacrifice to us just like Ikuto stopped this girl. Although you decided to remain here with us instead of going with your friends."

"It was a good decision," Leira beamed, turning her head in the direction of the elderly siren. "I wouldn't have been able to meet with Aruto and Souko's son otherwise. Even though this could also be fate." Leira squeezed Ikuto's hand with hers, "just like Aruto, I think you will be able to achieve this treasure too."

"Treasure?" Ikuto repeated with a quizzical look upon his face.

The elderly Siren flapped her wings to reveal the most surreal scene. Waters had parted to reveal a wooden door embedded within the tall walls created by the ocean itself. Intricate carvings of the Sirens was on the door that now appeared greenish in colour.

"Wow, am I dreaming?" Daichi gasped.

"We can't be all dreaming kid," Nadeshiko stated.

Ikuto moved away from Leira. He took a step towards the big wooden doors, staring in surprise and wonder. Whatever this was, it was something he did not expect.

"Ikuto, as I have said before, you pass," the elderly Siren announced, "you survived our curse and have proven to be a capable candidate." She stretched her wings towards the door, "now you have the chance to take what is in there. The treasure we Sirens have been guarding for centuries. The…."

"The emerald line…" Amu finished. "The third treasure of the world."

Everyone turned to look at Amu, astonished that she knew what this was. Even the Sirens held their breaths, unable to fathom how someone besides their own kind knew what they were guarding. Amu began to walk towards the door, ignoring her surroundings.

"Young witch," the elderly Siren called out, "how did you know this is the third treasure?"

Amu ignored the elderly Siren. She continued to walk towards the door as though in a trance. She stopped and turned to stare into space a couple of times, nodding and looking surprised but said nothing. Ikuto observed Amu carefully.

"Hey witch," Nadeshiko called out.

"Amu," Yoru called too, noticing that Amu was acting strangely.

Amu now had a worried expression upon her face as she stared at the door.

"Hey stop ignoring us witch," Nadeshiko shouted, a little angry now.

"Answer me young witch," the elderly Siren demanded.

"He will be alright won't he?" Amu suddenly asked, puzzling everyone.

"What are you on about? Make yourself clear," Kairi said.

Amu's hand reached out as though grabbing hold of something. She appeared less anxious now, "I don't know why Tsukasa, but I always have the feeling that I can believe in Aruto." A big smile crossed Amu's face and she ran towards the door. "So the emerald line is a…."

"AMU," Ikuto shouted embracing her from behind. He covered her eyes with his hands and held her still. "Come back to this time Amu," Ikuto whispered into her ears. Ikuto put down his hand and let Amu turn to look at him.

"Ikuto," Amu said as she glanced around her. It happened again, Amu thought, I was somehow with Aruto and the others again. Just what is this? She shook her head and felt her body shiver as she looked at Ikuto in front of her. "Y-you look a little angry…"

"Stop daydreaming," Ikuto ordered before letting her go.

"What just happened?" both Leira and the elderly Siren questioned.

"Sheesh, that witch is always having delusions," Kairi explained.

"She probably has mental issues," Nadeshiko suggested with a smile.

"How pitiful," the elderly Siren remarked, her gaze upon Ikuto now. It appears that not everyone can hear what that girl says when she is in that condition. But Aruto's son seems to know what it is.

Ikuto now focussed on the entrance to the third treasure. Father's sword went missing along with him. It was never found. A smile formed across Ikuto's face now, you really were something weren't you father? To have gotten hold of the third treasure. But I'm aiming for something much more, Ikuto mused, my target is the seventh treasure. He turned to look at Amu, I was right to keep Amu alive. If she can lead me here, she can lead me to what I desire.

"Ikuto," the elderly Siren spoke, "will you be taking the third treasure of the sea, emerald line?"

"Of course," Ikuto replied with confidence.