Alright everyone! I'm back. I hope you all are safe and well. I hope to make my chapters more regular this summer but, my laptop is also used by my mother because she has a new second job she needs to hold down. Anyway, I'm going to stop before I start to ramble and get on with the story! It means a lot that you all take the time to read my work. Thank you so much.


P.s- My version of what is happening with the Androids is much more post-apocalyptic than in the show. I hope that's alright with everyone. I just think it adds more depth to the destruction that's been going on. Plus, there is a little bit of language in this chapter. Okay, Imma shut-up.

Isami ran for what seemed like hours when she finally reached the main intercom.

"Attention! All residents of Capsule Corporation, you need make your way to the safe houses immediately! The Androids are attacking! This is not a drill! I repeat; this is not a drill!" she yelled into the microphone. She hit a button that sounded sirens telling people to get to their bunkers.

When the Androids first attacked over half of West City was decimated. Death counts were in the thousands and with each city attacked the casualties sky-rocketed. Destroying them by conventional means proved useless and the only ones who could really touch them were Trunks and Isami. And that wasn't saying much.

Following the first attack, Capsule Corps took hundreds of refugees in and developed sturdy underground bunkers. Most people went ahead and moved what little they had left to Capsule Corps or nearby because it was the largest place with an intact water supply and its own generator. It was an oasis in a desolate wasteland. Trunks and Isami sometimes made salvage trips throughout the remains of the city to bring back anything valuable for the scientists to repurpose. They don't find much anymore. But their main mission was simple; protect and defend what little there's left to take.

The explosions crept closer to Capsule Corps and Isami started running to find Trunks.

She navigated the long corridors from muscle memory. She only ever left this place when they went on salvage trips or when she went home once a month to stay with her mother and grandfather for a few days. She hated being away from her mother so much but she had to protect the small population here. Her mother insisted that they move to West City with her but Isami flat out refused (much to her mother's evident dismay). The Androids targeted dense populaces, not rural wooded areas. East District 439 was the best place for her and that was the way it was going to stay.

The corridor she was in now was surrounded by windows. In a short distance from where she stood a skyscraper was crumbling into dust. She stopped dead. She squinted and caught sight of two forms in the air and could feel their smug little grins.

Isami didn't know what she was going to do. She just knew she was going to do something. In a flash, the woman turned into a Super Saiyan and smashed through the already cracked glass. She flew straight for the Androids, trying to hold them off.

"Trunks, where are you?" she mumbled.

Isami stopped abruptly about twenty feet from her worst enemies.

"Isami! It's so nice to see you again." Android 17 said. "But you've come alone. Tell me, have you decided to take me up on my offer?"

The livid Saiyan's eyes narrowed. "Shove it, 17. No, Trunks isn't here. But I am. And I'm here to make sure that you go straight to hell where you belong."

"Oh we're so scared." Android 18 piped up. "Honestly, you and Trunks have tried and tried to take us and you always end up running back home with your tail between your legs. What makes you think you can take us on alone?"

Isami didn't have an answer for that. What she's doing is very foolish. But the Androids came a little too close to Capsule. Isami would sooner join them than let them touch that building.

Trunks… Please hurry…


"Mom! Thank goodness you're okay!" Trunks exclaimed as he ran into the Capsule labs.

"Trunks! What are you doing here?" Bulma yelled. She was gathering up a ton of capsules into a brief case.

"I was looking for you… What are you doing?" he asked. The floors rumbled beneath them.

"I'm preparing a few things." She said as she collected some more capsules.

"Preparing for what?" he approached her.

"I think I know a way to destroy them." She almost whispered.

"W-What?" Trunks said.

"I know how to destroy them." She said more harshly than she meant to.

"What are you talking about Mom? Destroy the Androids?"

"Yes! But it'll take a long time. I'm gathering all of the vital equipment I need for this endeavor."

Trunks was taken aback by all of this… She'd found a way to destroy them. His genius of a mom actually found a way to wipe those monsters off the face of the planet.

"It's going to take a long time though. Months." She said sullenly.

"It's more than we had a minute ago. Isami and I will help as soon as we get them away from here. But for now we need to get you to a bunker."

"Alright. I'm ready." Bulma seemed to be a little tearful. Probably from all of the stress… Trunks thought. He took the briefcase from his mom and ran for it.

They ran through to the Atrium and there was a hidden hatch for a bunker. Trunks pulled up the hatch and helped his mother inside. "Be careful, son. I love you." Bulma whimpered knowing full well he might not make it.

"I'm coming back, Mom. I'll be alright. I love you too." His stomach lurched as he closed the hatch. He hated closing that door and shutting those people in, including his mother. But by whatever deity was watching, he swore to get them out again.

He felt the ground rumble again and made a B-line for the entrance to Capsule Corps.

When he made it outside, he looked up to see how close the Androids were to his location. It didn't take long for him to spot them… but something wasn't right. There were three?!

"Oh no…" he mumbled. "Isami…"

Anger rose in his stomach and his hair turned gold. He flew up to meet them and get this over with.

"Sorry I'm late." He said confidently.

Isami could finally breathe easier knowing Trunks was there to back her up.

"Ah. It's always nice to see you both." 17 said interestedly, "But we really must be getting on with destroying this little blemish on the map."

"We can't let that happen." Trunks said.

"I don't think you'll be able to stop us, sweet thing." 18 smirked dangerously.

"Hold on!" Isami shouted before the Androids could start an attack. "Let's move this elsewhere. Please."

After a few moments of consideration between the artificial humans, they nodded. "Alright, Isami… we'll do this your way. Using your father's old tactics won't help you, though. Just so you know." 18 said.

As they flew away Isami whispers in Trunks' ear, "Did you find Bulma, alright?"

"Yeah… Yeah she's in a bunker. She has some news but I'll tell you when we're rid of them." He told her.

"That's good to hear. Listen, I have a plan. It's a long shot, but I think it'll work."

"This day just gets better and better. Lay it on me."

Isami flew closer to Trunks and whispered in his ear making his heart skip. When she finished she said, "There's just one thing, you have to seal off half of your energy for it to work."

Trunks' brow arched, "Are you nuts? I mean it's a good plan, but it could get us killed." he hissed.

"Trunks, please trust me. It'll work I promise. I designed this so it'd be a short fight."

Trunks sighed, "I do trust you. Alright, I'll do it."

They flew for about twenty more miles until the Androids abruptly stopped over an arid, mountainous region that suddenly dropped off into an ocean. "We're bored of flying." 18 said bluntly.

Trunks stopped but Isami kept moving. She went full throttle and head-butted 17's infuriating face. Trunks was shocked. Isami was never one for, literally, head-on approaches. It seems that this time, however, Isami was out for blood. As Isami and 17 locked into combat, 18 lunged at Trunks.

The Saiyan Duo was taking a beating. Running at half power was taking its toll and they could barely keep up. "Isami! Hurry!" Trunks groaned.

Just a little longer… "Trunks follow my lead!" Isami yelled. Isami started to push 17 towards the ocean.

"What are we going to have a beach party? I didn't bring my towel!" 17 said sarcastically.

Reeeally getting tired of your shit, 17… Trunks thought.

The four were suspended in mid-air over the sea. "Trunks! Get ready!"

Trunks slowly made a push to fight abreast to Isami. Fists flew for one more minute before Isami yelled. "NOW!"

The Saiyans' hands poised by their closed eyes and in unison shouted, "SOLAR FLARE!"

They poured their entire stored energy reserve into this one move. If either of them opened their eyes now they'd surely go blind. They heard the twin screams of the Androids and it was the sweetest music either of them had ever heard.

Isami and Trunks finally felt the light fade. They eagerly opened their eyes and… their hearts sank.

The Androids seemed completely unaffected by the whole damn attack.

17 started to chuckle. "You think you both are so smart. You think you are actually strong enough to defeat us!" he laughed more, "You diluted idiots." He disappeared and reappeared next to Isami connecting a punch to her face. She started to plummet towards the water. "You're nothing!" he hissed. Isami could barely hear it though. Her vision started to fade and the last thing she felt was a thousand needles stabbing her all at once as she hit the cold unforgiving water.

Isami opened her eyes groggily. Everything was blurry and undefined. She blinked and sat up on a sandy beach. It was nighttime. Images of her previous battle flooded her mind and her frantically called out from a dry throat, "Trunks! Trunks where are you!?" She heard no answer. Her heart sped up quickly and fear gripped her whole body. She wouldn't be able to defeat those things without him. She ran along the beach wondering if she was going the wrong way. She tried to pick up on his energy but she couldn't find it. Isami fell to her knees. Tears fell from her eyes as she took in a huge gulp of air at screamed at the top of her lungs. "TRUUUUUUUUNKS!" She froze once more as she heard footsteps. She didn't dare look up for fear of disappointment. They stopped right in front of her and a hand reached out to grab her chin. She felt herself smile into the cool hand. Her eyes finally met the ones she'd hope to see. But she didn't. Instead of clear, blue eyes she'd become so accustomed to seeing every day, she met cold, metallic, silvery eyes.

"No…" she murmured as her heart sank, "No not you!" she shuffled back.

"Aww, Isami you wound me." Android 17 said.

"Where is Trunks?!" She screamed at him, clumsily trying to get to her feet.

"Why is it always, 'Trunks this!' 'Trunks that!'? Why can't you be happy to see me for once, Isami?"

"Screw you, you son of a bitch!" Isami spat. "Where is he?!"

"With an attitude like that I'll never tell you where his body is." 17 feigned shock. "Oh no! I spoiled your little surprise!"

Isami's heart fell. "He's NOT dead! Tell me where he is, you sadistic basterd!"

"Before I tell you, let me ask you one thing: Can you sense his energy?"

Isami jumped. She was greeted by sunset and wind that chilled her bones. "Oh thank goodness… It was only a dream." She fell back and looked at the sky trying to collect herself. She calmed and focused attempting to sense Trunks anywhere. She picked up something but it was weak. She stumbled to her feet and started to sprint across the shoreline. "Trunks!" she called out.

The energy that was no doubt his was gathering strength as she ran towards it. She thought she saw a speck of something in the distance. Something with… purple hair. She was so relieved that she took flight. Tears were flying back behind her. She finally reached her partner in crime, cold and unconscious.

She got to her knees and cradled his head. She summoned a small ball of her energy and pressed it against his temple. Gohan showed them this little healing trick about two months before he was killed. It was similar to using smelling salts only more potent.

After about a minute of holding it to his head his eyes shot open and his lungs filled with air.

"Trunks! You're okay!" Isami leaned down and hugged his neck. The position they were in made them both blush a little. But they both held on to each other for dear life. Isami was the first to break the hug and sit up.

"Trunks… I… I'm so sorry. I'd looked at some of your mom's research on the Androids and it said that vast amounts of hyper-light would fry their ocular sensors and do some damage… I thought that if we did one giant solar flare that it would blind them for good."

Trunks grabbed her small, ivory hand. "It's not your fault Isami. I thought it would work too. And apparently so did my mom. She took that research down into the bunker with her."

A wave of realization hit Trunks with the fact that they were sitting on a beach while the Androids are laying waste to Capsule Corps, "Oh shit! Isami we have to go the Androids are probably already hitting Capsule with everything they have! Come on!" They both hopped up and flew as fast as they could back home.


Trunks and Isami finally touched down at Capsule. And what they saw… it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. The building had taken some damage, definitely proof that the Androids were here, but it wasn't completely leveled.

"This doesn't make any sense." Trunks said.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Not that I'm complaining, but this place should be a pile of rubble." Isami replied.

"Let's go see if everyone is okay."

They ran into the facility and found the secret hatch into one of the bunkers easily.

"This is the one mom is in." Trunks said as he quickly opened the door.

"Hello? Why are all the lights off?" he called down the dark hole.

They heard several people sigh in relief.

"Trunks! Isami! You're alright!" Bulma called as she ran for the ladder. The sprightly, middle aged woman climbed up with ease and greeted her son and (almost) daughter with a hug.

"Mom? Why are you shaking?" Trunks asked as they pulled away from each other.

Bulma's eyes watered and her chin trembled. "When the Androids came, I thought…"

She didn't finish. The worried mother hung her head and cried. Normally, Bulma would've replied in her usual haughty remarks. But she must've been genuinely scared for them.

"Bulma. I'm sorry we scared you. But we're here now and that's how it's going to stay."

"I'm glad. You must've put up some fight against them though."

"What?" Trunks asked.

"Before we turned off the bunker's power, I kept a close eye on the external cameras. At first when the Androids came I thought the cameras were glitching. But really it was the Androids. It was wild! It was like they had no idea what they were doing! They were falling out of the air, running into walls, they couldn't even control an energy attack! In the end, they gave up and walked out. When we heard the bunker opening we turned the power off thinking it was the Androids coming back, but it was really you two. What did you do to make them so disoriented?"

A huge smirk broke onto Isami face. "It worked! It actually worked! Bulma you're a genius!"

Bulma raised her eyebrow and asked Trunks, "How hard did they hit her?"

"Pretty hard… but that's not it. Listen to her."

"Bulma, I read your notes on the Androids. Oh don't look at me like that. You left them out on the counter for the whole world to see. Anyway, you were right about too much light frying their eyes. Trunks and I did the biggest Solar Flare we've ever done and it worked! It just took a while for them to react to it!"

"This is amazing! We've finally found their weakness!" Bulma went back to the entrance to the bunker. "Good news everyone! We've finally found out a way to get rid of our little pest problem! Come on out!"

Finally, in over eight years, the survivors of West City were tossed an olive branch thanks to Isami and Trunks.