Cats Have Eight Lives

Chapter 1: Discovery

A/N: I got this idea and wanted to write it REALLY bad! So I decided to. This takes fluff to a whole new meaning. Enjoy~! :)

Liz strolled down the streets of Death City, shopping bags swinging at her sides. No, they weren't clothes or shoes. She had to go grocery shopping since the only food left at home was a half empty box of cereal and a can of mystery meat. How it got there, no one knows.

Liz stretched her tired arms and held the bags behind her head, interlacing her fingers. She was always the one to do the shopping. Patty wasn't to be trusted alone, and Kid would take ages, picking out the correct brands or making sure the bag of sugar he bought had an even amount of pieces. So, being the only sane one around, Liz was the grocery shopper in the house.

Unfortunately since the one good market in Death City was in the middle of town and Gallows Manor was at the very edge of the city, the walk was a pretty long one. Thankfully, Liz liked walking. It was a good way to clear her mind and get away from all the insanity at home. From Kid's symmetry fits, to Patty's constant laughter. Not saying she didn't wake up every morning just to go through it. After all, those psychopaths were family.

Liz sighed when Gallows Manor peeked over a few buildings. That was another bonus to living there. The place was huge, so even if you found yourself lost, it would only take a minute or so to find your way back. After all, to miss the place you'd have to be blind. She smiled. "Almost there."

Rounding another corner, Liz started to feel a little tired. Frowning now, her pace slowed. "Man..." she peered up at the sky. "Why'd the sun decide to come out now?"

The sun's warmth pounded onto her skin, instantly drawing sweat. All day it had been hidden by clouds and was now deciding to come out and say hello. Liz groaned and bowed her head, regretting to leave her sunglasses at home.

"Damn sun..." she whined.

As she walked a few feet further, a small "mew" snapped her out of her misery. Liz's head shot up and she looked around her. No one was out except from her. With an unsure look on her face, Liz continued to walk. How odd-


She froze again. It sounded like a cat. Looking towards the source of the cry, Liz spotted a small ball of black fur, shivering in an alley. Liz made her way closer to it, setting down her bags as she squatted down. "Hey, little fella..." she reached out to pet its back. When her fingers made contact, it yelped in pain and crawled away as quickly as it could. Liz gave a look of pity. "Are you hurt?" she scooted closer to it, but made sure not to touch it. "I won't hurt you. Promise." she smiled, even though she knew it wouldn't understand her.

Slowly, the kitten turned to face her, earning a gasp from Liz. It was so cute! The little thing was all black except for its ears, which were white. Also, it had huge, blue eyes that hid faint tears.

Liz made a few cooing noises in an attempt to draw him closer. Instead, it made its way further into the alley. She frowned and looked at the cat hardly. "Come on... you're hurt little guy." she persuaded, voice getting a little higher, a.k.a, "baby voice." She reached a hand out to it.

The kitten gave her hand a long, unsure stare. After around thirty seconds or so, it started to edge towards her, tail low as well as its ears. Liz smiled when its fuzzy nose sniffed her fingers.

"Do you wanna come to my house?"

Kid groaned and checked his watch. It was already two o' clock and Liz wasn't home yet. Does it really take two hours to go to the grocery store? Interrupting his thoughts, Patty skipped into the living room and bumped into him from behind, playfully.

"Kid~!" she sang. "When's sis gonna get back? I'm hungry!" she rubbed a palm over her belly.

Kid turned around and straightened his jacket. "I'm not sure. But it shouldn't take too much longer." he sat down on his recliner and started to flip through the pages of a cookbook. If Liz ever got back, he wanted to try some new recipes. "Why don't you go play in your room until she gets here?"

Patty made an unhappy noise. "There's nothing to dooooo!"

Kid raised an eyebrow up at her. "Nothing to do? Didn't you get dozens of new toys for your birthday last week?" he asked.

She groaned and whirled around in a circle. "They all suck now..." she plummeted onto the floor, criss-cross. "Do something with me! Ooh!" she exclaimed, eyes big and shiny. "Let's play horsie!"


Suddenly, the front door opened, revealing Liz. She was holding the bags and something bundled up in a towel. "I'm back." she said, smiling very warmly. Which... wasn't a Liz way to enter a room. Especially after walking a mile to go grocery shopping.

Kid sighed in relief and made his way over to her. "Liz. You have very good timing." he took the groceries from her hands, as well as Patty. Both of them laid them down on the kitchen counter. Patty skipped back over to Liz and spotted the bundle in her arms.

"Oh, another one? I got it!" Patty chirped, reaching out for the towel. Before Liz could react, the kitten let out a high pitched yell, obviously startled. Patty pulled her hands back and looked at the towel wide-eyed. "What's in there?"

Kid peered in from the kitchen. "Liz...?"

Liz laughed a little. "So... have you two ever wanted a pet?"

A/N: Well, that's chapter one. Thank you for reading! ^^ Reviews are always appreciated. Thanks again. Bye, now!