A/N: Oh my god, it's been forever since I've updated! I am so sorry it's been ages but between classes, drama club, and finals coming up soon I've had no time on my hands. And to be honest writing this chapter was a marathon, but I finally finished though I'm not too thrilled with the result. But either way, I'm back and I'll go back to updating every Sunday (yes there will be another update tomorrow). Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter. Things will be picking up soon, so I think you'll enjoy the next few chapters. Thank you to everyone who has supported this story! You're all the best!

-Cassie xoxo

Quinn's POV

This week has been by far one of the most exhausting weeks in a while. Not only have we had Glee Club and Cheerios practice everyday, but Sue's training sessions have been kicking our asses. Even though we're making more and more progress with each passing day, it doesn't mean stress levels aren't skyrocketing. After the whole Puck-Rachel fiasco in the choir room there's been a lot of tension. Rachel was still angry at Puck and Puck had still thought that whole scenario was the funniest thing in the entire planet. Guess who had to intervene before Rachel did something she would regret? That would be me. I promised Rachel we would plan our revenge. Santana and Brittany said they would help us, and with that Rachel cooled down a bit. Poor Puckerman had no idea there was something waiting for him in the near future.

At least now it was Friday, also known as Game Night.

"Home sweet home." Santana proclaimed, tossing her things on the couch. I slammed the door shut once everyone was inside.

"I believe that this is Rachel's house, Santana." I chuckled, walking across the room to join everyone else. She shrugged from her spot on the couch.

"Well this is where we've been spending all our time, so it's like all of our second home." Santana explained. I nodded thoughtfully; she did have a point. When we weren't at school, Glee Club, Cheerios practice, or with Sue, we were almost always at Rachel's house. We were rarely home these days. Not that I was complaining, of course. I loved spending all this time with all of my friends, especially Rachel, even though there always seemed to be some kind of argument going on.

Rachel laughed. "Well you are all welcome here at any time, so call it your second home if you wish."

"Awesome!" Puck called out from the kitchen. "That means I get to raid the fridge whenever I want." I rolled my eyes.

Santana sneered. "Yeah, raid all the vegan crap." Suddenly Santana disappeared from her spot on the couch. A yelp could be heard from the kitchen. Rachel and Brittany doubled over in laughter.

"Not cool Satan, not cool." Puck muttered as Santana laughed at him.

"Cool or not, that was fucking hilarious." Santana snickered. "I wish I could have gotten a picture of your face just then."

"As much as I enjoy you torturing Noah," Rachel began with a laugh, "I say let's move on and do something more productive in nature, like cook dinner." Everyone's eyes lit up at her suggestion.

"Oh god yes!" Kurt exclaimed, jogging into the kitchen. We all followed him into the kitchen and helped Rachel with cooking dinner.

Once we successfully made a nice meal without burning the house to the ground, we scarfed down our dinner and headed into the basement for Game Night. When Rachel pulled out her game of Apples to Apples, we knew we were all set for the night.

I sighed as I picked up the cards laid out for the description of 'terrible'. "Okay, let's see. We have peanuts, tyrannosaurus rex, oranges, doing the dishes, the Great Depression, spiders, and-hey wait a damn minute, who the hell put down Martin Luther King Jr.?"

Puck raised his hand sheepishly with a giant grin on his face. "That would be me."

"You're terrible." I snapped, throwing the cards at his face. "Doing the dishes wins."

"Yes!" Blaine cried out proudly. "One more for Blaine Anderson!"

"Whatever," Santana muttered. "Everyone knows oranges are like the most terrible thing on this planet."

"Oranges are delicious." Kurt said defensively.

"I think a T-Rex is more terrible than all of those combined." Brittany stated frowning. "Like. they're huge and cause mass destruction. Doing the dishes is just lame, but not terrible."

"A T-Rex would be terrible if they actually existed in modern times." Kurt muttered. Santana's head immediately snapped in his direction, a deadly look on her face. I sighed; this could take a while.

"Watch it Porcelain or I will make damn sure you see a T-Rex sometime before you go to sleep tonight. Then tell us how terrible it is." Santana threatened Kurt, smiling sweetly. Kurt's face paled.

Everyone's attention turned to Rachel when she suddenly blurted out, "Have you all put some consideration into the superhero idea?" Everyone fell silent as they looked at her incredulously.

"You're kidding me, right? Did we not just have this argument not even five days ago?" Kurt asked.

"I had thought you all would have put a little bit more thought into this idea." Rachel said defensively. "You all had almost a week to process the idea."

"Yeah, and we all still feel the fucking same." Santana snapped. "Look Rachel, I get where you're coming from, but it's too fucking soon."

"Fine, I respect your decision." Rachel snapped. "Just know where I stand on this issue."

"Puck, it's your turn to pick a green card." I said quickly, changing the topic before things got out of hand. I could see tempers beginning to flare, and the last thing we need right now is an explosive argument.

Puck clapped his hands together in anticipation. "Alright, let's do this!" He picked up a green card and smirked. "The adjective is delicious."

And with that we continued with our game night. It was full of laughter and petty arguments as most game nights are, but throughout the night I couldn't help but notice how Rachel's colors were dull despite her seemingly cheerful attitude. She was sulking while keeping on her show face.

In that moment I realized how much this crime fighting thing means to Rachel. And with that realization came a realization about myself.

Did I really want to wait to go out and help people? I had these amazing powers that I could use to help people right this second. I don't want to be that selfish person who sits on their ass and does nothing to help people. Did the others have a point? They absolutely did. But what they think is completely irrelevant to what I feel.

Once everyone left aside from Kurt and myself who were spending the night, I felt completely confident in what I believed. I was sick of feeling like a selfish bitch. My entire life people have criticized me for my words and actions, and now it was time to prove them wrong. Show them I am a good person, that I can be selfless.

Filled with renewed purpose, I strode towards Rachel.

"I want to help you." I stated in determination. "Fight crime, that is." Kurt's head snapped toward me, a look on his face that clearly said what in the world are you doing?

Rachel stood there stunned before speaking. "Are you serious?" The spark of hope and happiness in her eyes only cemented my decision,

I smiled at her. "Absolutely. This past week I've been doing some soul searching about this whole thing. I have come to the conclusion that I'm ready. Just this week alone we've made so much progress, and I think we can really do some good in the world right now. Well, not like earth shaking disasters, of course, but maybe just helping out locally." I watched as Rachel slowly broke out into a grin.

"I hate to be the party pooper here, but must I remind you two that this is a terrible idea?" Kurt asked from the other side of the room. "We aren't ready to go all Marvel and save the world from an alien invasion. First let's start off slow and save each other from being shoved off the bleachers by Coach Sylvester."

"Well Kurt that is your opinion and you can still take your time with training, but I feel like I am ready for the task at hand." Rachel said stubbornly, a smile on her face.

Kurt sighed. "Well if Rachel Berry sets her mind to something, there's no stopping her." Rachel beamed proudly. "Alright, fine. The two of you have my blessing to go run around in capes and spandex. I won't be joining you however."

"And that's your decision, which I fully respect." I said nodding. "And this is ours."

"Just don't do anything stupid, which I don't think you two will." he said. After a minute he added, "Well, I know you won't. Rachel is another story." Rachel responded by playfully smacking him.

"Hey Kurt, can I ask you a favor?" I asked.

Looking at me suspiciously, he said, "Depends on the favor."

"We're going to need help designing outfits." I smirked. Kurt's eyes lit up. "Think you're up for the challenge?"

"Don't say another word, Quinn Fabray. Both of you grab your things because we're heading to Kurt Hummel's Fashion Headquarters."

So what did you all think? Leave some feedback or any suggestions you might have :)