A/U guys!

"My my Draco. Gave us a little scare there." Pansy said. "You just almost got out of this one. Funny thing is though…out of every life you two have shared…this is the one she is in the most danger. Do you know why?" Pansy paced around the hospital room, with her arms crossed over her chest. She waited for an answer from Draco, but he was asleep. But she knew he had heard her.

"Because…you cant do anything. You cant save her this time."

Draco jumped and snapped his eyes open. It was dark in his room, except for the lights that the machines gave off. Pansy wasn't in the room with him like he thought. He panicked. He knew Pansy had been in there, he knew she had said those things to him.

He knew Hermione was in danger. He knew that they were hunting her. He knew…he was too weak to help her. To save her. He was just too weak….

He laid there and stared up at the tile ceiling that was above him.


He couldn't just lie there like a stick in mud. He had to get up, he had to find her. He had to do something. But the only thing he knew to do would be to die. Then they would go to another life. But he was in the bloody hospital, he couldn't die here, because all the doctors and nurses would fight with him till he lived.

That plan was out.

He would have to get up, and walk. Even though he felt like he was made out of lead. He send the thought of moving throughout his body. Nothing. He was paralyzed.

He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and then let it out as he reopened his eyes. There, sitting beside him was a silhouette of a person sitting in a wheelchair.

The figure was dressed in hospital gowns, and they hung their head down in shame. But slowly looked up at Draco. Snape.

He looked…older. He looked…sick. He looked…like the grim reaper himself.

"Hello, Draco." He said in his deep monotone voice.

Draco nodded to him, they were both weak they were both sick. They…both needed to get out of here.

"You have to get her, Draco. You don't want to know what it is like to live without her." Snape explained.

Draco knew. He remembered what had happened to Severus Snape. He was…a legend just about. His story was he had fallen in love with a mortal named Lily back in the 60s.

Much like Draco, no one approved. But, instead of killing Snape in the first place and having him jumping around in his own lives. They killed her. And forced Snape to live, with his memory, full lives without her as punishment.

They were more alike than Draco thought.

"I know. I cant though…" Draco said and returned his attention to the roof.

"Take mine." Snape mumbled.

Draco looked over at him, confused.

"You are a strong death eater, Draco. You put your emotions into your power, that's why your so much stronger. That's why you killed Theo Nott. Because you knew you had to protect her. Draco…please. I'm tired of living without my love. They wont properly end me. They want me to suffer, and Draco if you let them touch her. You will end up like me. Living whole lives, knowing she wont be there."

Draco shook his head. "You're asking me to do something I cant do anymore."

"Draco…dark magic…you can do it. You can compete with them. They're after her right now."

Draco only stared blankly at him. He didn't want to loose her. But he hadn't been able to do magic since the day the placed him in this cycle. He didn't know how.

"It's like riding a bike, Draco. Unless you try, you'll always think you wont know how to. You just have to think about it. Aim at me. Please. Think about her. Think about loosing her. Think about what you felt when Theo was about to harm her. Or when you thought Pansy was going to touch her. What…will happen when they find her. Because you cant save her without power, and energy. Aim."

Draco looked over at the older man, and raised his left hand. Aiming at him. Snape nodded. "Think about her. Think about me hurting her. Me. Harming her. Her being killed."

Draco got the images and felt sadness, and rage. "Aim. And think. Take my energy. Kill them. Please, let me be with my Lily."

Suddenly, black smoke fired out of Draco's palm, it felt like someone was blowing on his hand and suddenly Snape was gone, and ash was in his chair.


Hermione walked alone down the hallways of the hospital to the locker room. She was ready to go home. Long day. She couldn't help that she had the feeling of being…watched.

Something watching her from the shadows. She was creeped out. But, she continued to walk to the lockers. Suddenly, the lights went out.

And Hermione stopped dead in tracks, and a chill ran down her back. She wanted to run. But she didn't know where to. She couldn't see!

Then, a single light came on and under it stood a girl. She was under the spot light. She had black hair, and a red leather suite, that matched her red lipstick.

"Looks like Draco got careless." She said and tilted her head to the side.

"Draco?" Hermione asked. Why would she bring up Draco?

"Yes. Draco." She said and walked towards her. The light she was recently standing under shut off, and the one she was walking under turned on, until she reached Hermione.

"What a pity. You were fun to hunt. But, it won't be as fun to kill you…if you don't know why." She brought her hand up and white light attacked Hermione and she…remembered that she had taken Draco from Pansy.

Pansy stood in front of her. And Hermione was terrified. Pansy merely smiled, "There we go. I like my prey to be scared of me before they die." Pansy said before wrapped her fingers tightly around Hermione's neck. Hermione tried to fight her off, but Pansy had something Hermione didn't. Magic.

Hermione felt her airway being cut off. She felt Pansy's grip tighten. "I never knew what he saw in you. Really. A mortal girl." Hermione could no longer get any air in her lungs and there spots in her vision. "A mortal." She sneered and lifted Hermione up.

Hermione knew she was going to die. Draco couldn't save her. He was so…weak, he wasn't in the condition to even stay awake. She knew it and Pansy knew it. That was why she had come after her.

Because Draco couldn't put a stop to it.

"You stole him. I hope you-" Pansy started to say, but then was quickly off of feet. Hermione fell to the ground, coughing uncontrollably. She laid on the trying to breathe, when she heard Pansy start talking, but it wasn't to her.

"Draco. When did you…become so powerful?"

Draco didn't touch her, and suddenly Pansy was on the wall. Pinned up and she couldn't move.

"Right when I realized what was going to happen." Draco said, and Hermione had to look up at him. He wasn't a sick patient. He was…Draco now.

"How. Sweet." Pansy sneered. Draco wrapped his hand around her throat. She really wasn't human. Does mean…he wasn't human either?

He was much stronger than she was now. He knew that. "I never liked you, Pansy." He said through clenched teeth and then yanked her off of the wall and threw her across the room. She crashed into metal shelves, and glass was shattered. Draco gracefully walked over to her as she stood up and held her head that was bleeding.

"She wont love you. For what you are. Why would she?" Pansy asked, and stumbled.

Draco approached her and looked down at Pansy. In a swift movement Draco reached in the place where her heart would be, and with magic easily wrapped his fingers around her heart, and pulled it out.

It thudded in his hand as he looked at it, and Pansy stared wide eye at what he had just done. All he had to do was crush it. And she would be gone. Just one…little squeeze.

"Draco. Draco please." Pansy begged. Draco looked over at her and held her heart up to show her.

"You, literally are…a heartless bitch." Draco sneered and squeezed the heart as tight as he could and it turned to ash, only seconds before Pansy turned to ash.

Draco looked back to where he had seen Hermione, only she wasn't there. He looked around for maybe a sign as to where she might have gone. But nothing.

He walked around the room, and eventually saw her in the corner. She was curled up and was frightened when she saw him. So frightened she wanted to scream. She didn't know what he was. Or that he wouldn't harm her. She didn't…know.

He tried to approach her, but when he reached her. A sharp pain hit him in chest. He looked down and saw that Hermione had attacked him with something. It was shot.

His legs gave out from beneath him and he fell over. Before he saw her run away from him. Then, like many times before. His world went black.


"See, I knew y'all would win." Hermione said to Draco in the truck.

"You're just my good luck charm." Draco said and leaned over to kiss her. It was raining outside and Draco insisted on driving Hermione, his college girlfriend, over to her apartment.

She pulled back and smiled. "Come on." She said and jumped out of his old black truck. He smiled to himself and climbed out into the rain before he joined her under the patio.

"Let's go watch a movie. I want to cuddle on the couch." She said and pulled him by the hand towards her apartment.

Draco sensed he was being watched and turned around and saw one. He saw a death eater, standing in the rain watching him. He turned back to Hermione as she dug for her keys.

"Hey, I forgot something in my truck. I'll be right back." He said and walked off towards his truck.

Only when she wasn't looking he ventured to where he had seen the death eater. He ran his hand over his face, and his white mask appeared and he summoned his cloak and seeked out the death eater, until he saw him spying on Hermione. Probably his target.

Draco summoned black smoke and attacked him. The smoke surrounded him and then he turned to ash. Draco made everything he wore disappear before he ran by his truck and pulled out the small ring box he had hidden, and then he ventured off to Hermione's apartment.

He would always protect her, besides…he quite liked this life. It was a good life.

The End!

Review please!

I've been busy lately, I didn't have time to plan out a long ending and I'm sorry, I had fully anticipated on having a long ending. But, I want you to have an ending, but I don't have time to write one. With school, UIL, band, and my aunt has gotten sick, and she's not going to be around more than 3 weeks from now, so we are going back and forth.

But here's an ending.

Review please!