I don't own Bleach

It's Only A Game

Chapter 2

Thank you for reading! I certainly didn't expect many people to read this fic. Whatever! Chapter 2!

The moment Soi Fon screamed, she was off, reaching her target in minutes.

Having the Hogokyu meant that Aizen was a force to be reckoned with. Soi Fon's attacks barely hit him. Suzumebachi was struck into him in about twenty places and she couldn't go fast enough to make a second shot before he was gone.

Of course it's not like he was the only one taking damage. Soi Fon was covered in her own blood and her newly formed arm had been broken already.
"You've gotten better." The man said, if he could still be called a man. He looked significantly like a butterfly, even though he would have probably argued that it was a moth.
"Whatever you say, Sôsuke-chan." He ground his teeth. He hated that title. Even though he didn't expect her to be un-formal, it wasn't her style at all, he didn't want her to be calling him "Sôsuke-chan."
"You're not paying attention." She said, stabbing him in the same place with Suzumebachi and backing up a few dozen paces.

The pain was overwhelming, even for him. It was like every cell in his body was being destroyed, one at a time.
"Now let's see if my theory's correct." Soi Fon said, crossing her arms and the mans body exploded.

"... Did you... really think that... THAT attack would... kill me?!" He said, staggering to his feet. His left arm was gone, completely gone. The blood flow had been cut off and there was a stub where the limb should be growing back.
"Surprised? Well, you should be. It's my ultimate technique, save for my bankai's version. It's called Sonshitsu no Sasu Yôna Itami," (Stinging pain of loss) She said, a smirk tugging at her lips. "I can chant it silently and use my typical Suzumebachi, but there's no chance of ever growing back your limb. Even WITH the Hogokyu." Aizen froze for a moment. She was right. It was like the arm hadn't existed in the first place.

"I can still fight, even without an arm."
"I know. But that at least weakened you, ne?" The man uttered a laugh.
"I don't think so." Soi Fon grimaced and was off in a second. His other arm was hit twice.
"AUGH!" He said, looking at the empty space. Kyôka Suigetsu was in Soi Fon's broken hand, being tapped with Suzumebachi. The sword exploded and the man fell to his knees.
"I don't think you get it, Sôsuke-chan. This is my game. And I'm going to win, and you're going to jail. Or, I'll kill you." She said, ripping the gleaming gem of the Hogokyu out of the man's chest, smashing it to pieces.

Blood exploded from Aizen's mouth and he slumped to the ground, near dead. Soi Fon picked up the largest shard she could find and said,
"Hogokyu... Aizen said you had a soul of your own, that you could read your master's heart. So, what was in his heart? Why did he do all this? And why, what is happening now?"

An interesting question. A deep voice said. Sôsuke Aizen's head wished for nothing more but than to rule all of the universe with an iron fist. Sôsuke Aizen's heart wished to be the person Kyôka Suigetsu made it seem like he was. He wanted to be kind. And that is what's Sôsuke Aizen you thought you knew is slowly coming back, however his memory of the past two hundred years will not. I hope that you will be alright with this, Soi Fon-sama.

"I'm not your master." The woman said.

I have a wish before I am destroyed. Please, collect up my pieces and give them to Kisuke Urahara, however much hatred you have for him. The Hogokyu said. I wish for him to research me.

"... Fine."

You have an interesting heart. You wish you could call your Master friend again, no? Soi Fon froze. This thing was reading her heart?!

You want her back in Seireitei, no?

"What do you know, Hogokyu?" She said angrily.

I can read your heart. However I am unable to complete that dream, I have begun your other desire. He will be the man you wish for now.

Soi Fon smiled, looking towards him. His arms were slowly remaking themselves.
"Thank you." She said, pocketing the shard, along with a few others she could actually hold.

Her minor cuts and bruises were being healed by the Hogokyu when Ômaeda came down again.
"T-Taicho! What's going on?!"
"Nothing. I won. Now, carry his body up to the fourth. He needs to be completely healed and put in the nicest holding cell we have until he's healed. Then, once he is, we reinstate him into the Fifth company. Now GO!" The man threw Aizen's body over his shoulders and carried him up to the Fourth.

{}{}{}Fifty Years Later{}{}{}

"Good morning, Captain!"
"Ohayou, Captain Aizen!"
"Morning, Taicho!" Momo Hinamori said as she held up a stack up papers for her Captain.
"Good morning, Hinamori-kun. What's that?"
"I-it's my report for the Assistant Captain's meeting tomorrow. C-could you review it for me, Taicho?" The man smiled warmly behind his glasses.
"Of course," He said, taking the papers. "And I think Hitsugaya-Taicho's been looking for you." Momo nodded and ran off.
"It's been a little too long, Sôsuke-chan." A familiar voice called from behind Aizen. He slicked back his hair and evilly smirked.
"Are we playing the game again?"
"No. Matsumoto wanted us to go out drinking with her and Ichimaru. I don't see what the big deal is, so none of that." His glasses went back on and his ruffled his hair back into his face.

Soi Fon grabbed his arm and they were gone in a second.
"MATSUMOTO!" She screamed.
"Coming!" Rangiku and Gin walked outside. He had shed his haiori and her necklace seemed a bit different.
"So, let's gooo!" She cooed and the four started their trec to the Rukongai.

And there it is! Finished with da twoshot! Thank you for reading, and please leave a review! Like, PLEASE leave a review. :) -3- Chiharu-chan!