So...who else was reduced to a puddle of tears at the end of the finale episode? Since we got rid of our cable I had to wait to watch the episode and there I am sitting at my desk, knowing full well that my OTP is about to happen, and I'm squealing in my chair and rocking back and forth like I'm in pain or something. Then it happens and I almost fall out of my chair because I'm so overcome with all the emotions known to mankind.

Blanket Disclaimer: It's getting annoying putting these on all of the chapters I write so here's a blanket disclaimer stating I own nothing.

Annie stood at the island counter, her knife clacking away at the cutting board. She turned her head slightly when she heard the laundry room door open and shut indicating that her husband was home from work. She heard his bag drop to the floor and his footsteps come towards the kitchen.

"Honey, I'm home!" Auggie sang. He laughed when he heard a long and disgusted groan escape from Annie. "Want me to try again, Hon?"

"No. Please, just stop trying."

"But then how else am I going to annoy you?" Auggie said walking over to Annie. "Where are you?"

"Island, in front of the fridge," Annie said without looking up.

"Before I slip my arms around your waist, are you holding anything sharp?" Auggie turned his head towards Annie. She put the knife down on the counter and turned to face Auggie.

"Not anymore," she said wrapping her arms around Auggie pulling him close and kissing the tip of his nose. "How was work today?"

"Eh, same old. Putting away criminals, saving the world and making it a safer place for my beautiful wife and…" At that moment, running footsteps entered the kitchen and two small arms wrapped themselves around Auggie's leg. "And wonderful son."

"Hi, Daddy!" Aaron said brightly. Annie released Auggie and went back to cutting up vegetables for dinner while Auggie and Aaron talked.

"Hey, buddy. What did you do today?"

"I colored and Mommy taught me new words."

"That's awesome," Auggie praised. "What new words did Mommy teach you?"

"These ones," Aaron said handing his father a sheet of paper. Auggie had a puzzled look on his face but Annie whispered for him to take it so he did. The paper was a small rectangle, about the size of a quarter sheet of paper, and was a heavy weight cardstock. Auggie felt along the paper with his right hand and smiled.

"Aaron, did you do this yourself?" Auggie said with awe as he ran his fingers over the Braille letters: I love you, Daddy,

"Yes, I did," beamed the four year-old. "Mommy checked it, too. Do you like it?"

Auggie squatted down and faced his son. "I love it, Aaron. And I love you, too." Auggie opened his arms and Aaron hugged him. "I love you so much, Aaron," Auggie said squeezing his son.

"Daddy!" Aaron squeaked. "I can't breathe!"

"Is that so?" Auggie asked still clutching his son. "Well, we can't have that now, can we?" With that said, Auggie swept his son off the floor, held him under his arm like a football, and ran into the family room with Aaron laughing the entire way.

I'm telling you, I was a puddle of tears. Keelan had to tell me to calm down and breathe.