If you have not read that fic, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200!

HA AHA HA...I'm kidding. Just go read the other fic first xP

For all the other faithful readers, sorry for the wait, but thank you for being patient! Enjoy!



"Don't worry, Kagome." Inuyasha said as he reluctantly placed his other hand on her cheek. "I promise you won't be lonely no more."

Kagome looked up at him with wide eyes, surprised by the determined look on Inuyasha's face as he lifted her up and began leading her and Takeshi out of the thunderstorm.

"I'm so scared, Inuyasha." Kagome said as she wept into his shoulder, clutching her baby tighter as he continued to sleep.

"Don't worry. I promise Naraku won't touch you." He said as he continued to run through the rain.

"I didn't think you would come." She admitted in a soft, sad voice.

"Why wouldn't I?" He said quickly as if she should have known better. 'I still love you. I cant let you get hurt anymore.' He thought to himself as he entered Kaede's hut, waking everyone inside.

Shippo rubbed his eyes and sat up. He could hardly see Inuyasha's figure but he recognized the scent, along with one other he could never forget.

"Is that Kagome with you?"

"Kagome?" the others said in surprise as they sat up.

"Give her some room! She's seriously injured!" Inuyasha demanded.

Kaede went to work starting a fire as Inuyasha laid her down.

Sango gently took Takeshi out of her arms allowing her to relax her body.

Kagome was so tired, overwhelmed wet and uncomfortable. She lost the feeling in her leg an hour ago.

Kagome was breathing heavily as the storm progressed and the thunder was causing her heart to thump. She was still shaken up.

She hissed in pain as Kaede began to bandage up her wound and clean the cut on her arm she never even noticed. The herbs stung her cut and she grimaced in pain.

"That should do it." Kaede said as she gently pat Kagome's side.

"Thank you." She said, following another one of her heavy breaths. "How's the baby?" She asked as she turned to Sango.

"Sleeping soundly." Sango said softly with a smile.

Kagome let out a sigh of relief and slowly closed her eyes.

"Kagome what happened to you? And where's Ko-" Inuyasha grabbed Shippo and threw him out into the rain, causing him to scream.

Kagome's mind flashed back to her husband.

Her dear husband who left her as a widow.

Shippo came back into the hut dripping wet and immediately started shouting at Inuyasha.

'I can't believe he's gone.' Kagome thought to herself as she began weeping again.

The two stopped arguing and turned their attention to her.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I don't think I can talk about this right now."

"That's perfectly fine. We all understand." Miroku said calmly as he stroked her shoulder.

'My shoulder? He's only stroking my shoulder?' Kagome thought to herself, feeling shocked about the gesture.

"Thank you." She said as she laid back down.

Inuyasha took off his Robe of the Fire Rat and draped it over Kagome. He could see the angst and exhaustion on her face and frowned deeply at the sight.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered to her as she slept.

Hours later...

Kagome woke up to feed Takeshi and put him back to sleep. She looked around and noticed the night was silent, the rain had stopped and Inuyasha was nowhere to be found.

She picked up his Fire Rat Robe and slowly limped outside, where she found him sitting on a fence, looking up at the moon.


Inuyasha turned and looked at her with a ghost of a smile running across his lips. "Hey. You sure you should be walking?"

"I just wanted to thank you for—"

"No, don't thank me." He said, leaving her with a surprised expression on her face. "I'm just glad you're okay. I'm glad you came to me."

"I didn't know who else to turn to. I'm all alone in the world."

"You're not alone. I won't let you be alone under any circumstances."

Kagome sighed and leaned against the fence by his side. "It's been months since I last saw you. I just wish things were different."


Inuyasha and Kagome stayed on that fence for a long time, until the dark sky began to turn to dawn.

"I should uh…head back inside. Takeshi will probably wake up soon."

Inuyasha nodded and watched her walk away.

'I'm glad she's here.' He thought. 'I just can't help but feel guilty. Deep down I…I wanted this to happen. But not like this.' He continued to think as he put his head in his palm. 'It wasn't supposed to happen like this.'

Later that day

Kagome was relaxing as Sango changed her bandages.

"Are you feeling any better?" Sango asked.

Kagome stared at Sango with 'Of course not! Why would you ask that?' Written all over her face.

"I-I mean your leg? Is it getting better?" She stammered as she was trying to stray away from everything else that was going on.

Kagome nodded. "I'll manage. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did when it got broken."

"I see." Sango finished changing the bandages and gave Kagome a comforting pat on the shoulder before heading outside to meet up with Miroku and Shippo.

"Sango! Has Kagome said anything at all to you about what happened?"

Sango shook her head disappointedly. "Inuyasha said Naraku was chasing her. I'm assuming he might have injured her and possibly even killed Koga."

Shippo's eyes widened. "You mean Koga is…"

"It looks that way. Even Inuyasha thinks so."

Back in the hut

Over time, Takeshi began to look like Koga. Every time Kagome would look at his face, she would see Koga. It was a wonderfully depressing sight for her. It would make her smile and feel like she was on the verge of crying.

Just as a tear fell from her eye, Inuyasha entered the hut. Kagome quickly wiped the tear away and put on a false smile.

"You don't have to hide anything from me, Kagome. I know how hard it is." He told her sincerely as he sat down.

Kagome didn't know how to respond. She just looked at him, wondering when he had become so understanding.

"I just wanna know…what are you gonna do now?"

Kagome hadn't thought about what she would do, or even where she would go. She pondered it for a second before the idea came to her.

The plan for her and Takeshi's future.