Author's Note: Hello again fellow Suitors! I am back to present you with more Marvey goodness. Welcome to the sequel to Belonging. This picks up a week after ousting Hardman and Harvey and Mike's first kiss. Enjoy!
167 hours, 32 minutes and 18 seconds. That was how long it had been since Harvey had kissed Mike. 167 hours, 32 minutes and 20 seconds since Mike had kissed him back. Harvey sat at his desk with his face resting in his hands. He kept reminding himself that it had only been a week, but his mind continued to turn that week in to the largest possible number because that week had felt like forever. After they had been interrupted by Donna and Jessica, Mike had taken his leave, slipping out of the building quietly during Jessica's second round of toasting. It had bothered Harvey slightly to notice his associate had left without saying a word but left it be. He knew Mike probably needed time to process what had happened between the two of them. Hell, he needed time. But that didn't stop the sinking feeling in his chest when Mike walked in to work the next morning acting like nothing had happened at all.
Harvey tried to follow Mike's lead and just let it go. After two days of pretending, it became apparent that forgetting just wasn't going to happen. Every time the senior partner closed his eyes, he felt the soft yet firm ghosting of Mike's lips on his and it drove him nearly insane.
"Either you go talk to him or I will." Donna's voice made Harvey jump and almost fall out of his leather chair.
"Jesus fucking Christ Donna." He hissed at his secretary, shooting her a glare that made lesser men crumble. Harvey ran a shaking hand down his face trying to calm his nerves.
"Don't give me that look Harvey Specter. And don't you dare try to deflect what I just said by giving me a speech on not scaring you either. You need to get off your finely suited ass and go talk to Mike."
Harvey tried to feign nonchalance and leaned back in to his chair, his hands folded on his chest.
"And why should I do that?" He kept his voice solid; he even tried to inject some of his usual playfulness in to his eyes. But he knew better than to try to fool Donna. She knew him better than anyone.
The fiery redhead rolled her eyes and sauntered further in to his office. Once she was standing in front of his oversized desk she folded her arms across her chest and sank back on to one heel.
"Because you both have been doing shit work the past week and I have to keep making excuses to Bob Peterman for why you won't return his calls. I mean really Harvey? I know you have a heartless douche persona to uphold but this is too much. First you kiss the poor kid and then you go on treating him like a helpless puppy again the next day." The blatant exasperation and accusatory tone she used towards him made his blood boil. This woman was lucky she meant so much to him or his coming outburst would have taken her head off. Harvey shot up out of his chair and leaned over his desk.
"I'm not the one acting like nothing happened here Donna. He is. I had every intention of actually talking and maybe even taking it further but he's the one that came in here hiding behind stacks of files and acting like it was same shit, different day! Without any regard as to how I might be feeling about the situation I might add!" His voice didn't raise but the venom and urgency were there. His eyes bore in to hers; furiously begging her to understand that this was not the way he had wanted things to play out. He was met with a smug look on her beautiful face and he was suddenly wary of her. He watched in horror as she turned her head towards his office door and smiled.
"Did you get all of that?"
Harvey's brown eyes followed her line of sight and was stunned to see Rachel's smiling face looking between him and Donna. She brought her hand up to shoulder height and waved a slim silver device back and forth. Harvey had to focus his eyes a moment before he realized it was Louis' Dictaphone.
"Yeap." Was all the darker woman said in reply, the smile still plastered on her face. Harvey turned his now nervous gaze back to Donna.
"What the hell?" He questioned quietly. The full gravity of what the two women had just done sunk in then and he was suddenly livid. He turned back to Rachel and started towards her but he didn't make it two steps before Donna jumped in front of him and put a hand on his chest.
"Whoa big guy, just wait a minute. There is something you need to hear before you go all hulk smash on this place again." Now that she had Harvey thoroughly confused, she nodded in Rachel's direction. The younger woman pressed the rewind button on the small device and after roughly two minutes pressed play again. Mike's voice sounded from it, sending an involuntary chill through Harvey.
"I don't know why I left Rach. I was in shock I guess? Sure, I baited him in to kissing me but I didn't really think he'd do it."
"Well then what's your excuse for being a pussy now Michael? You've been avoiding him like the plague for a week and when you have to interact with him you pretend like being near him doesn't drive you crazy."
"How the hell would you know that?" Harvey couldn't help but smirk when he heard a distinct smacking sound that must have been Rachel hitting Mike.
"Because I'm a woman, genius. Plus it helps having Donna as a friend."
"What does Donna have to do with this?"
"Oh nothing. She just happened to say that Harvey has been distracted all week and looked particularly crestfallen when you walked in there Thursday morning like nothing had happened."
"Really? Then why hasn't he said anything to me?"
"I don't know Mike. Why don't you ask him yourself?"
"And say what? 'Hey Harvey, care to talk about the incredibly hot make out session we had the other day?' No thank you. It's already hard enough dealing with how much I care about him. The last thing I need is to have rejection thrown in my face. I honestly don't think I could handle it coming from him."
The recording cut off then, leaving Harvey stunned to silence. Mike thought he was going to reject him? That actually explained a lot. Harvey took a step back so that Donna's hand fell back to her side. He cleared his throat and ran a hand down his front, smoothing out his tie.
"Where is he?" His voice was soft and pleading, his eyes moved back and forth between his currently two favorite women.
"File room. And if you don't march your ass straight down there, I will. And then he'll get to hear your little outburst. Imagine how awkward that would be." Donna's voice took on a singsong quality as she turned and lead Rachel out of the office, leaving Harvey to glare at her retreating form.
Harvey took in a deep breath to steady himself. Hearing Mike voice his insecurities had unnerved him. Sure the kid was awkward at times but he really had no reason to be so self-conscious. He was an attractive man and smart as hell. So smart he almost intimidated Harvey some times. Harvey just couldn't fathom why in the hell Mike would think he would reject him after that kiss. He had tried to put all of the foreign emotions he was feeling in to it. Maybe it was the fact that Harvey wasn't entirely sure what he was feeling yet. All he knew right at that moment was that he wanted to figure it out; and to do that he needed Mike.
Harvey was walking past Donna and down the hallway before finding Mike was even a solid thought in his head.
"Go get 'em tiger." Donna encouraged him as he strode past. He smirked at her and continued on his way, determination in every step. The other associates that littered the hallways practically dove out of his way but the usual enjoyment he took from it was nowhere to be found. Harvey had tunnel vision right now and the only associate that could cure it stood about 5'9, had brilliantly blue eyes, and a mind as sharp as a knife. He reached the file room door and didn't even hesitate to turn the handle and push it open. He was on a mission.
Mike was sitting at the tiny desk proofing a case file when Harvey shoved the door open so hard it bounced off the wall and slammed shut behind him. He jumped up knocking his chair over and fought the urge to cower under the intense look on his boss' face.
"Are we alone?" Harvey's voice was like liquid gold and made Mike's knees weak. He opened his mouth to answer but when no noise came out he tentatively nodded his head in the affirmative.
"Good." He watched Harvey reach behind him and lock the door.
"Harvey wha-" But his questioning was cut off by Harvey taking two long strides, pining the younger man against the wall behind him and crashing his lips down on Mike's; effectively knocking the wind out of both of them. He shuddered and gripped the lapels of Harvey's suit jacket when he felt his tongue brush across his lips, begging for access. Mike all too willingly parted his lips and thrust his tongue out to meet him. They continued their intimate embrace until air became a necessity. Harvey very reluctantly pulled back only enough to rest his forehead on Mike's, his breath dancing on the associate's face.
Mike looked up at the gorgeous man who still had him pinned to the wall. He almost allowed himself to be happy for a moment but then his hesitation and confusion set in. He gave Harvey a questioning look, to which Harvey smirked and let out a slow sigh.
"You know, for being a boy genius and self-proclaimed people person, you really aren't that perceptive."
AN: Well there's the first chap! I was gonna leave it off with Harvey decided to go hunt down Mike but what kind of person would I be if I didn't give you some Marvey at the end? A terrible person, that's what. This chap is a little shorter than my norm but that'll probably change as we move along. I will update as often as possible, a week will be the longest gap between updates for sure. I am in the process of switching careers but will keep you guys notified on when to expect what.
For those updates and some randomness please follow me on twitter! NicAm13. See ya'll next chap!