A/N: I know a lot of you have been waiting for me to update my pirates story but this story has temporarily taken precedence as it is a birthday present for the most amazing best friend ever: ThePurpleness. I intend to finish this story by this Saturday and then get back to work on pirates BUT if the Huskers win their next game that day I will work tirelessly to update pirates on Sunday. Good deal? Well that's the deal anyway. GO BIG RED!

p.s. Yes my beloved purpley one, I had to squeeze that in there lol

Disclaimer: You know it, I know it, I don't own it.

Free of any obstruction, two smooth, pale, and strong hands gently caressed her bare hips. Upwards, they skimmed across taught skin and quivering muscles before reaching a pair of firm, yet supple breasts. Though not particularly large, they were the perfect size for his hands. A perfect handful and a perfect mouthful. Gently he tugged on the pebbled flesh so wantonly displayed before him and she gasped beneath him when in the next second, he blew a soft, cool breath on the now moist flesh. As his one hand continued working her breasts, his second traveled down, parting her moistened lips and feeling her eagerness for all of him.

Slowly, he peppered kisses upwards along her skin, pausing to nip at the juncture between her neck and collarbone, following her jaw line and gently tugging her earlobe before whispering her name into her ear causing shivers to cascade down her spine. He pulled back far enough that she could gaze into his two endless pools of violet wonders, unparalleled by any eyes she had seen thus far in her thirty-six years of life. He seemed to contemplate the perfect words to express his need, desire, and love for her and opened his mouth to draw in a deep breath before speaking the words that would change the status of their relationship forever more,

"Good morning London! It's eight o'clock and partly cloudy with more than a slight chance of hale later in the day so all you pedestrians out there might need more than an umbrella. In other news-"

Samantha mumbled to herself as she rolled over and smacked her alarm until it stopped talking. 'Of course...a dream. It had to be a dream.' She thought to herself. Oddly enough however, she couldn't shake it. Those eyes, they haunted her. She had been having dreams of this wonderful violet-eyed man on and off for the last two months. Each time, she woke with an aching between her legs, longing to be released by a wondrous and slightly eccentric man with purple orbs that seemed to glow with emotion. The morning she awoke after having this dream for the first time, she had officially declared purple as her absolute favorite color. If only such a man truly existed.

But who ever heard of purple eyes?

Sighing dejectedly, she heaved herself out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Samantha co-owned a bakery with her favorite person in the whole world; her slightly psychotic but absolute best friend, Jasmine. The two made an awesome team. Where Jasmine was a master in the kitchen making things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; Samantha couldn't make an un-burnt piece of toast to save her life. Where Samantha worked wonders with sugars and sweets, Jasmine couldn't tell the difference between fondant and chocolate molds. Where Jasmine seemed completely outgoing and rambunctious on the outside, she was structured and organized on the inside; and where Samantha seemed slightly reserved and shy on the outside, she had one of the most amazing imaginations a person could ever encounter, short of meeting the great Willy Wonka that is.

Jasmine and Samantha were seemingly opposites in every way, but the two were closer than conjoined twins. Samantha was the heart of the bakery. It absolutely would not run without her and Jasmine was virtually banned from the kitchens unless someone was there to instruct her. Jasmine's use came with bringing their ho-hum bakery out from the shadows. Jasmine had graduated from a local university with a degree in business and a minor in art; it was her job to advertise all the wonders that Samantha was capable of baking.

One thing that constantly drove the two insane around each other however, was Samantha's unwillingness to take risks. She had always feared rejection, and with things such as tastes and treats, rejection was an all too probable possibility. She had ideas more grand than any ordinary sweet maker and Jasmine thoroughly believed that she belonged in the large grey factory overlooking their town. Almost all of her truly original ideas were the same sort of far-fetched 'impossibilities' that Willy Wonka had made possible! But Samantha lacked the tools and inventions to make her ideas happen and thus would simply share her latest idea with Jasmine and then forget she ever had it.

Samantha had always aspired to one day work for the legend known as Willy Wonka; admiring from afar and gawking at the marvels to come from his factory, she had just never been able to force herself to present her ideas to him. And now it was too late. The factory doors were closed to all but one Charlie Bucket, a lucky little scrapper who won the prize of a lifetime – inheritance of Willy Wonka's fantasy land of chocolates.

No sooner had Samantha stepped out of her now steam-filled bathroom wrapped in a warm and fuzzy, white towel did Jasmine burst through the door to her flat proclaiming, "The fun has arrived!" With a flamboyant wave of her hips she wrapped her arms around her best friend, ignoring her state of undress and continued, "And she's got awesome news that's just going to make you scream and jump and yell and hop and shout and skip and-"

"Jazz!" Samantha exclaimed trying to get her friend to calm down, "I get it, I'll love it, now what is it?" She asked exasperatedly as she turned to get ready, not caring if Jasmine was there or not.

"Guess who's got another contest?" Jasmine said in a sing-song tone while waving a colorful flyer in the air.

"No way!" Samantha's eyes widened as she stared at the paper being waved about, she quickly threw on the first clean shirt she found and snatched the flyer, bringing it closer to her face as she read and a grin worthy of the Cheshire cat grew.

"Way Sammy! Wonka's got a contest and you are entering! I am not taking 'no' for an answer! This is totally a legitimate excuse to get some of your crazy cool ideas on paper and in production! Just read the paper, it's got it all written right there! And it's more information he ever gave for those five stupid kids I'll tell you that! Not that Charlie Bucket is stupid mind you, I always liked that kid; he was just so cute and adorable just standing there staring through the bakery window, you know I'd sneak him a cupcake every now and then, anyway-"

By this point Samantha had completely tuned out her friend as she read and reread the paper in her hand:

I Willy Wonka, (and I suppose he, Charlie Bucket), would like you, the people, to take part in a contest sponsored by Wonka Industries. It is easy to create candy that children will love when you work with the mind of a child. But adults enjoy the occasional treat as well do they not? The contest is simple and if you wish to participate, please take an envelope containing contest rules and such else.

She then looked up and saw Jasmine still holding the envelope as she ranted, "Jazz can I see the envelope please?" Samantha asked calmly.

"Hmm? Oh right, the envelope, well here you go. Now as I was saying we really should-"

Once more Jasmine's words were tuned out as Samantha concentrated on the words in front of her on the piece of paper that would no doubt change her life. Jasmine was certain that Samantha would win and the more she thought about it, the more Samantha thought she could win as well. After all, her ideas truly were one of a kind. The paper read thusly:

To participate you must be age adult and older, you must submit an original idea that adults everywhere will enjoy as a candy or chocolate, I have many resources at my disposal and should you plagiarize any such work, you will be persecuted to the extent of my, and my fellow chocolate man's, power. (And that is a very high mark mind you.)

Simply write down an idea and seal it in this envelope. Walk through the gates of my factory (which will remain open during the course of this contest but HEAVILY guarded, anyone who walks in for any reason besides submitting their idea will be forcibly, and quite probably painfully, removed from the premises and will forever more be banished from the grounds for the rest of their existing life), come up to the main doors, and slide your envelope through the mail slot. This ensures that your idea will not be stolen or removed from this contest before I have had the chance to evaluate it.

The prize for winning will be well worth your time and effort because only the best idea will win. I repeat: ONE IDEA WILL WIN. And will be sold with the Wonka patent. Of course I and my partner are not one for taking credit for another's hard work. A share of the profits will thus be awarded to you, along with the first right to try your finished product.

Participants with credible ideas will also receive a free sample of their own ideas (made one of a kind for them alone); these ideas WILL NOT be marketed.

~ Sincerely Willy Wonka... and Charlie Bucket.

Samantha laughed at the smaller scrawl that was, evidently, Charlie Bucket attempting to squeeze his name into the paper after Willy had 'forgotten' to add it in. Jasmine had stopped talking a while ago and silently watched her friend smile wider and wider until she was laughing before asking, "So Sammy? Whaddya say? Are you going to give this a shot?"

Samantha looked up into her friend's hopeful eyes and smiled; giving one determined nod of her head she sealed her fate, "Yes." She replied, "I think I will."