I don't own the HP series or the Remus Lupins' songs. Also - if you go to youtube and search the Remus Lupins you will have a playlist (the longer one) where the songs are at the same order as my story... Enjoy!

I was hanging out in the Shrieking Shack
But now I'm never going back

Now I've got friends here, that's right
We're standing tall and smiling wide
At Hogwarts, it's true we ruled the school
And you can never be as cool
As you are with Marauders at your side
You're standing tall and smiling wide

I was a teenage werewolf
Doing the best that I can
But noone understands
How evil intervened
And cut short my scene

I've got a furry little problem
I was reminded by O.W.L. question ten
Watching the sky for the moonlight
You get too close and I might bite
Lycanthropy is at the top of my resumes
Unless I'm howling, I never know what to say
I'm licking my wounds, you know it's true
I cannot hide that I fell for you

I was a teenage werewolf
Doing the best that I can
I wanna hold your hand
But evil intervened
And cut short our scene

I was a teenage werewolf

I was a teenage werewolf
Doing the best that I can
I wanna hold your hand
But evil intervened
And cut short our scene

They all sat in silence for a minute before Lily went over and sat beside Remus.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, and wrapped her hands around him.

"Thanks" he mumbled.

"This is going to be hard isn't it?" Sirius asked.

The three others nodded.

"Let's go through line by line then." suggested Lily and went to sit beside her boyfriend.

"You alright?" James whispered into her ear.

She nodded, looking determined, and started reading.

"I was hanging out in the shrieking shack… Why were you in the shrieking shack?" she looked inquisitively at Remus.

"That's where I go on my, my transformation…"

"Oh. Sorry."

"Listen, Lily, don't apologize all the time, or we won't get anywhere…" Remus said patiently. Only his fellow marauders could hear the slight irritation in his voice.

"Sorry. I mean, let's keep reading." she flushed.

James chuckled and kissed her on the head.

" But now I'm never going back" Sirius read. "So it seems we've just finished school"

"Either that, or I'm telling this as a story" Remus said.

Sirius just nodded absent mindedly.

" Now I've got friends here, that's right
We're standing tall and smiling wide
At Hogwarts, it's true we ruled the school
And you can never be as cool"
Lily read.

"Yeah" both Sirius and James cheered and Lily rolled her eyes.

"As you are with Marauders at your side
You're standing tall and smiling wide"
she finished off. "So, this makes sense, doesn't it?"

They all nodded.

" I was a teenage werewolf
Doing the best that I can
But noone understands
How evil intervened
And cut short my scene"
Lily read.

"It seems you are telling this as a story Remus." James said, "but obviously something bad happened. "

"This looks like their setting the scene for us." Sirius added, " do you think it'll all be in chronological order?"

"I guess we'll have to wait for the rest of the songs." Lily said.

"Also," Remus started," I think someone should write out all the important points we find"

They all looked at him pointedly.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it." he took out a quill and some parchment.

" I've got a furry little problem
I was reminded by O.W.L. question ten"

"Why do they know this kind of information?" Sirius asked. "I barely remember that. I thought the book was about your son."

James shrugged.

"Maybe it's written in an annoying flashback style. Maybe we told Harry – although that is a very random piece of information to be telling him. Maybe it was a memory" Remus said.

" Watching the sky for the moonlight
You get too close and I might bite
Lycanthropy is at the top of my resumes"
Lily looked shocked for a moment, as realization took over. "You, you'll find it hard to find work, won't you?"

Remus nodded, staring at his hands.

Lily looked ready to apologize again but thought the better of it and just kept reading.

" Unless I'm howling, I never know what to say"

"So not true" James sighed dramatically, as if he wished it was so.

Remus glared at him.

Lily decided to stop it before it goes too far. " I'm licking my wounds, you know it's true
I cannot hide that I fell for you".

"Oooooh." both James and Sirius chorused, not able to stop themselves.

"Guys, this an important point." Lily said, glancing from between the smirking dark haired boys and the blushing werewolf.

Remus scribbled it down quickly and motioned for Lily to continue.

"It just keeps saying the chorus again."

"So we've got so far this :

Something very bad happens and

I have a love later in my life – we do not nessecarily know it is mutual."

"Oh, Mooney!"

"What, it's true, we have to write the facts." Remus said, "Have we got it all?"

"Think so" Sirius said.

Just then a second song appeared floating underneath the first.