Present Day Mystic Falls

Elena was a far cry from the girl who left almost a month ago, after talking to her again in her dream, Elena said that she would come back. But there was something that Elena was hiding and Bonnie tried to her best to ask her friend, but Elena wouldn't budge. She could see that Elena was in love with Klaus, that much was obvious. But the rest seemed a total mystery. Another thing she didn't understand was how she could feel that way...after so short a time.

"What are we doing for the decade dance?" Caroline asked her, usually she was the girl with ideas but something was going on with her too.

"I was hoping you had some ideas, but if not...maybe the 80's?" Bonnie suggested. That seemed to brighten up Caroline's face. She had something to focus on and somewhere to start from.

"Fluro! Big hair, this calls for a shopping trip. When is Elena getting here? We've been waiting an hour" Caroline hadn't noticed anything different about Elena. Katherine put on a very good act as Elena and sometimes she had Bonnie wondering too. But Bonnie knew what Katherine was really like. She was a vampire and not one of the nice ones at that. She was doing this all for herself.

"I'm here!" Katherine yelled, walking into Caroline's house, she was soon walking into Caroline's room.

"The 80's huh? When are we shopping?" She asked, smiling widely and Caroline grinned back at her.

"See? Elena is getting in the spirit! Lets go Bonnie" She stood up, taking her friends with her downstairs. Katherine was driving them and Bonnie just had to suck it up. This was going to be all worth it in the end wasn't it?

10th Century Mystic Falls

Tomorrow was Elena's wedding day, just that small sentence even seemed unbelievable to Elena. But not to Tatia who thought that this was coming from day one. Elena wasn't sure about any of the traditions from this century. Was she allowed to Niklaus or wasn't she? She definetly knew their view on sex. But Elena was nervous about that too, even having Caroline as a friend (who bless her heart, always meant well), she still didn't want to know much about it. Sex was with somebody you loved. And she loved him. How it was possible to fall in love with someone that quickly she didn't know. But it still happened.

Elena tried to force herself to think of something different, because although she was nervous, there was no denying to herself that she wanted this. She had to keep herself from jumping him before tomorrow night. She went and sought Tatia out for advice. She didn't have Caroline or Bonnie here and now she saw the girl as one of her closest friends, a sister.

When she arrived at the house Elijah was sitting with her and Elena almost walked right out. She didn't want to interrupt anything.

"Come in, Miss Petrova. I was just about join Niklaus" He said, giving her a warm smile.

"I don't want to interrupt" Elena replied, shaking her head.

"We were just discussing baby names, but Elijah was really about to head. So come keep me company" Tatia added. It seemed she had grown up immensely in just a few days.
"If you're sure"

"We're sure, you two need to discuss tomorrow I'm sure" Elijah kissed wife on the forehead before heading out the door to see his brother. Elena waited until the door was properly shut until she collapsed on the small couch in a rather unladylike manner.

"You look as if you have a lot on your mind..." Tatia mused, prompting Elena to at least talk about it.

"I do, but I'm rather afraid to ask you for advice about this..." Elena trailed off, looking down at her hands. Tatia gently gave one of her hands a squeeze.

"You're my sister, you can ask anything. Even if you think it will make me blush" She said, offering Elena a smile. Elena laughed quietly and looked to Tatia again.

"It is about my wedding night, now normally it wouldn't seem like such a big deal to me. But this is Niklaus and my feelings for him...well they are unlike anything I have ever known. And I don't want to be a big disappointment to him" She said. Tatia pondered her words for a moment, thinking how to explain this all to her.

"It is a big deal, but in the most wonderful way you can imagine. Now I may have made a mistake in the past. But my wedding night, it was the most amazing night of my life and I had always thought Elijah would be so reserved" Tatia said with a naughty smile adjourning her lovely face. Elena couldn't help but laugh. She had never imagined Tatia could be so blunt, not that she wanted to know what Elijah was like in bed.

"You have made me feel better, you will just have to keep me from jumping him before then" Elena said, half teasing and half serious.

"One more day, Elena. One more day and will be all yours" Tatia hugged her gently and Elena rested her head on her shoudler.

"So, what names were you thinking?" She asked curiously.

"We were thinking Elena for a girl and Niklaus for a boy, our two favourite people in the world" She said, holding her stomach. In six months she would have her child and have a proper family. She was made for this and Elena could clearly see that. When it was late Elijah walked her home and went to his house. So she wasn't going to get to Niklaus tonight. She was a little disappointed and relieved at the same time. She wouldn't be tempted.

Or so she thought. It was a little over half an hour after she went to bed (as she guessed) before Niklaus came sneaking in the back and sat next to her. She was tired, but not unhappy to see him.

"I thought that I wasn't supposed to see you" She said smiling up at him and taking his hand in hers.

"I had to see you, you've become part of my everyday life" He whispered.

"You know how to charm a woman" She teased.

"My charms would be nought were you not in love with me" He shot back. She laughed, sitting up in her bed to look at him.

"And how do you know that I am in love with you?" She asked him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Because you fought for me" He answered seriously. Elena's heart melted. He was just a boy who didn't have the love of his father and his mother didn't fight for him. She was too afraid. He needed someone who would choose him always. Elena was going to be that person and more than ever she was looking forward to forever with him.

"I will always fight for you" She whispered, leaving a long lingering kiss on his lips. Before she had the chance to pull away, he pulled her closer to him and deepened the kiss. Elena wanted this, she didn't want to fight it. So she pulled Niklaus down on top of her, pushing away the blankets. The heated kisses that they weren't supposed to share yet, it felt even more amazing than before. Niklaus was without a belt and Elena was thankful for that. She pulled on shirt which he hastily removed before attaching his lips to hers once again. His fingers traveled down her sides and he started pulling up the thin night gown she was wearing.

"You two better not be doing what I think you're doing. Niklaus sneak out and I will not your parents about this!"

Elena groaned frustration and Niklaus buried his face in her neck. She laughed after a moment and held him tight.

"Perhaps we had better save this tomorrow night after all" She said.

"Perhaps it is best, but not preferable" He gave her another kiss before crawling off of her and standing up to pull his shirt on.

"Until tomorrow and then you shall be my wife" He gave Elena his best smile before sneaking back out. Elena pulled the covers over herself and groaned. Tomorrow could not come any sooner.

Present Day Mystic Falls...

Elena was getting a little sick of waking in her room with Bonnie sitting across from her. She just wanted to get on with her sleep. She had a big day tomorrow. She was getting married. Bonnie did not look impressed this time, but when was she ever pleased with this situation? Even though it had partly been her idea.

"I talked to Ayanna, she said that you and Klaus are getting married" She said, folding her arms over her chest.

"So what if we are?" Elena replied, indignant. Bonnie had no right to judge.

"You're my best friend, Elena. I'm just looking out for you. You'll have to come back eventualyl and you'll both end up getting hurt" She exclaimed.

"No! The only one getting hurt in this situation is Niklaus, he is being lied by everyone he loves including me. I get to walk away and see him again. He has to wait a thousand years. Don't tell me about anyone being hurt" Elena snapped. She had every right to be angry. Their whole were still going to be vampires. What was the point? Although she wouldn't change meeting the Mikaelson's. Elena wanted to protect Niklaus from a world of hurt.

"Just be careful, Elena." She warned. Elena brushed off her warning, she still wasn't calm at all. Eventually she just fell back asleep.

10th Century Mystic Falls...

Elena woke up, not physcially, but mentally. This was all so draining having Bonnie chewing her ear off every time she fell asleep. Her mood was not down for long though, soon Tatia burst into the room carrying a white dress, grinning from ear to ear.

"This is yours" She said, Elena looked at the dress in awe. It was beautiful. Much like the blue dress that Rebekah owned and had Elena had admired many times. Perhaps they had known that and made the dress in turn.

"I love it" She said, standing up.

"Good, then you need to get dressed. We will be away shortly" She said, placing the dress on Elena's bed. She kissed her on the cheek quickly and ran out the room so that she could get dressed. Once Elena had it on she looked down at herself. She had never been conceited in her life, but today she had never felt quite so beautiful.

Elena walked out into the main room and even the dragon lady had a smile on her face. That had to be something.

"They are already waiting, come on" Tatia said, impatient. This girl was a sucker for romance and although it was a very quick romance, it was still right as far as she was concerned.

"I am definetly ready" She whispered, walking out the door with her arm through Tatia's. The moment she saw Niklaus her heart went crazy. This was it. There was no turning back now. Judging by the look on his face he was not scared in the slightest. When their hands were finally joined and the ceremony begun, Elena's eyes did not leave his. His beautiful face and the way he spoke. She barely heard her own words come out of her mouth. When his lips were on hers again, she had to remind herself that they weren't alone. Pulling back and smiling at everyone with her arms around her new husband...It was a strange word, but Elena loved it.

"I love you" He whispered in her ear.

"I love you too" She whispered back, holding him tight. As she found other arms congratulating, Elena couldn't but feel elated. Especially when she came across Rebekah was now now her sister.

"I'm so glad you're finally my sister, now we can keep you" She grinned.

"Of course and remember, I will count on you to babysit one day" Elena added. Rebekah's eyes lit up at the idea. Elena knew that was it was possibility. Bonnie had told her to be careful, but how could she? She didn't know what anyone else thought, but she wasn't going to worry about it. If she wound up pregnant then it wouldn't be such a bad thing would it?

Niklaus was having the same thoughts obviously and he was worried that she wouldn't be able to stay if she did end up pregnant.

"I am going to do my best to try and stay" She whispered, now that they were alone in their own place and away from everyone else they could relax.

"But if you can't..."

"Then," She closed her eyes for a moment. "I will see you in the 21st century and I will still be pregnant, we will still be married and everything wil be fine" She assured him. Though that was a possibility that Elena didn't want to think about. Niklaus having to wait a thousand years to meet his own child. It would be too painful for anyone.

"Let's not think about it, this is our wedding night, no more worries" He said, cupping her face. She nodded and kissed him on the lips. "No more worries" She added.

Klaus didn't have anymore words for Elena, all he wanted to do was make love to his wife on their wedding night. It didn't take either of them long to get to where they previously were last night. Except Elena let the dress fall completely off her leaving her standing there completely naked before him. Klaus pulled her down on top him after he had removed his boots and his own pants. His mind was blown away by the beauty before him.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He whispered against her neck, then continued to kiss down her collarbone. Elena was having trouble stringing thoughts together, let alone speaking out loud.

"You are the most kind, gentle person I have ever met. I am lucky" She whispered back then pressed her lips to his and let her hands trail down his bare chest. How could a man this kind and loving be considered a monster?

Niklaus moved them around so that he was pressed on top of Elena and she didn't mind that at all. "If I have to wait a thousand years then I will" He whispered before pushing himself inside her. It hurt for a mere few seconds before Elena had adjusted. After all this was her first time. But after she had allowed herself that, the feelings that she felt meeting his thrusts was uncomparible to anything else. She moaned loudly, digging her fingers into his lower back. "Elena" Klaus moaned her name and quickened his pace. He had imagined this before, but never had he thought that it would be this good. Elena's traveled up his back and she wrapped her legs around his waist pushing up against him even harder.

Elena wanted to take control, this was her night too and it was time to make him feel the way that she was feeling. So she reversed their positions once again so that she was on top of him, not taking long to lower herself on top of him again. Niklaus' hands moved to her breasts and she started to move against him. This was too good and she wasn't going to last much longer, she could feel it. Grabbing his shoulders she allowed herself to go harder, forcing him deeper. "Nik..." She didn't even complete his name as she sped up, holding herself against him as she came. He didn't take long to follow after. His breathing was quick and his heart was racing. He enjoyed lying there for a moment before pulling Elena down beside him and wrapping his arms around her tight.

"You are never going back" He whispered and Elena giggled.

"That sounds perfect to me."

"I love you, my wife" He said, kissing her cheek.

"I love you, my husband" She said tiredly. They had worn each other out it seemed. But it was the best way to get this way. Elena was going to fight even harder to stay for him. She wasn't scared of being with him forever, she was looking forward to it.

Present Day Chicago

Klaus had the biggest grin on his face and it was now just him and Kol sitting in the same room. Kol gave him a knowing grin. "What were you thinking of?" He asked.

"My wedding night" Klaus answered, grinning back at him and Kol just laughed.

"I'm sure the whole village heard the two of you, what was it, three times in the night?" He teased and Klaus laughed along with him. He missed Elena with all his heart as much as he joked around, he just wanted her back in his arms.

"She will be back with us all soon, I am not the only eager one to see her" He said, referring to Rebekah.

"Yes and I can finally stop the shopping trips with her" He shuddered.

"Oh I'm very sure she will still take you shopping, you know our sister" He knew Rebekah better than any of them. Soon their family would be whole again. The only problems being two people. Mikael and Esther.