Rory's Queen:

"I choose to be called The Rani."

The name had slipped off Ushas' tongue the day she was graduating. She hadn't had a chance to take it back. As soon as she said it, it was out there.

"The Rani?" Drax asked afterwards, looking at her oddly. He had been one of the few to keep his name "Where'd that name come from? I thought you'd go for a more obvious one like 'The Scientist' or 'The Chemist' or something like that."

Ushas, or rather, The Rani frowned at that as she looked at her friend. "It's simple. While we were all on Earth, there was this man there, his name was Rory." She looked down, as her cheeks heated up a bit. "And he was nice to me."

Drax rose an eyebrow at her sudden pause. "Is there more to this?"

She nodded a bit. "Yeah, he and his wife spilt up and we were together for a while." She paused once more before adding. "He made me feel like a Queen the whole time."

Drax looked at her a bit surprised, thinking she had made the whole thing up. It was one of those rare moments where she spoke gently about another person that he knew she wasn't lying. She had a far away, sad look in her eyes. Drax only smiled and put his hands on her shoulders. "Shall we go find the others?"

She nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

He figured if she wanted to talk about it, she would later.

AN: Sooo, like I understand no one will probably get this or think it's confusing. It was written for my Superwholock group on tumblr where we ship everything. Even Ushas/Rani and Rory. Um, so there's the back story on that...