Final chapter. Make sure to look out for Operation: Forgetting Phoebe Grey soon!

Christian's POV:

My nerves got to me as I waited for Phoebe and Ana to return. Both of them were ignoring my calls, leaving me anxious as to what was going on. I wanted to call Blaine, hell I tried, but he too was ducking the wrath of Christian Grey. Teddy clearly had no clue what was going on or he would have been blowing up my phone. I should have followed my instincts about something going on between Phoebe and Blaine and I swear to god if he hurt her again I would strangle him with my bare hands.

The hotel suite we were staying in opened and in walked Phoebe and Ana. Phoebe was skinny, way too skinny, I frowned. I could at least mark off pregnant. My need to start yelling crumbled when Phoebe ran into my arms, just like she used to do when she was younger. I held her as she sobbed, desperate I looked at Ana who only shook her head and left the room.

"What's going on?" I wiped Phoebe's tears away.

"There's so much to tell you, but first, I'm tired. I want to take a nap."

"And shower!" Ana called from the other room.

I wanted to force her to tell me but I did not want to push her away again, "Alright, I can order up some room service. What do you want?"

"A cheeseburger sounds great."

"One cheeseburger coming right up kiddo," I kissed her forehead, "You shower and by the time you're done it'll be here waiting for you."

"Thanks daddy."

As soon as I heard the shower turn on I ran to Ana, "What the hell is going on?"

"I can't tell you," Ana stood firm, "We are just getting her back. I'm not going to lose her again by ruining her trust."

"Alright, alright. Just promise me that when this is all over I get to kick Blaine's ass."

"What makes you so sure it has to do with Blaine?"

"It always has something to do with Blaine."

A part of me would always consider Blaine a son while the fatherly part of me wanted to protect Phoebe; especially because it was because of me that he was even in our lives. If it had not been for me, Phoebe might have been with someone like Gavin. She never had any problems when it came to Gavin.

"Go get that cheeseburger Mr. Grey," Ana smirked.

Phoebe's POV:

I knew that I could not stay in the shower forever but I was clinging to a thin shred of hope that my parents would forget that I was even in here and leave me alone. Telling my mother what had happened had not been easy; now having to tell my father would be the hardest part. He liked Blaine, always had, always will, but this would ruin their relationship. I did not want to alienate Blaine from the rest of the family, he did that part pretty well by himself. I just did not need another family feud to start on my behalf.

"Cheeseburger is here Phoebe," my mother knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'll be right out!"

I avoided looking in the mirror. It would have told me what I had already known. I was too skinny, I could tell by the look in my parents' eyes. My motivation to eat has died down a lot since the breakup. I went through the daily movements of life without really taking the time to take care of myself.

My parents stopped talking when I entered the room, my mother at least put on a fake smile.

"Here's the cheeseburger," my mother opened the tray of food for me, "I'm going to go shower now."

She was giving me a chance to be alone with my father; great.

"Do I get a second to eat or do you want to start grilling me now?"

"Whatever you want but I know it has something to do with Blaine."

My father was many things but stupid was not one of them, "He got another girl pregnant."

I watched shock take over my father's face, "Blaine cheated on you?"

"No," I shook my head, "It was when I was with Gavin."

"Then what's the problem?"

"He slept with a girl we went to high school with to get back at me. He's known for almost the entire time, even asked me to marry him, just so I wouldn't leave him."

"This is my fault, I should have never brought him into our lives! I'm going to make this right Phoebe."

I shook my head, "It's no one's fault but Blaine's. He knew what he was doing when he proposed to me, no one forced him to lie to me. I've spent what I've felt like is my entire life trying to get him to be able to trust me enough to be honest with me but he's never going to change who he is and I'm tired of getting my heart broken every time that I'm wrong about him."

"So that's it, you're giving up on being with Blaine?"

"I am, I've sort of met someone else and holding on waiting for Blaine hasn't helped me so I'm going to try and give this guy a chance."

"That's very mature of you."

"I'm growing up and there's nothing you can do to stop me," I teased him.

"You'll always be my baby girl," my father smiled, "Come on, let's eat."