Wonder Women's Secret

Summary: Wonder Women kept a secret form Batman and the Justice League. You see Wonder Women secret has something to do with one of the Young Justice. When parts of her secret start to come out; what will she do to keep rest of it to herself?

Chapter 1: Beginning

As I look at the paper in front of me I start to think back to where it all started. I was in love with one of my team members, which I never had that problem before I know that it kind of has to do with growing up in an island full of women. I fell in love with Batman, I did not believe it at first. I mean for the longest time I thought he was just a weak human way in over his head, but then I got to know him. He has the true will of a warrior, one of the strongest warriors I have ever met.

At first I fell in love with his warrior and then his caring side that he shows very and I mean very little. At first I did not know who he was until I came across a newspaper with Bruce Wayne on the front page. (About two years after working with the Justice League I should add.) You can call be crazy or stupid or whatever but when I saw it I just knew that it was the man that I loved. Maybe it was because I spent so much time looking at his face, even if it is just half of it. So I went to test my theory.

I talked Clark in to bring me to one of Bruce Wayne's parties; Clark did say that he was the only reporter that Bruce could come to an agreement with. I walked around trying politely to get the men to stop flirting with me. If your asking were is Clark I would love to know that myself because he said that he would not leave me alone with me first ever 'Bruce' party whatever that means. (I found out two weeks later that he got called away on a mission because they needed Superman. Then another two weeks I found out that him and Louis Lane just went off to have "together time". When I found that out Superman got what was coming to him.) But there was this one guy who you could just smell the alcohol rolling off of him in waves that would not leave me alone. I was almost to the point where I would have killed him and flew the body the nearest ocean.

Then Bruce Wayne came and saved the man from his soon to be fate. He got the guys friend to take him home and told him to be remind his friend is a married man. Then he turned to me raising an eyebrow. I turned to the said trying to hid my tan face turning red and crossed my armed. " I can take care of myself, you Did not need to help." I said in a normal voice because I did not want to draw attention to myself.

I heard an almost deep laugh. "I know that, but you see Miss. Prince I did not you to kill any of my guess tonight. The cleanup is just too much of a hassle." He said with a drop dead gorgeous smirk. It was then that I knew that he knew who he was. "Would you like a drink Miss. Prince as an apology for my guests behaver." That was when it was my time to Smirk.

That night was one of the best nights in my life. I was in bed with the man I love enjoy his company knowing that in a few weeks well end up talking about it and deciding what we should make of it. I knew because I knew Batman/Bruce that men that fears being in a relationship, for fear of what may come. That night I just wanted to enjoy as much as possible.

The few weeks later never came because of me. I found out that I was Pregnant . Finding that out my world just stopped for a few second, but to me felt like minutes. I could not think straight for a whole day. I had so many thoughts going through my head like what would Bruce think, what about the amazon traditions, the superhero life, and would my child would be safe? The Next day I left the League with a message saying my mother sent world that she needed me home. When I got home my mother gave me a look and I told her everything.

She held me for what seemed like hours. She came up with a plan, I would stay on the island until by bay was born, and then I would go back by myself and tell Bruce everything and go from there. I smiled a little thinking that could work, I mean the worst that could happen is Bruce getting mad and almost killing, and then I would remind him that our child would need me. Everything so going great until my child was born.

My baby was born a boy; I worried that my sister's would try to kill him. That never happened, no instead everyone started to cry. I looked at my mother and she told me the real true of why men were not allowed on the island. You see Hades And Ares put a spell on the all of us Amazons that when one of us gives birth to a boy that child would have the power to destroy the world and free both Hades & Ares form the prisons forever.

I started to cry myself, my baby; my sweet innocent baby could be a tool for destruction, because of two of the most selfish Gods I know. I held my baby and just cried for hours just holding him. He woke up and looked at him, my baby said to make sound it was almost if he was asking if I was alright. I gave him a watery smile. "You are too sweet to be a tool for them to use and what I do have nothing to do with you at all my sweet one. Maybe one day we will meet again."

That is why I am signing these papers to a very nice couple. I never named by child because I did not want to give them any clue to where my sweet little one was. When it was all sighed and they took by baby and left I was alone in the room looking at the door they took my baby though and cried missing my child already. Thinking that I'll never see him take his first steps, speak his first words, help him with his first crush and just be their for my child.

Goodbye my sweet little one.

Sorry it took so long have not been having a last good couple of years. But everything is slowing down and I'm working on the story one at time so just be a little more patient.

Thanks AnimeFun50000~