I made this upon request for BrooklynCharli, I hope you all like it!

AN: Just so you know every single first name used in this story has been used or mentioned in the VA books most are not main characters but believe me they were mentioned somewhere in the book.

Read Enjoy and Review

Team Kick Ass

''We've lost 20 dhampirs so far this month and 46 moroi.'' A man reported in a composed manner though underneath he was worried. Just because he had an inkling of an idea even if it does succeed their is no way of guaranteeing success. He felt the urge to punch something or tug at his hair in frustration but seeing as that isn't very professional he refrained from doing so. He had dark chocolate brown hair paired with warm brown eyes. To accent all this -and he did have an accent, a lovely russian one- he wore a black duster like in the cowboy movies and was tall, so tall in fact that he was almost as tall as the lady in front of him. This lady sat on a throne, which sat on dais. She wore an expressionless face though underneath she was very worried as well. What was becoming of her 'people'.

''What do you advise we do Guardian Belikov, the number of losses seems to be escalating.'' He nodded this was true and thought for a moment.

''I would like to assemble a team of students. Dhampir and Moroi alike, royalty and non-royalty. Good students and bad students.'' He paused assessing her reaction. Her facial expression hadn't changed so he continued. ''I would train them to work together and fight against strigoi. Their success would inspire those of every class of life to take a stand and fight as well.'' The queen watched him intently.

''And how would we prove their success?'' she asked finally. He swallowed, here came the part which would receive resistance. He himself wasn't comfortable with it either but it was the only way.

''Once we are sure they are ready to combat strigoi we send them out to attack where we know strigoi are hiding.'' Much to his surprise the queen still sat elegantly her face unmoved.

Before she could reply he heard a squeek. He was already halfway to the door with his stake raised and ready to fight before the door opened fully, revealing a woman. She was of medium height with short brown hair and brown eyes. She also had a lovely tan which made Dimitri return his stake to its holder. That and he recognized the Guardian in front of him. Guardian Petrov.

She bowed with just as much practised elegance as Dimitri presented upon his entry into the throne room.

''You highness, I'm terribly sorry to have interrupted but having heard your conversation I felt the need to have my opinion heard.'' The queen stared at her bowed head for confusion and surprise could be seen in her eyes.

''You may continue.'' She rose her face just as emotionless as the other in the room.

''I agree with Guardian Belikov, this would be a very beneficial way to deal with the strigoi invasions. We could even seperate them into smaller groups. The moroi would learn to handle themselves during a strigoi invasion perhaps even offer assistance with magic, and I would like to offer my assistance.''

The queen paused in thought.

''What would you need to accomplish this?'' Dimitri glanced at Alberta before saying

''Well assuming their will be under 20 students I would say one building for housing, food and storage and another for classrooms and the gym. We can build the obstacle courses ourselves...'' He paused before continuing. ''Having our base in a forest would do nicely. Standard gym equipment. Around 10 guardians and at least four moroi, one for each element and feeders will also be necessary for the morois as well as beds, dressers and a computer or two with access to the internet. And standard first aid equipment. Four vans would do well for trips into town'' The queen watched him for a moment before stating

''Your asking for a lot.'' Dimitri executed an elegant bow. Alberta cleared her throat catching their attention before saying.

''I'm sorry your Highness but I have to agree with Dimitri though his demands are rather small. We would have to live in seclusion from the rest of the world to enforce good work ethics. He's been asking for the bear minimum'' The queen took a deep breath.

''If this fails Dimitri and Alberta I will be placing all the blame on your shoulders.'' They nodded and bowed again. Excitement and anticipation ran just under Dimitri's skin making him shiver with delight. He always enjoyed a good challenge, and this would certainly be the hardest to overcome. Alberta was similarly excited but more due to the fact that the queen hadn't objected to moroi fighting with magic. As they began to stand upright once again and she began to speak.

''I seem to remember an abandoned experimental lab in the middle of a forest. We bought it out due to an unfortunate strigoi situation. It had the main hospital, a couple storage buildings and a huge gym fully equipped in the basement of the main hospital. They had around 20 or so cabins with three to four bedrooms as well as the basic computer kitchen and such.'' A shiver ran down Alberta's spine.

She must be talking about how ten or twenty odd years ago humans had captured some moroi and dhampirs and began doing experiments on them. At the time we hadn't known where they had gone until the strigoi attacked and it viral.

''Will this be a good area for your school of sorts?'' Alberta wanted to shake her head vigorously but Dimitri bowed.

''That would do very nicely your highness.'' She nodded and made sure to address both Dimitri and Alberta when she said

''Think over what will be necessary and consult one another. Once you've got a list of what you will need give it to whoever I have in the office now. Ask for whatever will be necessary for this to succeed. This may be our last chance.'' She gave a smile the first change in facial expressions the Guardians had ever seen her display. ''And good luck to you.''

Please review and tell me what you thought!