Hello lovelies! I am so, so, so sorry I left this unpublished for so long. There is no excuse great enough, but if you are an author I hope you understand the struggle of writer's block and other time commitments! I actually just finished this recently although it has been sitting half-done for over a year. So if you notice a change in tone or writing style that is why. Please forgive me! If any of you are still around and reading this thank you for sticking with me for so long! On to the Chappie shall we?

Everything you recognize belongs to Mr. Anthony Horowitz, what a lovely man.

Three days later found all of K-Unit resting in Wolf and Snake's flat. Some resting more than others, as Wolf was leaning back in a plush recliner, Cub was propped up on the couch, and the remainder of the men hurried about the place, trying to keep the other two as comfortable as possible.

Unsurprisingly, all of this pampering made the two injured teammates more than a little uncomfortable. Arguments of masculinity would undoubtedly arise, but for now, Wolf's earlier display held them at bay:

The five of them were gathered around the television set watching the live Chelsea game. Side conversations continued between the group until a whistle sounded, signaling a penalty against blue outfitted players. The room, along with the stadium fell in confused silence until it became apparent that the other team would be permitted a penalty kick. Cries of outrage erupted from the speakers on the television and also from the loyal Chelsea fans in K-Unit's flat.

The shot was made, surprising no one, but jeers continued to fly. Wolf's fist came down on the arm rest of his recliner, thus knocking the small remote to the floor beside it.

"Goddammit!" cursed Snake, his eyes catching Wolf's angered movement. "Hey, do you want me to get that for you?" he then asked, voice softening a bit.

Looking up at his teammate, Wolf replied, "Don't be stupid Snake, I'm a big boy. I can pick up the frickin' remote." Slowly, he twisted his body, reaching his arm down the side of the chair. The bulky man only made it about halfway before abruptly stopping and flinging himself back onto the recliner. His face paled, draining of all color, eyes shut tight in pain.

"Vince, are you-"

"Fuck off, Snake," Wolf managed between shallow breaths.

So from that point on, neither Alex nor Vince put up a fight, knowing that whichever one caved first would most likely hear the never-ending wrath of Snake.


Even long after all of the necessary housework was done, Snake continued cleaning and prepping things to perfection. Fox and Eagle had long abandoned the effort by this time, and were now sitting comfortably, once again, around the television set with the two injured men.

"A nervous cleaner, that one," started Wolf. "Not that I'm complaining, living with him does have some benefits beside him never having any mates over."

"You're one to talk, Wolf," yelled Snake from the kitchen. "When was the last time someone not a part of this unit was in this house?"

"But, you see, Fox and Eagle are my friends. Therefore, I have mates over all the time," concluded Wolf assuredly.

"Oi! What does that make me then? The maid?!" Snake laughed, only acting hurt by Wolf's words.

"You two are so embarrassing. You're like a married couple already! I swear I will never go in public with either of you," Fox commented, joining in with Snakes laughter. Soon the whole house was laughing, even Alex, who was lying feebly on the couch.

Although Wolf's injuries were tragic and possibly career-ending, Fox was, albeit selfishly, enjoying the time spent with the entirety of K-Unit. Rarely did they have the opportunity to bond outside of a war-zone and none of them were accustomed to how lighthearted and sincere a normal life could be.


That was the night that the nightmares began.

He was surrounded by pine trees, their scent sweetening the hot and sticky night air. The moonlight illuminated the small clearing where he was standing. He recognized the scene his mind was painting. Suddenly a figure began approaching him from the depths of the surrounding forest. It was a woman.

She wasn't extremely tall or thin, and she was not dressed in a way that portrayed confidence or grace. But the short blonde hair, the small smirk on her lips, and her all-knowing brown eyes were the most alluring thing on earth to him. She always looked at him as if they were sharing a secret that no one else knew. She made him feel special in the deepest and darkest times of his life. She was the only one who knew who he really was, what made him tick.

In that moment, he knew the answers to the mysteries of life. He knew why he kept going in a world that only brought pain.

"Rose," breathed Ben Daniels, as he was ripped from his fantasy by the screams of his friend, teammate, and brother, Alex Rider.

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