New Jared/Kim story! I had to do it even though I didn`t finish my last one. For those of you who read I really hope you like it. Feel free to comment and ask me any questions on where I`m going with this. Thanks and happy reading.

" Well this was going to be boring."Vanessa Bell muttered to Jolene Egan. Why did Vanessa always have to bitch about everything? Why was I stuck sitting behind her? At least I was sitting beside Jared though. Despite my long standing crush/infatuation with him he was beginning to annoy me. Just let it go Kimi, if it hasn`t happened by now it`s never going to happen. You have been sitting beside him for like forever and he hasn`t even turned your way.

Opening my notebook I wrote the day and date. October 26th. Monday. At least Saturday is Halloween. Something fun to look forward to I suppose. Beats studying for a change anyhow.

A movement to my right caught my attention. Oh great. Looks like Jared and Vanessa are exchanging notes again. Fucking gross. Urghh! Seriously Kimi? You are putting yourself in a bad mood over this? You don`t even know him. He has a girlfriend over in Forks and he`s flirting with another girl. Is that really the type of guy you want? No, it isn`t.

Mrs. Vernette rambled on about the French resistance and I couldn`t quit looking at Jared from the corner of my eye. What was it about him that attracted me so much? Was it the fact that he was so unattainable? That I was safe in my little fantasies involving me and him? That one day he would notice that I`m the girl for him? There was no denying that he was good looking. He was gorgeous. But my attraction went beyond that. To where I don`t know. The guy was the most arrogant person ever to come out of La Push.

But he had changed over the Summer. When I first saw him back in school in the beginning of September I nearly had a heart attack. He had gone from the long haired, lanky teenager that I crushed on to six foot something he-man of hotness. That`s when my feelings for him took on a whole new level of strange. Before it was just a harmless little school girl crush. Something I used to giggle about with my girlfriends. was like...I spotted Jared smiling seductively at Vanessa. I really need to get over this. Just a couple of more months Kimi. Then you`ll be free of this Jared obsession. You`ll meet a guy. You`ll be happy. You`ll be in New York hopefully. I smiled at this thought. Keep your eye on the prize Kimi. You`re going to do great. You`re going to be a success.

With great difficulty I tore my mind away from Jared and Vanessa and concentrated on taking perfect notes. No way he`s fucking up my academic performance. Let him run after that moron. I`ll find a guy who loves me for my brains and not only for my looks. Damn...why did I always feel like I was on fire sitting next to Jared? Why did he always wear a t-shirt when it was freezing out? What a freak.

When class was over I sat for a while gathering my things and waiting for the others to go so I could speak to Mrs. Vernette. Since school was over as well my classmates all wanted to make a speedy exit. I was in no such hurry. I had half an hour to kill before French Club. I forced myself not to watch Jared and Vanessa leave the classroom. I just stared at my book until I knew they were gone.

"Kimimela. Do you need something?"Mrs. Vernette asked kindly. I was so her favorite student. I gathered up my books and approached her desk.

"Yeah I...I was wondering if I could possibly change seats?"I turned red as I asked her this. She smiled knowingly at me.

"Do you have a problem sitting beside Mr. Cameron?"She phrased the question in such a way that I didn`t know how to answer it.

"`s just...I`m having trouble concentrating...sitting there."God I sound so lame right now. Mrs. Vernette looked at me sternly and checked her watch.

"That is not a good enough reason Kim. You are staying where you are. If your grades start to slump, which I highly doubt they will, then you can change seats. Until then, I`m afraid you are stuck where you are."

"Okay...thanks anyway Mrs. Vernette." I said before I left the classroom. Looks like I won`t be getting moved anytime soon. I just have to grin and bear it. Oh great...

Rounding the corner into the deserted corridor I saw Jared follow Vanessa into one of the empty classrooms. Why the hell was this shit hurting me now? It didn`t before! Not like this. With the feeling like my stomach was going to fall out of my ass I made my way to the French language room. I sure as hell didn`t feel like it today but if it was all for the greater good then I suppose I have to. It was fun sometimes. But nowadays my mind seemed to be in only one place...focused on one person in particular.

"Kim! Please don`t go as a lego person.! This is our last Halloween in High School."My friend Saffron whined at me as we were leaving French Club. I knew what she was getting at.

"Listen. Dress up in Lingerie and call it a costume. Just don`t expect me to do the same." I shifted my bag on my shoulder and searched my pocket for my Ipod.

"Maybe you`ll catch who know who`s eye. It`s worth a shot!"

"Saff! Even if I show up there naked I doubt that he`ll even notice. Just because you`re too chicken to wear stockings and a suspender belt on your own then..."

"Hey shut up! So...will you?"I rolled my eyes. "Please please please!"

"Fine...Fine! Nothing too thrashy though. If my dad found out he`ll go ape shit."

"Yes! You won`t regret this. Maybe you`ll catch another guys eye instead."

"Let`s not get too ahead of ourselves. It`s just a party.`s you and Matt?"Saffron blushed a little.

"Good. Great actually. I`m thinking about...doing it...with him."She giggled which made me giggle. Her and Matt had been going out for the past six months now. I was surprised that they had lasted this long without doing it.

"Oh man. You`re so lucky. I really want to lose my virginity. I don`t want to go off to college a virgin."

"So what if you do! It`s not like you`re planning to go nuts sex wise. I know you Kim. You value ourself too much."

"You`re right. But still...I just want to know what it feels like."I wanted to know how it felt like with Jared. Having his strong arms wrapped around me... save the fantasies for when you`re in bed Kimi. The school corridor is so not the place for this.

"You will. Just wait. The perfect guy is just around the corner." Only someone who was part of a couple could have such confidence saying that.

Thanks Saff. Let`s hope that`s true."

Listening to Blind Melon I walked home. I lived about twenty minutes away from the school so taking my car when I can walk is a bit stupid. Plus I needed the exercise. My ballet teacher said I was getting a bit chubby around the thighs. I knew I wasn`t going to be a ballerina but still...I was big into my physical appearance nowadays. If that was vain of me then so be it. I wasn`t one of those naturally pretty girls. I had to make the most of what was given to me. I had even been on a few dates since I started taking an interest in myself almost a year now.

What was this nagging feeling? It was driving me nuts! It`s like that feeling you get when you need something...or need to do something...or like when you have forgotten something...What the hell? I have all my school books I need for tonight`s homework. What else could it be? Deciding that my music was distracting me I took out my ear phones and stored my Ipod away in my pocket. Then I heard the howling. What in the world? What was with these wolves the past couple of months? They seemed to have gone crazy. Or just more vocal.

And...hold up there one moment! Is that Jared? Sure enough, it is him. He was making a dash towards the woods with a frantic look on his face. Why is he taking his shirt off? What the fuck? I watched as his taunt red-brown back as he disappeared from view. That was...unusual to say the least. What the hell was he doing? I heard another wolf add it`s howl to the rest and decided I better head home. No point in looking into some trees hoping to see Jared again. Mom will be wondering where I am and I had to tutor my brother Josh on his Quileute. What a busy schedule I had huh? Boring I know but when I get to college all of that will change. No more hanging around waiting for things to change. I could be who I want to be. Whatever type of person. Nobody will know me as shy, boring Kim. Less than a year...less than a year and then I can start my adventure.

Okay so I promised myself time and time again that I wouldn`t do this but...urgh! Why do I torture myself? Yes...I was facebook stalking Jared and his girlfriend. So sue me! Gosh...why am I so pathetic?

I was too chicken shit to friend Jared and since his profile was private I had to settle for looking at his girlfriends profile so see his pictures. Miss Forks I liked to call her. Her name was Devon Kendal and she was a perfect mix of Mischa Barton and Kate Bosworth. Tall, blonde and beautiful. No wonder Jared went for her. Looking through her pictures of him I felt a knot of pain in the pit of my stomach. I must seriously be insane to feel this way! Seriously! Oh this one they are kissing...

Disgusted with myself I shut my laptop and paced my room. I really have to stop doing that. It was getting beyond creepy. What if they ever found out I was looking at their photos? Oh man that would be embarrassing! They can`t know though. So I`m safe. I wish I had more homework to distract myself.

Remember to review and criticize. It only takes a minute. Besos.