Thank you to those who reviewed my story! They make me sooo happy!

Hermioneg: Yes i have Harry and Snape together. I LOVE Snape so he had to be a big part of the story. Plus they're funny together. Lots of laughs! Thanx for the review!

On to the story!

Inside the castle Hermione was ready for the day to be over so she could escape to the Barnaby tapestry already. Harry noticed she was starting to figit so grabbed her hand to try to calm her down.

"Would you relax? You do realize I'm going to be their the entire time tonight?" Harry whispered.

"I know, I know. I just ugh I'm worried he's only being like this because of the journals." Hermione said doubt clouding her voice.

"Or maybe the journals just gave him the courage to finally admit that he's gone round the bend for you. Totally bonkers. Completely mad."

"Ok! Ok i get it he likes me. So what should we do tonight? I was thinking a movie or truth or dare?"

"Uhm they both sound fun. Lets just wing it. Think Snape would come if i asked?" Hermione gave him a doubtful lok and Harry exhaled loudly nodding his head,

"Yeah that's what I thought."

"He probably wants to spend time with you Harry he's just a really private person. He's not a teenager. You need to try to get to him at his level."

"Uhm I don't think I'm tall enough to." *WHACK* Hermione smacked Harry on the head with her light book. Harry grinned sheepishly while rubbing his head.

"Ok I get it. It was just a ruddy joke. Why must you be so mean to my delicate frame. You're going to damage what I do have in their." Hermione laughed at Harry's reply and they continued to the dungeons.

In the dungeons all the students filed to their seats and placed their roots on the table. Professor Snape glided around the room examining them. Some got grunts of semi approval while others were glared down and had their roots banished. Snape came over to their area and looked boredly at Hermione's perfect root and then continued to Harry's. Seeing that it too was perfect Snape raised one eye brow at Harry as if challenging him to say he got the root himself. Harry just gave a nervous smile and Snape slowly stalked away.

Harry let out a deep breathe he didn't realize he was holding. Looking over at Hermione Harry saw that she too got a little nervous. Once Snape was through checking the roots or banishing them, poor Neville, Snape stood at the front of the room and cleared his throat for everyone's attention even though every eye was already on him.

"For those of you who did not procure a decent root will have to try again with Filch tomorrow," Neville and a few others dropped their head on their table, "For those of you who actually managed to get one you will be starting the potion Monday. You are dismissed," Everyone practically tried to vanish from the classroom,"except for you Mr. Potter." Harry slowly turned around having almost made it out the door. He looked to Hermione for help but one glare from Snape had her patting his shoulder and booking it with the rest of the class.

'Some brave Gryffindor you are.' Harry thought as he watched his friend abandon him. He raised his eyes to look at Snape and jumped when he came face to chest with him. Snape had a good 5inches or so on him.

"Now Mr. Potter I know for a fact you did not procure that root on your own. However I am willing to overlook it." Snape softly murmured to him in his oh so dreamy (stop it and get back to the story! *clears throat*) voice making Harry sway a bit. Then what he said finally filtered through making Harry very suspicious.

"Uhm thank you sir but may I ask why?" He asked nervously. Snape smiled maliciously at him before replying

"Do you always look a gift horse in the mouth Mr. Potter?" Something about the way he said that didn't seem right to Harry and then he remembered that he had actually made out with said gifted man i mean gifted horse or whatever you want to call it! Was he wanting more? Was he blackmailing him? Did he want to be blackmailed if that was the case? Looking up at Snape smirking at him made the answer very clear.

"Depends on the gifted horse sir." Shock overtook Snapes face at Harry's reply and he was baffled momentarily not thinking Harry would take the bait. However this outcome would probably be way better anyways. Choices choices.

"You are dismissed." Snape replied walking to the door and holding it open. As Harry walked by him still slightly confused Snape leaned over and whispered in his ear

"Harry." Then promptly slammed the door on his face. Well so much for being a gentlmen Harry thought sarcastically.

'Oh shit. What just happened? Why is this happening to me?' Harry thought. Then in a moment of complete but very manly in Harry's opinion he burst up the stairs to the corridor and wailed,

"Hermione!" Then sat hard on the ground hoping she heard him.

On the 7th floor Hermione was pacing in front of a portrait who was attempting to give her hair advice because 'No man wants to be with a bird who already has a nest'. Hermione just glared at it and patted her hair. It had gotten a lot calmer in recent years.

'Ok what should we do? Truth or dare would help answer some questions but then I might have to do something I'd rather not. A movie would be nice. Just us all relaxing making fun of it or just laughing, but that doesn't give us a lot of room to talk. Do I even want to talk to him? Yes i do. *You have too you idiot. How else are you too going to be together?* Oh shut up no one asked you! *Well actually you kind of did.* Hermione rolled her eyes then realized she was having an arguemnt with herself. 'I'm going mad.'

A loud scream of her name made her jump. It sounded far away though so she could be mistaken. Curious still she speed walked to the banister and looked down. She couldn't see too much so she continued down until she was able to spot a figure on the first corrider floor. 'Oh sweet Merlin It's Harry' Hermione thought then started to run towards him. 'If he keeps this up he may not be able to get into the ROR tonight!'

Hearing running Harry looked up and saw his savior.

"Hermione! You came! Save me!" Harry complained on the floor. Hermione rolled her eyes. Were all gay men this dramatic? Snape didn't appear to be but then again she really didn't know him.

"For goodness sakes Harry, what on earth is wrong?" Hermione asked exasperated.

"Either Snape wants to bang me or he's toying with me and I'm too fragile to deal with this kind of emotional trauma!" Harry sniffled then fell onto his back.

'And this is who is supposed to save us all from a crazy dark Lord? We're so doomed.'

"Oh Harry it's not that bad. Now get up. We have a long day off classes. Our free hour is over." Harry sighed deeply then got off the floor offering his arm to Hermione to lead her to Transfiguration.

"Just so we're clear. That was a very manly thing to do but let's not tell anyone." Harry tried to casually say. Hermione just smirked while rolling her eyes.

"Very manly Harry. My lips are sealed." Harry smiled down at his best friend and continued to their next class.

Deep in the dungeons two slytherins were both trying to figure out how to deal with their Gryffindors. One wanted to woo and be romantic. The other wanted to either strangle or kiss him. They both decided they were wait it out and see where this road would take them.

So I still am unsure of which to do so I will once again. Leave the choice to you my dear dear readers.

1. Have them watch the Lion King with Hermione pointing out that everytime she see's the part where Scar is singing "Be prepaired" to the hyeenas she can't help but picture Lord Voldermort singing it to the death eaters.

2. Have them play truth or dare while listening to Britney Spears because Harry LOVES that bitch and pick a dare from Hermione to Draco.

Oh and Reviews are Bae and gets you more chapters more quickly! Love!