A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I kept putting off editing this chapter but finally buckled down on it. I hope everyone enjoys the final chapter ^^

Warnings: Language, lemon

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroshitsuji

Claude idly scratched a feline on the head, listening as the beast made a deep throaty noise. The noise vibrated deeply in its chest and he looked over at Sebastian. "What's it doing?" He asked.

"She's happy," Sebastian answered as he looked over a model of the human's world. "Humans call the noise, purring. I think, for the felines, it's their version of laughter."

"Interesting," Claude murmured and turned his attention back to the feline that had sprawled itself over his lap. He leaned back more in the chair and chuckled as the feline followed him. "I think she likes me."

Sebastian glanced up from the model. "Don't get cocky, Claude," he said and Claude's eyes closed at the sound of his name leaving Sebastian's mouth. "I'm still her favorite."

Claude smirked. "I sense jealousy," he teased. A low whistle left Sebastian's mouth and the feline perked up before bounding over to Sebastian, making Claude laugh. "Mature, Sebastian."

"I thought so," Sebastian answered and turned his attention back to the model. "I thought about telling her to attack you, just for laughs. But that would seem rather immature of me."

"I appreciate the gesture," Claude said dryly and stood up. He moved over to the model that Sebastian looked at before placing a finger on it. "Planning a trip?" He asked.

Sebastian nodded. "It's been several decades since I last entered a contract with a human and my father wants me to contract again before I lose my fledgling title," he stated and looked at the model. "I'm trying to find a human that suits my tastes."

Claude frowned. "You're leaving?" He questioned, feeling something tug at his body at the thought. If Sebastian left, he wouldn't have to visit the castle every day. A few decades ago, Claude would've jumped at the opportunity. But now…, now the thought left a sour taste in Claude's mouth and he had to fight the uncomfortable feeling away.

"For a few years, depending on my human," Sebastian answered and waved his hand in a dismissing gesture. "It gives you three, maybe five years at most without me. You should be pleased that you won't have to perform your duties. I know you hate it when I beat you during our sparring matches."

"That's not the point," Claude said sharply and Sebastian's head jerked up at the rough tone. The feline growled lowly next to Sebastian and Claude let out a long sigh as he collected his thoughts. "You're right. I could use the free time for a few years," he said finally.

Sebastian's head slowly lowered and he focused on the model once more. "Of course," he said and flicked his fingers towards the door. "You're dismissed for the day."

Claude blinked and moved back slightly from the desk. "I just arrived half an hour ago," he stated. Usually their sessions lasted for a couple hours, until the suns sunk below the horizon. "And the whole time, you've stayed hunched over that thing."

"I no longer require your services for the day, Faustus," Sebastian said coolly, his eyes lifting up just enough to glare at Claude. "You may leave now. I'll send a summons request for you when I return from my contract."

Claude's hands slammed down on the desk and nails scratched the surface. "Don't pull this shit with me, Sebastian," he growled. They were back to titles again and Claude hated it. It happened whenever Sebastian felt defensive and angry, which wasn't all too often. But when Sebastian did lose his temper, things turned ugly fast.

"What are you saying, Faustus?" Sebastian asked and finally straightened up. His eyes remained cool and detached, a look Claude usually saw when he dealt with representatives from other realms.

"I know you, Sebastian," Claude snapped. "You would never turn down a chance to escape and unwind, if only for a few hours. I know how much work you put into your studies and duties. You used me for this job to escape from all that."

Sebastian's lips pulled down into a scowl. "You know me, Claude?" He asked and Claude flinched at the tone but didn't shrink from Sebastian's harsh glare. "What makes you think you know me better than anyone else?"

Claude's fingers curled against the surface of the desk even more. "I'm not playing this game with you, Sebastian," he growled and his teeth lengthened in his anger. "You play these mind games with the representatives and everyone else, but I won't let you play them with me. We spar, play bones, and tour the cities. That's it. I didn't agree to play mind games with you."

"Then leave," Sebastian snarled. "I already dismissed you for the day. You're the one who decided to stay and keep arguing. It sounds to me as though you're the one who wants to play mind games."

Claude bristled at the words, hating that in a sense, they were true. He didn't have to stay and argue after Sebastian dismissed him. But he stayed behind because… Claude hesitated, unsure why he stayed to argue the point with Sebastian. Something in his instincts told Claude that Sebastian was hiding something, but what.

The need to know drove Claude on more than anything and like a feline; Claude tried to sniff out the answers. Sebastian though, seemed determined to keep his guard up and didn't plan to reveal the reasoning behind his actions any time soon.

"You're still that same spoiled child from when we first met," Claude seethed as he straightened up. He ignored the feline that hissed and growled at him, voicing her displeasure at his raised tone, and he glared at Sebastian.

"Still holding a grudge about that after how many centuries?" Sebastian drawled and turned his attention back to the model. "If anything, I think you should thank me for what I did. If not, you would still go about contracting humans in that pathetic way you did when you were younger. You would starve for a good meal, as all the other demons around you snatched up the tastiest souls without remorse."

Claude's fingers twitched and he almost leapt forward to attack Sebastian but somehow held himself in check. "As you did?" He questioned and offered a mock bow. "Thank you then, my lord heir, for showing me the errors of my ways and for setting me on the proper path. It must be nice to have that form of power at your fingertips to command everyone to your whims, even if they don't want your help."

Sebastian didn't answer, just gave a small hum in response as he continued to scour the model for his next contract. His hands cupped the large globe, searching for the right human to pull at his senses and Claude found the action even more annoying than when Sebastian spoke.

"I don't know why I bother," he spat. "Arguing with you is like talking to a brick wall. I'm leaving."

"The door is right there," Sebastian answered dismissively.

Claude snarled at the words and strode towards it, listening for any movement behind him in case Sebastian decided to attack him. When no movement came, he glanced over his shoulder to see that Sebastian hadn't moved from his spot. For a moment, Claude hesitated; every nerve in his body telling him not to leave. That he had missed something.

But his pride overwhelmed the confusing feelings and was easier to understand. Claude swept out of the room without a word, slamming the door shut behind him. No one stopped him as he left the castle and he made it back home without any trouble. It wasn't until he stood in the silence of his small abode, that Claude could feel the weight of what he just did settle on his shoulders.

Sebastian was one of the very few demons he could stand, despite the arrogant attitude Sebastian liked to strut at times. Demons didn't have friends. That remained a human word and had no place in a demon's vocabulary. Ally was the closest word that came to friend for them, and as time passed, Claude had come to think of Sebastian as an ally.

Now though, Claude didn't know what would happen. Disagreements happened all the time between demons and this wasn't Claude's first one with another demon. However, it was his first one with Sebastian. They fought in the past, but never like this. In a way, Claude felt that he had disappointed Sebastian somehow.

Claude ran a hand over his face and ground his teeth together. What did he care if he disappointed Sebastian? His teeth ground together even more and Claude moved towards the door. He wanted to clear his thoughts and stop thinking about Sebastian. They only confused him even more and Claude quickly walked down the street.

He smirked as another demon caught his gaze and they slipped into a side street, dark eyes swimming with lust. Without another thought, Claude followed the demon into the darkened area and pressed up against them. His hands settled on their hips and he ground against them, growling his pleasure as he tried to dismiss any thoughts of Sebastian from his mind.

Come morning, Sebastian was gone.

.:|Hunting Fire|:.

An ominous atmosphere had settled over the land and Claude shifted uneasily on his feet. The sicarius that he caught earlier shuffled away from him, retreating into the trees but Claude couldn't bring himself to care. Something had happened, or would happen, and everyone could feel it. Both demons and creatures alike.

The sicarius were scarce today and it took Claude several hours to find one. It struggled vehemently in his grip and Claude received several bites before he could finally milk some of the venom for his next project. His senses remained heightened due to the venom, making Claude even more aware of the unease in the air.

He sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as he sorted out his thoughts. The sicarius poison had to sit for twelve hours in order for it separate before Claude could use the hard top layer to form several tips to fit over the fingers. The rest of the venom would remain in a liquid form and sold to those who wished for the euphoric feeling it brought.

A decade had passed since Sebastian left for his contract and Claude had yet to see the heir or receive a summons back to the castle. Several times, Claude would stop by the castle to ask if Sebastian had returned, but each time the guards told him to wait until Sebastian returned.

The first year had passed quickly, along with the second and third. By then, Claude had sated his urges and found himself with time on his hands. With Sebastian still gone by the third year, Claude entered into a contract that spanned a year. He returned with the hopes that Sebastian had finished his contract as well, but Sebastian remained on the mortal plane.

It left Claude restless for the first time and the thoughts that he tried to run from the past four years quickly came back. They rushed over him like the lava currents that Sebastian enjoyed so much and without something to distract him, Claude remained helpless to their crushing grip. He struggled with the thoughts, trying to sort though each one until he grew too frustrated.

To stave off the thoughts, Claude started commission work. Demons exchanged information about hunting grounds and exotic pets for items they wanted; a form of currency. Several demons hired Claude to procure sicarius venom and Claude eagerly accepted the jobs. Within several years, he had acquired a bountiful amount of information.

The commissions kept him busy enough to keep his thoughts from straying too much to Sebastian, but it didn't stop them entirely. At one point, he tried to exchange one of his projects for information on Sebastian, but the news remained the same. No one had seen the heir.

Claude growled low in his throats as he found the thoughts crawling back into his mind. No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried; his thoughts always found a way back to Sebastian. He cursed under his breath and turned his back to the forest; the vial of venom clenched firmly in his hand.

He shivered as the forest fell silent behind him and he paused briefly to look at it. The creatures had fallen still and it didn't bode well with Claude. The creatures in their land often sensed the changes before they did, as they stayed more attuned to the rise and fall of the land. Sebastian mentioned once, in an offhanded tone, that the creatures remained minutely connected with his family.

The words echoed throughout Claude's head and he spun on his heel to look at the castle. It remained the same as always, large and impressive, hiding its secrets from the outside world. But the creatures gave away that something had happened. If not with the land, then with the royalty. Claude could feel it, everyone could. Something had happened or would happen, but what.

He inhaled deeply, using the venom to scent the air and search for any clues. Different scents assaulted his nose and Claude sorted them out carefully in his mind, ignoring the familiar ones that he already knew. Winged creatures lurked on the switchbacks in the mountains and felines prowled the edge of the forest.

Down below, further away from the forest where the sicarius lived, demons moved about their lives. They moved with caution though and Claude could scent blood and arousal in the air. Laced under that though, lurked a different scent that tugged at his memories. Years had passed since it last crossed his nose and Claude let the smell surround him.

The faint smell of fire finally appeared before him and Claude took a step forward. The smell called to him and came from the direction of the castle. Claude's eyebrows furrowed slightly in thought and he walked towards the castle. The familiarity of the smell irked him and Claude had trouble placing where he smelled it before.

He inhaled again, searching for a deeper scent; something that would provide another hint. His nose burned and Claude's lips pulled down into a frown as his mind raced. The scent was so strong and alive around him that Claude could almost taste it in the air. Hot and fiery like fire but just under that, something calming.

Claude's eyes opened and he darted forward without thought. He rushed past the remaining demons on the streets, ignoring the cries as he passed, and sucked in another breath as he neared the castle.

It loomed before him and the scent remained stronger here, teasing Claude's nose. He didn't stop as he pushed through the gates without further preamble. His nose drove him forward, leading him through the twisted maze of corridors that filled the castle. The smell originated somewhere deep within the belly of the large building and it called to him.

He turned a corner and nearly collided with a thick wooden door. He pulled himself up just in time and Claude let out a long sigh as the scent surrounded his body. It permeated the air heavily with its scent and pushed against Claude. His hand pressed against the rough wooden surface, fingers and palm lying flat.

For a brief moment, he hesitated and felt reality catch up with him. He had just charged into the castle and raced through it like a demon high on angel tears. Dangerous and deadly, the servants or felines could strike him down the moment they found him. All because Claude had reacted this way to a scent.

A scent that lingered just beyond the door. A scent that he knew growing up but never could place a name to it. And yet, standing here before the closed door, Claude didn't have any doubts about what the scent was that hid just beyond the other side of the door.

Claude's hand pressed harder against the door and it opened easily. The thick scent washed over him in a wave and Claude didn't have to look at the demon resting in the room to know who the scent belonged to. He just knew. "Sebastian," he murmured.

Crimson eyes opened and swung up to look at him. They closed again, pain lacing the dark red color as Claude stepped further into the room, his eyes focused on Sebastian's heaving form.

"Shut the door," a harsh voice snapped.

Claude jumped at the familiar voice and offered a shaky bow before reaching behind him to close the door. "Sire," he said softly. "My apologies." He kept his eyes trained to the ground, his ears trained to listen for the slightest of sounds in case his Sire moved. He hadn't seen the elder demon upon entering the room, too focused on Sebastian.

"Come here, Faustus," his Sire said and shifted on the bed next to Sebastian. Claude stared at him, trying to assess the situation and Claude's eyes darted back to Sebastian. "Now, Faustus," the voice commanded.

Claude quickly moved over to the bed, his eyes still trained on Sebastian. Closer, he could see the sweat that covered pale skin, lacing together with thin rivulets of pink. "What's wrong?" Claude asked, more to Sebastian than his Sire and he curled his fingers into a fist to keep himself from reaching out to touch Sebastian.

His Sire hummed lightly. "He's undergoing his final growth spurt," he answered. "They grow in a decade before he turns two centuries. We've known this day would come soon and it just peaked today."

"Just peaked…" Claude trailed off. "How long has Sebastian been back in the realm?"

Dark crimson eyes swung up to meet him and a smirk crossed his Sire's lips. "The past six years, Faustus," he answered and turned his attention back to Sebastian.

Claude scowled. "Were you ever planning on telling me?" He asked, more to Sebastian than his Sire. "Several times, the guards informed me that Sebastian remained on the human plane. This whole time he's been here?"

"We've traveled extensively," his Sire stated. "But yes. Even though he wasn't in the city, he still remained in the realm."

"Why did you never call me back?" Claude growled.

His Sire stood up slowly, casting one last gaze over Sebastian. "That's not for me to answer. Although I would gladly tell you my reasons for wanting you to stay away." He stepped away from the bed. "I'll be back shortly. We'll need more linen at this rate."

The door opened and shut softly, leaving the room bathed in silence. Only Sebastian's harsh pants occasionally broke the tense quiet and Claude moved closer to the bed. "Why didn't you call me back?" He asked again.

Sebastian shifted on the bed and tilted his head. Long teeth flashed as he spoke, telling Claude how much pain Sebastian was in. "You enjoyed yourself so thoroughly the first three years that I didn't think you would want to return after your given freedom." He gave a pained smirk. "Now you have your freedom and don't have to deal with a spoiled child again," he finished.

Claude scowled and looked to the side. "Of course you would remember that. I didn't think you were one to hold a grudge, Sebastian."

A low chuckle left Sebastian's mouth before he arched his back in pain. "I thought you knew me, Faustus," he drawled.

"Enough, Sebastian," Claude snarled. "That was a decade ago."

"Yet you brought up something that happened a century ago," Sebastian commented and his nails dug into the bedding. "If you held a grudge for something that happened well over a century, I'm entitled to hold one for a decade."

Claude clicked his tongue. "I'm not getting into that fight again with you. Not after I waited for years for you to come back." His eyes narrowed. "I waited years, Sebastian, for you to come back and summon me like you said you would. I ran here as soon as I smelled your scent, only to find out you hid from me for years because of a petty grudge?"

"Why?" Sebastian asked quietly. "Why did you come back here once you found my scent? You didn't have to, I never called you back."

Claude jerked slightly at the question and he ran an agitated hand through his hair. He didn't know the answer himself. When he first realized the scent belonged to Sebastian, he rushed forward without thought. His body craved to stand next to Sebastian and the restlessness that had settled over Claude during Sebastian's absence, vanished the moment that scent wrapped around him.

It told him that Sebastian had returned, that he was in the city, and it urged Claude forward.

"I don't…," Claude started and he looked away from Sebastian. With that one question, all the thoughts that Claude had avoided for the years of Sebastian's absence came rushing back. They battered against each other as they swirled around his mind, rough and chaotic in nature. It left him with a headache and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to make sense of the multitude of questions.

"Claude," Sebastian murmured.

Claude's eyes opened again at the sound of his name from Sebastian's lips. It soothed him and helped to ease the fray inside his mind until Claude could think clearly again. "I ran here because I waited for you to come back," he finally answered. "It was boring without you," he finished, voice rough.

Sebastian gave a small chuckle before his nails tore long furrows in the bedding. "Fuck," he hissed and squeezed his eyes shut. "If you're so adamant about having your old position back, then come here."

Claude didn't hesitate as he leaned down, looking at Sebastian's body as it contorted in pain. "What do I need to do?" He asked and flinched as Sebastian latched onto his arms. Nails dug into his skin and drew blood but Claude ignored it as he sat down next to Sebastian.

"Just stay here," Sebastian grunted through his clenched teeth.

"Your back is bleeding," Claude stated and reached out to brush over one of the thick wounds that split the pale skin. The skin was hot to the touch and the moment Claude's fingers brushed over the heated skin, the muscles on Sebastian's' back tightened making Sebastian howl in pain.

Claude's hand jerked away quickly as more blood spilled from the wound and further soaked the linen in the crimson liquid. "Shit," he cursed and tried to stand so he could call for Sebastian's father, but Sebastian's grip tightened further.

"Don't," Sebastian said as the door to the room opened.

Accusing crimson eyes glared at Claude as his Sire walked into the room, a thick stack of linens held tightly in his hands. "What happened?" He asked as he moved over to the bed.

"They're coming in," Sebastian said through clench teeth. "I can feel them just underneath the skin. It hurts," he hissed.

Claude's eyes darted to the area on Sebastian's back where he touched earlier and could see something white starting to push through the blood and muscle. "What is it?" He asked.

His Sire reached forward and traced his fingers down Sebastian's spine. "Part of his last growth," he answered and his fingers came to a stop just above the loose pants Sebastian wore. "It's something passed down through my lineage. His child will experience the same growth, along with their child."

The hand moved back up again, this time coming to rest over a bloodied wound and Claude frowned as Sebastian's body shook on the bed. "You're hurting him," he snapped without thought and instantly clamped his mouth shut as his Sire turned to glare at him.

"No matter what, he's going to feel pain," his Sire answered and turned his attention back to Sebastian. "This just speeds up the process. Usually a demon has to suffer through their growth alone, using their energy to help the growth. But sometimes, another demon can help the process by sharing their energy to coax the growth."

Claude pressed closer to the bed and could see that the white had grown more under his Sire's hand. "I never knew that," he murmured.

His Sire snorted but didn't comment further. "This type of growth though is tedious, as they have to grow at the same time." His eyes darted up briefly to Claude. "It would require two demons to help."

Understanding dawned quickly in Claude's mind and his eyes dropped back down to Sebastian's bloodied back. He knew what his Sire suggested and a large part of him already knew his answer. Claude just didn't know why he wanted to help Sebastian so much but the feeling drove him forward and he couldn't ignore it.

"What do I need to do?" He asked.

"Here," his Sire answered and shifted his hand to rest on the other wound. "You'll feel his energy once he starts focusing it on the area, trying to force them out. Once he does, we'll help coax them out the rest of the way."

Claude nodded and felt Sebastian's energy flicker below his fingers, warm and soothing despite the pain etched on Sebastian's face. It mounted and grew, twisting and coiling around him in a warm embrace until Claude could feel Sebastian's energy surrounding him. Almost as though Sebastian's body pressed against his.

"Pull," his Sire said sharply and Claude focused his own energy, letting it wrap around Sebastian's until they intertwined so deeply that he couldn't tell them apart.

The white growth easily sliced through the muscle and skin as it grew from Sebastian's back. Blood coated the surface and Claude could hear bones popping and cracking into place. The sound made him wince and he flinched each time the noise echoed throughout the room. It sounded painful and judging by the harsh pants that left Sebastian's mouth, it was probably worse.

Sebastian's energy flickered around him before it vanished and Claude sucked in a deep breath as he relaxed. His eyes darted over the things protruding from Sebastian's back; silently noting that they were indeed bones. The blood trickled away, leaving white bone in its wake and Claude leaned forward to inspect the new additions to Sebastian's body.

They arched long and tall, with several smaller branches spiking out from the main bone. If Claude didn't know any better, he would think that the bones made up the skeletal structure for wings.

"They look like wings," he stated after several moments of silence. He knew it wasn't possible, demons didn't have wings. Other beings had wings, but not them.

"That's because they are," his Sire stated and bent down to look at the juncture where the bone pierced Sebastian's skin. "It's just bone now, but his body will start to heal around the area and cover the new bone with the needed adjustments."

Claude sputtered. "But Sebastian can't have wings. It's…it's impossible."

Sebastian chuckled lowly. "Things are rarely impossible for us, Claude. Difficult or unheard of, but never impossible." He shifted and Claude could see Sebastian's skin knitting together, leaving smooth skin marred only by the drying blood.

"That's," he trailed off, struggling to find a word to describe what he felt but it eluded him. Frustrated, he sat down on the bed and carefully reached forward to touch the new skin at the base of the wings. "You're full of surprises, Sebastian," he said instead."

"I hope that's a compliment," Sebastian answered.

Claude smirked. "I'll let you take it as you will," he stated and stared in awe at the area where the skin turned into something else. Something softer, almost velvet, and Claude could see the beginnings of feathers starting to grow along the newly formed bone.

His Sire carefully wiped away the dried blood with the linens and inspected the wings. "They're forming nicely. Within a few hours they should finish, although it'll take the next few months for you to adjust to them." He tossed the soiled clothes to the side. "For the first month, you'll have to keep them out until you learn how to retract them back into your body."

Claude's nose crinkled slightly. "That sounds annoying," he murmured. "I'm glad I didn't have to deal with any added growths."

Sebastian smirked and twitched his new wings slightly. "I still have one more to go," he answered and his eyes darted up to look at Claude. "Will you stay for that one too? It should prove just as interesting as the wings."

"Does this mean I get my old position back?" Claude asked. He was loathe to admit it, but Claude had missed Sebastian during the decade long separation and simply standing next to Sebastian was enough to ease the anxiousness that had built during the past few years. He didn't try to understand, knowing that it would only make him even more confused, and instead accepted the strange feelings.

Crimson eyes gazed up at him. "Is that what you want?"

For a brief moment, Claude faltered. He still had a chance to back out and sort through his feelings. Still had a chance to retain the freedom that he had over the past ten years. Did he truly want to return to Sebastian's side every evening and spend hours with him? The answer came simple enough, even if Claude didn't understand the driving force behind it.

"I do," he answered and his lips quirked slightly into a smug smile. "I believe you're stuck with me now, Sebastian."

Sebastian chuckled lowly and his body relaxed against the bed. "That was never a problem to start with," he muttered. "Welcome back, Claude. I fear this time, the warning should extend to you. You're stuck with me, again."

Claude smirked but didn't say anything. He watched the soft black feathers slowly start to grow and spread across the wings with soft whispers. Claude reached out and lightly brushed his fingers against them before settling into a spot next to Sebastian, while Sebastian slowly slipped off to sleep.

.:|Hunting Fire|:.

Claude paced the forest, feeling agitated and frustrated. The heat in his body twisted and coiled as the wind carried a thick, heady scent on its currents. It made him growl in annoyance and Claude struggled to keep his desires under control. He knew the familiar smell and it called to him, coaxing him with the scent of fire. But the first time Claude answered that call, Sebastian beat him so thoroughly that Claude's body ached for an entire day.

It wasn't fair, Claude snarled and took his frustration out on a nearby tree. He spent the past decade at Sebastian's side, helping him through the final growth and adjusting to the new additions. No one else knew Sebastian as well as Claude did, yet Sebastian fought him off and denied him as a potential mate.

"Spoiled brat," Claude hissed and ran a hand through his hair. Every instinct in his body screamed at him to tuck Sebastian underneath his body and mount him. Taking him long and hard into the night until their scents bled together and everyone knew that Sebastian belonged to him and vice versa. But Sebastian clearly didn't feel the same way, otherwise Claude wouldn't be out here during Sebastian's first heat.

The thought made Claude ground his teeth together in anger and he started to pace again. A month ago, the mating season started and Sebastian officially lost his fledgling status. He wouldn't turn two centuries until after the birthing period, but his body still knew that it would happen in the current year and Sebastian felt the effects of heat for the first time.

Along with every other demon in the realm.

For years, Claude knew Sebastian's scent. He had known it several decades before, but never realized the scent belonged to Sebastian until Sebastian's final growth. Claude took great pride knowing that no one else could smell the addictive scent of fire and that for years; the smell belonged to only him.

However, once the heat hit, the smell seemed to grow and spread across the realm. Demons flocked to fight Sebastian, hoping for a chance to have Sebastian accept them as a mate and then mount him. The power and pride that would come from having accomplished the task was one that any demon would want.

But something else drew Claude to Sebastian. Something more than bragging rights and the power that came with dominating the heir to the realm. It was something subtle and coaxing, drawing him forward until Claude could do nothing but answer the call. Claude needed to talk with Sebastian and he could only hope that Sebastian would let him within speaking distance.

Another low growl left Claude's mouth as he turned from the forest and stalked towards the castle. The setting suns cast the large building in darkness while long shadows stretched across the ground. He passed a few demons retreating from the ominous castle, most of them sporting injuries that stained their skin after an unsuccessful fight with Sebastian.

Sebastian would only lose to the demon he wanted to mate with and with two months remaining in the season, many wondered if Sebastian would pick a mate during his first heat. Under normal circumstances, the situation would seem odd, as no demon wanted to go through the whole season without someone to ease the burning heat that coiled through their body.

Yet somehow, Sebastian seemed content to do just that. Sebastian had royal blood racing through his veins and the urge to find a strong mate overrode the desire to rut. Until he found the mate he wanted, Sebastian would ignore the heat for however long it took. And Claude had no doubt that Sebastian wouldn't settle for anything less than what he wanted.

He pushed through the gates, ignoring the guards on duty. They knew him well enough by now to know that he wouldn't harm Sebastian, the mere idea was laughable. Sebastian had already proved his strength several times over during the course of the past month. Sebastian had nothing to fear from Claude.

The overwhelming smell of Sebastian's scent plowed into Claude as he entered the castle and immediately, arousal raced through Claude's veins. He moaned softly and clenched his hands into fists as he struggled to control his body. He was here to talk, not challenge Sebastian. No matter what his body demanded.

With some trouble, Claude forced his lust under control and continued to walk through the hallways. The scent grew heavier near the courtyard where Sebastian fought his potential suitors and Claude's head swam at the heady smell. He ground his teeth together, ignoring the taste of blood on his tongue as his teeth sliced into his lips.

"Sebastian," he said instead as he entered the destroyed courtyard. No doubt, his Sire wasn't happy with that.

"Claude," Sebastian answered and cocked his head. "We haven't done anything and you're already bleeding," he teased.

Claude smirked slightly and licked the blood away from his lips. Crimson eyes watched the movement carefully and mimicked the action, making Claude swallow hard. "You look well, all things considering," he stated instead.

"I've been better," Sebastian said and leaned back against a large broken statue. "Why are you here?"

Claude's eyes traced over Sebastian's body, taking in the relaxed and casual pose he took, and tried to wrestle his arousal under control. "To talk," he answered with some difficulty. "I just wanted to talk today. We haven't done that since the season started."

Sebastian's smirk slipped away from his face and he leaned forward. "Talk?" He echoed. "What do you want to talk about, Claude?"

"Anything," Claude said and brought his hand up to cover his nose, hoping it would ease the addictive smell. It didn't help and if anything, only made Sebastian sit up straighter. Claude watched the action carefully, noting how Sebastian's body had grown tense and crimson eyes watched him intently. "Anything you want to talk about."

Slowly, Sebastian stood up and his tail swayed back and forth behind him. Claude watched the movement and had to force his eyes back up to Sebastian's face. That tail was his undoing. The night it appeared, Claude had helped coax it out and he watched as the skin grew around it; soft like velvet with a fluff of fur at the tip. It drove Claude crazy and often times, he would watch it move while Sebastian worked, as though it had a life of its own.

A soft noise made him look up and Claude cursed as something heavy rammed against his body. It tossed him across the courtyard and he smashed into the far wall. The attack made stars dance before his eyes and Claude quickly shook them away as he climbed to his feet. "Fuck," he murmured and searched the courtyard for the thing that attacked him.

The only thing in the large area though was Sebastian and judging by the feral smirk that twisted his lips, Sebastian wanted to do something other than talk.

A low growl left Claude's throat and he rushed forward, annoyed at Sebastian's actions. "You wanted to talk, Claude," Sebastian goaded as he dodged the attack. "So talk! What's on your mind?"

"You," Claude snarled. "You're always on my mind and you're driving me crazy." His claws swiped at Sebastian's chest and he smirked as they sliced a small furrow into Sebastian's skin.

Sebastian frowned. "Of course you would say that. It's the season, so you're feeling the effects of it and like everyone else, you want to challenge me." His leg kicked out, catching Claude in the stomach and making him stumble back.

Claude shook his head and glared at Sebastian. "If only it were that simple," he snapped. "I hate knowing that other demons come to fight you when they know nothing about you. They weren't the ones who stayed by your side when you were a fledgling as I did. None of them know you as I do."

He twisted away from Sebastian's attack and put some distance between them as he glared at Sebastian. The words wouldn't stop now and after a month of watching demon after demon vie for Sebastian's attention, Claude didn't want to stop. None of them deserved Sebastian. They were only after Sebastian because of his title; not because of the other things Sebastian had to offer.

"You know me?" Sebastian questioned and his eyebrow rose slightly. "What makes you think you're more eligible than the others who tried in the past?"

"Because I've put up with you for the past century and a half," Claude answered, feeling smug. "I know your good points and your bad points. How you spend months searching for the right contract and how you obsess over the felines. No one else knows you and they won't bother to learn. They just want the status that they'll get from mating with you."

Sebastian grunted as an attack landed on his shoulder. "Aren't you the little jealous demon," he said and looked at his shoulder before focusing on Claude again. "But what makes you so different from the other demons? You could be after that prestigious title as well."

"I just want to stay by your side," Claude said. "There's something there, I can feel it. It constantly pulls me towards you and I…" he snarled in frustration, cutting off his thoughts. He didn't know how to explain what he felt. Claude only knew that he wanted to stay at Sebastian's side and that no other demon was right for Sebastian.

Sebastian didn't answer and Claude pushed him back with a strong kick. The silence unnerved him and even Claude didn't know what to think about the words he spoke, but they were the truth. He couldn't stand the thought of Sebastian accepting another demon as his mate and it drove him to attack harder and faster.

The sudden change of speed and ferocity seemed to catch Sebastian off guard and he grunted as another attack landed on his body. Claude took the distraction and used it to his advantage, striking quicker and with more power. He would make Sebastian see how serious he was about this and make him understand.

They danced around each other as Sebastian gathered his wits after the series of fast attacks and finally defended against them. But they lacked the normal finesse that Sebastian usually displayed while fighting or sparring, and Claude growled in annoyance. It felt as if Sebastian wasn't trying anymore and had given up to spite Claude.

"What's wrong with you?" Claude snarled and watched as Sebastian stood up after a rough attack that left him winded. "I know you're stronger than this. Fight me! Or are you trying to-" the word died in Claude's mouth and his eyes narrowed slightly at Sebastian. He knew Sebastian's strength, had faced it several times, and Claude knew that Sebastian wasn't fighting at his full strength. Almost as though he wanted to lose on purpose.

The thought made Claude shiver and his gaze darted over Sebastian's body. Looking closer, he could see the subtle changes; the flushed cheeks and labored breathing, the way crimson eyes filled with lust. All signs of a demon in heat and Sebastian showed them for Claude.

Arousal rushed through Claude, raw and feral. It coiled low in his body, mixing with the heat from the mating season until the only thought in Claude's mind was to pin Sebastian underneath him. Sebastian showed all the signs, for the first time since the season started, and Claude wasn't going to ignore it. If Sebastian didn't want him as a mate, he had the power to stop him.

The thought drove Claude forward and he attacked Sebastian quickly, unsurprised at Sebastian's weak attempt to block his attack. It only spurred Claude forward and in a few quick attacks, he had Sebastian pinned to the ground. Sebastian struggled underneath him and snarled at him, crimson eyes flashing in defiance.

"You can stop me, Sebastian," Claude said and his claws tore at the tight clothing Sebastian wore. "If you don't want this, if you don't want me, you have the power to stop me. I know you can. But until you do, I'm not stopping."

Sebastian growled lowly and bared his fangs but made no move to stop Claude. His struggles continued, but they remained feeble and Claude easily kept Sebastian pinned under him.

He reached around Sebastian's body and gripped the hard cock that pressed against Sebastian's stomach. The action made Sebastian toss his head back and moan loudly. His hips bucked into Claude's hand and Claude smirked. "But I don't think you want me to stop," he murmured and nipped Sebastian's ear.

"Claude," Sebastian panted and gave one more half-hearted struggle for show. He growled lowly in his throat in an attempt to save face but his actions gave him away.

"Sebastian," Claude muttered and pulled his fingers away from his mouth. He pressed his slick fingers to Sebastian's entrance. "Last chance."

Sebastian stiffened below him before his hips barely pressed back against Claude's fingers. Claude smirked and his teeth sunk into the soft skin at the base of Sebastian's neck. That answer was the best he would get from Sebastian and he pushed two fingers into the tight body. Sebastian snarled at him, still putting on a show and testing Claude but didn't make any further moves to stop him.

Claude's mouth sucked at the bleeding wound on Sebastian's neck as his fingers thrust in and out. As demons, they could handle the pain of penetration without any preparation; their bodies built for sex and mating. For them, preparation was a form of foreplay meant to assert dominance and tease their partner when given the chance.

And Claude took great pleasure in teasing Sebastian. His fingers stretched the tight ring of muscles while his other hand fisted Sebastian's erection, drawing loud grunts and moans from Sebastian. If Claude had his way, he would make Sebastian scream his name before the suns set so everyone knew Sebastian had chosen a mate.

Underneath him, Sebastian bucked weakly and his claws dug into the ground as Claude continued to tease him. Heavy pants left Sebastian's mouth and Claude smirked as he pushed another finger in. His mouth continued to move over Sebastian's skin, biting it and leaving marks in his wake until blood trickled across Sebastian's back.

He ran his tongue over the crimson liquid and felt Sebastian tremble under his touch. Pride swelled in Claude's chest at the noises that left Sebastian's mouth and he twisted his fingers, hooking and pressing deep until Sebastian tossed his head back with a loud cry of pleasure. The noise echoed throughout the courtyard and Claude smirked as he rubbed the spot again.

Deep growls left Sebastian's mouth and Claude could see crimson eyes glaring at him. Lust made his dark pupils wide but fire still burned on the edges that told Claude that Sebastian still had some fight remaining in him. Claude's fingers brushed over the spot one last time before drawing his fingers out. His body screamed at him to mount Sebastian before Sebastian could wiggle away.

Claude's hand scrambled at his pants while the other kept Sebastian firmly pinned down, but he could feel Sebastian growing restless. Sebastian could sense an opening and his instincts urged him to keep fighting in an attempt to test Claude.

"Not now, Sebastian," Claude growled and his hand came up to rest on Sebastian's hip, holding him in place. His claws dug into the pale skin and Claude's teeth found the base of Sebastian's neck again. Teeth bit harshly at the first bite mark and Sebastian stilled under him, a temporary show of submission.

His hand left Sebastian's hip and Claude quickly smeared the precome over his cock to provide some lubrication. It would help ease the way, if only a little, but it was better than taking Sebastian dry. His cock nudged against the stretched entrance and Claude felt Sebastian stiffen slightly before he pushed his hips forward.

Sebastian growled and his tail lashed against Claude's body, but he still made no move to stop him. Claude smirked at that, knowing Sebastian had chosen him as a mate and he draped his body over Sebastian's as his hips pressed against Sebastian's ass.

"Claude," Sebastian hissed and bucked his hips in an attempt to dislodge Claude but Claude pinned his wrists down with both hands. The heavy weight above him made it almost impossible to throw Claude off with Sebastian's current weak attempts.

Claude ground his hips against Sebastian, teasing him and simply savoring the feeling of being inside Sebastian. He had taken other demons before, during the season and for pleasure, but none compared to Sebastian. It felt natural and soothed Claude's nerves that had grown so frazzled during the season.

He rocked his hips again and felt Sebastian clench around his cock, a silent demand to move. Claude chuckled and his grip tightened around Sebastian's wrists. "I think I like you like this," he purred. "Underneath me and accepting my cock. You feel good, Sebastian."

Another growl left Sebastian's mouth and Claude felt his energy flare. It washed over his body and pushed against him in a subtle reminder that Sebastian was still stronger than he was.

"I understand," Claude murmured softly and brushed a hand over the agitated tail. "You have nothing to fear, Sebastian. I want you. I want to stay by your side."

Sebastian's body relaxed around him and Claude shifted his hips, pulling back slowly before snapping his hips forward. A low moan left Sebastian's mouth and Claude echoed the noise with a moan of his own as he started a fast pace. He felt Sebastian buck against him and Claude reached back to rest a hand on the curve of Sebastian's hip.

His fingers curled around the sharp hipbone, gripping it tightly as he helped guide Sebastian to meet his thrusts. They moved together awkwardly, Sebastian fighting the heat that clouded his thoughts and struggling to give into instincts.

Claude grunted softly as Sebastian sank his teeth into his arm in frustration as small growls left his throat. Claws dug into the ground and Claude leaned forward more. "Relax Sebastian," he said lowly. "Stop fighting and thinking. Just let go this once and let me take care of you."

He felt Sebastian bite down harder in an attempt to calm his mind and accept the heat as he continued to thrust into Sebastian. Somehow, Claude wasn't surprised that Sebastian had difficulty accepting his first heat. Sebastian's mind never stopped thinking and after nearly two centuries of studying and playing politics, his mind had trouble with accepting everything.

He swiveled his hips and thrust hard as he pulled Sebastian's hips back to meet his. Sebastian howled with pleasure and Claude grinned as he continued to thrust at the same angle, making sure to brush against Sebastian's prostate with each pass of his cock. He felt Sebastian start to rock with him, moving in time with his thrusts and Claude lowered his head as he thrust harder into Sebastian.

His breath fanned against Sebastian's cheek as he panted for breath, feeling the heat coil throughout his body. It urged him on until the only remaining thought was to claim Sebastian as his. Pleasure raced through his veins and Claude moaned loudly as Sebastian clenched around him again.

Claude glanced up; taking in Sebastian's flushed face and closed eyes. Heavy pants left Sebastian's mouth and Claude's blood dripped from his open mouth as Sebastian finally lost himself to the heat. He grunted and growled as Claude continued to thrust into him, the noises arousing Claude even more.

"That's right," Claude grunted as he tugged at Sebastian's hips, tilting them up higher. He groaned as his cock slipped in deeper and Sebastian let out an approving moan.

They moved together, lost in the heat that coiled and churned throughout their bodies, unconcerned if anyone saw them. If anything, Claude wanted them to see, if only so other demons knew that Sebastian belonged to him and vice versa. His nails dug into Sebastian's skin at the thought, drawing more blood and letting the scent mix in with the smell of arousal and sex.

The scent made Claude's head swim, Sebastian's blood carrying the same fiery smell that drove Claude crazy. And it was all Claude's now. He was Sebastian's mate. Sebastian chose him.

He thrust harder at that thought, making Sebastian cry out his name. The noise echoed throughout the realm and Claude faltered for a brief moment, surprised at the volume, before continuing just as hard again. Let them hear.

Sebastian's hips thrust back to meet his, skin slapping against skin and Claude's teeth found Sebastian's skin again. Sebastian retaliated by clawing at his arms, drawing blood until they couldn't tell where Claude's began and Sebastian's ended. Words failed them as they turned more animalistic, grunting and growling instead of speaking.

Their actions turned feral and rough, eyes slitting, and nails and claws lengthening even more. The season brought out their true nature and Claude barely had enough sense to grab Sebastian's neglected cock, stroking it roughly, as he continued to thrust into Sebastian's body.

It didn't take many passes of his hand before Sebastian's body stiffened and he came harshly, crying Claude's name for the whole realm to hear. His body clamped around Claude, making him groan, as his movements grew jerky and sporadic. Underneath him, Sebastian continued to moan his name and Claude could see hazy crimson eyes watching his every move.

The burning desire still present in Sebastian eyes made Claude's arousal curl tighter throughout his body until it settled low in his stomach. He was close and his toes curled in pleasure as Sebastian continue to clench around him.

"Mine," he growled lowly into Sebastian's ear, his orgasm just beyond reach.

Sebastian smirked lazily but his eyes filled with promise and desire. "Yours," he agreed and pushed his hips back against Claude. "And mine."

The words made Claude's body tense and jerk as his orgasm washed over him without warning. His hips bucked wildly against Sebastian and he called out Sebastian's name, hardly caring who heard. The claim that Sebastian put over him was heady and knowing that Sebastian had agreed to his claim made Claude lose control.

"Yours," he panted heavily as his hips finally stilled and rested against Sebastian's ass. They remained pressed together, sharing heat and enjoying the lingering effects of their orgasm.

Two months remained in the season and Claude refused to share his bed with any other demon but Sebastian. And he would make sure to keep any other demons away from Sebastian at the same time. Sebastian was his mate and the thought of taking another demon sickened Claude. He had always known Sebastian. Had always subconsciously wanted him from the first night he smelled his scent.

The feeling had simply grown as they did, wrapping around Claude without him realizing it. It grabbed him tightly and refused to let him go until Claude realized what he wanted. And Claude wanted Sebastian more than anything. He wanted him as a mate and wanted to stay by his side.

Claude's tongue lapped at the bleeding marks on Sebastian's neck and listened to him purr lightly in his throat. "Mine," he murmured again, lips moving over Sebastian's skin. "Always mine."

It was a bold thing to say, considering how long they lived. Demons rarely kept one mate throughout their long lives and most never did. But judging by the small, content smirk on Sebastian's lips, Claude didn't think Sebastian would mind that much. Claude smirked in return and lowered his lips once more to the bleeding wounds.

He would stay by Sebastian's side for as long as Sebastian would have him. Which, with any hope, would last until the end of their time.