"Read this one" Mike babbled, thrusting his books at Harvey, as he climbed onto the stool next to his daddy, knocking some files onto the floor. Harvey rolled his eyes "Mike" he sighed, he had important work to do and Mike really wanted his attention, which never went down well for him.
"Read" Mike insisted, smacking Harvey's arms with his sippy cup in a bid to obtain his attention, the older man did his best to try and ignore him, hoping his young charge would take the message and go and play. Unfortunately no such thing happened and Mike continued "Mike, daddy is busy, go and play" Harvey said, lifting Mike down.
Mike opened his mouth, screaming, his first reaction to slap Harvey's arm out of frustration, anger and upset. Harvey placed his pen down and raised an eyebrow "Mike, do not hit, I will read to you and take you out, for lunch, for now I need to work and you need to go away and play"
Mike lay down on the floor, kicking and smacking the floor for about half an hour, before becoming bored (as the senior partner remained firm) going off to explore the condo.
Peace at last.
Harvey worked peacefully for almost half an hour, considering checking on Mike, mainly because he couldn't hear him, instead, telling himself he had too much to do and a distraction like that would only cost him time and he didn't want to reward the negative behaviour.
"Seriously?" Harvey found himself groaning, as he heard the sound of what seemed like pots and pans being banged together, purely to create as much noise and disturbance as humanly possibly.
Not five seconds later, in walked Mike into the room, smacking one of his plastic cars, against the pot, Harvey held in his frustration and annoyance at Mike's behaviour, he was clearly just being difficult, he had every toy, DVD and anything he could ever want imaginable and he still chose to annoy Harvey.
"Mike" Harvery muttered, as he rummaged around on the worktop for his phone, dialing Donna's no, when he received no answer he sent a desperate Message.
'Mike's being a pain in the ass! fancy babysitting?
"La la la" Mike sang loudly, pots clarrering in his poor mentors face. Donna must have had her phone right beside her, as she sent an instant reply.
'Get off yours and take him out, poor kid has been couped up for two days!' you can do your work while he sleeps Harvey, that is what every parent does! Harvey simply rolled his eyes, taking the pot away from Mike, turning his back to him, he was determined Mike wasn't going to disturb him. Who was he kidding?
"He never sleeps Donna! I'll buy you another Prada bag? I swear to god he is banging pots in my face! What would tempt you, a house in the hamptons? Is that good for one Mike free weekend?
"You're such a baby, suck it up Harvey, I thought you were taking Mike out today anyway?"
"That was pending on how much work, he allowed me to get done! I guess I am going soft. I am packing up my shit and taking him to the aquarium, maybe a shark will take a fancy to him. '
Harvey waited for Donna's hysterical text, while he gulped his last moutful of freezing cold coffee. Delicious.
"Mike" Harvey called as the younger man emptied the contents of the fruit bowl into a pan, pretending to cook it. "Pack away your toys and then we will go out, you want to go to the Aquarium?" He asked, wincing at the sudden high pitched squeals that came from this news.
Mike beamed "Yes, fishes Daddy" He cooed. Mike's speech had been developing rapidly, Harvey loved that he could almost hold a fluent conversation, he wasn't however loving the diapers, after nearly four and a half years, he was hoping, they'd be past that, not too mention all the power struggles they had daily.
Mike bent down, picking up his cars, trying to hold as many as he could in his arms, dropping one, every time he went to pick up another, Harvey could see the frustration on his face, quickly intervening, before it became an all out tantrum.
"Dada" Mike cried, throwing them down, laying on his back, starting to kick and cry. "Mike, calm down buddy, you want to help me, no crying pup" Harvey told Mike softly, smiling as the younger man, went back to tidying. "Good boy, high five" Harvey praised, beaming, when Mike tried to copy.
After they had finished tidying and Harvey had distracted Mike with a bottle of banana milkshake, while he changed his diaper, he tried to encourage Mike to choose what clothes to wear out, nudging him in the direction, ie, not go out in his batman pyjamas. Cue major meltdown.
"Mike, you can't wear those" Harvey Informed the determine young man who clutched onto the batman trousers for dear life * Choose these jeans or these ones" "NOAHH" Harvey's reasoning was met with screaming and more kicking and crying, he felt bad for upsetting Mike, but also knew that he just wanted his own way and was headstrong and being a pain in the ass.
"Batman" Mike screamed at him, reaching to smack Harvey's arm. "No" Harvey told him, attempting to pick him up, sitting him in between his knees, Mike's struggle continued, he flailed and twisted and turned, Harvey pinned him down, managing to get his joggers off, attempting to put the jeans on, watching as Mike's temper peaked and he became very angry.
"Ow!" "Mike" "What have we said about biting!" Harvey asked sternly, as Mike looked up at him "Mike, do you want to go to the Aquarium, you better stop and cooperate with me, pick one" the older man spoke sternly, hoping to snap Mike out of his fit, before it became a battle he definetely wouldn't win.
Mike kicked for a few minutes more, sucking on his fingers, seemingly debating what had been said or most likely ignoring every word.
"Okay" Harvey decided, standing up, leaving Mike panting at the floor, screaming and clenching his fists.
, Harvey went and made himself a strong black coffee (his fifth of the day at 11 am) taking a minute to run his hand under the tap, feeling a tug on his trousers, looking down to see Mike, holding a pair of jeans, up at him.
"Good boy" Harvey spoke softly, as he dressed Mike. "You going to get your bag for me?" Harvey asked him, as Mike grabbed his bottle, a bottle would usually calm Mike down, if he had lost control of how he was feeling.
Mike returned a few moments later, holding his dinosaur bag, smiling proudly "Mike pack it" he said, Harvey nodded and smiled, inwardly wondering 'What crap' Mike had packed inside.
As if Mike knew what Harvey was thinking, he began pulling out plastic dinosaurs, his crocodile bath toy, blanket, paper and pens (not entirely useless, they could keep Mike entertained at lunch) it became tiresome to have to explain Mike's needs whenever they went to a restaurant, experiencing scrutiny and the cold shoulder, when asking for crayons ect.
"Where are your diapers Mike? Your wipes, cream etc" Harvey asked, a smirk on his face, letting Mike known that theh needed other essentials. Mike just held his hands up, "Not need them" He said with a proud smile, Harvey shook his head, "Yeah you do, unless you want to start going on the Potty and we both know that isn't going to happen" Harvey muttered under his breath.
"No!" Mike yelled, running away. "Of course not" Harvey sighed, rolling his eyes, grabbing a bag of diapers, adding a few to the Bag, along with wipes, snacks, pacifiers and a spare outfit
"Mike, ready to go?" Harvey called, adding Mike's bag to his own, raising an eyebrow, when he saw what Mike was holding "You can't bring that buddy, that is too big" Harvey said, gesturing to Mike's huge turtle, which Mike seemed to have no understanding as to why they couldn't take it, despite Harvey having to explain the same thing, each time they went somewhere.
Mike frowned "Yes" he insisted, a stubborn look on his face, "No" Harvey told him. "Yes!" Mike shrieked "No" Harvey told him again, holding his hand out, "Let's go" Harvey spoke, taking the turtle, putting it on the table , waiting for the inevitable, Mike starting to stomp his feet, turning around, trying to throw himself on to the floor. "No Mike, I have said no, let's Go, I'll buy you a small one"
Mike was crying, while they left the apartment, "Mike, I know. I am mean, I don't want to upset you, you don't want to loose him" Mike continued to cry, as they made their way down to the car.
"Ray?" Mike asked, looking for their driver, Harvey was pleased, despite him being upset, he was showing interest in other things. "No bud, daddy is driving" Harvey told him, as Mike started to perk up. seemingly forgetting about the turtle. "Daddy buy me small one, turtle" He Asked, Harvey smiled "And I'll buy you a ray too"
Mike looked up at him, a puzzled expression on his face "Buy me ray?" He asked. Harvey couldn't help but chuckle, "A ray is a fish buddy, I'll show you today, if is very flat and has a big smile"
"Daddy buy me a real one?" Mike asked, as Harvey clipped him into his car seat, getting into his own seat.
"A toy one pup, I don't think, we have room in the apartment, for a real one" Mike nodded "Yes, too small" He agreed, hugging his blanket.
"We're going to make a quick stop at the office, daddy has to drop something off, okay?" Harvey asked, putting in a record, as they made their way to the firm.
Mike was usually much more receptive, if he knew what to expect.
"Mike, look there's Donna" Harvey told Mike, after Harvey and Donna had gone their separate ways, they had decided that it would be less confusing for Mike to know Donna as Donna and not mummy, seeing as she didn't live with them. Donna was still a big part of their lives, at the firm and outside, but in a friendly and supportive capacity.
Mike smiled shyly, behind his blanket, his little face lightening up, he burrowed his face into Harvey's coat, coming over shy.
"Come on junior, you're not shy" Harvey spoke, pushing him off slightly, permitting Donna to envelop Mike in a huge hug, initiating squeals and groans from the younger man, as he tried in vein to get back to Harvey.
"What are you doing here?" Donna asked or rather sang to Mike "Going to buy a ray and see fishes" Mike babbled excitedly, demonstrating what they were going to do, telling Donna he was getting a "Huuuge ray"
"You are not" Donna gasped, Mike nodded, giggling and clapping, running into Harvey's office, climbing up onto the couch, standing
"Come on pup, Let's go!" Harvey called, motioning for Mike to follow Him, having finished up with what he needed to do.
"Daddy daddy, let's go!" Mike cried, pulling the material of Harvey's jacket, as the older man paid for their tickets, "Mike give me time, wait just now"
Can I help you?" Harveu asked, turning his attention to a lady who was watching them, taking the tickets. "Sick" she mumbled, walking away.
"Come on Mike, we can see the rays and touch them in Five, it's alright buddy" He reassured, giving him a tight squeeze "Ignore the lady" Mike became nervous, looking around. "Wanna Home" He babbled quickly, pulling against Harvey.
"Mike, we are going to have fun, you are going to see all your fish and some rays" Harvey tried to Pursuade. Mike shook his head "Wannna go home" He cried. pulling away. running and hiding behind a fish tank, starting to cry, tears pouring down his cheeks.
Harvey sighed, Mike was much more receptive to what people were saying and thinking, it made him angry to see Mike so upset for something that was beyond his control.
Crouching down, pulling Mike into his chest, "Don't cry, let's go see your Fish, come on. no crying pup" He cooed, wiping Mike's tears away.
Mike sniffles, reaching for Harvey, who picked him up, rubbing his back "Good boy, rays first" Mike perked up and was smiling against, once they reached the touching pool.
Harvey explained about Mike's 'condition' placing him down, frowning when he started crying, trying to grab for his coat.
"Mikey, stop, it's alright, Daddy is here, I'm not going anywhere" Mike screamed, sucking on his fingers, grabbing Harvey's collar
"Mike, calm down, it's our turn" Harvey said, reaching down to touch the ray, smiling at Mike "He really wants you" He told the younger man, looking, to see what Mike would do, Mike smiled, looking down at the water "For me, take home my ray" He said, trying to scoop it up, giggling, when it flapped, splashing him "Ahhh!"
Harvey shook his head, raising an eyebrow, "You can't take the real one home, the animals live here, just like you live in our home with me" Mike nodded "We live together with no rays, and a puppy"
Harvey looked down at his phone "We don't have a puppy buddy, we don't have time for a puppy, you are the puppy in our house" Harvey muttered, thinking how nice it felt to refer to the condo as 'our house' it felt so natural to have Mike there.
He is having a blast, became a little upset when someone was passing comments. He is loving the rays, wants to take one home.
Harvey received a reply within minutes, he could tell that Donna was just sitting by her phone.
Mike clapped his hands, looking at Harvey, soaking wet, "Wow Mike, we gotta to get changed now kid, want to say bye to the rays?" Harvey asked, preparing himself for a fight. "Ahhh he smiles at me" Mike squealed to the handler, as Harvey snapped a few pictures, sending them to Donna.
Looking at his watch and the state of Mike, deciding it was time for lunch, Harvey thanked the handler, taking Mike's hand, leading him to the bathrooms.
"I wet daddy, I had fun" Harvey smiled "You are bud and I am so glad you did Mike" Harvey told him.
"Not get changed! Want to see the rays again" Mike wailed, turning around. "Mike it's time to get changed" Harvey spoke firmly, taking Mike into the changing area.
Mike kicked the door, while Harvey unpacked his bag "Mike!" Harvey exclaimed, pulling him away from the door, Mike closed his eyes, clenching his fists. Harvey simply rolled his eyes, counting in his head, how many fits they had already had today.
Once Mike was changed and in clean clothes and in a better mood, he walked around with Harvey, (sucking on his bottle) as they looked at all the sea animals through the large tank walk way. Mike babbling and pointing out various animals, becoming very animated when Harvey told him facts or pointed out other animals the yonger man didn't know about.
"Shark, daddy, Shark!" Mike exclaimed loudly, pointing and jumping up and down. "Big teeth daddy, he has lots"
Harvey nodded "he does, that is a great white" Harvey explained "You can get Hammerhead too" Mike nodded, babbling something else, as he looked closer.
"Oh gosh, those Pictures are the cutest! He is so sweet!" Harvey was sure he could hear Donna cooing, as she fawned over the pictures.
"Sweer my ass Donna, we havs just had another tantrum, over getting soaking wet and being changed. I'm going to finish up here, grab lunch on the way home and then it is nap time.
"Hey! Is there more" Mike asked, pulling against Harvey's coat.
"Is there more" Mike asked, as Harvey looked down at him, as he was grinning, having seen some Turtles.
Harvey bit his lip, feeling bad for what he was about to do, but he knew it was nearly Mike's nap time, he still needed fed and had not had the greatest night. "The other half is closed today, we will come back this weekend" Mike's lip wobbled "I not want to go!" He said, pressing his face, against the glass "Turtles!"
"Come on Mike, say bye" Harvey urged him, taking his hand, "Mike, calm down, we will come back, I promise kid, okay? We need to finish up for today" Harvey was thankful that Mike was getting tired, as he didn't put up a fuss and was yawning, cuddling into him.
Harvey found himself lifting Mike out his car seat, placing him straight into his bed. Mike stirred up little, when Harvey removed his shoes and coat, settling back down, once he had his pacifier and stuffed turtle.
Seeing the turtle, made Harvey forget his promise to Mike. Shit
Donna, I need you to do something.
Sure Harvey, what do you Need?
I need you to go to the aquairum and buy a ray and a turtle soft toy, I promised Mike and we left without getting them. I don't think I have any patience left to face the wrath of Mike.
That just maybe the strangest request. Done. I am on my way.
Harvey tidied the condo, made some lunch for himself, taking time to just sit and relax, without the noise and bustle that was the younger man. It was so nice to just sit on his couch. read his paper, watch his telvevion, not be over run with toys and awful kids films that made him feel like his brain was being slowly fried.
Mike woke around three hours later, it was more afternoon snack time than lunch, but Mike awoke hungry and very excited, once he had seen his new toys to add to his ever growing collection.
"Daddy" Mike called, trailing his blanket as he trudged into the kitchen, watching Harvey as he sat reading his papers.
"Afternoon junior, want some Lunch?" Harvey asked, ruffling Mike's hair, sitting him onto his knee.
At Mike's eager nodd, Harvey couldn't help but think how much Mike had come on, from their food battles.
Harvey sat with him, as they ate their lunch, "Did you enjoy today, Mike, did you have fun?" Mike nodded, eating his soup, spilling it all down his top, stuffing another spoonful in, speaking with his mouthful
"Go back tomorrow!" He cooed happily, as he pretended to feed his turtle and his ray. (That Donna had amazingly dropped off, while Mike Slept)
"Mike" Harvey chastised gently, "Maybe not tomorrow kiddo, but soon" Mike frowned up at Harvey "Why not tomorrow?" He asked, pulling apart his sandwich, pushing the lettuce off his plate, eating the tomato. getting the juice everywhere.
"I am busy buddy, daddy has important work to do, you are going to go to Nursery"
Mike shook his head, starting to cry "Want daddy" Harvey rubbed Mike's back "I'm here now. I'm always Here"