
He couldn't escape it.

It was like a rope that tightened around him with every breath he took.

The guilt of staying with Asami when he didn't love her.

The guilt of pushing Korra away.

The guilt of not telling her about the kiss.

The guilt of letting her fall.

He didn't speak much as Korra and the Airbending children led Asami around the island. Each step it took brought with it an even larger pang of guilt. When Bolin left with Jinora he followed; hoping no-one would miss him.

He passed the building they walked into. He kept walking and walking, thinking about the mess he had gotten himself into.

Asami thought he loved her.

Korra didn't know he loved her.

He couldn't break up with Asami; he needed her.

He couldn't act on his feelings for Korra because he was with Asami. Even if he wasn't she might think he was lying to her about the kiss.

He let out a groan and fell down against a rock, adjusting his red scarf as he did so. He buried his head in his hands, willing the solution to all his problems to magically appear.

Instead of a solution, Korra appeared. He was sitting much higher than she was, so he could watch her without being seen.

She crossed her legs and seemed to be meditating. Just the sight seemed to relax him.

He was mesmerised by her beauty. Asami achieved beauty by applying layers of makeup to her face and by spending hours maintaining her hair, but Korra had natural beauty.

The way her hair fluttered slightly in the wind, and the way her eyebrow creased slightly when she was deep in thought.

The crease deepened and Mako frowned. He didn't like seeing her uncomfortable like this. A tortured expression flashed across her face and she looked like she was in pain.

He jumped to his feet and started running down toward her. He barely noticed the hard waves crashing on the shore, soaking her clothes, nor did he notice Tenzin.

He was about halfway there when she opened her mouth and her scream pierced the air.

Her eyes widened…

She let out a terrified scream….

And then she fell…

Her scream rooted him to the spot. He was unable to move, images of her falling flashing under his eyelids.

He needed to move.

He had to get to her.

Why couldn't he move?

A small part of his brain registered the fact that she wasn't screaming. It took quite a few seconds for his body to respond to this but eventually his head raised and he saw Tenzin with his arms around her.

He willed his body to move, to get closer to her and hear what happened to cause her chilling scream.

He moved silently, not wanting to alert her to his presence. He had no idea how he had gotten his body to snap out of the shock, but somehow he found himself close enough to listen.


Were they causing her such pain?

She said she saw images…and heard sounds… It sounded like she was having nightmares in waking. His thoughts turned to the nightmares he had been experiencing about that night. Maybe hers were the same?

But…if he told her about the nightmares she would know how deeply her accident affected him…she would know how much she meant to her…

He made a mental note to see if he could get Bolin to ask for him, she and Bolin were closer now than he and Korra ever were.

As he did this he saw Tenzin help Korra up, and just as they turned in his direction he silently slipped behind a tree. He cursed himself for the bright colour of his scarf, but he knew he wouldn't stop wearing it.

When Korra and Tenzin returned to one of the building he felt safe enough to leave.

"Ooooh, what were you doing watching Korraaaa?" A sudden voice asked, elongating the start and end of her sentence.

He whipped around was not surprised to see that it was Ikki. He cursed Avatar Aang for repopulating the Airbenders; it was just too easy for them to sneak up on people.

"I was just going for a walk" He lied easily, watching her giggle

"No you weren't silly, you were watching her. You loooooove her don't you?"

He sighed. "Haven't we already had this discussion?"

She nodded vigorously, looking as though she had consumed too much sugar "Yup!" She exclaimed "But last time you said you didn't love her because of Asami!"

"That's my reason now too" He said, trying to find a way around the small girl

"But even 'Sami knows you love her!" She replied, using a pet name for the older girl

Mako's blood ran colder. "…what?" He asked weakly, hoping he had misheard

"Korra wouldn't let me into her room but I stayed and listened at the door. She knows you love her, but then she got sad" She said with a frown "You should go cheer her up!" She added as an afterthought. "New toys always cheer me up! Daddy doesn't like us to have too many things but sometimes 'Nora lets me play with her things and sometimes Mummy buys me treats and they cheer me up too and-"

"I have to go" He cut her off, deciding the best way to get past was to just walk away

She pouted "But I didn't get to finish my story!" She wailed

"Another time Ikki" He said walking away, raising an arm in farewell. He actually hoped he wouldn't have to hear her finish that story.

He felt guilty at leaving Ikki, but he was so use to the guilt now.

He thought about her words to distract him, apparently Asami knew about his feelings. But, maybe it was just the little girl's overactive imagination. He had witnessed that imagination enough times to last several of the Avatars' reincarnations' lives.

There was only one way he was going to find out if she was telling the truth. He was going to have to go in there and face her.

He took a deep breath and headed toward her room.



He looked up, startled, as a sudden impact broke him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see his brother looking at him concerned

"You ok bro?"

"I'm fine Bo, just a little bump"

The Earthbender frowned at this "You know what I'm talking about. Ever since you got back from that raid on the Sato mansion you haven't been your usual self, you've been acting different"

Mako raised an eyebrow; he didn't think he had been that obvious.

"Different how?"

Bolin fidgeted nervously "You've barely said a word to anyone- not even Asami. I don't remember the last time I saw you smile or bend…" Mako felt even more guilt as he saw how worried he had made his only brother.

Bolin exhaled, as if to drop his current line of thought and started his sentence again. "Is this because of Korra?"

When did Bolin get so perceptive?

He couldn't lie to his brother about this, not when he'd come right out and asked directly. He didn't think he could hold all of this in on his won for any longer either.

Mako gestured to one of the empty rooms close by them. "Can we go in here and talk?"

Bolin nodded and obliged, shutting the door securely behind them as Mako lit some of the candles in the room with his Firebending. Bolin looked visibly relieved at this; as though he had worried his brother had lost his ability to manipulate fire.

Mako thought about the Earthbending book Bolin had lent Jinora. Bolin had gotten it when he started throwing himself into his bending practise after their parent died. In it, it spoke about someone losing their bending after being through a traumatic experience.

Mako was glad he didn't remember that book while Korra was unconscious.

"So…" Bolin trailed off, pointedly looking at Mako to start explaining what had been going on.

"Where do I even start?" He asked himself as he sat down on one of the beds, Bolin doing the same.

"Right at the beginning"

Mako took a deep breath and started to explain everything. One of the first things he'd brought up was the kiss. He was afraid Bolin would take it the wrong way or be offended but he seemed to take it just fine.

He seemed to take everything just fine.

He listened intently; eyes widening at the appropriate moments and softening in sympathy.

Mako was glad he decided to tell Bolin. With each word that came out of his mouth the burden of guilt got slightly smaller. It was still there of course; and no amount of talking would get rid of it, but it began to feel slightly bearable.

When he finished he sat in silence, waiting for his younger brother to say something. Bolin didn't seem to be able to decide what to say first; his mouth open and closed a few times as if he was rethinking his sentences.

"Wow" Was what he eventually decided on, speaking softly.

"I don't know what to do Bo" He said, staring imploringly into his brothers green eyes.

"Well, you have to talk to Asami bro" Bolin told him, a serious look in his eyes. Although Bolin didn't look visibly upset when he retold the incident regarding the kiss, Mako could tell it still hurt. Bolin didn't want Asami to go through the same thing.

"I was just on my way to talk to her" He reminded him. Bolin jumped up and Mako jumped slightly, startled at the sudden outburst.

"I forgot! You have to go there now!" He practically screamed and started to push Mako toward the door

"Wait" He struggled against the Earthbenders' firm grip "Will you ask Korra about the nightmares?"

"Uh-huh" Was the only reply he got "Now go go go go!"

"I'm going!" Reassured Mako, now sure it was because of his kiss with Korra that his brother was acting like this.

"Wish me luck" Mako grimaced as he walked out the door.