I couldn't believe my absolute luck. I had gotten my brothers to leave early with me, and then convinced them to go inside and start sabotaging the rides—albeit Brick was extremely suspicious of my pushy behavior. Once I was certain that the boys were merrily on their way to ruin some people's lives, I bought our tickets and stood at the entrance waiting. I had been there for about five minutes when a sudden something touched my shoulder. I jumped a mile and turned around to see it was Bubbles, looking as meek and gorgeous as ever. She was wearing white jean shorts that hugged her thighs tightly and a deep blue tank top—one that matched my eyes perfectly. I wondered if she had planned that and held out the ticket. "I got here ten minutes ago, so I got you your ticket. Here you go." As she took the small piece of paper from me, Bubbles' fingers brushed against my own, and I could feel my cheeks heat to a deep red; however, the girl seemed to be fascinated by the ticket and missed the scarlet covering my face. "Should we go now?" I asked once my cheeks cooled off.

"Oh, just a sec," she said, grabbing her white purse, which was hanging from her shoulder. Bubbles dug around in the bag for a few moments, finally pulling out a wallet and saying, "How much was the ticket? Five dollars?"

My face fell at once and my hands shot to her wrists, trying to be the gentleman, trying to do this right and pay for her. "It's okay! This is a date, and I'm the guy, right? I don't mind paying." Bubbles at once looked into my eyes with her light blue ones and I recognized what I had just said. She probably didn't consider this a date, didn't think of me anything other than an acquaintance whom she once hated with all her might, didn't want to be rushed into this. I threw my hands away from hers and began babbling, my face progressively getting redder and redder at each word I said. "Sorry! I mean, if you don't think it's like a—a date, then it isn't, it just slipped out and, well, ya know, a guy and a girl going someplace together—I just assumed that's what it was, but we could just call this a… um…" I scratched my head, trying to think of another word for what a date was, when I noticed she was laughing at me, her cheeks a ruby color, her hands clutching her sides. Her pigtails were bouncing joyfully in the breeze and a few droplets of tears had formed at the corners of her crystal-like eyes. "What?" I whispered, enthralled by her overwhelming beauty.

Giggling, the girl replied with a, "Oh, nothing. Let's go." She grabbed my arm and began walking to the entrance gate, my eyes huge. She was practically hanging off my side, a huge grin plastered on her face. I was simply staring at her as we handed the worker our tickets and even afterwards as we walked through the park, not really heading anywhere specific. Occasionally, she would glance up at me with her eyes sparkling and catch me gazing at her, and her cheeks would darken, if just a tad, a smile still on her dainty lips. Finally, though, she stopped and looked at me. "So what ride do you want to go on first?" she asked. I thought, wondering which rides my brothers would sabotage first, which they would do last—then remembered that we were practically indestructible teens and that it really wouldn't matter if were on a ride that suddenly collapsed.

"Well, I'm not a big fan of roller coasters, so…" I stopped once I noticed the girl's face. "What?"

"Roller coasters are my favorite part!" she said, a small frown on her lips. "But if you don't like them, that's okay…"

"No, no!" I disagreed. "We can go on them. Which one do you want to ride first?" Bubbles placed a dark blue fingernail on her chin and thought, titling her head to the side and sending my heart into overdrive; she was breath-taking.

"How about the Tornado Rush?" she asked, an adorable glint in her eyes. I hated said roller coaster, but I willing to give it a try—for her sake.

"Sure," I said, a forced smile accompanying the statement. "Let's go." I grabbed her hand this time, squeezing it tightly before loosening my grip some. As we got in line, though, I saw a red hat through the crowd, exiting a back door that read: 'Control Room Employees Only'. I was suddenly very nervous and glanced at Bubbles, knowing I would be devastated if she got hurt because of me. "Um, Bubbles?" I asked apprehensively. She turned to face me with a worried look.


"Look… I have to tell you the truth. The only way I could come here with you and not get totally pummeled by my brothers was to convince them I was going so I could get close to you and trick you and hurt you. That's not what I want at all, but they came along, to observe me and sabotage some of the rides. I just saw them walking away, so if we get on the ride and it starts not working, that's why…" Bubbles' eyes grew wider and wider as I told her the story. "I'm… sorry." I looked down at my shoes, unable to meet her gaze. However, she placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head, staring straight into my eyes.

"It's okay. Thanks for telling me." There was an awkward silence as she turned back to face the front of the line. "By the way," she began, smiling. "If you didn't want to come so you could trick me… why did you?" The blonde didn't look my way as she asked this, and I was glad, for my face turned crimson.

"Why do you think?" I asked, trying to keep my composure.

"I need to think about that… Ask before we leave." We both knew what I had meant, and as I saw her cheeks darken, my heart soared. She felt for me what I felt for her…


As Brick and I walked into the park, I grinned devilishly, looking forward to screwing with some people who had come here to enjoy the rides and have a good time. My elder brother and I had already discussed which rides we would mess with first, and we were on our way to the carousel. However, Brick suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the shrubbery. "What are you doing?" I yelled, when Brick jabbed at my throat, causing my vocal chords to become unusable.

"Shut up," he plainly whispered, peering through the bushes and wrought iron bars to look back at where Boomer was standing. "We're waiting for the girls. I'm not missing the chance to mess with Bloss." I rolled my eyes at the nickname he had given his arch-rival. "As soon as they enter, we'll be on their tail, seeing what lines they get into and sabotage those rides. They'll feel like they're being followed by a bunch of bad luck." There was pure hatred and excitement in his voice, and I coughed, trying to speak.

Finally I found enough of my voice to whisper, "What if they don't show up?" He simply snorted.

"They will." I discovered that I wished for the girls to arrive—particularly the girl with the green eyes—and shook my head, immediately banishing the thought. After a few more moments of waiting, Brick stood and pointed to the sky. "There they are." A pink streak was visible in the air, flanked on either side by a green and blue one. "Let's go." He darted out of the bushes and leaned casually against a pillar, discreetly hiding himself while still staring at the entrance. Once the two girls entered—the third standing outside with our brother—Brick was on the move, with me following.

The first place they stopped was a corndog stand. They purchased their snack and began walking around leisurely, looking at everything, examining everything. I eventually got tired of simply following them and whined to Brick. "This is boring. They're not doing anything. Can we go or something?" Brick glared me into submission and I shut up.

"Let's just stay on their tail for a few minutes. And if you get bored… Just enjoy the show." A smile came upon his lips and I instantly realized what he meant. "That's what I've been doing. And even though they're both… well…" He trailed off and I knew what he meant. We hated the girls, naturally; but none of us denied the fact that they had grown up nicely. "I prefer the red-head. The other one's all yours." I grinned and took to staring at Buttercup. She was wearing black jean shorts that seemed illegally short and a loose fitting green jersey that had the number '14' on it with the name 'BUP' on the back. I glanced briefly at Blossom and couldn't understand what he saw in the girl. Sure, she was alright—but Bup was… so much better. She had gorgeously pale legs that appeared to go on forever, a perfectly flat stomach, short bouncy hair, large, moist-looking lips, curvy hips, and had a much bigger chest than either of her sister's combined. Compared to Bup, Blossom was a board. But I digress…

After throwing away their corndog sticks, the girls got in line for a roller coaster and we slipped into a back room, a room filled with computers and wires and screens. I glanced at one of the screens as Brick cracked his fingers, ready to get to work, and saw Boomer and Bubbles in line. "Wait, Brick," I called, just as he wrapped his hand around a cable.

"What?" he asked, clearly irritated.

"Boomer's in the line. If we screw with the ride, he won't get as much of a chance to get close to Bubbles." Brick groaned loudly but agreed and we walked out of the door, heading to the exit to wait for the girls.

They finally came out and we noticed they seemed to be following someone—and that someone was their own sister. It appeared that they were spying on the couple, much like we were spying on them, and so we followed them around for the remainder of the evening, never sabotaging a single ride, and leaving tired and disappointed when it became nine o'clock and Buttercup and Blossom left. We didn't want to wait for our brother, so we flew home; and that night, as I slept and dreamt of destroying the town, of robbing banks, and of beating people up, another thought briefly slipped into my mind—the thought of a girl with black hair and green eyes…


Bubbles was having a fantastic time. They had ridden on all of the best roller coasters; and although Boomer had tensed up and gotten a frightened look in his eyes whenever they got one on, he went through with it like a trooper. Bubbles noted that it also helped when she gripped his hand in her own tightly as the ride began. But after all the coasters, Bubbles was wind-swept and asked Boomer what ride he wanted to go on. "The Ferris wheel!" he replied at once, his eyes lighting up. However, Bubbles' own face fell. "What? Do you not like the Ferris wheel?"

Bubbles sighed heavily. "Well… no. I'm afraid of heights." Boomer chuckled. "Hey! What's so funny?" she asked, slightly stamping her foot.

"You. You're so cute… Afraid of heights… and you fly everywhere…" He wiped the tears away from his eyes and grabbed her hand, pulling her in the direction of the Ferris wheel. "This'll be the last ride," he remarked, reminding the girl of what she had said earlier. "And don't worry. If I can ride on a bunch of roller coasters, I'm sure you can handle one round of the Ferris wheel."

The couple nearly sprinted to the ride. The line was extremely short, and in no time they were sitting in one of the little seats, right next to each other. It was silent until they got about halfway up to the top—and then Boomer spoke. "So… what's your theory about why I wanted to come?" Bubbles noticed how direct he was being, how confident he was. He seemed to have been mustering up his courage their whole date for this one moment in time, and she was half upset that he had done so, for she had not.

"I'll tell you when we get to the top." Boomer just sighed.

The wheel slowly rose higher and higher, and Boomer offered her his arm—which she took and held onto tightly. Finally, though, they were at the top, and the boy just sat in silence, waiting. "Fine," the girl said, sighing. "I think you wanted to come… because you like me." Bubbles couldn't see the boy, but could feel the excitement coursing through him. "Am I right?" She turned to look at him and saw he was smiling, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"First, I have to tell you my theory about why you asked me to go with you." Bubbles looked away, the heat creeping into her cheeks. "My guess… is that you like me." The words hit the girl and her face turned bright red. "Did I guess right?" She turned to gaze into his eyes and saw they were a clean, honest blue. Certainty was rolling off of him in waves and, in response to his question, Bubbles leaned forward and lightly pecked him on the cheek. Both their faces turned scarlet, and Bubbles snuggled closer to the boy, who draped his arm across her shoulders. They sat like that, at the top of the wheel, until they felt it move again—and Bubbles spoke up.

"The Ferris wheel is my new favorite ride…" she mumbled quietly, causing Boomer to chuckle. After another period of silence, the girl asked the boy a question. "What'll your brothers do to you?" Worry was written all over her face and Boomer just shrugged.

"I guess I'll just have to tell them and stand up to them. Brick will be totally angry, but I think I can convince him it's for the best. Besides, have you noticed how he and Butch ogle your sisters? I'm sure that within the next year, they'll be dating." Bubbles giggled at the very thought and cuddled closer to Boomer, so glad she took Buttercup's advice.

Author's Note: And that's the end… Next up of my Three-Parter is Buttercup and Butch, which I have just started working on. Entitled, "Green with Envy" keep an eye out for it… :D Thanks for reading, any and all reviews are appreciated.

