Author's Note: Sorry this was a bit later than intended (school has been crazy with exams and such), but hey, at least it didn't take me months this time, right? ;) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the last chapter (even though it's a bit short). I had a lot of fun writing this one, it's my favourite chapter I've written, so I hope you like it too! Enjoy :)

John awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to get up yet. He spent a few minutes just basking in the comfort that he was currently feeling, and then let his eyes slowly open. However, he was startled when his gaze was met with an icy blue stare.

Sherlock was positioned on his side facing John, his head propped up on his hand. He regarded the doctor with a curious look. John felt slightly uncomfortable under the intense and scrutinizing eyes. John also noted, with a small fluttering of his heart, that there was very little space between them.

"You know, staring at someone while they sleep could be considered creepy." John said with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh? I was under the impression that it was thought to be romantic." Sherlock replied in an undecipherable tone. John smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, maybe in teenage vampire novels…" he replied. Sherlock furrowed his brow, not understanding the cultural reference. John chuckled.


Sherlock's gaze flitted away for a second, then back to John's face. It looked to John as if the detective wanted to ask a question, but was uncertain about it. John stiffened slightly, what if Sherlock was trying to figure out a way to politely ask him to get the hell out of his bed? John then relaxed as he dismissed the thought. Sherlock was many things, but one thing he certainly wasn't was delicate. John comforted himself with the knowledge that if his flatmate wanted him out of his room, then he would have just bluntly said so. Sherlock cleared his throat.



"What are we?"

John was a bit taken aback by the detective's innocent and abrupt question.

"Well, we're friends." John said, questioningly.

"John, I am well aware that I am not an expert at relationships, but even I know that what we have seems to go beyond a normal friendship, even that of best friends. So, I'll ask again, what are we?" Sherlock replied, his tone still not giving anything away. John paused for a moment before replying.

"Erm- what would you like us to be?" John asked, a slight blush beginning to tint his cheeks. Sherlock shifted even closer.

"Well that, my dearest doctor, would depend entirely upon you." Sherlock replied with a mischievous smile. John was struck speechless, and the extremely close proximity to the object of his affections certainly wasn't helping. John opened his mouth several times to say something, but stopped himself each time. His gaze dropped to Sherlock's lips, which were mere inches away from his.

"Oh, sod it." John said finally, closing the short distance between them and kissing Sherlock thoroughly. To John's delight, Sherlock returned the kiss just as enthusiastically. It was a bit messy at first, both men trying to find their rhythm, but it was perfected very quickly. The kiss turned into one of ecstasy, both men's lips moving in perfect harmony, their tongues tangling in an elegant dance.

Suddenly, Sherlock was on top of John, straddling him. Sherlock ran his hands down John's chest, but, much to John's disappointment, he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He looked down at John, his kiss-swollen lips forming a smirk.

"So, definitely more than friends then?" he asked, panting slightly. John laughed.

"Oh, god yes." he replied, grabbing the curls at the back of Sherlock's head to bring his head down, reconnecting their lips. John smiled into the kiss as he thought to himself.

Maybe nightmares aren't quite so terrible after all…

Author's Note: Well there it is! It's been really great, this is my first multi-chapter story that I've finished. Thank you to every one of you that supported me along the way! Reviews and the like are, as always, appreciated :D