Just for the record, I'd like to make it clear that whenever I italicize, the characters are either remembering the past or thinking.

Chapter Two: Reunion

The ring of the bell echoed through the halls of Yamaha Academy; class had finally ended. Neru's shoulders slump down in relief and she presses her back against her chair. She lets her head fall backward as she stretched her upper half, interlocking her fingers and pointing her palms to the ceiling. A yawn escapes from her mouth and her eyes become teary.

"Tired much?" Mikuo chuckles. He pulls a chair over from nearby and seats himself next to Neru. In his hand was a packed lunch box decorated with a childish leek pattern.

"I didn't get much sleep last night... And math was a total bore." She recoils and leans her cheek onto her left palm. "Where's Len and Miku?" Neru asks when she doesn't see the two usual faces.

"Miku has club, remember? As for Len... I don't know. He bolted right after the bell. I couldn't even get a word in with him—"

The door slides open to reveal a familiar face.

"Speak of the devil." Neru glances over to Len as he approached the two. "Where did you go—" Neru trails off when she catches glimpse of the figure behind Len. A surge of shock travels through her body and for a moment, she was at a lost for words. "Rin?" She stares at the girl who stood at the doorway. Her presence was obviously awkward to the atmosphere of the classroom.

Rin, head held high, showed a face that expressed something between the lines of bore and irritation. She clearly did not want to be there with Len.

"Yo," she replies with a smile that did not match her eyes. She walks over to them. "I haven't talked to either one of you in a long time." Her glance shifts observantly from Neru to Mikuo and then back. "Did you two start dating again?"

"Well, actually, I have been trying to work up the courage to—" Mikuo begins, but Neru intercepts the conversation.

"Mikuo." Neru glares at the teal-haired boy sternly. It wasn't the time to make a joke. She glances back at Rin when things had become quiet again. "Rin, are you and Len..." she trails off with concern in her voice.

"No," Rin says, "we're not." Her words were bitter. "Though, one mistake in my life isn't going to stop me from socializing with my friends."

Mistake. He was a mistake to her. Len wasn't sure if Rin was purposely saying that in his attendance to hurt him or not. If she was though, it was working. Her words stung with poison and he could only flinch at them.

"I'm going to go get something to eat from the cafeteria... I'll be back," Len mumbles, voice barely audible. He turns back and disappears from the classroom, quickly dodging the suspicious looks he received from Neru and Mikuo.

"I'll be back." Mikuo says, imitating Len's words. He rises from his seat and follows Len out. It was obvious that he planned to question Len.

Len had initially sped-walked out of the room, so there was a huge gap between him an Mikuo. Mikuo wasn't the star member of the track team for nothing though. He presses forward and catches up to his friend with ease. His hand latches onto Len's shoulder, stopping him.

"Going somewhere?" he asks with a sly smile on his lips.

"Mikuo..." Len said, annoyed and defeated. "I don't want to talk about it," he said before Mikuo could even get a question in. Len continues on his way to the cafeteria with Mikuo tailing him.

"That's too bad... Because Neru and I sure want to." He gives Len a cold look that left no room for argument. It was an expression that demanded for an answer, but Len didn't seem to care.

Len swears when he sees the long line in the cafeteria. It stretched from the counter to almost the entrance. He doubles-back and stops by a vending machine to buy a snack.

"Len, what the hell is going on?"

Len's mind stirs as he recalls the events that happened yesterday.

"In that case, I'll make sure to break your heart properly, of course." Rin's voice rang in his ears. Len didn't dare to take a single step.

'Shit. Shit. Shit!' The profanity repeats itself in his mind. He wished that he could become invisible at the moment, but that was obviously impossible.

"Rin..." Len finally said. He turns around to see her lying on the couch in the same position he left her in, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes. "I—" he stops himself. He couldn't finish his sentence.

He wanted to pour his heart out into an apology, but that would make no difference. An apology wasn't going to do anything for Rin. An apology wasn't going to take back all the grievances and pain he put Rin through. An apology wasn't going to mend their relationship. And an apology was not something Rin would receive— not from Len anyway.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" his voice cracks.

"What can you DOto make it up to me?" Rin was hysterical now. She fixes her gaze on Len and in an instant, she props herself up, lying on her side, to face Len. He could tell that was struggling just to keep her consciousness from slipping away. "I LOVED you, Len Kagamine! And what did you do? You used me as a replacement!" Rin was searing with anger and Len could feel the amount of hatred that dripped from each of her words. "Do you know how much I hated myself after I found out?" she cries out in a shrill voice. "I wanted to die!"

Her words stabbed at him as if they were sharp blades. She wanted to die. That was how much she loved him. That was how much their relationship had meant to her. Except, he was only looking for a replacement.


"Get out..." Her voice became a low, but harsh whisper. "There is nothing you can ever do to make it up to me."

Len swallows and cringes at the mess that Rin had been reduced to. A mess that he was partially at fault for creating. "How about it then?" he says, surprising Rin.


"This time," he says, looking at Rin with a trembling smile, "you can dump me."

The sound out metal jingling against each other wakes Len from his vision. He glances over to the vending machine's coin slot where his change fell. He collects his food items and money and turns to look at Mikuo.

"I'm trying to make amends of things," he said with a painful smile before he sped back to the classroom.

Upon entering, he found Neru sitting alone with a book in her hand. He glanced around, but realized that Rin was nowhere to be found.

"Welcome back." Neru closes her book and turns her attention to Len and Mikuo.

"Where did Rin go?" Mikuo asked before Len could.

"She left after getting a text message. She said something about meeting with someone—" Neru is about to continue when Mikuo moves over to the windows, ignoring her.

"Isn't that Rin over there?" Mikuo asks. He pokes at the window's glass, pointing outside.

"What?" Len follows over just in time to see Rin run pass the school gates, heading off the campus. He strains his eyes, but she was already out of his field of vision.

Navy colored hair and eyes, his trademark long blue scarf carried by the breeze, and two small cups of ice-cream in his hand. Kaito Shion stood, waiting against the wall of Yamaha Academy. Unlike the students who passed him by, he was dressed in his casual attire, attracting attention from passersby.

"Kaito!" A voice calls out.

Kaito looks up to see Rin running up to him, out of breath. His lips curve upward into a smile as she greet him with a warm hug. He almost drops the desserts he brought with him, but manages to balance them in his hand.

"I missed you," Rin says, not letting go. Her face burying into his chest.

Kaito chuckles. He gently pats her head with his free hand. "I'm back."

Rin releases Kaito from her grip. That's when she notices the cups of dessert in his hand— one of them being orange flavored. A shimmer sparks in her eyes. Kaito quickly takes notice. A gentle smile appears on his face.

"For you." He presents the cup of orange flavored ice-cream to Rin.

She accepts it gratefully and they begin to travel back into Yamaha Academy's school grounds with the dessert in hand.

"So," Kaito begins, "how have you been?" He glances over to his blonde haired friend with curiosity. "Keeping up with your studies? I heard from Gakupo that you got into class 3-A this year."

"Yes!" she replies eagerly. "Right now, I place fourth in my class..." she mumbles, "but that will all change soon!"

"You're a hard worker as always." He chuckles. "Rin," he says and stops walking. He turns to face her with a serious expression. "How would you like to be my junior again?"

Her footsteps come to a halt and her heart skips a beat. She stares at him with a blank expression on her face.

'Kaito's junior?'


"Kaiko recently purchased a house near this district and my parents approved of my staying with her."

"What?" That was all she could say. Rin was at a loss for words.

She was so devastated when Kaito had told her that he would be moving at the end of her first year at Yamaha Academy that she broke out in tears. Kaito was the first person to have actually stopped and voluntarily listen to her problems. He was an irreplaceable friend that she made. She loved him dearly. She hated the thought of him leaving her alone.

"A-Are"—her voice cracks—"you kidding?"

"Not at all." Kaito grins. "I've already had my belongings taken to her house. All that's left now is for the school's confirmation of my documents— which I am actually going to be handing in right now."

"Oh my gosh..." She tries to blink away the tears that were forming in her eyes. A smile creeps over her lips unknowingly.

"Come on, I'm going to feel bad if you start crying!" Kaito jokes.

"I'm just really glad." Rin wipes her tears away.

"I can tell." Kaito snickers.

"Should I go with you? To the main office I mean." Rin offers eagerly.

But Kaito shakes his head. "You have class soon right? The workers at the main office aren't exactly the fastest or the most motivated." He points out with a grin. "Don't worry about me."

"Oh, okay..." Rin responds, disappointed.

"Listen," he begins and reaches into his pocket to pull out a pen and a small notepad. He proceeds to flip to a clean sheet of paper and scribble something down onto it. "I've got to go finish unpacking back at Kaiko's— back at home I mean," he says and tears the paper out of his notepad to hand to Rin. "So, I'm going to have to need to hurry up with the paperwork."

Rin stared at the information written down on the lined paper she had just received. "This is... Your address?" she asks.

"Kaiko's dying to see you again," he says. "So, don't let her down. Got it?"


"I'll see you later then?"

"Of course."

"Bye, Rin." Kaito waves before disappearing into the school alone.

Rin stares at the address that Kaito had given her. She couldn't stop smiling. Not until a sneeze wakes her from her daze at least. She shivers when she realizes how cold it was and wraps her arms around herself. She hurries back into the building.

Distance away and hidden from Rin's and Kaito's sight was Len. He gripped onto the material of his shirt until his knuckles turned white. He had bore witness to Rin's tears, smiles, and joy— the emotions that she would probably never show him again.

'Right now... I'm probably feeling jealousy.'

A ticket. Len had dropped a single ticket down onto her lap.

Rin looked up to see that his face was a confident one. It annoyed her. She picked up the ticket and examined it. They were for the new theme park that had just recently opened— UTAU Land. Apparently, the attractions there were to die for.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow," Len says a bit too cheerfully.

"What makes you think that I would want to go on a date with you?" Rin asks, irritated.

"Check the back." Len had a smirk on his face— one that made Rin feel uneasy.

She flips the ticket around to see a familiar face on the piece of paper. A small, almost inaudible, gasp escapes her lips, but Len catches it. His smirk spreads into a wider and cockier smile. Rin cringes in her conflicting emotions.

"You're still a fan of VY2, right?" Len asks as if he didn't already know the answer. "Tomorrow is UTAU Land's grand opening and VY2 is going to be there." Len puts his arm around Rin's shoulders and for a second, Rin doesn't notice. "You'll come, right?"

Rin was speechless. She'd been a longtime fan of the pink haired idol from the moment he debuted and had always wanted to see him live in person. Unfortunately, she'd never been able to get her hands on a ticket to any of his concerts. In the end, she'd always wound up sitting home alone to watch his performance on either the internet or through television.

On the other hand, the person who had presented this opportunity to Rin was Len. She hated Len. She'd have protested already too if her mind had not already been occupied by the thoughts of her wonderful idol.

The ironclad wall that she had built to protect herself from Len had fallen and she had been reduced to resemble that of a child longing for a toy. Len, at the very least, had to slyly look away and chuckle to himself.

'To think that I would still be able to bribe her so easily. I don't know whether I should say she's gullible or adorable.'

When Rin had finally snapped to her senses she elbows Len in the stomach and moves away from him. Len falls to one knee after producing an "OOF!" sound.

"D-Don't go putting your arms around me so casually!"

"I suppose I deserved that..." Len managed to say as he pulled himself up. "So..." he began as he dusted whatever dirt off of his pants.

"Tomorrow at 10, in front of the main entrance then," Rin says and carefully puts away the ticket, making sure not to fold the paper that her dearest idol was printed on.

Len couldn't believe his ears. Rin had so easily agreed to his proposal just from the mention of VY2. He made a note to thank Iroha for getting him the tickets.

"I never would have thought that you'd be one to eavesdrop on others' conversations," Mikuo says, leaning on the wall opposite to the classroom door. He stares at Neru who had been peeking into the classroom, listening on Rin and Len's conversation.

A smile had formed over her lips. She quietly slides the door closed and spun around on her heel to face Mikuo. "Quiet, you." Without another word, she proceeds down the hallway, heading home.

"I thought you left your workbook in the classroom?" Mikuo jogs over to Neru and matches his pace to hers.

"It's fine."


"Cause you're lending me yours," Neru says cheerfully.

"Oh?" Mikuo wraps his arms over Neru's waist, pulling her into a hug from behind. "Does that mean I get to come over?" he asks in a playful voice.

Neru only sighs. "Should I call your sister?" Neru threatens in an equally playful voice.

Mikuo releases her from his grip. "Boo, you're no fun, Neru."

"I wanted to give them some time alone together," Neru begins. "They're finally getting along again after all this time, so..."

"So, you didn't want to interrupt them, right?" Mikuo says, finishing her thoughts for her.

Neru, stunned, doesn't answer. She hadn't expect Mikuo to understand. "That's right," she finally says.

"Why are you following me?" Rin glares at Len who'd been walking side by side with her. "Go away. I don't want to have to show up to work with someone like you lurking around me."

"'Lurking'?" Len repeats. "Seriously, Rin? You make me sound like some stalker." He frowns. "Besides, my house just happens to be this way, remember?"

Rin contemplates for the moment to confirm whether or not Len was telling the truth. When she finally remembers that he does in fact take the exact same route home, she mentally curses at her own mistake.

"Take a different route then!" she yells.

"No way!" Len whines. "What if some creep shows up and attacks you?"

"I don't need your protection."

"Then... What if some creep shows up and attack me? I feel much more safer walking home with you," Len jokes.

"I don't feel like providing protection to you either."

"That's cold, Rin. That's real cold of you."

When Rin doesn't respond, Len begins to glance around, examining their surroundings. The first thing that he immediately takes notice of is Rin's hair. Sure, he'd seen her with long hair back when they were dating, but this was the first time that he'd actually really taken notice of how much effort she had put into taking care of her hair.

"Your hair..." he says unconsciously.

Rin glances back at Len with a look. "What about it?"

"Huh?" Len glances back at Rin, realizing that he had made a comment out loud. He scratches the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh, uh, it's really long."

"That's because the person that I liked told me he liked girls with long hair."

Len flinches at Rin's words.

'Oh. That's right... I told her that.'

"O-Oh?" Len stutters. "If you're taking such good care of your hair then you must really like this person a lot." Len smiles, playing along.

As if he'd hit a nerve, Rin halts in her steps.

The pain and her tears and her screams— they resurfaced in her memories. She remembered that moment when she held the pair of scissors in her right hand, ready to chop off her long golden locks. She also remembered that moment when she was stopped.

"Oh, crap, Rin," Len says, fearing that Rin was going to yell at him again. "I'm so sorry. I was joking," he says, "I wasn't trying to offend you."

"It'd be a shame if you just gone and cut your hair like that." Kaito, using his height to his advantage, takes the scissors away from Rin.

Rin could only stare in shock at the boy who had appeared before her.

"Don't you know? A woman's hair is her life."

The voice rung in Rin's mind as she repeats the very same sentence to Len.

"What?" Len's facial expression changes into a look of confusion.

"You're right," Rin says with a shy smile over her lips. "I do like this person a lot."


Len stares at Rin, bewildered. He could feel his heart beating faster. But all hopes were dashed in the end. His heart fell.

"You're no longer that person, Len."

H-How was it...? ; U; I haven't updated in so long that I almost forgot the personality I had for Len in mind. Ahahah... orz;; I'm currently on vacation until the 29th, so hopefully I can get some more chapters in before the break ends? ; U;

Replies to the Anonymous Reviewers

RinKagamine: S-SORRY... I HAVE UPDATED NOW. ; U;

3 Rin x Len 3: I-I HAVE FINALLY UPDATED... You're just going to have to keep reading to find out. ;D Honestly, I've thought of having Piko as Len's rival before this rewrite, but I never went through with the idea. It's an interesting thought though, so maybe it might happen. C; Actually, *SPOILER ALERT... SORT OF* if you read RIS, then you'd be able to guess that the person that the girls Len dates resemble is not Rin, but Lily.

Thanks to everyone who have been reading and reviewing this story. I really appreciate it.