Here it is! The final chapter... XC CX Enjoy! I do not own Soul Eater.
Twenty-ish Years Later
"Omigod that so cheesy." Marico said, even though she was perched on the edge of her chair to listen. "I mean honestly how much more hopelessly romantic can it get?"
"She could of sang to him at the pizzeria or somethin'." Baka muttered.
"She should've!" Black Star shouted as he walked in the living room. "I mean honestly, I might've proposed sooner if she did that."
I stood, "I like the way you did it perfectly." He grinned and leaned down to kiss me.
"Hey! Before you guys go all PDA on us at least finish the story." Baka complained.
Marico scoffed, "It's not PDA if they're in their own house stupid."
"So then we got married and had sex!" Black boasted, "That's how we ended up with you two."
"I like mom's version better." Marico said, and Baka fake gagged.
"So then after I broke down in tears, again, Black Star was suddenly beside me and holding me. After I said yes, we all partied. I remember when Soul got drunk he suddenly started screaming, 'I love Liz, Liz loves me, we are not happy friends, so let's get together, yes me and you, now that you know I love you!'" (Sang in the whole Barney "I love you, you love me…" XP)
Marico and Baka chuckled, "Wow, so what was it like losing your memory?"
"…It was very confusing, like when you go on a long vacation and come back and everyone is speaking about things that you have no idea about. But then it's very frightening to know that you might not ever remember that again." Maka answered as she sighed.
A knock came to the door as it busted down, a pink haired, deep blue eyed girl glared. Her hair in a braid and her glasses slipping down her nose. Eight other kids stood behind her with wide eyes as she stormed in.
"Get back here!" Amy screeched as Baka scrabbled away. He darted up the stairs to the safety of his room.
"Stay away from me you crazy bitch!" He called from inside his locked room. Then I watched as the cycle went on. First he'll insult her, like her did, then she'll feel sad and ignore him, then he'll apologize, then the cycle will start again.
Amy was Crona's and Tsubaki's oldest daughter who was louder and more confident then both of then combined. It was a joke that she was actually Black Star and I's child. Ever since she turned seven she's supposedly been in totally and complete love with my son. She's just got a bad way of expressing it.
"Sorry about the door." Meagan said as she strolled in.
"Damn kids." Black Star grumbled as he stalked off to go get the tools to fix the door.
"Just another fabulous day in the daily life of Maka Albarn." I told her.
"Yeah, as if she actually means it." Marico scoffed, "Probably just encoded in her chip." Meagan slid her ice cold glare to Marico who just stood and turned to walk off.
Even though Marico loves computer she's always loathed the rather cold and calculating Meagan. She's Patty's and Kid's daughter who had recently turned sixteen, getting her personality from her father, always processing through her mind. I will admit, she is rather black or white. But she is absolutely beautiful, with blonde hair and gold eyes.
Felix stepped in front of Marico before she could make to the stairs, "Don't I get a greeting, Love?" he threw one of his lop sided grins that apparently would normally have girls swooning from what I heard.
"Move." Marico ordered solemnly and I chuckled.
Felix pouted as she shoved past him and glanced at me, "Period?"
You could see Marico's cheeks burn as she turned around, "You A-hole! I hate you!"
Felix simply smirked, "I love you too, darling." Felix was Meagan's older brother who's always claimed Marico as his since she was born. It was quite adorable until she got older and started closing herself off from us.
I smiled at them as the three younger ones came in. "No, if you're gonna do it you have to do it like this." Alex explained as he snapped and the other two watched.
"But I don't like that way!" Toby complained as he snapped using his pointer finger and not his middle.
"I like both the ways you guys do it…" Camry smiled but Alex persisted on making Toby do it his way.
Alex was the final child of Patty and Kid's family at ten years old. With his fathers need for perfection and need to be right. With black hair and blue eyes, like Felix.
Then there was Toby, Soul and Liz's boy who just wanted to have fun and play around. Always being one be outside with his crimson eyes and blonde hair.
Then sweet little Camry with trailed behind them, she was like the sweet little counselor between them. She was Amy's little sister who had Tsubaki's kind and gentle soul who was so generous and compassionate that it broke your heart.
"Maka!" Camry said as she came over and hugged me. "Happy birthday!"
"Thank you!" I smiled, "How's the princess?"
"I'm great, mommy and daddy are coming in but daddy's a bit nervous you won't like his present."
"He could give a jar of dirt and I would still love it," I told her as the voices of the two boys began to rise. Camry ran into the last one of the kids, Essence.
With her headphones plugged in she merely asked, "Where's Marico?"
"With Felix." I said and she nodded.
"I'll wait." Essence was our musician, playing more instruments the I can count and writing her own music since she was ten. She was Toby's older sister and she was very reserved other times though you couldn't get her to stop talking.
I stood and walked to the kitchen where the streamers were strung up and a cake sat nicely on the table, "Maka!"
Liz enveloped me in a hug as her the bag crunched against my bag. "I've missed you."
I hugged back and told her that I missed her too, "Essence, have you told Maka happy birthday?"
Essence didn't notice, you could hear the blaring music from her ear buds as she scribbled in her journal. Amy came down frowning as she sat next Essence and began complaining.
Tsubaki walked in with Crona following, "Hello, happy birthday Maka." she said sweetly and planted a kiss on my cheek.
Crona held out a box and had a nervous smile. "H-happy birthd-day Mak-ka."
"Thank you."
"Daaad, mooom!" Amy came in, a metaphorical cloud of gloominess around her head. "I wanna go home."
"How rude. It's Maka's birthday and we haven't even been here thirty minutes."
She sighed, "Baka doesn't hang out with me."
"It's not the end of the world." Toby muttered as he walked in, "He might like you more if you freakin' stalk him."
"Toby," Liz scolded.
"You little runt, get over here!" Then they were off chasing each other as the back door banged shut.
We laughed as Kid, Black Star, and Soul all came in. Laughing as Black Star slug his arms over their shoulders. Patty came in shortly after that carrying the largest giraffe piñata I've ever seen.
"I got it, I got it!" She called as she brought it in. For the first time in a while Essence looked up with her eyebrows raised at her strange aunt.
"How'd you even get that through the door?" Tsubaki asked and Kid sighed.
"Leave it to her…"
"I'm gonna take this out back." Patty said, "Honey help me." She said as she reached the door.
Kid went to her as Soul wrapped his arms around me. "Maka…" He sighed, "Happy birthday, bookworm."
I smiled and squeezed him back right as Black Star went to go get food.
"Mom!" Marico stomped down the stairs with Felix still trailing behind her, "Tell Felix to back off."
Felix just rolled his eyes, "Why are you so stubborn?" He put his chin on top of her head, "I know you love me."
"I don't!" She stamped her foot with frustration.
"Felix! Come help me with the food." Black Star said as he carried in bags of food.
Felix sighed and left the relieved Marico as Essence came in asking for help on over laying different tracks down so it sounded like a full band. Then Marico disappeared, Essence by her side as they talked all techno musicy.
"So tell me…" Liz said. "Can you believe we made it this far?"
"Hardly." I laughed and we walked outside were the little ones and Amy were already cooking their smores.
"Sissy, mines on fire!" Camry squeaked as Alex and Amy both leaned down to blow it out.
"Don't worry it tastes better that way." Toby said, showing off his inflamed marshmellow.
"I think it tastes better brown, not black." Alex said smugly.
"Me too." Camry agreed, "But black isn't bad either."
Both the boys grinned in triumph and Amy was sitting down dully. Felix came out behind Black Star, "So tell me, why did you name your son Baka? You that means idiot in Japanese right?"
"Well my wife was scolding me about somethin' when the nurse came in. She screamed 'Baka! Baka!" over and over again, and the nurse asked three times apparently so we couldn't blame her." Black Star explained.
"It was his fault, if he would stop making those inappropriate comments then…" I glared at him.
"Hey, at least the name fits his personality." Felix said before his shoulder punched.
"You butthole." Baka muttered as he went to apologize to Amy.
Meagan walked out, "Here we go again." She mumbled while grabbing a hot dog.
Eventually we all filtered out from the house and sat in a circle around the fire, the kids telling creepy doll stories. Essence strumming at her guitar singing songs. Marico talking to Amy who had an iron grip on Baka's hand. Meagan was speaking to Felix who had his arm slung around the back of Marico's chair, she pretended not to notice.
Black star and the boys talked while me and the girls talked.
"So anyway, it turned out that he actually wrote it on mom's forehead and she didn't realize until she got home. Then she accepted and the rest is history." Marico finished and smiled at me.
"Dang my parents story is way easier." Amy said and Meagan spoke up.
"Here's what I don't get, you guys met when you all were little kids, why did it take you until after you graduated to realize?" She crossed her eyes, "Like why didn't it turnout like Felix and Marico where he's been obsessed ever since he's laid eyes on her?"
"Shut up." Marico muttered, Felix just grinned.
"Well I guess it just took us a while to-" I began but Black Star had to cut me off.
"Actually I knew since puberty that I loved Maka." The teens gave him a weird look while Toby, Alex, and Camry giggled.
"Yeah right," I scoffed.
"Nope, but I guess for you it was different." He poked my nose, "You're just so stubborn."
"So then what was it for me?" I scoffed and he simply smirked.
"Unkown Love."
*Sigh* this chapter was long overdue but I did it! My first decent and completed story! I love all of followers and reviewers so much! XD You guys kept me inspired and I can't thank all of you enough! 3
Below this I'm going to put their kids and and link! Also if you were confused this is about twenty-ish years later when they all have their kids n' stuff .
I am thinking about doing a sequel with their kids, if I should then review and let me know!1
Maka and Black Star:
Marico(17) *Felix* /animekida-computer-nerd-girl-emo-anime-picture/
Baka (15) "Skater" *Amy* wiki/Hope_Kevin_Robson
Patty and Kid:
Felix(18) *Marico* . .html?filters[term]=black%20hair%20blue%20eyes%20anime%20boy&filters[p rimary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=9# .html?filters%5Bterm%5D=black%20hair%20blue%20eyes%20anime%20boy&filters%5 Bprimary%5D=images&filters%5Bsecondary%5D=videos&sort=1&o=9&_suid=1382825830492035999937469675913
Meagan (16) search?q=dirty+blonde+anime+girl+gold+eyes&rls= :en-us&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=5T9sUtLRK6OEygH-g4HACQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=902#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=nfb3_-wIFFGTUM%3A%3BoXWan70P-Hd_kM%3Bhttp%253A%252 F% .com%252F2481445012_ %3Bhttp%253A%252F% .com% %3B345%3B500
Alexander (10)*Camry* . /images/view;_ylt=A0PDoQy9fWxSwDMAbsWJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFxdDFsNTljBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzZTIyZG E1N2VkOGJjYTg5OTg1YTA3YmI0YjJhZGYyMwRncG9zAzI-?bac k=http%3A%2F% . %2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dlittle%2Banime%2Bboy%26n% 3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=711&h=900&imgurl= .net%2Ffs43%2Ff%2F2009%2F142%2Fe%2Fe% &rurl=http%3A%2F% .com%2Fart%2FLITTLE-BOY-123350453&size=160.9KB&name=%3Cb%3ELITTLE+BOY%3C%2Fb%3E.+by+%2Abeautiful-shinigami+on+deviantART&p=little+anime+boy&oid=3e22da57ed8bca89985a07bb4b2adf23&fr2=&fr=&tt=%3Cb%3ELITTLE+BOY%3C%2Fb%3E.+by+%2Abeautifulshinigami+on+deviantART&b=0&ni=128&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=122nf6ee7&sigb=12ugk986m&sigi=12c88ev2b&.crumb=gGebejsPjtD&
Tsubaki and Crona:
Amy(14) *Baka* post/16109428712
Camry (8) "Shy, sweet" *Alexander and Toby* . /images/view;_ylt=A0PDoV0SfmxS4hgArwaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFxOWlwODEzBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM4M2JjY2 IyNDljNWRhODM5ZGJkMDZkNWViMmFiNDZlNgRncG9zAzI-?bac k=http%3A%2F% . %2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dlittle%2Banime%2Bgirl%2Bb lack%2Bhair%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26t ab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=650&h=900&imgurl= .com%2Falbums%2Fq608%2FStarling4anime%2F651_ &rurl=http%3A%2F% %2Fkey%2Fanime%2520little%2520girl%2520with%2520bl ack%2520hair&size=424.7KB&name=%3Cb%3Eanime+little+girl+%3C%2Fb%3Ewith+%3Cb%3Eblack+hair+%3C%2Fb%3Eimage+search+results&p=little+anime+girl+black+hair&oid=83bccb249c5da839dbd06d5eb2ab46e6&fr2=&fr=&tt=%3Cb%3Eanime+little+girl+%3C%2Fb%3Ewith+%3Cb%3Eblack+hair+%3C%2Fb%3Eimage+search+results&b=0&ni=240&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=121dq7744&sigb=13joni290&sigi=124uip629&.crumb=gGebejsPjtD&
Liz and Soul:
Essence(13) . /images/view;_ylt=A0PDoQ3BfmxSrRsAwCeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFxMHUybjh2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM1ZTdiOW UwMjI3OWYzNGJkMjUyNGY3ODBmNzYyOWU4NgRncG9zAzk-?bac k=http%3A%2F% . %2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dlittle%2Banime%2Bgirl%2Bb londe%2Bhair%2Bred%2Beyes%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26 y%3DSearch%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D9&w=1024&h=768&imgurl= .com%2Flqed2zz%2FBtVm81kst% &rurl=http%3A%2F% .com%2F&size=403KB&name=22043-%3Cb%3Eanime%3C%2Fb%3E-paradise-white-%3Cb%3 Ehair%3C%2Fb%3E-%3Cb%3Eanime%3C%2Fb%3E-%3Cb%3Egirl %3C%2Fb% &p=little+anime+girl+blonde+hair+red+eyes&oid=5e7b9e02279f34bd2524f780f7629e86&fr2=&fr=&tt=22043-%3Cb%3Eanime%3C%2Fb%3E-paradise-white-%3Cb%3 Ehair%3C%2Fb%3E-%3Cb%3Eanime%3C%2Fb%3E-%3Cb%3Egirl %3C%2Fb% &b=0&ni=240&no=9&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=113c4boeb&sigb=13t3s47rv&sigi=12i228cvb&.crumb=gGebejsPjtD&
Toby(9) "Sporty"
. /images/view;_ylt=A0PDoX4pf2xS9QEAWhSJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFxZmozdWpyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM1ZTM5Yj BjMzQ5NjRkNmFiYjc4YzNkNzVhMDA1ODVkOQRncG9zAzQ-?bac k=http%3A%2F% . %2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dlittle%2Banime%2Bboy%2Bbl onde%2Bhair%2Bred%2Beyes%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y %3DSearch%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D4&w=431&h=640&imgurl= .com%2Falbums%2Fab308%2FKayukiWakasu%2FBoys% &rurl=http%3A%2F% .com%2Fforum%2Fcat%2Fgames%2Frp%2Fsenior-highschoo l-romance-roleplay-year%2F%7Epage%2F1%2F&size=40.5KB&name= +Blond+%3Cb%3EAnime+Boy+%3C%2Fb%3EWith+%3Cb%3ERed+Eyes+%3C%2Fb%3Eimage+by+KayukiWakasu&p=little+anime+boy+blonde+hair+red+eyes&oid=5e39b0c34964d6abb78c3d75a00585d9&fr2=&fr=&tt= +Blond+%3Cb%3EAnime+Boy+%3C%2Fb%3EWith+%3Cb%3ERed+Eyes+%3C%2Fb%3Eimage+by+KayukiWakasu&b=0&ni=240&no=4&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12stn5g7f&sigb=13st39ji7&sigi=120429f84&.crumb=gGebejsPjtD&