Hey everybody. This is my first story and I'm trying hardest to make this the best story ever for you. I'm not sure about pairings so I might just leave that up to you. What I really need is for you to review and tell me what you think. You guys didn't give that many last time and now I don't know what I did wrong or what you would like to see with this story.





Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bleach or anything else in this amazing fanfic and if I did I would be jumping around in a pile of money.

Soul Society

It had been three months since Naruto began his shinigami training and Naruto had already heavly excelled over the normal non-ranked shinigami levels. He spent most of his days sparring with Yourichi or Hiyori, then he would study about souls and hollow killing, even kido (which Naruto did good in, but felt jutsus were better). He even got to know some of the other shinigami, like Love, Lisa, Hirako, Kensi, Hachi, and other future Vaizards. Right now Naruto was in the middle of a sparing.

Hirako: "Hey kid did your idiot uncle tell you yet."

Naruto: "Tell me what? I haven't seen him all day."

Because he was distracted Naruto didn't have time to counter Yourichi's sneak attack. The dark women used her zanpakuto to knock Naruto's away and planted a strong fist into his stomach. The blond didn't stand a chance when the cat lady began beating and yelling something about only watch your opponent.

Yourichi: "Don't you think I will stop punishing you yet."

SNAP! Hirako watched in horror as Naruto was beginning to be bent into the shape of a U. A tired Kisuke walked in and yawned as if the scene was a usual affair. Which it was for the strange group of friends.

Hirako: "I will never understand how those two were made captains."

Kisuke: "Good Naruto your awake and ready to learn."

Kisuke smiled under his fan as Naruto put his spine back in place. Yoruichi just laughed at the ex-shinobi's pain. So she began to have the time of her life when Kisuke broke the news to Naruto.

15 minutes later

Naruto: "ACADEMY! No way! It took me forever to get past my shinobi one and now you want me to go to a shinigami one too!"

Kisuke: "C'mon. All shinigami have to go and besides we pulled some strings so you will be in your third year with this year's graduating class."

Yoruichi: "Yeah and if you be a good little fox good I might let you become one of my special ops agents since it's a lot like being a shinobi.

Naruto began to pout until Hirako grabbed him and Shunpoed to the other end of the training room. The bowl cut skeleton like captain began to whisper into the jinchuriki's ear and the a very mischievous fox like grin began to grow on Naruto's face until I touched his ears. Then both used shunpo and gave both Kisuke and Yorucihi a kind of smile that gave them shivers.

Naruto: "Sure I'll go to the academy own two conditions. One is that when I graduate and I show you how strong I am I get at least 3rd seat in your squad Yoruichi. Second is that we began my shikai training immeadetly."

Both captains' jaws dropped almost to floor at sudden demands from Naruto that, Captain Hirako Shinji must have had a hand in. Then an evil smirk grew on Yoruichi's face as she started to calculate and form a plot to get out of there.

Yoruichi: "Sure we agree to your terms."

Kisuke: "What!? We do!"

Both Naruto and Hirako grew over joyed because in the last three months they become good friends but never had scheme or prank work so well. Their dance of joy was suddenly ended as Yoruchi began to speak again.

Yoruichi: "But me and Kisuke both have lots of missions at the moment so you will have to teach him little Shinji. Bye!

Before Hirako could comprehend what had just happened Yoruichi grabbed Kisuke's hand and locked the two blonds in the training room from the outside with a complicated spell that would have kept them in there for three more months. Not sure what just happened Naruto continued his jump for joy that he would begin training to learn and master his shikai. While on the other hand Hirako began to cry anime waterfall tears.

Outside in the 12 division HQ

Yoruichi and Kisuke were still holding hands and now were the ones jumping for joy over their win over the blonds.

Kisuke: "That was a good save their Yoruichi. I don't think it would be save for anyone to train with Naruto and that fox of his.

Before Yoruichi could boast about her brilliant idea when Aizen Sosuke the vice-captain of Hirako's Fifth squad walked in.

Aizen: "Uhm sorry for the interruption, but do you know where my captain is?"

Aizen tried to look away from the awkward situation as Kisuke and Yoruichi quickly separated hands. While Kisuke blushed Yoruichi punched him on the back of his head and shunpoed out of there.

Kisuke: "Well your captain has gone on a very special mission and said he won't be back for three months."

Aizen: "Oh in that case I shall take my leave; I just wish he would warn me sooner."

Aizen began to leave when suddenly Kisuke stopped him and showed him a sample of Naruto's hollow mask.

Kisuke: "I heard you were some sort of super genius Mr. Sosuke. How about you help me with a little project why you wait for your captain?"

The two geniuses left to begin their work in secret.

3 months later

Yoruichi, Soifon, Kisuke, Aizen, and even Hiyori watched as the seal to the training ground faded away and the hatch to it opened. Suddenly two immense reaistus flooded into the room for around a minute until they both settled down. Not a sound was heard from the training ground and nobody dared to go check. Kisuke decided since he was in a way responsible for this he would take a look.

Kisuke: "Hey anybody dead in th-"

Hirako appeared in front of him and hit him so hard in the face with the butt of his zanpakto's hilt that Kisuke was on the ground crying with his hands on his face. Hiyori began laughing her ass of so much that tears began to come out of her eyes. Hirako moved and whispered in Yourichi's ear.

Hirako: "I did all I can. That kid has an exceptionally strong shikai. Keep a good eye on him he will make quite a name for himself."

Yourichi: "Yeah I had a feeling it would be like that."

Naruto the burst out into the room with his clothes all in ruins and he was covered in small cuts and bruises.

Naruto: "Wow now that was a training session. Who's got ramen, cause I'm beat."

Hirako: "Maybe next time. C'mon Aizen. 5th Squad is OUT!"

Like that the 5th squad captain and vice-captain disappeared. Kisuke finally began to recover and noticed Naruto standing next to Yourichi demanding ramen.

Kisuke: "Good you have all that energy because tomorrow is your first day at the academy."

On the other side of Soul Society

Unlike most that tried a hollow had somehow snuck into Soul Society. To make matters worse it was a Vasto Lorde, the strongest kind of all the Menos Hollows. It looked in the shadows at a group of children playing. One was known as Renji Abarai and the other would be known as Rukia Kuchiki. Neither noticed the powerful hollow watching them in the shadows with it metallic like purple eyes with six repels in them.

Hollow: "I must eat. No! They are children. Must fight the hunger. No you fool!"

The hollow clutched its head as the Rinnegan began to glow in his eyes. The Vasto Lorde started to break and glow. Its entire being was beginning to crack and separate. Power began to pour out of its body as it clutched its head and tried to stay in control. It opened it's and the voice that came out sounded like more than one people were talking

Hollow: "What is happening to me!?"

At that a mysterious hooded figure appeared above it and watched with glee at the horrifying scene unfolding before its eyes.

?: "Interesting. Your will to fight your hollow instincts has made you begin to separate."

At the end of the mysterious man's words the rinnegan bearing Vasto Lorde shot out five lights. Four went towards Hueco Mundo while the other headed deeper into the slums of Rukongai. The original hollow began to shrink into the size of one of the children playing. Then all of it's immense reistsu gathered into its arm, making glow blue before it just faded into a normal child's arm. So now in place of the powerful Vasto Lorde was a child with orange hair, brown eyes, a black shirt, gray pants, and was around 14 years old.

Renji: "Hey I think it came from over here."

As the children approached the shadow dissapered decideing he would need to look into this. Rukia picked the kid up and watched as he opened his eyes and looked around.

Boy: "Where am I?"

Renji: "Don't you know this is Rukongai one of the districts of Soul Society."

Rukia: "C'mon kid you asked us something without even telling us even your name."

Then the red head got in the orange head's face and grabbed his collar. Surprisingly he grabbed him back and looked him dead in the eyes. Rukia could almost see lightening coming out of their eyes as they were about to fight.

?: "First off you should know better than act like that in the presence of such a beautiful lady."

As his way with word hit them both they had different reactions. Rukia began to blush a shade of red that nobody had ever seen on her before, while Renji brought back his fist and tried to punch the kid in face. Yet to everyone's surprise the boy caught his Renji's fist with his right hand. They both started to glare at each other even fiercer than before.

?: "My name is (A/N: Sorry I had to make up a last name.) Yahiko Amegakure and if dare attack again I will show you my strength."

Both Renji and Rukia could see the resolve he had coming off of him.

Rukia: "He should join our group!"

Yahiko and Renji: "WHAT!?"

That day was the start of a beautiful friendship and rivalry.

The Next day at Shinoreijutsuin(Spiritual Arts Academy)

Naruto looked on at the Shinigami school. His red zanpakto was strapped to the back of his school uniform. He felt uncomfortable though because the clothes made him feel ready for battle instead of going to learn stuff he already knew. He sighed though as he began walking towards his first class Soulcial Studies. Naruto opened his the door to the room to see a bunch of students wearing the same uniform as him and were reading a book on the founder of Soul Society.

Teacher: "Class I would like to introduce you all to a new student. His name is Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto looked at the faces of his new classmates and realized how different it would be to go to school without having everyone hate you for being weird or having a evil demon sealed inside of you. He smirked at the whispering the girls were doing about him and the jealous looks guys were giving him at the attention he was getting as the "blonde" new kid.

Naruto: "It's good to be here in you class what was your name again?"

Teacher: "Onabora. Now take your seat there, next to Kaien over there. Mr. Shiba please stand up for to know who you are."

A tan young man with green eyes and spiky black hair stood up. Naruto walked over and sat down next stood up. Naruto walked over and sat down next to him while the man gave him a smile. Neither noticed the looks they were getting from everyone around them.

Kaien: "Hi! I'm Kaien. I know it must be tough to be new so if you need anything just ask."

Naruto: "Thanks. I'm Naruto by the way."

The two barely payed attention to the rest of class because they both fell asleep after the first paragraph of the lesson. So they didn't see the hateful/jealous glances they were getting from the other boys, because the girls were still staaring at them.

Next they began zanjutsu (art of the sword) class with some ot the 2nd year students.

Kaien: "So how are you liken school so far Naruto?"

Naruto: "It's not that bad. I'm just glad we can get to stretch our legs after that hard class we just had."

?: "How could it have it been a hard class if you two were asleep the whole time."

Naruto and Kaien turned around to see a group of angry boys carrying wooden swords. Kaien tensed and Naruto smirked as the boys started to surround them.

Teen 1: "Get out of the way Kaien. We just wanna punish the new kid."

Kaien: "No way! You guys need to just relax. What did he even do to you guys?"

Teen 2: "You saw how the girls look at him."

Teen 3: "Yeah man they like him so we the elite don't. Haven't you read any manga?"

Teen 4: "We don't care if you are a Shiba. Move!"

The group ran towards a motionless Kaien and an overly excited Naruto, who pushed Kaien ino a 2nd year girl who was watching them in them background.

Naruto dashed forward towards the nearest teen. He took the guy's head and shoved it literally into the ground, stunning all the on lookers. Thinking he could catch him off guard one of the teens swung his wooden sword at Naruto who easily caught it and threw it while the teen was still holding on to it. The two others chargedat Naruto and swung rapidly with their swords but the blond dodged both of them without much effort.

Naruto: "C'mon, I thought you guys were supposed to be the best in this class had to offer. I mean this isn't even a good warm-up for me."

Naruto looked at the different effect his words brought on. His opponent became more furious as the girls practically had droll coming out of their mouths. Kaien looked shocked though as the girl Naruto threw him at only had here hands on her head like she was trying to remember something ever since she saw Naruto.

The leader of the attackers dropped his sword and ran to punch Naruto in the face. In a flash his two opponents were knocked out and Naruto had one of their swords on their leaders neck.

Naruto: "I think its time for class to end, so go ahead and take your friends to the nurse's office, before I lose my good mood."

Naruto turned around and left the classroom/dojo with Kaien and the 2nd year girl hot on his trail.

Outside on a hill close to the academy

Naruto stopped walking and started looking at the clouds. Soon his mind started to wander and he found himself thinking about Shikimaru's laziness, Choji's eating, Kakashi's cool attitude, Sakura's anger management issues, and most of all Hinata's beauty. The two had started to date and even became engaged during the war. Sorrow filled Naruto's heart as he realized he would never see his lover again and if what Kisuke said was true then if they did meet in Soul Society she wouldn't even remember him. Distracted by his memories Naruto didn't notice his two followers behind him.

Kaien: "You shouldn't have done that I could have taken them anyway."

Naruto: "I know, but I was bored all day and they just volunteered for a beating. You looked scared anyway."

Kaien: "I just don't like hurting people or fighting without a reason which is why I'm here. Naruto you have shown great heart and drive for battle which leads to my next question. Why do you fight?"

Naruto: "I fight to protect those in need and precious to me."

Kaien: "Indeed. Fight me Naruto!"

The blue haired girl was shocked as the once seemingly terrified of battle Kaien threw the new kid at the academy a wooden sword, before drawing his own. Suddenly he got a wild and fierce look of determination. Both boys got into a stance and began to size each other up. Then Naruto took off in a show of incredible speed and swung his sword in a downward slash only to be blocked by Kaien's as both began a fight for dominance. They broke apart and then started circling each other, waiting for an opportunity to strike. This time it was Kaien who dashed forward. The black haired Shinigami in-training lashed at Naruto with a flurry of stabs, slashes and combos. They were all either blocked or dodged but Kaien never let up so Naruto couldn't deliver a counter attack. They fought what seemed like a dance of sword strikes that finnaly stopped in a clash with both of the boys fighting for dominance again until a grin appeared on Naruto's face.

Naruto: "You know its not nice to hide your true power."

Kaien: "Like you can talk. You be seriously been holding back."

Naruto: "Fine in that case prepare yourself. This might hurt."

Naruto's reiatsu suddenly started to sky rocket as he pushed more into Kaien's sword. Seeing he had no other choice Kaien raised his own reiatsu trying to match Naruto's leading to another deadlock. Both jumped back and took new stances. Naruto twisted the wooden sword and held it in a reverse grip, while Kaien held his sword low and to the side. Both of them grinned and ran forward with their new found speed. Kaien started with a swift swipe at Naruto's head that the blond skillfully ducked under and swung his wooden sword sideways in slash that if it was a real sword fight it would have cut Kaien in half.

Naruto: "Dead."

Then to Naruto's surprise with one flick of his wrist Kaien made his sword do a complete 180 and was perfectly blocking Naruto's slash. The fox like grin the blonde was known for grew even more as he released even more reiatsu and pushed Kaien back. Then with his new speed Naruto began running around Kaien (think Primary Lotus). He then apperead in front of Kaien and with his sword still in a reverse grip hit him with an uppercut like slash then used shunpo to appear infront of Kaien while in mid-air. Said mid-air academy student eyes widened as Naruto began attacking with ferocious slashes and strikes in all directions. Using all the power he had Kaien brought his wooden sword up to block Naruto's last slash. Naruto brought his sword down with all his might and a snap was heard as it broke straghit through Kaien's wooden sword. But to everyone's surprise Naruto just lightly tapped Kaien's chest before he shupoed back to the ground and Kaien fell down.

Naruto: "Sorry I guess using 50% of my power was to much."

Mysterious Girl: "What are you serious!? If that was true you would be almost as strong as a Lieutenant!"

Naruto turned around and was surprised to see a girl that he once knew and couldn't believe his eyes. Meanwhile Kaien was slowly getting up as and had to lean on his wooden sword.

Naruto: "I guess that would be true. Who are you anyway?"

Girl: "I'm sorry I am 2nd year student and my name is Haku."

Well I guess I will end it there. Sorry about the long update I had a lot going on but now I am back. For a little while I lost enthusiasm for this story and stopped writing but I will make sure that doesn't happen again and keep writing if I get enough reviews. So remember reviews=chapters.