Hi! Thank you so much for the nice reviews and I'm terribly sorry for the long wait, my school work is now finished for the summer and I'm not working as much as I did before, so I'm looking forward to a healthy and fun summer with lots of reading and writing!

Hope you'll like the last chapter of "Of heartaches, coffee and honey!"
And a lot of thanks to Kurt Fearella for being my Beta for the last chapter even if I almost took forever to update, lol.

How can I still breathe when I'm almost certain that my heart just stopped?

Blaine could understand feeling bad and feeling really bad, but to be sure that your heart stopped altogether was to him an exaggeration. Surely people didn't feel that. Right?

Had Blaine really been this scared before?

The answer was as clear as day: No.

Blaine knew from the moment Kurt stepped in to the classroom that he did not belong there. He needed a big bed with an armful of blankets and some medicine. Possibly even a hospital.

After meeting Blaine's worried glance for a few seconds, Kurt had walked to the end of the classroom and sat down next to Nick. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows and even as Mr. Gorde began his lecture about the significance of pi or something equal boring, Blaine couldn't help glancing behind him at Kurt from time to time.

As the lecture went on, Blaine understood that his assumption of Kurt feeling really sick was an understatement. And just as Blaine was ready to stand up and drag Kurt to the nurse himself, Kurt actually stood up on shaking legs.

"Mr. Hummel! We are in the middle of – ."

"I'm sorry Sir; I really don't feel well and…"

But what Kurt was going to say, nobody would know as the pale boy's eyes closed and he collapsed on to the floor.

So back to the feeling of having your heart stop; new conclusion. Not an exaggeration. More like an understatement.

"Kurt!" Blaine manage to shout out before he ran to Kurt's fallen body. Nick were already at Kurt's side trying to shake him awake. All the other student were standing up and whispering, not sure what to do.

"Mr. Gorde, Kurt definitely needs to go to the nurse. Does he have your permission now?" Nick asked snappishly. Mr. Gorde took a uneasy step back and nodded weakly.

"Come on Blaine, let's get Kurt to the nurse," Nick said quietly. Blaine took a deep, shaky breath and together helped Nick pull Kurt from the floor.

As they made way out of the classroom, the other students quietly made room and Nick cast one last glare at Mr. Gorde before they turned the corner.

When Kurt finally came to, everything was fuzzy. He was surrounded by hushed voices. Blinking the world into a clearer view, the voices stopped.

Kurt felt suddenly exhausted and closed his eyes again.

"Kurt?" a honeyed voice came from the left.

"Here let me help you," The same voice said, and Kurt could feel helping hands on him. The voice registered to him and he opened his eyes only to meet Blaine's chocolaty brown ones.

"Blaine," Kurt said, but his voice was a whisper.

Blaine's face broke out in a huge smile.

"How do you feel?" Blaine asked. He slipped his hand behind Kurt's back and helped him into a sitting position.

"Yeah, you scared the crap out of us!" came Nick's voice from the foot of the bed.

Kurt saw Jeff, Nick Wes and David siting in a semicircle around his bed, all with a coffee mugs in their hands. His face reddened – he was the center of attention and was so not up to the task right now.

A soft hand suddenly found its way to Kurt's forehead and Kurt almost jumped out of his skin before he met with Blaine's apologizing eyes.

"Sorry, it's just that your temperature has been quite high these last few hours," Blaine explained, and withdrew his hand.

"So what happened?" Kurt asked tentatively. Did he really want to know?

"Well first you ignored your body's desperate begging for rest, then you collapsed in class and these two carried you here." said a kind voice, and Kurt saw the school nurse standing in the doorway. Kurt blushed again.. Had Blaine really carried him? And fainting in class, so not cool. So much for not calling everybody's attention to me, Kurt thought with a sigh.

"So then..." the nurse continued, "...while I examined you, the short one was frantically running around, sick with worry. I almost thought I'd have to sedate him." The nurse laughed. So did the other guys – except Blaine, who just looked down.

"Well you really scared me," Blaine said still refusing to look up and Kurt's heart skipped a beat.

"You really did. Actually you scared all of us," Nick said and gave Kurt a little wink.

"Yes, your temperature was alarmingly high. If your fever hadn't let up a couple of hours ago I would have had to call the hospital" the nursed said and Kurt felt a bit bad at having to worry everybody. Then something struck him.

"Hours? How long have I been here?"

"Almost a whole day," Jeff piped up and Kurt swallowed. A whole day?!

"Could you give me and Kurt some space?" Blaine asked and the guys nodded. They grabbed their mugs and exited the room.

"I'll also give you some space, but first you need to take this," the nurse said and gave Kurt some pills and a glass of water. Kurt drowned the pills quickly and the nurse left too.

The room was filled with an eerie silence and Kurt looked at his hands, the ceiling, the floor – anywhere but Blaine. He was afraid of what the raven-haired boy had to say. Though when Blaine finally broke the silence, Kurt had to look up because Blaine had begun to sing.

La la, la la la la
La la, la la la

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your sty-yle
But that's not why I love you

And I, I like the way
You're such a sta-ar
But that's not why I love you

Hey, do you feel
Do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you

Being you, just you
Yeah the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

As the last notes of the song was sung Kurt's eyes were filled with unshed tears.

"Blaine," Kurt whispered. Blaine gave him a soft smile.

"It's true you know… the song. I – I really do love you and I'm so sorry you had to wait so long for me to figure that out." Blaine said. Kurt couldn't even speak, but when Blaine's eyebrows came together with fear he spoke up.

"I love you too," he said simply, and Blaine leaned forward and embraced him.

When they finally let go, Blaine filled Kurt in about what he had missed and as they sat and stared into each other's eyes talking, their hearts at ease and ridiculous smiles on their faces.

Two days later Kurt was well enough to make it to breakfast on his own. In the hallway Blaine met up with him and they walked to the dining room, hand in hand.

When they reached their usual table, Wes, David, Nick and Jeff greeted them with goofy smiles.

"Finally!" David shouted and both Kurt and Blaine blushed as people began to look their way.

"Yes, it only took you guys forever!" Wes said, rolling his eyes.

"Not to mention a little help from sickness and disorientation," Nick added.

"True, but disorientation or not, what I imagine you say to me before I fainted really made me realize how dizzy I was," Kurt laughed and Nick paled.

"What? What did you think he said?" Jeff asked intrigued. Nick was suddenly very still.

"I don't really remember much – something about you being hot and wanting to jump you?" Kurt and all the other guys excluding Nick and Blaine, laughed until they almost cried.

But they all abruptly stopped when they heard a chair being pushed out. Nick fled the room.

"What the – ?" David raised an eyebrow. Kurt turned worriedly to Blaine, who gave him a small smile.

"I don't think you imagined it," he said softly and realization hit Kurt and he looked regretful. Blaine took Kurt's hand in his "It's okay – you didn't know."

Jeff looked at them back and forth, confusion clearly written on his face.

"What are you guys talking about? That the things Nick said was true? That's ridiculous!"

"No Jeff, I think Nick has been interested in you for quite some time." Blaine explained to Jeff, who huffed.

"Really? Then why didn't he say something sooner? It's not like I would end our friendship." Jeff said a little disbelievingly. Blaine looked at Kurt who nodded and turned to meet Jeff's stare.

"Because sometimes our fear of rejection makes us do stupid things like not taking the chance on something you really want."

Jeff stared at Kurt and then to Blaine. "What should I do?"

"Do what your heart tells you to. Do you feel anything for Nick?" Blaine asked, and Jeff looked thoughtful.

"Hey Wes," David whispered "I'm feeling a bit confused."

"Well apparently Nick is in love with Jeff," Wes whispered back "And now Jeff's realizing that he might love Nick..." Jeff gave them an irritated look, before heading off after his best friend.

"Go Niff!" Wes shouted, and David laughed. Blaine and Kurt just sighed and pretended not to know them.

A couple of minutes later, Jeff found Nick in their dorm. He walked in to find Nick sitting at a desk with his head in his hands.

"So, you think I'm hot do you?" Jeff said and couldn't help but smirk.

"Please don't mock me – I'm really sorry though, and I promise to not let it affect our friendship," Nick said without moving.

Jeff let out an annoyed huff.

"Well, what if I don't want to forget it?"

Nick's head flew up and he stared at Jeff in shock.

"Wh-what?" Nick gulped and Jeff walked closer to Nick until he was leaning over him.

"I think I've always loved you more than as a friend, but feelings this strong are foreign to me and I think I've just pushed them aside for a long time."

When Nick still didn't say anything, Jeff gave him a small smile.

"What I'm trying to say is that I like you too, if you still want to jump me that is." Jeff laughed and gave Nick a suggestive look.

Nick's face flushed and he gave Jeff a shy smile before he lifted his head a bit higher and gave Jeff a soft kiss. When they broke apart Nick smiled at Jeff adoringly.

"I knew it."

"Knew what?" Jeff asked with a laugh.

"Knew you'd taste like coffee and honey" came the reply and Jeff rolled his eyes.

"Well I do drink a lot of coffee and eat a lot of honey flavored candy"

"Hmm... tastes good!" Nick laughed, and now it was Jeff's turn to flush. But before Jeff could say anything back, Nick dragged him down for another soft kiss.

A soft kiss which later turned a lot hotter. They moved to Jeff's bed.

"Hey wait a minute!" David said, stopping in the middle of a corridor. He and Wes were on their way to their next class. Kurt and Blaine had sneaked away some time ago, to make out no doubt.

"What?" Wes answered confused about David's outburst.

"Your dorm is next to Blaine right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"And mine is next to Niff"

"Yes well done, still not seeing the point."

"The walls are pretty thin right?" David's loud voice had turned to a whisper.

"For god's sake David! What the hell are you… oh...OH no!" comprehension dawned on Wes and he turned white. "There won't be any sleeping for us the next couple of nights won't there?"

"I wouldn't count on it."