I really apologize for the delay of this chapter, I've been wanting to finish it for awhile now but things keep blocking my way.

Also, the biggest thing that has totally stopped me from making progress, is the news that my aunt hsd breast cancer. Ever since my mom died, I moved in with my She's gonna undergo chemotherapy in about a month, and I'm gonna take care of her, since she doesn't have any kids. That is a warning in advance in case I won't be able to update.

This is also a horrible filler chapter, please don't get mad.

With that said, errors and mistakes are mine, but the characters aren't. The Big Bang Theory and it's characters belong to their respective owners, and I promise to make the next chapter better than this one. Plus, I may have made Penny a bit too dumb, and harsh, but unlike in the show which she has been with them for years, Penny has been Sheldon's roommate for nearly two years, yay.

Sheldon Cooper had been in a particularly good mood today.

Not only did he and Leonard got to try out the NASA gear Howard had promised to get for them, but he also made progress in his research. Some parts of it were finally making sense and he had looped several theories that might prove his assumption. Oh, and he and Penny's relationship was what he would call better than ever. She was busy doing her thing, succeeding in her career to say the least, and he was making more progress than ever. He did miss her though, with her busy schedule they barely had time to play HALO together.

They had also barely seen each other in the past month, since their first date to be exact. Whenever she was free he would either be busy with work or preparing for Comic Con. Leonard did not pass up the chance to nag him into making it up for her for being such a, 'horrible boyfriend' and he had finally had enough. His best friend suggested that he catch up on Lies And A Truth to know something about the show, and he happily agreed. It was just a fictional, non sensical show that had a chance of corrupting the minds of imbeciles, there was nothing wrong about it.

Sheldon Cooper had been in a particularly good mood today. Past tense.

Leonard winced as Sheldon tightly gripped the remote in his hands, waiting for the plastic to finally crack. He didn't intend for this to happen, he really didn't. When he suggested the idea of watching a marathon of Penny's semi-regular occupation he had thought that it would be sweet that Sheldon knew something about it. In her free time, Penny tried to learn something about physics, or science in general, to have an ice breaker with Sheldon. Sadly, with all the scripts she had been memorizing with Lies And A Truth and her new show, she almost had a breakdown.

And now it seemed like it was Sheldon who was about to have a breakdown.

"Is this not considered as pornography?! This should be banned, you never know when children will steal the remote!" Sheldon exclaimed as his eyes widened at the scene in front of him.

Leonard scooted closer to him, cautiously reaching for the remote, "Sheldon, calm down, just give me the remote, and let's jut forget about whats happening-" The physicist turned his head to face him, his face evident of anger, "Calm down? You're asking me to calm down? Did you purposely tell me to watch this just to see me seethe in rage? I highly disagree that this is a way of 'making it up' to Penny!"

"I'm telling you I didn't know that there were scenes like this! I myself had only watched the episode where Penny was introduced, it's Bernadette and Amy who are fans- believe me!"

"Two strikes, Leonard," Sheldon calmly said, trying to tear his mind away from what he just saw. He had counted how long each scene lasted, and all together they were a total of 49 minutes and 15 seconds of Penny and James engaging in 'coitus' throughout various places. The first couple of episodes were fine, nothing was wrong nor indecent about it. But then as the episodes past things went a bit... fast and Sheldon couldn't help but wonder if those scenes were real. He wondered if James and Penny really had engage in coitus and simply thinking of it made him want to blow up several nuclear plants.

"Don't you have trust in Penny? I don't think she'd actually do it, it's just pretend, and I'm sure it stopped exactly where they show in TV!" Leonard explained, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought of the exact words that would convince his former roommate that Penny wasn't doing anything wrong, and that it was just acting. Though, he did have to admit, if he didn't know Penny, he'd think that the acting was real. However, there was no chance that someone was gonna do a sex scene by actually having sex without it being pornography, so yes, it is acting. So why was it so hard for Sheldon to understand that?

Oh right, he did skip middle school and high school so he knows nothing about... anything that isn't a course in college.

"I must call the network and tell them to cancel this show!" Sheldon declared, marching over to his laptop to get their phone number. Leonard followed him, standing behind him, "Sheldon come on, this isn't a big deal. This happens all the time in shows like this, you've got to calm down. Lies And A Truth is that network's biggest show, no matter what you say, they won't cancel it. Like you trying to get Firefly back on TV. Plus, Penny wont be back until the next season or something. She can't handle two shows at once."

The physicist turned his chair to face his best friend who gave him a curious look. "What are you trying to say, Leonard?" Leonard mentally smiled, he finally got to him! "What I'm trying to say is that with Penny's new show, she's not gonna be on Lies And A Truth unless they really need her there. She already taped the rest of her episodes before starting her new show, so you don't have to worry. It's not gonna happen again."

"What are the probabilities of Penny returning to a show like that?"

"Very unlikely with her busy with her new show."

"I see, how about the probabilities of Penny engaging in those scenes again if she is to return to that awful show?"

"Unlikely, her character moved back to America, if she does return it will be for significant episodes."

Sheldon crossed his arms, staring up at Leonard who was still smiling at him. Why Leonard was smiling, he'll never know. With a sigh, he uncrossed his arms, "may I at least call in to get the show a suspension?"

"Sheldon, give up, it's not gonna happen!" Leonard groaned, scratching the top of his head. He really hated how stubborn Sheldon was, it was like trying to convince quicksand to stop being sinking people in. How exactly he put up with him for years, he'll never know, how Penny puts up with him, that he has to know. Penny deserved a reward for lasting this long and even getting into a relationship with him. It takes a lot of guts and patience to do that.

Leonard watched as Sheldon abruptly stood up, marching to his desk. "Sheldon what are you doing?" Sheldon peered over his shoulder, clutching his phone, "I'm telling Penny to come home right now. We must discuss things that are poisonous to this relationship agreement! And you're staying here to help me prove a point!" Leonard groaned, was this punishment for burning his sister's thesis when he was 12? "Sheldon, there is no point to prove! Penny isn't doing anything wrong!" His best friend turned around, his eyebrow raised, "oh so you're on her side. Very well, traitor, since you are the one who evoked me to see this... blasphemy, you shall bear witness to it all." The corner's of Sheldon's mouth twitched upward, "ah, Penny has already left the studio and will be here in half an hour. Prepare for hell, Leonard."

Leonard frowned as Sheldon walked towards his room. What had he gotten into and what had gotten into Sheldon's head? Within a minute of listening to Sheldon, he had a painful migraine. Did he think that he was pitting him against Penny, wasnt he? No, that would be too smart of Sheldon to think about, not that he was thinking of breaking them up. Then what was Sheldon thinking of this?

This was already hell.

The two physicists turned towards the door as they heard it unlock, allowing Penny to enter the apartment. "Hey guys, I got some takeout on the way home," she said as she dropped her keys in the bowl and faced them. "Why are you guys staring at me?"

Leonard looked at Sheldon then pointed at him accusingly, "talk to your boyfriend, I was just trying to catch up on your show." He held his hands up before moving to the couch and grabbing a container, "thanks for the takeout, Penny." The blonde glanced at their neighbor as she made her way to the beige armchair, "No problem. So, Sheldon, whats going on in that brilliant mind of yours?" She grinned at him as she grabbed a container, waiting for Sheldon to answer. Work was fun today, it was just a run through, but it was fun. Her character was finally getting somewhere, and that was enough for her. Clarence Fleming, their director on Lies And A Truth, had returned from his vacation, which meant that things were easier for her. Not that she didn't get along with the other director, but she was so used to Mr. Fleming directing that it didn't feel right to have another one. But now that he was back, things would finally set sail.

"Leonard had a very interesting idea today."

Penny looked up, still grinning, "oh really, and what was that?"

"It was that the both of us catch up on your show, Lies and a Truth. We rented every DVD of the show and commenced on what I call, inane shows about love marathon. Halfway past the current season, a realization dawned to me."

"And what did your gigantic brain realize?"

"That I want you to quit acting."

Sheldon didn't know who between Penny and Leonard had spit their takeout first, but he did know that they were both getting a strike. "Quit... Acting? Sheldon what are you talking about?" She exclaimed as she grabbed a tissue to clean up the mess on the floor. "Have you seen the episodes you were in in Lies And A Truth? It was full of coitus- with that neanderthal, James! You were indecent, and my mother would slap you with a bible if she had seen that!" He shrieked, recalling said scenes in his head. It wasn't that he had never seen pornography before, he did, especially with Howard as a treasured acquaintance. It was just that he didn't see the use of them, or what made his friends keep buying them. Coitus on or off screen was unsanitary, and icky, and would never be for him.

"Honey, calm down," Penny started, sensing the panic flashing in Sheldon's eyes. He probably remembered the scenes they were talking about. Ugh, why did she have to fall in love with this whackadoodle? "It's not really coitus, we were just acting. And it will never be real coitus, do you understand?"

Sheldon frowned, causing Leonard to wince, this didn't look good. "How can I be a hundred percent sure of that? What if they drug you to get you to do the deed? You must not continue this Penny, I can and will support you financially." Penny stared at him, her mouth agape as he moved towards his desk, "shall I start typing your resignation letter?"

Penny quickly grabbed on the his elbow, pulling him towards her. "Hold it right there you big whackadoodle! I didn't say anything about quitting." Sheldon glared down at her before nodding, "you may have not said anything but as your boyfriend I have a say in what you do, and I say that you quit your job." The blonde scoffed, returning his glare, "oh hell no, Sheldon. You have no right to say that, you don't hear me going around telling you to quit science even though I'm sure you're not going anywhere with it!"

"Go anywhere with it? I am, and will make a breakthrough in science!" He spat before yanking open a drawer and pulling out a binder, "according to the relationship agreement article 24 paragraph B, one may state their opinion on the other's affairs. Aka, I have every right to say whether or not you should quit!" Penny grabbed the papers, waving it in the air, "you can state your opinion, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to do it!" Leonard furrowed his eyebrows, "guys, you don't have to fight, this isn't something to fight about you know." They both glared at him before glaring back at each other. Leonard shrugged, grabbing his meal and digging in, "can't say I didn't try."

"But Penny, this won't get you anywhere. I'd much rather prefer you continue those penny blossoms of yours rather than exposing yourself to half of the world."

"I am not exposing myself, Sheldon!" Penny stopped for a moment, "well not really but that's not the point! The point is this what I love to do, Sheldon, I love and enjoy doing it! If you're just worked up about the sex scene, I'm sorry, it's not gonna happen again, and if it will, you'll be the first to know." The physicist shook his head, "that's not it, I don't want my mother and Meemaw to think otherwise about you. They are very religious people, well my mother is, and they will burn me with holy water if they discover this! I also highly doubt that there won't be anymore of those scenes in the future, therefore you should just quit acting altogether!"

Penny growled, "I'll quit acting if you quit science."

"I can't quit science, science is my life." Sheldon quickly said, crossing his arms over his chest. "That's the thing, acting may not be my whole life but it's a huge part of it! You can't just make me quit!" He licked his lips, frowning at her, "there's a difference, Penny. Science means everything to me, acting is merely your habit. Acting is not science as to me. I've done the math, Penny, acting will only drag you down."

The blonde placed a hand in her hair, hissing in frustration before turning to Leonard. "Leonard, can you please talk some sense into Sheldon? Surely, you know that the scenes are fake, right?" He nodded. "See? I told you, Sheldon, they're fake! Can we just let this go?" Sheldon shook his head, turning to his best friend, "Leonard, tell her how acting will corrupt her! How soon enough she will be forced to do pornography!" Penny's eyes widened, "corrupt me? Do you seriously think I'll act in a porno?" Her boyfriend faced her, crossing his arms over his chest, "I am not insinuating that you are, *I am merely stating that there is a possibility that they will trick you into being one! Which is why you must quit acting."

"Alright, then." She turned to Leonard, again, "Leonard, tell him how his research isn't going anywhere. Tell him how he'll never be able to prove string theory!" Leonard flinched as Sheldon turned to Penny, eyes narrowed. This really was hell.

"You take that back! I will prove string theory, Penny, it's there, it happened, it exists! There are sufficient evidence leading up to it and you cannot deny that, Penny!"

"Oh really? Then why have you scientists been studying it for about a million years and still haven't proven it?" Penny stuck her chin up, causing him to glare down at her. "Penny, string theory was first studied in the late 1960's that's far from a 'million years." She rolled her eyes, always the know it all. "Plus, those who studied it have unveiled a piece of information bit by bit! It is impossible to just think of something and in an instant it will work! It takes time, Penny!"

"But that founding father who invented electricity! He just ran out with his kite and-BAM! Electricity!"

"He proved that lightning is electricity which paved a way for him to invent the lightning rod. Although his experiment was overwhelmingly successful, he did not,as you say, flew his kite and-BAM! Electricity. It took several experiments and tests before that so, try again, Penny."

Penny snorted, "yeah, but I doubt that you'd discover something as cool as that."

Sheldon's eyes widened, his face contorting as he faced her. "You take that back, Penny!" His girlfriend shook her head, crossing her arms, "I'm not taking it back." Leonard stood from the couch, a distressed look on his face, "Penny, please, take it back. That's really not called for-"

"Not called for? Not called for?" She repeated, heightening her voice, "how is it not called for, Leonard? Wasn't calling my career a dead end, not called for?"

"He technically didn't say that-"

"Then what did he say, huh, Leonard?" She turned to her boyfriend, who had been convulsing in his place. "What is your problem, huh, Sheldon? Tell me, because I am not quitting acting. Not everyone will do everything you say, Sheldon. Not everyone thinks you're right." He stared at her, before replying, "I am right, Penny, if I were wrong, I would have known it. I do not have a problem, it is you who has a problem." He glanced at her before spinning around and marching to his bedroom, loudly slamming the door.

"He hates fighting." Their neighbor said, returning to his spot on the couch.

"Yeah, well he probably shouldn't be an insensitive asshole if he doesn't like fighting!" Penny sneered before marching towards the door. "Where are you going?" She turned to him, shoving her keys into her pocket, "anywhere that isn't here." He winced as the door slammed, grabbing his container and continuing his meal. He knew that he had to do something to fix this, but it could wait. It was nice to eat Thai food that wasn't from a semi-fast food restaurant. At least he didn't have to buy anymore food containers.

Bernadette blinked, surveying the scene while Amy simple observed. Everything was wrong. They were currently at a fine dining restaurant celebrating Raj's pre-birthday, his birthday was still two months away, and they had noticed something very peculiar.

Sheldon and Penny were barely talking to each other, regardless of being seated together.

Bernadette turned to Amy, who had somehow understood what her look meant, "do you know anything about the two?" Amy meekly shook her head, looking around to see if someone had noticed their silent conversation, "no, not a word. Sheldon hasn't told me anything during our daily log exchange, and I have yet to talk to bestie." The biologist frowned, taking a sip of the wine, it was imperative for Sheldon and Penny to at interact at least once. They even interacted when they fought, why weren't they even looking at each other?

"So I told my daddy, you have to get me a new car- Priya can't have everything!" Raj told them, happily drinking his fifth glass of wine. He turned to Sheldon who sat beside him, "you know what I mean dude, sisters can't always get what they want just cause they're the princess! Isn't it unfair that she gets a royal social standing but I don't?" The theoretical physicist glanced up from his meal, shaking his head before returning his attention to the pasta before him. Raj shook his head, taking another sip before chuckling, "peasants don't understand the troubles of a king!"

Howard grabbed the glass from his hand, setting it away from his best friend, "you've had enough to drink, Raj. We're barely past the main course and you've already drank a bottle and a half of wine." The Indian man shook his head again, trying to reach the glass, "no! It's my birthday and I can drink if I want to- give it back!"

"I have to go to the men's room, excuse me." Sheldon announced before standing up and leaving.

Penny raised an eyebrow, huffing before standing as well, "I need to take a call, I'll be right back." The four left at the table watched as Penny scurried to the exit while Sheldon stalked to the restrooms.

"Is this a Sheldon approved restaurant?" Howard asked, curious on Sheldon's departure. Leonard adjusted his sleeves, "this is the first time we've been here, and Raj didn't even say where we were eating so, no, it isn't a Sheldon approved restaurant. I couldn't even get him to dress up, why would he voluntarily go to a restaurant restroom?" Amy grimaced, turning to Leonard, "why were you the one who convinced him to dress up, isn't that Penny's job?" The experimental physicist took a breath then explained what happened the other day, creating shocked looks on the others' faces.

The brunette nodded, understanding what had happened. "Would you consider this as jealousy on Sheldon's part? I would as Sheldon has yet to discover that James os a homosexual, although the relevance of that fact is still in question."

"I agree with Amy," Bernadette said, "I'm sure Sheldon was just so jealous that he got mad, and we all know that we get a bit insensitive when we're mad. Though Sheldon doesn't need to be mad to be insensitive." Leonard shook his head, "look, I'm glad that he's jealous but they haven't been talking- Sheldon talks to her, kind of, but they dont converse as much as they used to. I've been called into the apartment to do what Penny is supposed to do cause she doesn't even want to talk to Sheldon. I'm the one who took him to work today, and Chloe drove for him yesterday. Penny even goes home late, and that makes me in charge of doing the roommate responsibilities that I'm already free of!"

"That explains why Penny wasn't at HALO night yesterday. I thought that she was just late cause of work. She really hasn't been with us this whole month that I was shocked to see her here." Howard remarked, dragging his knife across his plate. He looked up to see Penny approaching, a frown damaging her elegant face. "Back so soon?"

"Oh shut it, Howard." She turned to Raj, "hey I'm glad you invited me to join you but I really have to go." Raj's eyes widened, "go? Go where? But you haven't even finished your meal yet!" The blonde sighed, "I'm really sorry, but something has come up at work. Something about retaking the whole episode we shot- I promise I'll make it up to you, Raj."

"Well, alright. But who will take Sheldon home?" Raj asked, testing to see how Penny will react.

Penny froze, blinking before staring at Leonard, "Leonard will, I mean he lives right across from our apartment." The experimental physicist furrowed his eyebrows, "Penny, you gave me a lift here, I left my car at the apartment. Plus, I'm going to the bar with the guys afterwards." The blonde groaned, then turned to the two girls, "can any of you take him home?" They both shook their head, Amy choosing to speak for both of them, "I'm sorry bestie, but I'm going along with them, and Bernadette here is going to lurk in the shadows, making sure that no promiscuous woman will desperately take a chance on Howard." The tiny man glared at Amy, "was that really necessary?"

"What are you conversing about?" Sheldon inquired, a curios look on his face.

"Penny is taking you with her to the studio," Bernadette said.

The tall man glowered at Penny, "but the pre-birthday dinner isn't over, Penny. We have to finish it, Raj hasn't even blown his candles on the cake, that has yet to arrive!" Penny groaned, he chose to argue with her now of all the times he could have. "Sheldon, I really need to go to the set- we need to reshoot a scene, now! If you want to finish it your way, then go with them to the bar afterwards." He gave her a look of disgust, "there is no way I am going to a bar of their choosing! I vehemently abhor alcoholic drinks, Penny, you of all people should know that,"

The blonde groaned, "fine, then unless you're planning on taking public transportation back to the apartment- let's go." She moved towards Raj, giving him a pec on the cheek, "thank you for the wonderful dinner, Raj. Happy pre-birthday!" He gave her a tight smile as she said her goodbye to her friends then made her way to the exit. Sheldon looked at his friends, then glanced at he door, a torn look on his face.

"We're planning on getting drunk and participating in a major orgy." Amy flatly said, causing the others to nod. "Oh dead no! Penny, wait for me!" He shrieked before dashing towards the exit. "That scared him! Good thinking, Ames!" Bernadette complimented, raising her glass to toast with Amy.

The neurobiologist smiled, clinking her glass with Bernadette's. "Although you lack the natural radiance and jaw dropping beauty bestie has, I am open to new experiences, such as a four way orgy, or shall we take turns?"

Sheldon took a deep breath as Penny proceeded to park her car in her reserved spot. They had spent the whole ride in silence, which was great as him talking would only destroy what he was avoiding. A factor that had also help was Penny's new car, a brand new SUV. He had hated the annoying blinking check engine light that Penny always forgot to get checked. He found it amusing how much had changed since he had first met the Cheesecake Factory waitress.

"I'm getting out, if you wanna stay here be my guest, but you're welcome to come along." His roommate slash girlfriend emotionlessly said as she departed the car. Sheldon quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and exited the car, he didn't want to be left behind in with the windows merely slightly opened. That could damage his brain cells. He fixed his suit jacket as he followed her to the set, this was the first time he had ever been there. Penny had invited them to visit the set several times before, but he always had prior commitments that needed his attention. Like some adjustments in his calculations for quantum gravity, his lecture for the physics hopefuls, and the new Avengers movie, respectively. He could always visit the set when he wanted too, it wasn't now, though.

"So Penny, what important matter has appeared that has captured your attention from Raj's one month pre-birthday?" He inquired as they made their way through the set. This new one was definitely better than the one from Lies and a Truth, this was all put together here, unlike the mansion there where everything was left by the previous owner. He had even disinfected the bench he usually sat on about twenty times per encounter. Which was also why he requires Penny to bathe each time she arrives home, the germs in that mansion was past nine thousand.

"If this is your attempt at engaging in conversation, I'd rather have uncomfortable silence, Sheldon." Penny snapped, glancing at him for a second before opening the main set door. Sheldon fidgeted, furrowing his eyebrows, "Penny listen, about your career-" she turned to him, a lethal look on her face, "just cut it Sheldon! I know I said some bad things about you, but you started it- and those words really hurt!" She dragged her hand from her forehead to the top of her head then placed a hand on the door, gently pushing it open. "Just, just give me a few days and we can fix this-"


Penny spun around, wide eyed as she was met by her cast and crew cheering loudly. She narrowed her eyes, surveying the room to find what all the noise was about. She turned to Sheldon who gave her a tiny, unsure, smile as he approached the jolly director, Mr. Fleming. "Ah, thank you for bringing her here, Sheldon my boy. I've always enjoyed your company." Sheldon gave him a curt nod as he turned his focus to his shoes, they were newly cleaned using his favorite products. Leonard had even inspected the sole to check for tiny rocks that had made it's way inside.

The blonde walked towards her cast mates, confusion all over her previously furious face. "Congratulations... for what exactly?" She asked, looking suspiciously at Sheldon then at the director. Mr. Fleming smiled widely, "why, you're nominated for outstanding performance from a guest star in this year's Emmy's!"


Penny stood shocked, looking at Sheldon then at the director for confirmation, "is... is this true?" Sheldon nodded, pulling out his phone and displaying a website with the header as, "Newcomer Penny nominated at this year's Emmy's!" She brought her hands to her mouth, crying as she read it. "I- I can't believe it, I'm... nominated!" The director spun around, grabbing a bottle from one of the staff, then turned back to open it, "which is why we should celebrate!" The room cheered, throwing handfuls of confetti up in the air.

Once the crew had settled down, Penny sat herself down on one of the couches in the apartment set. She couldn't believe that she was actually nominated for an Emmy, it was just so unthinkable that she had spent the whole night completely speechless. She had also received several congratulatory texts and calls from her former cast mates, family and friends. Was this the feeling of finally accomplishing something? It had felt so surreal, like it was a dream where she could wake up any second now. Aside from being at a loss for words, she also couldn't stop smiling. This was really it, her first major accomplishment as an actress, an Emmy nomination. Never in a million years did she think she'd be nominated, a nomination was swell enough for her. Even if she wouldn't win, the honor of being recognized was enough, and it felt amazing.


She looked up to find Sheldon uncomfortably standing with a glass of champagne in his hands. "I- I'm sorry, for what I had said the other week. It was not meant to enrage you, I had just wanted to convince you to quit acting, which I have now realized was wrong. I had forgotten to evaluate my actions, thus causing me to degrade you... I know acting is more than a hobby to you, and I whole heartedly apologize, Penny," he extended his hand, slightly tipping the glass. "This is the only thing I could come up with right now, please accept my peace offering. I do believe you are a terrific actress, regardless of the fact that you always got my order wrong, and that this award that is the television counterpart of a Nobel will surely be awarded to you. You are more than worthy of this, Penny, and had they not nominate you, it would have been a major loss on their part... Congratulations."

She took the glass, setting it down, before leaping up to hug him. "Sweetie, I'm sorry too. I know what I said was equally as hurtful, and I'm really sorry. Science is very important to you, and it was wrong of me to insult our work." Penny leaned back, still holding onto him, "but you really shouldn't be jealous." Sheldon scoffed, rolling his eyes as he squirmed in her embrace, "I was not jealous. I was merely indifferent about you having such scenes on national television." Penny giggled, she had found it cute how Sheldon denied the fact that he was jealous. "Sure, you can call it that. But really sweetie, you shouldn't get jealo-"

Sheldon frowned as he interrupted her, "I wasn't jealous!"

"Fine, the next time you're indifferent remember that it's all pretend. I'm not actually doing it, so you shouldn't be mad- indifferent." She stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek, which he struggled to fight the urge to wipe it off, then stepped back as Mr. Fleming approached them. "Mr. Fleming, thank you for this wonderful surprise!" The old man shook his head, "why, it wasn't me who organized this," he placed an arm around Sheldon, pulling him towards him. "It was Sheldon who had organized this!" Sheldon turned his head to the the director, his eyes wide open. He didn't organize this- he didn't even know that Penny was nominated! Why was he lying that he, Sheldon Lee Cooper, was the mastermind behind all this?

Penny stepped forward, wrapping her ames around him for tight hug. "Aww, sweetie thank you! This so sweet of you!" Sheldon glanced at the director giving him a questioning look. The old man chuckled, patting his back and happily walking away.

This was wrong. He didn't organize this.

He couldn't handle lies.

*This is in reference to Penny going to the audition which turned out to be for a pornography.

A lot of you might be insanely mad that this early into their relationship, they've already had a major fight. Calm down, I just wanted to work on many points that they will fight over. I don't think it's possible that Sheldon and Penny would have a relationship that's just rainbows and butterflies, they need to fight, but not to the point that they've turned into a masochistic relationship. They need to grow, together, and they shall! Next chapter will start with how Sheldon will handle the lie, and will have a better storyline! Although, I will currently be focusing on finishing The Baser Urge Manifestation, however, I will try to finish the next chapter soon!

Have any of you ever read the Suicide Chess series by Damaluron AO3? If u haven't, GO. READ. IT. NOW. AS IN RIGHT NOW! It is my all time favorite shenny fanfic, I cry every time I read that fic. Go! Fix yourself from reading this chapter, it's PERFECT- it will make you happy and it will crush your heart at the same time.


And oh my god, the first and third episodes, SHENNY EVERYWHERE!