The foursome ran into a corridor, and looked behind them. It looked like they had lost the Jabberwocky, but they didn't know for how long.

"We'll never shake that thing!" Fluey shouted, breathlessly. "What are we going to do?"

Before the others could answer, Coiley spotted a picture on the wall. It was of an owl, identical to the one he and Multi had seen in Ms. Hart's house. Quickly, he sprang over to it.

"Mr. Owl, you've got to help us!" he shouted. "We don't know what to do!"

"You're asking me?" the owl said. "After all, it's Alice Dawson who must conquer the beast."

"But how?! She's not even here!"

"You'll find a way."

And with that, the picture became as it once was. Just a picture.

"That was a lot of help," Fluey said, sarcastically. "Now what?"

"I guess we keep going," Multi said, glancing around the corner. "Furnace Breath isn't around, but I don't want to stand around here and wait for him!"

"Here, here!" the White Knight agreed.

The foursome continued along the corridors, looking for a way out of this creepy castle. They reached what looked like a dead end, with a large mirror on the wall. But suddenly, the image in the mirror morphed, and showed what looked like Ms. Hart's parlor. They also saw Impossi-Pup standing there, barking.

"Hey, that might be our way out!" Multi shouted.

"Come on!" Coiley shouted, and then he sprang forward. "Rally ho!"

"Rally ho!" Multi shouted, duplicating himself toward the frame.

"Rally ho ho!" Fluey shouted, converting into the liquid, and zooming ahead.

"Charge!" the White Knight shouted, and climbed through the frame after the boys.

After climbing through the frame, Impossi-Pup barked happily, and zoomed straight for her red-haired master, knocking him off his feet, and smothering him with puppy kisses.

"Okay, Skittles, okay!" he shouted. "I'm glad to see you, too! Down, girl!"

"What in heavens name is going on in here?" Ms. Hart asked, coming into the room.

Before anyone could answer, a loud roar came from the mirror. It was the Jabberwocky, and it looked like it was going to come through the mirror any second. Ms. Hart let out a scream of terror.

"Fear not, my lady!" the White Knight shouted. "I shall save you!"

"How are you gonna do that?" Fluey asked. "That thing ate your sword, remember?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot," the White Knight said.

"Even the three of us can't take it out," Coiley said. "And we've tried!"

"Ms. Hart, you're the only one who can get rid of that thing!" Multi shouted.

"Me?!" Ms. Hart shouted. "What makes you think I can . . . . ."

"Because the owl said it's a figment of your imagination!" Coiley shouted. "He said if you don't conquer your fear of it, it'll never go away!"

"I . . . . I don't know . . . ." Ms. Hart started to say, nervously.

The Jabberwocky let out a fierce roar, reached through the mirror, and snatched Fluey in his claws. Fluey tried to go into a conversion to escape, but like before, the Jabberwocky blew some of his smoke in the dark-haired Impossible's face, causing him to lose consciousness.

"What's it going to do with him?" Ms. Hart asked, nervously.

"Swallow him whole most likely," Multi said. "That's what he did to the Knave of Hearts."

"Please, Ms. Hart, you've got to do something!" Coiley shouted. "Only you can defeat it! The owl said it came out of your mind, after all!"

"I can't!" Ms. Hart shouted. "I'm too afraid of it! Imagine what it would do to me if I do!"

"And imagine what Big D would do to you if you don't," Coiley said.

"What?" Ms. Hart asked. "What do you mean?"

"We didn't want to mention this, Ms. Hart, but you'd probably find this out sooner or later," Multi explained. "Fluey's your great-nephew, only we didn't know it until we found out our chief is your brother."

"Oh dear . . . . ." Ms. Hart said. "Do you mean to tell me your friend is my brother's grandson?"

"You guessed it," Coiley said.

Ms. Hart just looked at the boys, and then at the Jabberwocky. She swallowed hard, and then walked toward the monster, grabbing an umbrella from a nearby stand. Once she reached the Jabberwocky, she whacked it in the nose with the umbrella as hard as she could.

"Go away!" she shouted. "You can't frighten me anymore! You're nothing more than a figment of my imagination! You don't even exist! I don't believe in you, do you hear me?! I don't believe in you!"

Ms. Hart whacked the Jabberwocky with the umbrella a couple more times. The Jabberwocky let out a screech, and dropped Fluey immediately. Once the dark-haired Impossible hit the ground, he began to come to his senses.

"Wow, what a trip," he groaned. He shook his head to regain his composure, and saw the creature reaching for him again. He was still a little too disoriented to go into a conversion.

"Back!" Ms. Hart shouted, whacking the Jabberwocky's hand (or paw, or whatever it was) with her umbrella. "Back you beast! I already told you, you don't even exist! Now go away!"

The Jabberwocky found itself surrounded by smoke. Lightning flashed, and thunder crashed, while the Jabberwocky screeched loudly. Finally, the screeches died down, and the smoke started to clear. Once it dispersed completely, the Jabberwocky was gone, and the mirror reverted back to it's normal form. Impossi-Pup barked, and raced at it, sniffing it, and pawing at it. All she could see in it was her own reflection.

"Boy," Fluey said, heaving a sigh of relief. "Am I ever glad that's over!"

"So am I, boys," the White Knight said.

"Uh oh, looks like we forgot one slight detail," Coiley said, once he realized the White Knight was there with the group. "How are we going to get the White Knight back to Wonderland?"

"Now who said I want to go back to Wonderland?" the White Knight asked, looking at Ms. Hart. "I might be happier here than I ever would be there."

"You know something?" Ms. Hart asked, taking the White Knight's hand. "So would I. I knew I should have chosen you over the Knave of Hearts, Sir Victor. I don't know why I didn't. Come on, boys. We need you to come with us."

"What for?" Coiley asked.

"Yeah, where are we going?" Fluey asked.

"The Weschester-on-Worschester Justice of the Peace," Ms. Hart said, "to make this official. We'll need you boys as witnesses."

Shortly thereafter, the Impossibles, the White Knight, and Ms. Hart were standing before the Justice of the Peace at the Weschester-on-Worschester courthouse, and had a quick wedding ceremony (about as quick as Ms. Hart's first wedding ceremony).

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the Justice of the Peace said. "I am proud to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Victor Knight."

The Impossibles applauded, and the quintet left the courthouse and walked over to the Impossi-Mobile.

"Thanks for everything, boys," Ms. Hart (or rather, Mrs. Knight) said. "Though I'm sorry to have gotten you mixed up in my own troubles."

"I'm just glad it all worked out," Multi said.

"Though Big D is never gonna believe this one!" Fluey shouted.

"I know," Mrs. Knight sighed.

"Well, we've got to get going," Fluey said. "See you around, Ms. Hart . . . . . uhhh, I mean Aunt Alice."

And with that, the Impossibles started up the Impossi-Jet, and took off for Megatropolis. They had to report to Big D about the case being solved, even though they just knew he'd never believe what had happened.

The End