Okay, after forever here's the alternate ending. A lot of the things are pretty much the same just so you know. I still don't like it as much as the other one. Anyway, it starts off from chapter 13 and I don't believe it's as well put together as the other ending. There may be some inconsistencies (which you can inform me about while *reviewing* my story) and as always there will be grammatical errors, which you can ignore. Thank you all for being soooooo patient. ^-^; Disclaimer: I don't own Invader Zim (it's not really necessary to have these at the beginning of every chapter is it?)

"Here you are." Stit said, knocking on the door of a wide-archway. They heard some indiscernible shouting before Red opened the door, looking harried. When he saw Gaz, he looked toward Stit for an explanation.

"A. . . gift to Almighty Tallest Purple, from Zim." He explained, sweating with nervousness, twiddling his thumbs, anxiously.

"Ah. . .oh." Red waved Gaz inside, Stit and Red exchanging glances as he did so. Gaz walked in, slowly and calmly, looking around. The room, like they had requested, was completely empty. Purple was leaning against the wall opposite from the door, when she walked in, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, after a couple seconds he regained his composure and grinned.

"See? They can't keep away from me." Purple said to Red as he closed the door, Red just rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. Taking that as her cue, she walked slowly and seductively toward Purple.

"You're right, I can't. Your confessions of love and lust are too much; I can't deny it any longer. I had to beg Zim to let me come and see you." Gaz said huskily, inwardly gagging at her words. Purples eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"You- you can't? Really?" he asked, astounded.

"Really." Gaz said firmly, as she moved closer, until she had her hands planted against the wall, on either side of Purple, who still looked awed. Her face hovered just a couple inches from his and she had to repress a gag by swallowing fiercely. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Red looking on, a disgusted look on his face.

"What of Zim?" Purple asked, suspiciously.

"Zim? I only stuck around him because I knew eventually, you would come." She put on a pouty face and stuck out her lower lip, "Don't let him get in our way, please?" Purple opened his mouth to reply but was cut short by Red.

"Purple! Get over here! I need to speak with you." He ordered. Purple shrugged at Gaz and walked past her, to Red. When he got to Red, they began whispering violently. An exasperated looking Red pulled out a T.C. and pushed a couple buttons. They both hunched over it, and Purple looked toward Gaz with narrowed eyes. Red said something again and Purple turned back toward the T.C., and a third voice entered their conversation. Purple straightened quickly, then slowly, turned to look at Gaz again. His eyes gleamed with anger. Gaz, instinctively, looked for a means of escape, but Red and Purple blocked the only exit. Purple grinned as she glanced wildly about, and he began to stalk toward her, crossing the room in just a couple long strides. Backing up, she hit the unexpected wall with a thud. Purple just smirked, and grabbed her wrists, forcing her arms to her sides. He brought his face close to hers, as she fought against his hold.

"So, what's wrong?" Gaz asked, trying not to sound nervous or angry.

"We already know you're working for Zim." Purple said, inching his face a little closer, "but Red said I could still have some fun."

"I don't think so." Gaz growled, kicking Purple in the stomach, and then yanking away from his grasp, as he clutched his stomach. She kicked him again, making him fall backward, onto the ground. She ran for the exit and shoved Red into the wall, flinging the door open. She flew down the corridor, retracing her steps back to Zim's chamber room. She jerked the door and dashed into Zim's room, slamming the door shut and then leaning against it, breathing heavily. Zim was sitting on his throne and when she came in, his head shot up.

"What's wrong? What'd you find out?" Zim asked, alarmed.

"Purple. . . Red. . .knew I was. . .spying. . .after me. . ." Gaz replied, still leaning against the door for support. Zim's eyes widened and he pointed to a door on the left. She ran over and flung it open, quickly going inside before shutting it again. Zim's heart was pounding, if the Tallest knew he was spying on them, who knew what would happen. Just a few seconds later Purple burst into the room, clutching his stomach and breathing heavily.

"Where is she!?" he asked immediately.

"Where is who?" Zim said calmly.

"Cut the crap! Where is she?" Purple snapped, looking around the room.

"I cannot tell you where someone is unless I know who you're talking about." Zim explained, drawing the sentence out as slowly as possible.

"Where is Gaz?" he growled.

"I do not know." Zim replied.

"I said cut the crap!" Purple shouted, angrily, advancing, still clutching his stomach. Before Zim could say anything, the alarm went off.

"Not again, not now." Zim sighed, rubbing his temples. He used his T.C. to call Stit, "What is it?" he asked.

"Well, you see. . .the prisoners, they've all escaped, sir." Stit muttered quietly.

"ALL OF THEM?!" Zim shouted, astonished.

"Yessir." was the reply.

"Damn it!" Zim shouted, "I want all of them recaptured, if there's anything wrong with the system, fix it! I want this ship back in order!" he screamed, a vein popping out on his forehead.

"Yessir." Stit said, saluting, and then ending the transmission. Zim looked and saw Purple watching, eyes narrowed. Zim's eyes flickered to where Gaz was hiding and then brought his gaze back to Purple.

"Where's Red?" Zim asked.

"Dunno." Purple said, distracted, looking around the room, again.

"It's not safe out there for him. The humans outnumber us. Something could happen to him." Zim said, 'As if I care.' He thought to himself. Suddenly the door opened, to reveal Red and large group of Irkens, all equipped with lasers. All pointed toward him.

"Oh, he's quite safe." Purple laughed loudly, "It's you who isn't safe."

"What-what the hell is this?!" Zim shouted, eyes widening.

"Don't you know yet?" Red sneered, "We're taking over. You no longer rule." Zim gave an outraged gasp, eyes narrowing, dangerously.

"You can't do that!!!" Zim screamed, fuming, "You have no right!"

"We have the right to do anything we want. After all, we are the Almighty Tallest." Red smirked.

"You stupid fools!!!!" Zim shouted, voice cracking with anger.

"I wouldn't be talking like that, if I were you. You're on the wrong end to be back talking." Purple glared at him angrily. Red motioned with his hand and several of the Irkens ran forward, pulling him to his cage.

"Pathetic fools! The only thing that makes you different from the other Irkens is your incredible stupidity and your overly large egos!!" Zim screamed as he was thrown into the cage. Red whirled toward him, finger twitching dangerously on the lasers trigger.

"I don't remember hearing you say something like that when you were appointed Shortest of the Tallest! Or is this sudden revelation courtesy of your stupid girlfriend?" Red asked in a terrifying tone, sounding both calm and angry at the same time, "I suggest you keep your stupid mouth shut from now on. I have very little patience and you've stretched it to your last." He finished, hissing.

"Considering the way you just reacted, I have to say, that maybe your afraid that I'm right." Zim said evenly, knowing he was treading on dangerous ground, "Or maybe, you know I'm right." He paused, watching Red's expression as it twisted with fury, "You do, don't you? You've always known that it's true, haven't you?" He said in a hushed, surprised tone.

"SHUT UP!" Red screamed, hitting Zim across the face with his laser, making him fly back into the cage bars, before turning around to face the other Irkens who were watching wide-eyed.

"Lock the cage." He ordered, angrily. Several Irkens scurried to the cage to shut it, squeaking with terror. Zim was still watching Red, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Suddenly, a large realization came over him and Zim dissolved into a hysteric fit of giggles, earning the strangest looks from the shorter Irkens. Purple was staring at Red with a sort of new founded awe.

"What is SO FUNNY?" Red snapped.

"She was right! Oh geez, was she ever right!" Zim said in between giggles.

"WHO was right, about WHAT?" Red growled.

"Ah, Gaz, she was right about everything! Boy, she was right!" Zim said hysterically, "We ARE a moronic species! Height has NOTHING to do with anything! Oh god, I can't believe it! So freakin' moronic! She was RIGHT!" Red and Purple exchanged glances.

"He's finally lost it," Purple said, looking at Red nervously, who was fingering his laser thoughtfully, "Just ignore him, he's crazy."

"I've been defending my species for so long, I never thought to think about!" Zim went into a new fit of giggles, holding his stomach as he gasped for air, "Height? Of all things!!"

"Just ignore him, Red." Purple encouraged, "Besides we have to work on getting this ship in order, the humans are still free, remember?" Red nodded and turned toward the center of the room where all of his computers were popping up. Purple walked toward Zim, who had finally slowed down in his laughter.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut from now on, I'm not going to keep distracting him." He muttered.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Zim said almost solemnly, "Nothing does. It's all quite pathetic, my entire life has been pathetic."

"Right, fine." Purple shrugged and walked back to Red. Zim shook his head, slowly, contemplating several things, before speaking again.

"How'd you know I was spying?" He asked, curiously. Red and Purple both looked to him, faces breaking into gleeful grins.

"Oh, that's an easy one!" Red shouted, "You see, we have a spy of our own. He let us in on your little secret"

"But, the only other person who knew was-"

"Stit!" Red and Purple said at the same time. At that moment the door opened, and a nerve-wracked Stit walked in.

"YOU! TRAITOR!!" Zim screamed.

"Well, technically, he's not a traitor, after all, he was working for us the entire time. Remember, we were the ones to suggest him as your personal assistant." Purple added, "In fact, you have only a few Irkens loyal to you. We outnumber you by quite a lot."

"One more thing." Zim said, in a steely tone, "Why?" To his surprise, Red and Purple burst into giggles of their own, after a moment they looked at him.

"Because, we were bored." They replied at the same time.

"BORED!!!" Zim shouted, shocked.

"Yes." Purple said as he turned back to the computers, which Red was now staring at intently.

"Shit! The humans are revolting, they outnumber us and many are beginning to fight and escape. We need to regain control or we'll have to give the station up!" Red shouted. Zim smirked to himself; at least they weren't having any fun.


Gaz looked at the room around her, it wasn't really a room, more like a closet. Stocked high with boxes and janitorial supplies. She put her ear to the door and listened to the conversation, hearing only the louder noises. None of it really surprised, that is until she heard Zim laughing and when he explained why he was laughing. She gave a smug grin to herself and began looking for a trap door or secret passageway of some kind. She ran her fingers along the wall and ceiling, jostling several things along the way. She paused each time she did so, waiting for someone to come pull her from her hiding place. When no one did she'd continue her search only to find nothing.

Sighing, she grabbed something that resembled a wrench and held it in her hands, testing its weight. Now she was somewhat armed, and she sat down to turn her attention back to the Irkens, still speaking in the other room. One of the Irkens said that the humans were escaping and she almost let out a loud, 'Ha!' only to stop herself. Suddenly, she heard the main doors burst open and then several loud shouts. Curious, she opened the door a crack, supporting herself with the doorknob, as her legs were numb from being sat on.

She angled her head and looked out; Zim still sat in his cage, Red and Purple had their backs to the computer, and all of them were staring at the door, where three figures stood. Taking that as her cue, she stepped out of the closet.

"Dib!!" Zim hissed angrily. Gaz looked toward the trio at the door, Dib was in the middle, covered in bruises and looking dazed. Standing beside him were Tia and the girl with the scars, each supporting him.

"Where's Gaz?!" Tia shouted in a defiant tone. Gaz cleared her throat, loudly, causing everyone to turn toward her.

"Right here, and although I'm flattered by how a select few of you keep coming to save me, why can't you just save yourselves for once?" She asked, her grip tightening on the tool on her hand. Red, Purple, and the shorter Irkens all raised their lasers. Red had his pointed toward her, while Purple and the others had theirs in the general direction of the door. She glared at Red, though it only caused him to narrow his eyes, already glinting somewhat crazily. She looked toward Dib again and saw Tia carefully putting him against the wall, before standing straight again. The scarred girl was already in fighting stance and Gaz caught her eye, and they simultaneously nodded, before running at the offending Irkens.

They were taken by surprise and it was Red and Purple who started firing first, Gaz ducked Red's laser and charged full speed, metal tool raised. As soon as she got close enough she swung as hard as she could, only to have it ducked. Off balance, she stumbled, quickly recovering, she swung it back the other way, only to hit Red's laser out of his hand. Outraged, he tackled her to the ground, knocking her weapon away as he did. It quickly became a wrestling match between them, giving Red the upper hand since he was taller and heavier. She punched his jaw and snarled as he slammed his fist into her mouth. Growling, Red rolled her onto her back, and shifted his weight onto her stomach. She punched at him again only to have him start pounding at her face. Putting one hand to block her face, she looked around and saw the tool several inches from her and grabbed it, swinging it with all her force into the side of his head. He stared blankly at her for a second before he slumped off of her and to the ground.

Satisfied, Gaz jumped up and saw that the shorter Irkens were pretty much down for the count and Purple and the scarred girl were still fighting. Gaz was about to go help her when something rushed past her and tackled Purple to the ground. Dib slammed his elbow into Purple's face and then jumped up, repeatedly kicking the Irken's middle. Tia sidled up to her and watched Dib somewhat concerned.

"He's been acting weird." She stated.

"Weird? He is weird." Gaz said, grinning.

"Well, weird for him." Tia replied, "I think the guards kinda damaged his brain or something. Y'know?"

"How's he been acting?" Gaz asked, immediately worried.

"Well, not like himself." Tia said, "He hasn't ranted since he woke up an hour ago, and he hasn't said a thing about Zim." Dib, who had finally finished kicking Purple, walked over to them. Though he looked a bit more alert, his eyes were still unfocused.

"Stuuupid gween fweaks." Dib slurred, his voice was still full of hatred. Gaz looked at him warily, before placing a hand on his forehead. He shook his head violently and then removed her hand.

"Why're you feeling my forehead, I'm not wearing that." Dib said in a suddenly clear voice, pointing at her clothes. Tia glanced at Gaz's clothes, as if noticing them for the first time, and then jumped a clear foot away from Gaz in surprise.

"Shit! What were you? His sex slave or something?!" Tia exclaimed, holding back a laugh.

"Oh that's just sick!" Gaz said, gagging and making Tia laugh uncontrollably.

"Sorry to cut the celebrating short but a time bombs been placed on the ship, and we have to split." Gaz looked up at the voice and saw the scarred girl standing by the computers.

(Okay everything is pretty much the same from here on out, save for the fact that they don't have to wait for Meth and Dib doesn't have to ask Gaz why she's wearing his coat. If you all really want me to do the entire thing, just let me know when you review *hint, hint* ^-^)