Robin and slade fanfiction
Oww, what happened. Ok lets think, I was fighting with slade and then something came up behind me and wacked me in the head the next thing I knew I was waking up here.
Where is here exactly.
Suddenly the door to the room started to open
"SLADE" robin yelled
That's my name don't where it out. I was wondering when you were gonna be waking up. Ohh and have you meet my new partner. Joker why don't you come out and meet out little bird.
Hello robin long time no see come on and give your uncle joker a hug or was it daddy remember. No well you will be seeing a lot of me around for a long time.
"slade if is you trying to make me your apprentice then you are dead wrong I will never be your apprentice never ever ever ever"
"well then I will just have to find way to make you" like this"
Slade walked over to cabinet and grabbed a collar out of it, then in a flash of lighting slade strapped it around robins next
What the fuck is this
And I your pet or something"
"actually robin that is exactly what you are" you are my little bird" you are not ever gonna leave me you will be with me forever and I will make sure for the forever part.
What does that mean slade
Ohhh you will find out soon oh and before I forget you are so far away for jump you are actually on a ship and we are taking you to a pet training school so that you can be my obedient little bird for the rest of your life.
Robin could talk or say anything he just gave slade a very pissed off glare then he found some words to say
"slade whats with joker being here why are you working with him"
"well I think the joker can tell you that"
Robin I am here because slade need help to get you and he needed my wacko mind to created some serums to make you slade perfect little bird"
" well news flash joker I will never be slades little bird or yours for the matter
Well robin you don't have a say in the matter.
Good night little bird tomorrow is the day of the rest of your little pet life
Then in a instant robin found himself very sleeply
Ahh fuck you slade you did this to me why
Robin was out as a light in seconds
In another room slade and joker were prepare there arrival as the pet training academy and where making sure slade as the immortal serum handy with him so he could inject robin before he finds a way to escape. But that is very likely to happen
Sladely wadey when are you gonna turn little bird brat in to your little birdy
Very soon joker but first I need to know do you know his secret identity because that will become very handy to blackmail him
Um yes it dick no Jason no wally no tim no wait it is dick or Richard Richard grayson that's it.
Um why did you get all thoses names mix up
Ohh well there are many bird and the birds have many friends
Are you sure it is Richard grayson
Yes I am so sure
Do you know how he became robin
Um yer he was in the circus with his mommy and daddy and then one night zucco cut the wires on there trapze and his mom and dad fell to there deaths left the kid heartbroken well who cares.
Tommorrow is gonna be the best day of my life
Ahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahah
So that's the first part of this story I don't know where I am going with it but ok
Please review