Hey! This is my first story that I would be actually updating. It's based off the show Young Justice. In this version though: Connor ages properly, Artemis didn't die, Kaldur was never evil, and Jason was on the team, then he died.

Disclaimer: I don't own YJ. I just own the kids.

Chapter 1: Mt. Justice

Wayne Manor – June 10, 2034

Kessi/Robin's POV

I ran through Wayne Manor with my brothers on my tail and our parents and Batman trailing behind. I let out a cackle similar to my dad's as I did a few flips and landed perfectly before the grandfather clock that leads to the Batcave. "I win!"

My name's Kestrel Grayson, but everyone calls me Kessi. I'm also the current Robin and the protégé of both Batman and Nightwing. My family was just heading to Mt. Justice to drop us off with the older kids and then they were gonna head to the Watchtower to do some important league business and stuff. There isn't gonna be a mission today so I wore my usual civvies: blue jeggings, Batman converse, a plain white shirt, and a navy striped hoodiebuddie. Most of the League says that I'm an exact copy of my dad; looks, personality, and skills included. I have his black hair, his blue eyes, and even his cackle. I'm also almost the same age he was when he first started the team at thirteen, which makes me twelve. I'm tiny, like 5' 1" tiny – which is both a blessing and a curse. Today, I had my hair down. It's spiky, layered with long side bangs.

"Not fair, Kessi!" yelled my older brother, Gage, as he frowned and gave me a very impressive bat glare. "You cheated!"

Gage is your usual older brother. He's very overprotective and is always there I need him. Gage's civvies were very similar to the one my dad used to wear when he was Robin. He wore skinny jeans, regular black converse, a dark purple hoodie, and a black leather jacket over the hoodie. While I look just like my dad, Gage looks just our mom, well as a guy. He has her black hair and blue eyes. He even took after her in the magic department. Gage's hair was it's usually spiky self. He's fifteen - a good two years older than me -, and is only a couple inches taller.

"Yeah! You cheated!" echoed my younger brother, Chance, who copied Gage and was also giving me the glare, but it looked more adorable than threatening.

This baby birdie is Chance. He's basically the definition of adorable. It's clear that he looks up to Gage and I, and is defiantly a butt kisser, but an extremely cute one! Chance was wearing his little personalized Robin converse, skinny jeans, and a red plaid shirt with a black hoodie over it. He also has black hair and our signature baby blue eyes. Chance's hair was in a little, messy bowl cut that would make any cuteness meter overload. He too, was quite small for his age. He looked like he could pass as a four or three year old, even though he actually was six.

I returned the bat glares and stuck my tongue out playfully at them. "Where's your proof?"

"Alright you three," came the voice of our dad, Dick Grayson. He was already dressed in his Nightwing costume. "Cut it out."

"Thank you, Dick. Kestrel, Gage, and Chance why always do you kids do this almost every time we go anywhere?" our mom, Zatanna, added in.

We birds and bats in training locked eyes and smiled.

"Why not?" We answered together earning some groans from Mom and Grandpapi Bruce, while Dad just smirked. Chance held my hand as we practically ran into the Batcave, then to the Zeta-beam.

Mount Justice – June 10, 2034

I was almost tackled as soon as our arrival was announced. "ROBIN!"

"Whoa," I yelped as I did a couple flips to dodge the tackling speedster.

Suddenly, a blur of red and yellow stopped in front of me. "Seriously? Can't I tackle you just once?"

"No, 'cause I'm a bat," I smirked at my best friend, Frankie, aka Kid Flash. "And was it really that boring here?"

"YES!" Frankie screamed we hugged.

Frankie is the daughter of the current Flash, Wally West, and Artemis Crock-West. Bird and speedster friendships must be genetic or something. She is a good combination of her parents in the looks department; dirty blonde hair, freckles, and green eyes. But, she takes after Uncle Wally when it comes to her personality and metabolism. She's thirteen, being couple months older than me.

Daddy Nightwing called the team into the briefing room for the usual talk. Since, it was summer and school as out our parents needed to keep is safe and occupied, so they leave all of us at Mt. Justice and the older team members have to watch us. Lian came in first followed by Caleb, Naomi, Cammile, Tau, and Wes.

Lian is our older sister and our current leader, since she's the oldest being eighteen. She's Red Arrow and Cheshire's kid, or Roy Harper and Jade Nguyen-Harper. She took on her dad's old alias of Speedy as she's really good with a bow. To sum Lian up, she's basically Roy in Cheshire's body. She has her mom's hair and her dad's green eyes. Lian usually babysits us when we're at the cave. We just have to make sure we don't get on her bad side because we think Lian has some serious anger issues.

Caleb is basically a carbon copy of his dad, Conner Kent, with his mom's red hair, M'gann M'orse and his dad's blue eyes. He's like our older brother, only being a year younger than Lian. The name Superboy was given to him when Connor took up the mantle as Superman. He's the team's older brother and is always looking for someone to hang out with. Caleb loves to make everyone and anyone smile.

Naomi is Uncle Kaldur and Aunt Raquel's oldest chiid. She takes after her dad and has his blonde hair, eyes, and even his gills and tattoos. So, it's pretty obvious why she's Aqualass. Mimi is the conscience of the team, always reminding us to think things through. She talks kind of like her dad, but sometimes she talks like her mom. She's the same age as Caleb and is his best friend.

Cammile is an exact copy of her mother, hence her alias of Supermartian. She had Aunt Megan's red hair, freckles, and green skin. Once, Uncle Gar thought she was Aunt Megan. She's even the same age as her mom when she joined Young Justice. Cammile is basically the team's personal chef. The only thing she seemed to inherit from Uncle Conner was his super strength. She and Caleb are as close as siblings could get and almost rarely fight.

Tau is Naomi's little brother and is more like Aunt Raquel. He had spiky black hair, blue eyes, and gills, but not tattoos. He's spunky and is always getting himself in trouble because he can't keep his mouth shut. Tau is somewhat at master in controlling his powers, but sometimes he randomly starts fly or randomly creates force field. That's why we dubbed him as Jett. He sometimes talks like his dad, but only when he's in leader mode. He's the same age as Gage.

Wes is Frankie's older brother and the other archer on the team. We call him Apollo because that's his middle name and it's similar to his mom's alias of Artemis. He's just like his mom in only one way, aka his archery skills, but he has his dad's fiery, red hair and defiantly Uncle Wally's flirting trait to make up for that. His grayish-green eyes and his snarky, but fun loving personality combines both of his parents traits. Wes is also the same age as Gage and Tau, and he and Gage are the best of friends.

Once we were all in the room, Daddy Bats and Wing when on and on about the five rules that we've heard at least a billion times:

Rule #1: We stay close to the mountain (10 miles max.)

Rule #2: No one under 15 stays by themselves or goes anywhere by themselves

Rule #3: Don't go on any missions that weren't assigned to you

Rule #4: Call in case of emergency

Rule #5: Don't destroy/blow up the mountain

"If any of these rules are broken," Grandpapi Bats warned giving us the infamous bat glare. "Individualized punishments will be given. Now, be good."

We all nodded our heads, fearing the possible punishments. We all just stood there as the adults entered the Zeta-beam.

As soon as the computer announce their departure, Chance asked, "So, what now?"