Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, the world would know by now. That is how loud I would scream it. Haunted, I knew you were trouble, and Tell me Why belong to Taylor Swift.


Scorpius Malfoy paced the waiting room anxiously. His beautiful wife was about to give birth to their very first baby. Scorpius didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, Lily wanted it to be a surprise. He just knew he wasn't sure if he was ready to be a father. The Healer that was helping Lily give birth had told him he could not come in as there was a slight complication. This worried him. What if Lily died? What if the child died? He let out a low moan.

"Calm down Scor." Hugo said soothingly.

"Everything's going to be fine." his wife, Jonna Weasley added cradling her daughter, Rose-Ann Weasley.

"She said there was a complication." Scorpius cried.

"There was a complication with Aly as well but, look! Both Annabell and Adam are fine!" Albus soothed.

"I-I suppose."

"She probably just has to get a C-section like Em did." James soothed. "And that's perfectly fine!" he added. "She had to get one when Quinn and Tony were born and they were all fine. That's two out of four children."

"Yeah, the twins lucked out." Emma said smiling at her twin daughters, Lacey and Macy."

"Still can't believe you named a boy Quinn." Lorcan snorted.

Emma scowled. "It can be a boy's name."

"Besides," James raised his eyebrows. "you named your one and only daughter Carnation..."

"Hey, like mother like daughter!" Rose said shooting a glance at her daughter who was playing with Nymphie Lupin who was a little older than her.

"I remember how Tonks hated any form of Nymphadora and her grandaughter loves the name." Harry said laughing.

"Mr. Malfoy?" The healer poked her head in with a smile. "There's someone you should meet."

Scorpius smiled a little nervously and followed her into Lily's hospital room. His wife lay on the bed her red hair sprawled over the pillow. In her hands she held a small bundle wrapped in blankets.

"Hey Scorpi." she said quietly as he approached the bed. "This is your little boy." Lily held the baby out to Scorpius who gently picked him up.

"Hey little guy." he cooed all doubts of his ability to be a father removed from his mind. "I'm your knew daddy and I promise I'll do everything I can for you."

The new baby had strawberry blonde hair and pale skin. His face was dotted with tiny freckles and his small eyes were closed.

"What were we going to name him again?" Scorpius asked cradling the baby. The couple had picked out a name for a boy and a girl but, between the anxiousness of being a father and having a baby, Scorpius had forgotten.

Lily smiled. "Ari James Malfoy. He's beautiful isn't he?"

"Gorgeous." Scorpius answered. "What color are his eyes?"

"I don't know." Lily said as her husbahnd sat next to her on the bed, Ari still in his arms. "They took him away as soon as I had held him once to make sure he was ok. His eyes were closed when I held him because he was crying and then closed when they brought him back because, as you can see, he's a sleep."

"He's perfect." Scorpius said watching Ari smile in his sleep. Suddenly, Ari's eyes flew wide open and the couple smiled at the sight of them.

They were green.

Author's Note: There is the ending of GREEN. Many people have been asking about a sequel. Sadly, there will not be one. But, I'm starting another Scorily fic and a James Potter II fic that will be partly Scorily.

Thanks again to all my reviewers and followers and favoriters!
