Destiny In Magic

By: Kyree Winx

Author's Note: Okay, I understand that there's a bit of confusion about this story. I removed this story from the fanfiction site several months back because I didn't really like where it was going. Several months later I reopened the files, read them through, and discovered that my story wasn't that bad. I took a quick look through the chapters before I posted them to deal with some minor edits and errors. Some of my readers were having a de ja vu sensation while they were reading and I apologize for this. I figured I'd better post an explanation to deal with any more confusion my readers may have.

With that out of the way, enjoy Destiny in Magic!

Chapter 1- Imbalance

She awoke, gasping for air. Everything hurt, everything ached. She wanted to scream in pain, but her labored breathing wouldn't allow her to. Her lungs did the screaming for her, demanding oxygen. Every muscle in her body tensed as she regained voluntary control.

A commotion rang out from off in the distance. Slowly she pushed herself to a kneeling position. Leaves brushed against her face and twigs caught in her hair. Her amber eyes opened and she glanced around in search of the commotion. Through the thick bushes she was in she spotted a red-haired girl being mauled by a grotesque creature. She gleefully chuckled.

"Finally she'll be gone. That demon should finish her off…" She'd spoken too soon.

A girl screamed out. "Leave her alone!"

The demon abandoned its attack on the red-head and went running toward a group of well-dressed people. The people just stood there in horror. A regally dressed man pulled out a sword and the woman next to him summoned flames in her hands. They were prepared to take on the demon.

Then the red-haired girl tackled the demon. They wrestled for mere seconds when flames ripped through the creature. The girl lay on her back, gasping for breath. "Well, then."

"Bloom!" A voice rang out. Her gaze snapped to a blonde boy running to the redhead's side. The two embraced and a whole horde of people came rushing forth, ecstatic that the redhead was alive. The whole scene was sickening to watch.

Something just beyond the scene caught her eye. She spotted a man hiding beyond a small thatch of trees watching the scene. His dark eyes were fixed on one person in the whole horde of people. Then he disappeared into the shadows.

"I don't think we'll be meeting again, Bloom." she muttered as she too pulled into the shadows and fled the realm of Sparks.

Bloom stared at the horde of demons rushing at her. 'So this is it.' Bloom thought calmly to herself.

"Bloom I'm so sorry." Daphne sobbed. "You weren't supposed to die like this. I'm the worst older sister ever."

"Daphne. Shut. Up." Bloom glared at her ghostly sister. "You were the best, damn it. You died for me!"

"Well, nice knowing you living. Maybe you'll join our spiritual posse here in Limbo?" Nabu said, trying to put a positive spin on things. Daphne just threw him the glare of the century. Bloom was about to snap at them when a leading demon jumped on her. There was a bright flash of light. Pain shot through Bloom, tearing mercilessly at her being and soul. Bloom could hear Daphne screaming…in pain? She didn't linger on the thought too long because she was being mauled by a demon. Bloom struggled with the creature, trying to avoid its claws and teeth. Daphne's scream ceased for mere seconds, but Bloom heard her shout. "Leave her alone!" Daphne screamed.

Bloom felt the demon jump off her and go running off in a direction. Bloom fixed her focus on the damn thing and followed in hot pursuit. She threw herself at the demon and the two went rolling. Bloom felt the Dragon Fire burning deep within her again and she didn't care one bit when she let it go. The demon had to go and it had to go now!

Then the demon was gone. "Well then." Bloom gasped and lay there on the ground.

Then the scene changed. Before her she saw her escape from the death realm melt away. The grassy lawns of Sparks became dark. Her friends blanked out to shadows. Her parents rushing to her aid just faded away. She watched as Sky, who was reaching down for her, disappeared right before her. Everything faded until Bloom sat alone on a cold stone floor in a circle of light she couldn't see beyond.

"Hello?" Bloom stood up slowly and spun around. "Hello?" Whispers answered her, their sources unknown.

-The balance has been upset.-

-Too much…far too much-

-Everything falling apart.-

-Must restore the balance…-

Bloom hugged herself. "The balance? What balance?" Then she remembered. "The balance between good and evil? Ianessa mentioned it. Is that what needs to be restored?"

"Indeed." A cold voice echoed around her.

Bloom whipped around, looking for the source of the voice. "Why is it out of balance? What's happened to upset the balance? Tell me." Bloom squinted uselessly into the darkness.

"You demand so much. And the Divine Fairies speak so highly of you being so good and humble." The voice laughed.

Bloom's ears rang as the sound settled in the darkness. She waited patiently for the sound to clear then spoke, "It is my duty to keep the balance as the guardian fairy of Sparks and leader of the new Company of Light. I must know, why is the balance upset?"

"The balance will never be achieved until your destiny is fulfilled little princess." The voice mocked her openly. "Your birth alone set off a series of events that even the best seers haven't been able to decipher clearly. Many different futures have been foretold. In both the good and the evil futures, you are a key role. You could be the universe's savior like you've been thus far, or its bane like you were nearly two years ago now."

Bloom clenched her fists. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Her shouts didn't echo, unlike the mystery voice's. The angry words merely died as they left her mouth.

A dark figure stepped into the circle of light. He removed the hood of his cloak and gazed at Bloom with dark piercing eyes. "I am Ciaran, the dark wizard of the Theistic Wizards. I've come to warn you that the universe tends to try and put the balance back in place itself."

"And why would you tell me this?" Bloom's eyes narrowed as she stared the wizard down. She hated it when big, pompous, powerful beings came around and talked cryptic messages. This guy really got on her nerves.

"You should be grateful. You have some time yet, little princess, considering the evil coming your way. Enjoy it while it lasts." Ciaran turned his back to her and flicked his hand at her in an arrogant wave. "Until we meet again, little princess." He laughed as he disappeared…

Bloom awoke gasping, Ciaran's laugh a haunting echo in her mind.