Harry Potter
THe Musical

Stage: A dark residential area, only one streetlamp on, shining directly down onto Hagrid.

Opening Number:
The Boy Who Lived
(Nature Boy, by David Bowie, from Moulin Rouge)

This story is about... love...

There was a boy...
A very strange, enchanted boy...
I flew him here from very faaaaaar!
Very faaaaar!
Over land and sea.

A little guy,
And green of eye,
But did he cry?
Not he.

And on this day,
This magic day we flew away,
And while we still fear many thiiiings,
Without wiiiiiiings,
This we know at least:

The greatest thing--of tonight's tale--is that Harry,
Is still the--boy who lived.

(Applause! Applause!)

Draco: (backstage) Yeah, yeah, big deal. They act like living's such a great accomplishment. I think I'm pulling it off rather well myself, thank you very much.