Sonya remained crouched as she slowly crawled out of the shadows. Her awkward gait giving her the slow approach she needed to calm the phantom thump of her undead heart. She crinkled her nose as she crawled over the Smoker she'd cut down to help the one known as 'Louis.'

She slunk passed the corpse, her eyes trained forward in case the three human males were still lingering towards the entrance of the building. The Witch's sharp hearing and eye sight told her that they'd already moved outside, the faint sound of gunfire only cementing her conclusion.

Sonya approached Zoey's prone form, Despite the lack of life, the body was still burning to the touch. Especially for the cold skin of the Witch, her hand retracted slightly shocked at first by the temperature of her friend.

She stared sadly at the pale face, the one that had dried the tears in her eyes when she'd first laid eyes on her.

The human had been so pathetic, her body so weak when she'd fallen from the second floor.

The Witch had heard her move passed and up the steps, she'd almost paused in her sobbing to listen to the brawl that had taken place above. She knew that Boomers were one of the easier infected to kill but she hadn't been sure if the human was up for the task with the weapon she'd been carrying.

Her amusement in the human's bad luck had dissipated when the girl nearly fell into her lap, the smell of blood coming with her.

The smell had made Sonya recoil at first but her curiosity had gotten the better of her. It wasn't often that the survivors that happened passed her were quiet and without flashlights. This one had not provoked her in anyway that had been within her control and her weakened state meant that the Witch could kill her with a simple flick of the wrist.

When the girl had come to, all she could do was stare. The human had been one of the most beautiful creatures she'd laid eyes on since she'd come to the Sugar Mill, her green eyes and pink lips captivating.

Those lips were now paling, still slightly flushed red from the fever that had lead to her untimely death. Taking her clean hand, the Witch brushed her claws gently against the soft flesh.

Tears began to blur Sonya's view of Zoey, she tried to hold back her sobs as she lifted the human's torso onto her lap. Her thumb moved slowly across Zoey's cheek as she fought back the emotions that were threatening to bubble to the surface.

Her attempts however fell short, cold tears tracking their way down her cheeks as she pulled the limp form tighter. Sonya lost herself for several minutes, her natural tendency to cry as a Witch taking a strong hold as she mourned the loss of her new friend.

After about fifteen minutes the Witch's sobs began to quiet down, small whimpers replaced them as she rocked back and forth with Zoey's body still clutched tightly to her own.

Sonya felt her body seize up as a twitch from the human met her foggy mind, she pulled her head back. Her red eyes blinking the last of the tears from her eyes, another twitch.

Zoey's eyes were still shut but it was obvious that they were moving beneath the lids, even with how subtle the movement was. Her arms and legs continued to twitch in random intervals, sometimes going several minutes in between.

Sonya watched sadly as the twitching became more and more frequent, the veins in Zoey's neck standing out as her body temperature once again began to boil.

Suddenly the brunette's eyes flew open, her chest rising and expanding as she took in a deep breath. The sound she let out as she released the breath was painful and inhuman. She began to thrash in Sonya's arms violently, her eyes rolling back in her head.

The girl's mind was blank, a chaotic mixture of raw emotions and instincts fueling her. Her throat and mouth were moving just as frantically as her limbs but no sound was coming out, occasionally a weak grunt or gasp but nothing more.

When she finally found her voice it was in the form of loud shrieks, Sonya winced setting her jaw firmly as she did her best to block out the sound.

Hours passed slowly and painfully for both women, Zoey's limbs were slowly elongating and cracking back into place. Her fingers began to twitch, mimicking the same torture her legs and arms were going through. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, her thrashing had calmed down a bit. Sonya still held her loosely but she knew that it would be a while before the sick woman's body would have enough energy to thrash around again.


"...And this one time, me 'n Keith helped out in the cane fields..."

"Ellis, I get it. You were right, it was a cane field but now is not the time." A man wearing a stained white suit mumbled as he silenced the younger man behind him.

"Yeah... Especially with so many of them ex's of yours runnin' around Nick." A large man from the back answered, he tried to stifle his loud chuckle as the suited man shot him a glare.

"Ha ha. Very funny, I suggest being quiet if you don't want to piss one of those bitches off..."

"Yeah, I agree with Nick for once guys... Those things gimme the creeps!"

"All zombies give you the creeps Rochelle." The man named Nick muttered, running a hand through his greasy black hair before nodding to his companions.
"Now that we're in the mill... We need to hurry up to that elevator and get to the gas, the guy I talked to on the radio said tomorrow would be the last time they'd be heading out this way."

Rochelle frowned but nodded her attention turning to the bigger man behind her, "How 'bout me and you clear those stairs, Coach?" She asked, nodding towards the stairs through the doorway up ahead.

Coach nodded with a grunt, checking the amount of gas still left in his chainsaw. "Let's gettem girl."

"Sounds good, Ellis and I will double check there's no supplies or weapon on the first floor. Don't move too far ahead and try to go without using a gun... We don't need a horde attacking us right now."

The two rolled their eyes as they made their way passed the suited man and made their way forward and up the stairs with caution.

The remaining two men moved forward slowly, the younger of the two continuing ahead as the suited man slowed to a stop. His once expensive shoe nudging the disfigured remains of a Spitter.

"Well, looks like someone's been through here recently..." He noted the head injury, which appeared to have been a up close shooting. "Ellis, hold up. Don't move too far ahead..."

The younger man had almost reached the far end of the hall, his worn yellow shirt almost disappearing in the shadows.

"Yeah, got somethin' down here too... Looks like a Smoker-" He felt his entire body stiffen as he noticed the two sets of glowing red eyes watching him from the shadows on the right. "Aww shit..."

Ellis let out a muffled cry as Nick's hand covered his mouth, "Don't say a word." The older man hissed as quietly as possible, a chill rolling down his spine as a deep growl echoed from the shadows.

As he pulled the country boy back into the safety of the empty hallway the flashlight on the man's hunting rifle flashed across the two Witches. Their growls instantly grew louder at the sudden burst of light but it was gone just as quickly as it had come. The growling lingered for a moment before the first floor once again fell silent.

Nick released Ellis when they were finally safe, just a foot or so away from the steps. "Y'all comin'?" Coach asked from above them, peering from the second part of the steps.

"Shh. There's Witches down here!" Ellis whispered loudly, earning himself a punch in the arm from Nick. The boy rubbed at his arm with a pout as the two of them started up the steps.

"Ya know... That one Witch was kind of pretty... She didn't look like most of 'em. It was almost like she wasn't done turnin', with that brown hair and all... And her clothes were different too."

Nick spat down towards the patch of grass down below them, "Nah, they're all the same kid. Keep your eyes open from now on." He replied quietly, trying to push similar thoughts from his mind.

Okay, seriously. This is the end now. haha. Thank you guys so much for the reviews! Sorry if this chapter wasn't really up to par with the other two, it was more of an after thought than an actual idea that was meant to coincide with the other chapters... I had considered this as an alternate ending originally but it was scrapped. Until I got your extra feedback of course! Either ending can work, it just depends on which one you'd like to accept as the ending.

I do have at least one more Zoey x Witch story planned, the other is going to be longer and will feature more of an actual relationship but... Don't expect that one for a while. I have a lot of other projects to work on first. Thanks again for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

PS, Zoey and Sonya weren't crying because even though they can't actually communicate I imagine that they're happier with each other there. They have company now.