Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke...or do I? *wiggles eyebrows* But seriously...I don't.

A Fireman's Job

Chapter 1

There were times when Kagami Taiga loathed his job. Not that being a firefighter wasn't a respectable occupation or anything, chicks flocked (rather aggressively) toward him at the discovery. Though Kagami humbly appreciated the attention accompanying his choice of profession, rushing to put out a barbeque party gone wrong wasn't awfully exciting…or glamorous. At least, that wasn't what he signed up for. And yet there were times when Kagami Taiga loathed himself for craving such excitement.

Like right now. The only thing stopping him from kicking himself in the face was, well, gravity and the fact that he was clutching onto a speeding fire truck, desperately hoping (in vain) that the raging sirens wouldn't render him completely deaf.

He needed those, and Aomine already laughed at him enough for being so brash, though he wasn't any different. Much to Kagami's discomfort, the man had a knack of getting under the fireman's skin, a fact that that he utilized to the fullest extent. Thank god the police man had been transferred to Tōō last month.

Just thinking about the tan idiot gave Kagami a hernia.

Without warning, the truck sped over a speed bump, sending Kagami airborn. He cussed, but managed to catch the bar before he toppled off the vehicle. This truck needed some seats. Or a safety harness.

While adjusting the yellow, protective helmet obstructing his vision, Kagami caught the familiar scent of smoke.

"We're here," he thought in impending dread. He resisted the urge to slap himself for his earlier wish for excitement.

The truck came to a screeching halt. In the blink of an eye, yellow suits burst out of the truck and scurried to ready the hoses and ladders.

Kagami glanced at the thick plumes of smoke rolling out of the dilapidated roof.

Because whenever he gets his wish, it arrives in the form of melted paint, scorched wood, and endangered lives.

With one last breath, Kagami Taiga slipped on a pair of goggles and turned to the blazing conflagration that was once Seirin's preschool.

It was hot.

The sharp smell of smoke clung to Kuroko's lungs as he blinked away tears. Sweat trickled down the nape of his neck and disappeared underneath the collar of his shirt. He paid no mind to the roaring flames, the screeching alarms, or the terrified cries before him as he escorted children out of the smoldering building. Luckily, the kids weren't quite tall enough to be critically affected by the rising smoke. However, none could escape the sweltering heat.

As they fled through the front exit, Kuroko sighed in relief at the arrival of the fire department. Turning back to his students, he led them away from the smoke and flames while checking for any signs of injury. He let out a breath that he had unwittingly held as most of the damage was superficial aside from the occasional cough and soot smudge.

He deliberately ignored the dancing hues of deep scarlet and molten gold reflected in the dilated eyes of his students and focused on suppressing the festering cough welling up in his chest. Finally gathering his wits, he took count and froze.

He was two short.

"Stay here." He calmly instructed his students before venturing into the thick, acrid smoke once again.

His students stood stock still, as if preserved in concrete. The tongues of flame illuminated the identical horror worn on each of their reddened faces. A dozen damp eyes followed the back of their beloved instructor before it vanished within the thick clouds of soot and ash. Too stunned to form a sound, not a single cry was uttered.

Yanking heavy straps in place, Kagami wanted to cuss. Why did this building have a wooden frame? Why was it filled with papers? Why was this damn fire spreading so quickly?

In an attempt to calm the raging flames, the team agreed to gain some height and then attack from the top until backup trucks arrived. He was ready to mount the ladder, mask and respirator placed and heavy SCBA strapped securely to his back.

…what the hell was latching onto his leg?

Peering down, he stiffened.

Trembling and helplessly sobbing something unintelligible against his leg was a munchkin with curly, brown pigtails. His red brows furrowed in confusion. After letting another fireman climb ahead of him, Kagami awkwardly loosened the arms clutching onto his structural turnouts before taking the girl up in his arms and carrying her to a safer area.

Heavy boots slapped against the concrete before softening on dry grass. Mini pigtails bounced in the air and obscured the fireman's vision. Internally, Kagami gave himself a pep-talk. He could do this. She was a fourth of his size for crying out loud, as small as a d-dog... Shuddering, he obviously needed to refine his motivational skills.

"Hey…" He crouched down and placed his hands on her shoulders. He scanned to see if she was hurt but found her fine, aside from tear-stained cheeks, "What's wrong?"

Hazel eyes peered up at the enormous man and grimaced. Kagami belatedly realized that the speaker module on his pressure mask intimidated her.

He was never good with kids.

Glancing back at the second fire truck that had pulled up at the scene, Kagami have a hefty sigh and carefully peeled off his helmet, though he opted to pull down the mask and respirator. Sucking in a deep breath of air, he tried again.

"Are you okay?"

He was answered by a vigorous shake of the head.

He looked her over once again. "Are you hurt?"

Another shake of the head.

His brows furrowed. He was not in the mood to play twenty questions with a flaming building as the backdrop.

One more time. "What's wrong?"

Surprisingly, even larger tears were streaming down her reddened cheeks.

"S….sensei," she gasped out and pointed to the building.

Kagami's eyes widened as he followed her small index finger. He broke into a sprint while simultaneously slipping his gear in place.

"Taiga!" Himuro exclaimed, while blockading the fire before it spread to nearby complexes, "What are you doing? You—"

Kagami didn't break his pace as he raced past. "Himuro, tell someone to evacuate all the children and teachers from the area."

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Saving an idiot," echoed from the retreating silhouette, before it too disappeared in the raging inferno.

Author's Note: Well, there it is. Hope you liked the chapter, even though it was a little short. Feel free to tell me what you guys thought about it c;