I fell asleep with the heaviness in my chest that us going through heart break tend to become immune to, and the scent of my beloved suffocating me, although when I awoke that scent had become faint, and as I regain consciousness I realize that Chiaki is no longer in my arms.

Shocked, I stand almost immediately, "Chiaki?" I call out, my voice worried. Where could he be? Did he go looking for Tori? I think, as a screech brings me back to reality. "OW!" I hear from out of my bedroom, the remark coming from an obviously pained individual. Did he try cooking…? I wonder with a sigh, exiting my room only to see Chiaki in the kitchen with his thumb between his pink lips. He smiles at me as I exit, and I smile back, with another sigh, this time relieved. I approach the younger male, looking at him worriedly. "Are you okay, Chiaki? How did you harm yourself?" I ask as I take the others hand, looking at his thumb. "I burnt it on the pan…" He responds, as I look at the stove to see burnt pancakes, and then back to my loves hand to see a slight red mark. "I think you'll be fine.. But I'll put some polysporin on it.. Just take a seat, and don't try cooking again, okay Chiaki?" He responds with a flustered expression, as his cheeks redden and he looks to the ground I kiss the top of his head and walk out of the room, glancing back at him momentarily to see his adorable shocked expression. I snicker as I enter the bathroom to grab the polysporin, he's too darn cute…

OKAY! I'm terribly sorry for this short, half assed chapter. Takano would be disappointed... IT'S BEEN ELEVEN MONTHS SINCE I'VE UPDATED THIS STORY, and my other I believe... A lot has happened since, but I've had quite a bit of free time between learning languages lately so I'll be ACTUALLY UPDATING MY STORIES!

The next chapter will be longer as well, so no worries! I just wanted to kinda warm up to it first..

Thank you for your continued support!