Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Merlin.

Blast it


"Ron! Watch what you're doing! You almost put Dragon's blood into the potion. We have no idea what the reaction will be," Hermione snapped as her nerves were starting to get the better of her. Glaring hard at the gangly teenager, Hermione could feel her temper rising.

"Oh," Ron exclaimed as he put the vial back down. The angry flush on his checks warned Hermione that her friend was close to losing his temper. Steam started to pour out of his ears as he gashed his teeth together.

"Why don't you let me finish this," Hermione huffed as she clenched her hands. 'Please!'

"Just come right out and admit it! You think I'm stupid," Ron exploded, sweeping his hands wide. Several bottles of different ingredients are dumped into the potion.

"Ron!" Hermione screamed horrified as she pushed him away from the cauldron. Creaking pops of breaking glass was the only warning Hermione had before the potion evaporated into purple mist, engulfing her. Slowly her eyes closed.

The annoying chirping of birds reminded Hermione of jackhammers, as she felt the warm earth under her hands. 'Great I'm outside.' With pain staking care, she stood up.

"Arrr, blast it Ron! For once couldn't he have used his brains? Just once," Hermione growled as she looked around the unfamiliar forest. Growling ferociously, she looked around for signs of life.

"Ah, greetings," a timid voice called out gaining her attention.

"Hello," Hermione greeted the strangely dressed man. 'Don't tell me, I'm at a renaissance fair.' Forcing what she hopped was a friendly smile onto her face; she moved a bit closer to him. "I'm afraid I'm lost. Can you tell me where I am?"

"You're on the out skirts of Camelot," he answered with a friendly smile. As he approached, he tripped over a tree root. Landing with a thud, he sheepishly looked up at her.

"Camelot? As in King Arthur?" Hermione whispered slightly horrified.

"Arthur's not king yet," the boy answered as he picked himself up off the ground. "I'm Merlin."

"You're Merlin! Oh, god," Hermione exclaimed breathlessly.

"See someone else has heard of you," a male voice taunted as he emerged from the trees. "I'm Prince Arthur."

"This just gets better and better," Hermione muttered as she took in the pampered prince.

"What is your name?" Prince Arthur inquired as he looked her up and down. "And why are you wearing man's cloths?"

Looking down at her cloths, Hermione barely suppressed her groan. Signing heavily, she heard several horses approaching. 'Blue jeans and jumpers were not worn in the time of Camelot. Dress robes were. When I get home, I'm going to break Ron's wand in half.'
